
Red bamboo ditch


Red bamboo ditch meets. "Seeing the blue sky in the dark clouds, Zhugou is Xiaoyan'an; An order shattered the sky, and thousands of troops immediately went to the front. Liu Shaoqi once said: "Yan'an has the leadership of the party, and Zhugou also has the leadership of the party; There are caves in Yan'an, and there are caves in Zhugou; Yan'an has Kang Da, and Zhugou has a party training class; Yan'an has the Yan River, Zhugou has the Dasha River, and Zhugou is the small Yan'an. Since then, the reputation of Zhugou "Little Yan'an" has spread all over the world.

Zhugou is located 30 kilometers west of Queshan County, which is an important base area during the democratic revolution of the Communist Party of China and has a glorious history of revolutionary struggle. Zhugou is also the cradle of revolution in the Central Plains, and has cultivated a large number of party, government, and military cadres and other backbone forces. In 1958, we established the Zhugou Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery 1.5 kilometers north of Zhugou Town, collected thousands of cultural relics, materials and pictures, and set up two showrooms. In 1987, the "Zhugou Revolutionary Monument" was completed, and the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery and the Forest of Steles were established. In the theme education of "not forgetting the original intention and remembering the mission", I once again came to Hongzhugou to remember the martyrs. The statues of the revolutionary martyrs stand in front of the verdant bamboos, looking so solemn and sacred.

In 1926, the Party established grassroots organizations here, and in the later stages of the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the Red Army guerrillas were created. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the Red Army guerrillas were reorganized into the 8th Regiment of the 4th Detachment of the New Fourth Army. In June 1938, the Henan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China moved from Kaifeng to Zhugou. In 1938, the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to establish the Central Plains Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to carry out guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines, so that Zhugou soon became an important position and strategic support point for the development of the Communist Party of China in the Central Plains. Zhugou is also the cradle of the revolution in the Central Plains, where the Communist Party of China has trained a large number of party, government, and military cadres and other backbone forces by holding training courses and teaching teams. The backbone of the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Divisions of the New Fourth Army all set out from here. On November 11, 1939, the Kuomintang anti-communist forces raided Zhugou with heavy troops, and our army and people fought back, and finally because the enemy was outnumbered, they were forced to evacuate, and the enemy killed more than 200 people of our army and civilians, creating a "Queshan tragedy" that shocked China and foreign countries. After that, under the leadership of the party, the military and people of Zhugou continued to persist in the struggle until they won the great victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation.

Located in the small basin where the remaining veins of Tongbai Mountain and Funiu Mountain intersect, Zhugou County is the birthplace of red culture in the old revolutionary base area and is known as "Little Yan'an". During the Anti-Japanese War, it was the seat of the Central Plains Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Henan Provincial Party Committee. It is the birthplace of the second, fourth, and fifth divisions of the New Fourth Army, and the holy place where the older generation of revolutionaries Liu Shaoqi, Li Xiannian, and Peng Xuefeng fought. There are red resources such as the Zhugou Revolutionary Memorial Hall, the Zhugou Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery, the protection of traditional villages, and the New Fourth Army Memorial Forest.

In 1926, Zhugou established a party organization. After the Long March of the main force of the Red Army, the Tongbai Mountain Base Area centered on Zhugou was opened; After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Zhugou gradually became the command center of the Henan People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.

In 1938, the Central Plains Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was established in Zhugou, and in less than two years, 14 teams and more than 4,800 people came out of Zhugou, with them as the backbone force, forming the Second Division, the Fourth Division and the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army, some of which were supplemented by the Third and Seventh Divisions of the New Fourth Army.

After the liberation, the Party Central Committee and the State Council were very concerned about the construction of the Zhugou anti-Japanese base area, and in 1956, the "Zhugou Revolutionary Memorial Hall of Queshan" was established, which treasured thousands of cultural relics, objects, documents and pictures. In August 1988, it was approved by the State Council as a national key cultural relics protection unit, and in May 1997, it was named the first batch of revolutionary traditional education bases in Henan Province. On November 8, 1998, the new exhibition hall invested and built by Queshan County was completed. Since the opening of the new exhibition hall, it has received more than 50,000 visitors from inside and outside the province every year.

In Zhugou, which is known as "Little Yan'an", I met two legendary female revolutionaries, and I wanted to write about the heroic deeds of these two female revolutionary martyrs many times, but I hesitated for several years and did not put pen to paper, and today I am determined to write about it, and carry forward the revolutionary martyrs of our party who are as unknown and dedicated as "Zhang Fuqing". Xiaobian introduces one of the female revolutionaries, she is one of the 30 Central Female Red Army who has walked through the Long March, she is the last female Red Army of the Long March Central Red Army to pass away, she was admitted to a master's degree at the age of 40, she has too many "was", and there are too many hardships and setbacks, but she is open-minded and broad-minded, and died at the age of 101.

Red bamboo ditch

Hongzhugou, also known as "Little Yan'an", is an important base area of the Communist Party of China during the democratic revolution period, and is also the cradle of the revolution in the Central Plains.

Liu Shaoqi, Li Xiannian and other party and state leaders, Zhu Lizhi, Zhou Junming, Wang Guohua, Xie Fei, Chen Shaomin and other more than 80 provincial and ministerial-level cadres, Xu Haidong, Wang Zhen, Peng Xuefeng, Zhang Aiping, Zhang Zhen and other more than 100 generals fought and worked in Zhugou.

From here, two presidents, 4 deputy state-level leaders, more than 60 provincial and ministerial-level leaders, more than 100 generals, and more than 200 comrades have grown into leading cadres at or above the prefecture, city, and division levels.

Zhugou is located 30 kilometers away from Queshan County, Zhumadian City, Henan Province, and is located in a small basin where the remaining veins of Funiu Mountain and Tongbai Mountain intersect, surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing water on one side. During the Anti-Japanese War, Zhugou was the seat of the Central Plains Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Henan Provincial Party Committee, and the birthplace of the 2nd, 4th and 5th Divisions of the New Fourth Army.

Now there are the "Zhugou Revolutionary Memorial Hall" inscribed by Premier Zhou Enlai, the "Zhugou Revolutionary Monument" inscribed by President Li Xiannian, and the Zhugou Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery.

As one of the first batch of named revolutionary education bases, national patriotism education bases, national defense education bases, and one of the 100 "red tourism" classic scenic spots in Henan Province, I go to the Zhugou Revolutionary Memorial Hall and the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery almost every year to review the oath of joining the party, remember the martyrs, and receive patriotic education and red education.

The history of the Chinese revolution is the best nourishment, it is very necessary to come to Hongzhugou to receive the baptism of thought, every time there are new insights, there are new harvests, countless revolutionary martyrs with revolutionary ideals higher than the sky, creating one unimaginable miracle after another.

Liu Shaoqi's relationship with the red bamboo ditch

In the "Communist Liu Shaoqi" broadcast on CCTV1 in March this year, on January 28, 1939, the cold wind was cold, Liu Shaoqi assumed the name Hufu and came to Zhugou through Michi and Nanyang.

"Crossing thousands of waters, stepping through thousands of mountains, Comrade Hufu went to Zhugou, and the clever plan was to settle the Central Plains." Liu Shaoqi grasped ideological and political construction, and made ideological and political reports to party members and cadres many times in the groves, straw shed auditoriums, left-behind places and teaching teams; Reading at night in his living room, he completed his books "On the Struggle within the Party" and "On the Cultivation of Communist Party Members".

The three east houses with mottled walls and bricks are Liu Shaoqi's office and living room, and the pomegranate tree in front of the door is still full of green after hardship, this pomegranate tree was planted by Liu Shaoqi in the spring of 1939, and now it is lush and fruitful, adding infinite vitality to this yard and storing that precious historical memory.

I forgot to go to the Revolutionary Memorial Hall to commemorate the martyrs, and heard a familiar and unfamiliar name from the mouth of the docent, "Xie Fei". Familiar because this name is also the name of that famous director, and unfamiliar because I heard this name for the first time in the history of the party and the revolution.

What caught my attention was the words of the female docent, who whispered to a visitor to the memorial who asked about her that she was Liu Shaoqi's third wife.

At that time, due to the large number of people visiting the Revolutionary Memorial Hall, I only heard what the docent said, and I did not see the introduction and display of the older generation of revolutionaries. After I returned, I searched for some information to deepen my understanding of this female revolutionary.

After learning about her revolutionary deeds, I went to the Zhugou Revolutionary Memorial Hall to look for her footprints in Zhugou in the museum, and I saw the "Comrade Xie Fei's Memoirs" sign in the display case, with two books, red and blue, both titled "Long March Female Red Army Xie Fei" (check the information, the author is Sang Jinlan), and the cover has the signature of Song Ping, a 102-year-old former member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and head of the Organization Department

Xie Fei's revolutionary career

Deng Huaisheng, the son of Deng Zihui, former vice premier of the State Council, delivered a speech at the celebration of Xie Feixie's 100th birthday.

I would like to excerpt the title of Comrade Deng Huaisheng's speech to jointly cherish the memory of Mr. Xie's revolutionary pride and firm belief in the war.

1. Born in hardship, with firm beliefs, and making revolutions.

2. On the journey of thousands of miles, Ning Weiyu crushed followed the party.

3. Snow mountains and meadows, arduous and difficult.

4, revolutionary partner, Xie Fei carefully protects Shaoqi.

5. The Iron Army marched eastward and fought at the forefront of the anti-Japanese war.

6. Full of enthusiasm and dedication to law.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Xie Lao rarely appeared in public, and there was not much public publicity about her deeds, and many of us did not know or even know about this old Red Army and old revolutionary who participated in the 25,000-mile Long March and had a legendary life.

Resolutely "no 8 yuan". During the Long March, in the face of a severe and bad situation, the discipline stipulated that if someone could not keep up with the team on the way, he would be fostered in the homes of local people, and 8 yuan would be left as living expenses.

In order not to fall behind, the 30 Central Female Red Army put forward the simple and simple slogan of "not falling behind, not bringing flowers, not being taken prisoner, and not being allowed 8 yuan".

On the Long March road, Xie Fei had a high fever and was seriously ill, unwilling to fall behind, unwilling to be fostered, riding Dong Biwu's horse and insisting on following the team, crossing the Luding Bridge step by step, rubbing over 5 snowy mountains, and rubbing out of the vast grassland.

Xie Fei Xie Lao's revolutionary deeds such as "climbing across the Luding Bridge with illness", "the story of a basket of pears", "digging grain in the cow dung heap" and other revolutionary deeds can be found on the Internet.

In 1939, Xie Fei, who graduated from the Marxist-Leninist Institute, went to Zhugou County, Queshan County, and served as the head of the Organization Section of the Central Plains Bureau, assisting Comrade Liu Shaoqi in his work, and later served as a member of the Party Committee of Hubei, Henan and Anhui Districts, and a member of the Standing Committee of the Shu (Cheng) Wuwei Prefectural Committee and head of the Organization Department.

In the autumn of 1940, Xie Fei was entrusted by Shaoqi to cross the Yangtze River to the southern Anhui Military Headquarters to send a letter to Xiang Ying, but due to the blockade and control of the traffic arteries by the Japanese puppet army, Xie Fei could not cross the Yangtze River and could not return to Zhugou, so he broke off contact with Shaoqi.


The 70th anniversary military parade moved us and made us full of passion. I feel that our great motherland and great party allow us to enjoy life happily, and I have gone from not being able to afford to eat anything I want to eat to being able to eat whatever I want.

Our happy life today is precisely because of generation after generation of communists like Xie Fei, Gan Zuchang, and Zhang Fuqing, who did not fight for merit and immersed themselves in work.

In the progress of any society, there must always be a group of people who are worried about the world and plan for the benefit of the people, there must always be a group of people who look up to the stars and lead the times, and there must always be a group of people who are unknown and work hard, who are the backbone of the nation and the driving force for the progress of society.

Nowadays, some people have done their due obligations in their posts, made some contributions, and achieved a little achievement, they feel that it is their own credit, and they will talk about it when they meet people, and praise it when they meet people, for fear that no one in this world will know his achievements, and there are also some people who can't stand a little grievance, can't afford a little setback, complain about the sky, and complain about the hardships everywhere like Xianglin's sister-in-law.

Zhang Fuqing, a 95-year-old veteran hero, said that the soldiers who fought side by side with me sacrificed their precious lives, and the soldiers of a platoon and a company fell one by one in the war. They are loyal to the party and sacrifice for the people. Compared with my comrades who have died, what qualifications do I have?

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, they regarded fame and fortune as a passing cloud, they were like a mirror to show our shortcomings, and they were like flags leading us to be indifferent to fame and fortune, selfless dedication, and forging ahead.

In the later stage of the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the Hubei-Henan Provincial Party Committee headed by Zhang Xingjiang, Wang Guohua, and other comrades established the Red Army guerrilla unit and led the people in an arduous struggle. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the Red Army guerrillas were reorganized into the 8th Regiment of the 4th Detachment of the New Fourth Army. In February 1938, the Party Central Committee and Comrade Mao Zedong sent Comrade Peng Xuefeng to Zhugou to preside over the work. In March, the 8th team went to the anti-Japanese front and set up a left-behind office in Zhugou to continue the struggle. In June, the Henan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China moved here from Kaifeng, and successively established the Zhugou Prefectural Party Committee and the County Party Committee. Zhu Lizhi, Chen Shaomin, and other responsible comrades of the provincial party committee came to work here, making Zhugou the command center of the Henan People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

In 1938, the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth CPC Central Committee decided to establish the Central Plains Bureau of the CPC Central Committee with Liu Shaoqi as its secretary, and the party work in Henan, Hubei, Anhui, and Jiangsu north of the Yangtze River was under the leadership of the Central Plains Bureau. Liu Shaoqi, Li Xiannian and other comrades came to Zhugou from Yan'an. The Central Plains Bureau resolutely implemented the correct line, principles, and policies of the CPC Central Committee and Comrade Mao Zedong, held high the banner of the anti-Japanese national united front, adhered to the principle of independence and self-determination, unleashed the masses, strengthened its own strength, and actively carried out guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines.

Zhugou is also the cradle of revolution in the Central Plains. Our party has trained a large number of party, government, and military cadres and other backbone forces through holding party training classes and teaching teams here. The backbone units of the 1st Division of the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Divisions of the New Fourth Army all started from here and developed and grew up by merging with the armed forces led by the party in various localities.

On 11 November 1939, the Kuomintang reactionary forces attacked Zhugou with heavy troops, and our army and people fought back, but they were finally forced to evacuate because the enemy was outnumbered. The enemy brutally killed more than 200 Chinese soldiers and civilians, creating the "Queshan Massacre" that shocked China and the rest of the world. After the tragedy, the party Central Committee and the anti-Japanese military and people throughout the country expressed great righteous indignation, and comrades Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi, Peng Dehuai, Zhang Yunyi, Peng Xuefeng, and other comrades made speeches and telegrams one after another, severely condemning the criminal acts of the Kuomintang diehards. After that, the military and people in the Zhugou area continued to stubbornly persist in the struggle under the leadership of our party until they won the great victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation.

The green mountains are majestic, and the green water soup is hot. Many revolutionary predecessors, revolutionary martyrs, and people with lofty ideals who fought in Zhugou have made indelible contributions to the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people and the realization of communist ideals. They are like a monument that will always stand in people's hearts, inspiring and motivating us to move forward for a glorious future.

The inscription reviews the glorious struggle of Zhugou from the initial establishment of a grassroots organization to an important base area, affirms the important role of Zhugou as the cradle of revolution in the Central Plains, and expresses the deep memory of the heroes and martyrs who founded a cause and generously sacrificed their lives on this land.


During the Great Revolution, in order to cooperate with the Northern Expedition of the National Revolutionary Army, the Henan Party Organization of the Communist Party of China established the Zhumadian Special Branch of the Communist Party of China, which was under the direct leadership of the Henan District Committee. In April 1927, Zhang Jiaduo, a returned student from Shanghai University, served as secretary and jointly led the peasant movement with some party members, liberated the county seat for the first time, and established the Provisional Public Security Committee of Queshan County. Subsequently, Li Panlin, Zhao Zile, the head of the Zhugou Party Group of the Communist Party of China, led more than 3,000 people in the Zhugou and Shiluanhe areas to participate in the riot, and established the first party branch in the Zhugou area, sowing the fire of revolution.

On July 15, 1933, Xiao Zhichu's division of the 44th Division of the Kuomintang Army carried out "encirclement and suppression" of 13 villages in the northern district of Queshan, plundered property, indiscriminately killed innocents, and created disasters. In the spring of 1934, the party organizations in the province were greatly damaged by the enemy, and there was hardly a complete party branch in Queshan County, and a large number of revolutionary backbones were either thrown into prison or killed. In January 1936, after an extremely difficult period, the Provincial Party Committee of the Hubei-Henan Border Region decided to rebuild and develop the Party organization, create a Red Army guerrilla unit, and open up a base area in the Hubei-Henan Border Region centered on Zhugou, so as to lay the foundation for continuing the revolution.


After the outbreak of the National War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperated for the second time. In this situation, in February 1938, Peng Xuefeng was appointed as the head of the Military Department of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and went to Zhugou to preside over the work. Peng Xuefeng first conducted a comprehensive ideological and military training for the Eighth Team of the Fourth Detachment of the New Fourth Army after the assembly. During this period, two local armed forces with revolutionary tendencies were incorporated into An Kexiang and Duan Yongxiang. So far, the strength of the Eighth Regiment has rapidly grown to more than 1,300 people, and it has become a relatively strong combat team in the Fourth Detachment of the New Fourth Army. In March 1938, after the oath was taken in Xingji, Xinyang, the Eighth Regiment went to the anti-Japanese front line in eastern Anhui, setting off a climax of the anti-Japanese struggle between Jianghuai and Jianghuai. After the Eighth Regiment's Eastern Crusade, in order to properly arrange for the wounded and sick and their families, and to handle transportation and liaison matters, with the approval of the Kuomintang authorities, a left-behind office was set up in Zhugou and a military and political training brigade was set up to train party and government cadres. In mid-May 1938, Xuzhou was lost, and the Henan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China moved from Kaifeng to Zhugou, which soon became the leading center of Henan's Anti-Japanese War.


In November 1938, in order to implement the strategic policy of "consolidating North China and developing Central China" established by the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee decided to set up the Central Plains Bureau of the CPC Central Committee with Liu Shaoqi as its secretary in Zhugou to guide the work of the Party in Henan, Hubei, Anhui and Jiangsu areas north of the Yangtze River. Liu Shaoqi adhered to the correct line, principles, and policies of the CPC Central Committee and Mao Zedong, effectively carried out united front work, vigorously developed the armed forces, and attached importance to ideological and organizational construction, which soon made Zhugou an important position and strategic support point for the development of our party in the Central Plains, and was known as "Little Yan'an."

Because of the important role of Zhugou in the revolutionary struggle, it aroused the hatred of the Kuomintang diehards. On November 11, 1939, the Kuomintang diehards gathered heavy troops from the three counties of Queshan, Xinyang and Miyang to raid Zhugou, killing more than 200 anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians, creating the "Zhugou Massacre" (also known as the "Queshan Massacre") that shocked China and the world. After that, the military and people in the Zhugou area continued to persist in the struggle under the leadership of the party until they won the final victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. During the revolutionary period, Liu Shaoqi, Li Xiannian, Wang Zhen, Wang Shoudao, Wang Enmao, Fang Yi, Zhang Jinfu, Zhang Aiping, Zhang Zhen, Xu Haidong and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation fought, worked and lived here, and countless revolutionary martyrs sacrificed their precious lives for the cause of the liberation of the party and the people.