
More than 2 million new houses have been "collapsed, leaking, hollow and tilting", and the owners are worried about safety and want to check out, and the developer said that they can repair it until they are satisfied

author:Gale News

When the new house bought for more than 2 million yuan was renovated, it was found that the roof collapsed and leaked, the wall was hollow, and the wall pillars were tilted.

Mr. Zhang, the owner of Weifang, Shandong Province, asked to check out, but even if the appraisal report detected a problem, the developer still refused to return it after nearly a year of communication.

On June 29, Mr. Zhang had no choice but to ask for help from Huashang Daily Gale News, saying, "It's been almost a year, and the house renovation has been forced to stop, and I can't live normally, which has caused me an economic loss of about 300,000 yuan." ”

>>> collapses and leaks

The roof collapsed to expose the rebar, and renovation workers feared that the ceiling was life-threatening

In July 2023, Mr. and Mrs. Zhang spent more than 2 million yuan to buy a commercial house of more than 280 square meters in the "Luhong Taihua" community in Fangzi District, Weifang City.

"Because it is close to the school where the child goes to school, this house is on the sixth floor, with a top floor on the seventh floor, which is equivalent to an attic, but the attic is the area within the suite."

Mr. Zhang told a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News that in September 2023, it was found that the roof of the top floor collapsed, "The ceiling cannot be lifted, and the renovation workers said that if they are barely hanging, it will be life-threatening if they fall again." I went to the developer, and after leveling the fallen part with a percussion drill, the steel bars on the roof were exposed, and the top collapsed for repairs twice, but the renovation workers still did not dare to construct, for fear that the roof would collapse as soon as they hit the hole. ”

More than 2 million new houses have been "collapsed, leaking, hollow and tilting", and the owners are worried about safety and want to check out, and the developer said that they can repair it until they are satisfied

There are large areas of collapse in many places on the roof Photo provided by the interviewee

Mr. Zhang said that because it was on the top floor, there were many rain leaks, and it was repaired three times and re-waterproofed, but it still didn't work.

"I have pictures and videos, as long as it rains, it leaks from the seventh floor to the sixth floor along the balcony glass, the developer finds someone to re-do the roof waterproofing, or leakage, suspecting that the exterior wall seeps through, saying that the exterior wall will be smashed off, then the project will be big, and other residents are involved, anyway, I don't know what the reason is, the fourth time to repair, I didn't let it be repaired again."

With the renovation, Mr. Zhang found more and more quality problems in the house, "The wall is hollow when it is knocked inside, and all the hollow drums are knocked out with a percussion drill for maintenance, and then wiped with cement." The load-bearing wall columns are not straight, and we can't see it with the naked eye, but the decoration workers use a level to measure it and find that it is crooked, with a deviation of more than 5 centimeters, and the workers can't wrap it. ”

More than 2 million new houses have been "collapsed, leaking, hollow and tilting", and the owners are worried about safety and want to check out, and the developer said that they can repair it until they are satisfied

Renovation workers found that the load-bearing wall columns were not correct Photo courtesy of the interviewee

>>> failed to repair it several times

"Talked several times and asked to check out, but the developer was very strong"

The house that Mr. Zhang bought was completed in July 2022. Because of these housing quality problems, from October 2023, Mr. Zhang has repeatedly negotiated with the developer, Weifang Changda Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., although there have been repairs, but the problem has not been completely solved.

"I talked to the developer several times and asked to move out, but the developer was very strong, and the plan given was to repair it, and it was finished with cement. I have called the 12345 government service convenience hotline more than ten times, and the district housing management bureau replied to me that it was also repaired according to the developer's opinion, and if there are other demands, it is recommended that I sue. ”

>>> test appraisal report

Safety assessment CU level, significantly affecting the bearing capacity should be taken measures

Mr. Zhang said: "The developer always looks for me, and in May this year, they found a third-party appraisal agency in Jinan to do a house appraisal, and the appraisal report was rated as CU, saying that the house has quality problems, but it does not affect normal living, and it is recommended to repair it." ”

The reporter saw that the inspection and appraisal report issued on May 13, 2024 showed that the depth of the defective area on the top of the 6 layers inspected was 5mm, which showed that the stones in the concrete were exposed, the protective layer of the reinforcement was missing, the reinforcement was leaking, and the reinforcement was corroded. According to the provisions of the "Civil Building Reliability Appraisal Standards", its safety is assessed as CU level. It is recommended to remove the problems of falling off and loosening concrete to a solid surface, thoroughly remove the rust of the steel bar in the exposed place, brush the rust inhibitor twice, and then use polymer cement mortar to repair the treatment.

More than 2 million new houses have been "collapsed, leaking, hollow and tilting", and the owners are worried about safety and want to check out, and the developer said that they can repair it until they are satisfied

Shovel off the rusted steel bars that have been exposed in the fallen parts of the roof in many places Photo courtesy of the interviewee

The safety appraisal and grading standard for civil buildings attached to the report shows that the safety of CU level does not meet the provisions of this standard for AU level, which significantly affects the bearing capacity and should be taken.

In addition, this report also shows that after on-site percussion verification, there is a small area of mortar hollowing in the inspected area, and it is recommended to remove the mortar at the hollow drum site and use polymer cement mortar to re-plaster and repair it.

Mr. Zhang explained: "There are four levels of ABCD for house construction, and if it is rated as a D-level dilapidated house, you can ask to move out if you are uninhabitable. We don't know much about the quality of the project, we don't trust it very much, and we now want to find a third party to re-evaluate it ourselves. ”

>>> real estate developers call it safe

Replace the construction personnel, and the owner does not let the repairs be repaired during the repair process

On June 30, the reporter contacted Mr. Wang, the project manager of Shangweifang Changda Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., and Mr. Zhang reported the quality of the house, and Manager Wang emphasized that Mr. Zhang did not allow maintenance, "because he asked to check out." In the process of repairing him in the early stage, he didn't let him repair. He also said that the house inspection is safe, not uninhabitable.

A call recording obtained by the reporter shows that for the roof collapse and water leakage, Manager Wang said that the previous repairs did not solve the problem, and the construction personnel had been replaced, and they were embarrassed to say that they could not be repaired. "Prepare to separately reinforce the base plate and raise the mortar mark. The water leakage has been found by a third party, and professional instruments have been done (detected) out, and the exterior wall needs to be opened. I've done it a few times, and I want to use good materials to get your household done quickly. ”

In addition, the Huashang Daily Gale News reporter repeatedly contacted the project supervision party, Weifang Engineering Construction Supervision Co., Ltd., but its landline has not been able to get through.

Coordinated by >>> District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau

It has been repaired many times in the early stage, and the developer promised to repair it until the owner is satisfied

On June 11, 2024, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Fangzi District, Weifang City, showed that the bureau had accepted Mr. Zhang's report on quality problems such as roof collapse and water leakage on May 20, and immediately organized and coordinated.

The bureau said that the developer had contacted the construction party for maintenance several times in the early stage, and the developer had promised to continue the maintenance until Mr. Zhang was satisfied, and hoped to actively cooperate.

For the issue of compensation and check-out, according to the provisions of the "Weifang Housing Construction Project Quality Complaint Handling Measures", the project involves economic compensation or a request for check-out and room exchange, which is not within the scope of acceptance of project quality complaints. It is recommended that Mr. Zhang resolve the matter through legal means.

Regarding such a reply from the District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Mr. Zhang made it clear to reporters that he did not accept it. "I applied for relevant materials on the developer's construction on the official website of the Weifang Municipal Government, and asked for information disclosure, but there is no reply yet."

>>> wife is depressed

The renovation of the house was forced to stop work and could not live normally, and the economic loss was 300,000 yuan

40-year-old Mr. Zhang is now very distressed, he can't live in a house after buying a house, and the house problem is not handled well and affects family harmony, "It's not easy for us to buy a house, because I have a lot of trouble with my wife in this house, and my wife is already depressed every day because of this matter." ”

Mr. Zhang admitted that due to the quality of the house, the renovation has been forced to stop. "When these problems occur, the renovation workers can only withdraw first, and stop work after half of the installation. My appeal is to return the house, and now the roof cannot be made, it cannot be renovated, and the developer only agrees to repair it. ”

Mr. Zhang said: "The basic decoration floor tiles in the early stage have been paved, and the ceiling is not hoisted normally, and the walls have not been made, and the water and electricity have been renovated, and the central air conditioning has been installed." We paid more than 300,000 yuan for the down payment and 1.68 million yuan for the loan, and it was almost a year ago, and the house renovation was forced to stop work, and I could not live normally, which caused me an economic loss of about 300,000 yuan. Now you need to stop the loss in time, even if the new house is renovated, what should I do if there is a problem not long after moving in? ”

>>> lawyer's statement

If the normal residence has been affected, the owner has the right to request the developer to move out for compensation

Tan Mintao, a well-known lawyer, pointed out in an interview that according to the relevant laws and regulations of the mainland, the quality problems of the house are roughly divided into three situations: first, the quality of the main structure of the house is unqualified, and the buyer has the right to refuse to accept it, terminate the contract and claim compensation for losses; Second, if there are serious quality problems in the house, which seriously affects the normal residential use, the buyer has the right to terminate the contract and claim compensation for losses; Third, if there are general quality problems in the house, the buyer has the right to require the seller to bear the responsibility for repairing during the warranty period.

In this case, the appraisal agency entrusted by the developer determined that the appraisal report was rated as CU, saying that the house had quality problems, but it did not affect the normal residence, and it was recommended to repair it.

Tan Mintao pointed out that "the best way for the owner to disagree with the appraisal report is for the owner to sue the developer for a move-out, and the court will entrust a third party to appraise the quality of the house to see if there are serious quality problems in the house." ”

"Judging from the current decoration situation of the owner, the roof has collapsed and the steel bars are exposed, which has affected the normal residence of the owner, so from the current problems of the house, the owner has the right to ask the developer to move out and compensate the owner for the corresponding losses."

Tan Mintao said that the current legal provisions are that the purchase and sale of commercial housing does not apply to the provisions of the "Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law", and the Supreme People's Court has a special judicial interpretation on the trial of disputes over the sale and purchase of commercial housing, and the judicial organs also apply the judicial interpretation in the trial, rather than the "Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law". ”

Huashang Daily Gale News reporter Li Hua Editor Li Zhi

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