
"Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" Su Guogong died on the battlefield, the ending of BE was exposed, and Yu Zheng's voice had nothing to do with Wang Xingyue

author:Entertainment Jun said the entertainment industry

Wang Xingyue recently starred with Wu Jinyan in the costume drama "Ink Rain Clouds", originally netizens were quite satisfied with the happy ending of the hero and heroine and the married life of the side story, but recently Wang Xingyue's studio released a shocking picture of him in the play with Yu Pei's serious injury and vomiting blood, causing Yu Pei to fall, which attracted the dumbfounding of the whole network, and found that the picture of "Su Guogong (Wang Xingyue's character name) died on the battlefield" in the play is the real BE ending, and it is not the illusion that Wang Xingyue and Wu Jinyan have children after marriage and continue to be in love, many netizens scolded: " The sweet love in the side story is all fake!"

"Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" Su Guogong died on the battlefield, the ending of BE was exposed, and Yu Zheng's voice had nothing to do with Wang Xingyue

Netizens bombarded Wang Xingyue and the studio after the end of "Ink Rain and Clouds", in order to fear that fans of the drama would continue to tie up Wang Xingyue and Wu Jinyan's CP publicity, so they directly released the original ending, just to reduce the sense of CP born from the happy ending, on the other hand, it was to highlight the shock of Wang Xingyue's acting skills, but it caused a bombardment on the whole network, the audience not only scolded the man for demolishing the CP, but also ridiculed Yu Zheng, the producer of the show and the agent of the male and female protagonist, for filming the side story in vain. In just a few seconds, the battle damage image immediately destroyed the happiness of the happy ending.

"Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" Su Guogong died on the battlefield, the ending of BE was exposed, and Yu Zheng's voice had nothing to do with Wang Xingyue

Wang Xingyue's studio announced his battle damage film in "Ink Rain and Clouds", and the picture of Yu Pei falling seems to imply his death in battle. (Taken from Weibo)

"Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" Su Guogong died on the battlefield, the ending of BE was exposed, and Yu Zheng's voice had nothing to do with Wang Xingyue

Wang Xingyue (left) supported Wu Jinyan (right) for revenge in "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", and the two of them had a burst of CP. (Taken from Moyuyunjian Weibo)

In this regard, Yu Zheng was furious and directly announced that he would fire the relevant staff who exposed the picture of Wang Xingyue's war damage without consent, and urgently issued a document to clarify that this matter had nothing to do with Wang Xingyue, emphasizing that everything was advocated by the staff without authorization, Yu Zheng explained that there would be a BE ending of Wang Xingyue's war damage, and it was because of the director's love of art that he deliberately filmed this version, but "Ink Rain and Clouds" was the HE ending from the beginning, and he also specially posted a screenshot of the conversation between himself and Wang Xingyue's staff, The content of his tone was full of anger and doubt, and he was quite dumbfounded by the staff's explanation that the war damage video was released to share Wang Xingyue's highlight moments, and finally he was so angry that he fired the relevant staff.

"Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" Su Guogong died on the battlefield, the ending of BE was exposed, and Yu Zheng's voice had nothing to do with Wang Xingyue
"Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" Su Guogong died on the battlefield, the ending of BE was exposed, and Yu Zheng's voice had nothing to do with Wang Xingyue
"Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" Su Guogong died on the battlefield, the ending of BE was exposed, and Yu Zheng's voice had nothing to do with Wang Xingyue

Yu Zheng posted an article clarifying that "Between the Ink Rain Clouds" is an HE ending. (Taken from Moyuyunjian Weibo)

Netizens don't buy Yu Zheng's explanation, especially Wang Xingyue and Wu Jinyan have a big wedding ceremony at the end of "Ink Rain Clouds", compared with the wedding progress of the original book in the side chapter, the drama version of the wedding of the two is placed in the first half of the last episode, followed by Wang Xingyue going out to fight, insufficient troops, and the plot of tragic death, especially in the end, how he will destroy so many soldiers of the enemy country by himself is also a puzzle, if he dies in this battle, then the bridge where Wu Jinyan appears alone in red under the pear blossom tree is quite reasonable, Therefore, many people think that the BE ending is the original direction. However, the original novel is an HE ending, and netizens also bombarded that if it is really a BE ending, it is simply a magic change to the original work.

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