
The Chinese coast guard rescued the fishing boat, and the Philippines waited for the opportunity to touch the porcelain, and even hit a rake, betting on the support of the US military?

author:Cosmos Beacon Line

The Marcos government in the Philippines has been "untrustworthy", and since February 2023, the Philippines has directly fallen to the United States, the most prominent being that the Philippines allows the US military to expand the scale of military bases in the Philippines. The Philippines not only colludes with the United States in the military field, but also blatantly provokes the South China Sea, and the Philippine Coast Guard publicly attacked and smeared the actions of the Chinese Coast Guard on June 30. A Philippine fishing boat exploded on June 29, and according to public information, the accident was 17 nautical miles away from Scarborough Shoal, for which the Chinese coast guard mobilized ships to arrive at the scene to provide necessary assistance to Filipino fishermen.

The Chinese coast guard rescued the fishing boat, and the Philippines waited for the opportunity to touch the porcelain, and even hit a rake, betting on the support of the US military?

The video shows that the Chinese Coast Guard used two work boats to get close to the fishing boat, but the Philippine Coast Guard issued a public statement on June 30 attacking the Chinese Coast Guard, claiming that the Chinese Coast Guard obstructed the Philippine Coast Guard's rescue operation. The timing of the explosion of the Philippine fishing boat is very strange, because it was when a large patrol ship of the Philippine Coast Guard arrived in the waters near Scarborough Shoal, so it is likely to be a "bitter meat plan", but this time the "bitter meat plan" is too "real", because in addition to the explosion of the fishing boat in the Philippines, there are also 3 fishermen injured. As an ordinary small fishing boat, it is quite eerie to have an explosion at sea.

The Chinese coast guard rescued the fishing boat, and the Philippines waited for the opportunity to touch the porcelain, and even hit a rake, betting on the support of the US military?

According to public information, the Philippine Coast Guard patrol ship departed from the Philippines on the 26th and arrived in the waters around Scarborough Shoal on the 29th, so the Philippine fishing boat explosion on the 29th is likely to be a conspiracy orchestrated by the Philippines to create tension, or the Philippine Coast Guard is waiting for an opportunity to enter the waters of Scarborough Shoal to assert "sovereignty". In the past, the Philippines used official ships to try to break into the waters of Scarborough Shoal, and the Philippine Navy also used small gunboats to try to force their way in, but they were eventually intercepted by the Chinese Coast Guard. The Philippines is determined to be black all the way to the end on the issue of Scarborough Shoal, and for this reason it will use large patrol ships to approach Scarborough Shoal.

The Chinese coast guard rescued the fishing boat, and the Philippines waited for the opportunity to touch the porcelain, and even hit a rake, betting on the support of the US military?

At a time when the Chinese Coast Guard was providing necessary assistance to Philippine fishing boats, the Philippine Coast Guard openly spread rumors, claiming through social media that the Chinese Coast Guard had obstructed the Philippine rescue operation, but could not produce tangible evidence, so it has already closely followed the routine of US public opinion. When the United States encircled and contained China, it openly spread rumors and slandered China, thus trying to force China to make concessions through a public opinion offensive. The Philippines suffered a loss on June 17, but the Philippines is still aggressive, so it is already quite a gamble that the US military will support the rhythm.

The Chinese coast guard rescued the fishing boat, and the Philippines waited for the opportunity to touch the porcelain, and even hit a rake, betting on the support of the US military?

Recently, the US military has carried out a number of military exercises, including the US-Japan-ROK "Freedom Blade" joint military exercise, as well as the "Rim of the Pacific Military Exercise", so the Philippines is full of confidence, so it has mobilized large patrol ships to approach the mainland's Scarborough Shoal. Judging from the dynamics of the Philippines, we cannot have illusions about the Philippines, and as long as Marcos continues to serve as president of the Philippines, the Philippines will not change its hostile stance toward China as long as the United States insists on encircling and containing China.

The Chinese coast guard rescued the fishing boat, and the Philippines waited for the opportunity to touch the porcelain, and even hit a rake, betting on the support of the US military?

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