
Introduction to Wang Weizhou


Wang Weizhou - a "commander without title" who joined the party earlier than the founding of the party. The birth of the Communist Party of China in 1921 opened a new chapter in Chinese history, and over the past century, the Party has led the people of the whole country to write a magnificent epic of the Chinese nation's unremitting self-improvement and tenacious progress.

Wang Weizhou (1887~1970), formerly known as Wang Tianzhen, was born on June 10, 1887 in Qingxichang, Dongxiang County, Sichuan Province (renamed Xuanhan County in 1914). He left his hometown to work in Chengdu in his early years, and was later admitted to the Chengdu Engineer School to work part-time and participate in the Sichuan "Road Protection Movement". Soon he returned to Dongxiang to establish the "Dongxiang Baolu Comrade Army". On November 30, 1911, Wang Weizhou served as the commander-in-chief of the Dongxiang armed uprising, captured the county seat of Dongxiang, and declared the independence of Dongxiang. In April 1913, Wang Weizhou was admitted to the Chengdu Garrison Military Academy to study, and after graduation, he returned to Suiding Mansion to serve as the commander of the Suiding Garrison.

Later, Wang Weizhou saw the chaotic situation in which the Sichuan warlords were fighting each other and each hegemon, and decided to leave the old army and find the truth to save the country and the people. In May 1920, Wang Weizhou came to Shanghai and met Kim Li, a member of the North Korean Communist Party. Under Kim's introduction, Wang Weizhou joined the Communist Party of Korea in Shanghai and participated in the work of the Shanghai branch of the Communist Party of Korea, becoming one of the earliest Communist Party members in China. In the summer of 1920, Wang Weizhou was ordered to study in Soviet Russia. In the spring of 1922, Wang Weizhou returned to China and organized revolutionary activities with Wu Yuzhang, a famous revolutionary educator, to raise funds to support Soviet Russia.

In 1927, Wang Weizhou participated in the study of the Hubei Peasant Movement Training Institute presided over by Mao Zedong, which was the most important moment in Wang Weizhou's life and laid a solid foundation for his struggle for the Chinese revolution and the communist cause. After Chiang Kai-shek launched the counter-revolutionary coup d'état on April 12, the party sent Wang Weizhou twice to go deep into the warlord troops to carry out the work of winning over. He was fearless, witty and brave, and escaped death twice. In 1927, Wang Weizhou joined the Communist Party of China.

After the defeat of the Great Revolution in 1927, Wang Weizhou was ordered to return to eastern Sichuan and established the Eastern Sichuan Guerrilla Army. In April 1929, Wang Weizhou and others led the Gujunba Uprising and fired the first shot at Liu Cunhou, a warlord in eastern Sichuan. Subsequently, the revolutionary storm spread to the three counties of Wanyuan, Xuanhan and Chengkou.

In the summer of 1933, in response to the southward movement of the Red Fourth Front Army, Wang Weizhou reorganized and expanded the Red Army guerrillas to more than 2,000 people. Wang Weizhou also sent people to contact the Red Fourth Front Army. Soon, the Sichuan warlord Liu Xiang instigated the big and small warlords to launch a six-way siege on the Soviet area. Wang Weizhou was ordered to take up the task of blocking more than 100 kilometers from Bajiao Township to Fanxudian in the eastern part of Xuanhan and more than 50 kilometers in the western part of the Red Army and the 30th Army.

In the autumn of 1933, after Wang Weizhou led more than 10,000 outstanding sons and daughters of eastern Sichuan to join the Red Fourth Front Army and was reorganized into the Red 33rd Army, he was discriminated against and excluded by Zhang Guotao, who was engaged in patriarchy in the party, and more than 1,000 people in the Red 33rd Army were killed by Zhang Guotao for no reason. At the beginning of 1935, in order to cooperate with the Long March of the Central Red Army, the Red Fourth Front Army decided to cross the Jialing River westward. When the battle of crossing the river was about to begin, Xu Xiangqian, commander-in-chief of the Red Fourth Front Army, withstood the pressure of Zhang Guotao and used Wang Weizhou.

During the Long March of the Red Fourth Front Army, many family members of the Red Army in the Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet Region marched with the Red Army. More than 20 of Wang's relatives and family members also participated in the Long March, the youngest being his nephew Queen Xinlan, who was only 10 years old at the time. The oldest is Wang Weizhou's mother-in-law, who is in her fifties and has small feet. In the winter of 1936, Wang Weizhou arrived in northern Shaanxi with the Red Fourth Front Army. Wang Weizhou, together with Liu Bocheng and other responsible persons of the Red Fourth Front Army, was cordially received by Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wang Weizhou successively served as the deputy brigade commander, brigade commander and political commissar of the 385th Brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and the commissioner of the Longdong Sub-district of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region. During the period when the 385 Brigade was stationed in Qingyang, Longdong, Wang Weizhou insisted on fighting against the enemy on the one hand, and on the other hand, led all officers and men to carry out a large-scale production campaign and opened many factories, thus greatly guaranteeing the supply of materials in the rear.

At that time, among the masses of the people in Longdong in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region, it was rumored that among the cadres of the Eighth Route Army, there were "Ma Qingtian" and "Wang Shanren". "Ma Qingtian" refers to Ma Xiwu, the commissioner of Longdong District, and "Wang Shanren" refers to Wang Weizhou. One day in June 1939, Wang Weizhou and guard Li Youyi helped the brigade cooking team go down to the river to carry water. When they walked to the wall, they saw a woman digging with a child digging into the wall, and the child's mouth was already covered with dirt. When I asked, I learned that they were digging a kind of "tabula rasa" containing a small amount of salt, which farmers in northern Shaanxi often used to satisfy their hunger in famine years. It was learned that the woman's husband's name was Shi Hua, who was the commander of the militia battalion in the village, and went to Yan'an to study for a while, leaving her to rent land with her children. After paying the rent, the family had little food left, so they had to pick elm leaves and dig "tabula rasa" to replenish it. Wang Weizhou took the mother and son back to his home, asked his wife Ma Kuixuan to go to the canteen to cook for them, and found his child's clothes and handed them to the mother.

Wang Weizhou personally wrote a note to Ma Xiwu, suggesting that the special office (government) should be asked to solve the five buckets of grain and some relief funds for the woman to cope with the food shortage, and asked the guard Xiao Li to take the mother and son to the relevant departments of the special office to implement it. Out of the gate, the woman asked Xiao Li, "What is the surname of the big man with a foreign accent?" What kind of officer is the Eighth Route Army? Xiao Li told her: The big man is our Brigade Commander Wang. The woman said "oops": "God has opened his eyes, the Eighth Route Army is a good man." Since then, Wang Weizhou's reputation as a "great benevolent" has spread among the masses. Within a radius of 100 miles in Qingyang City, people know that there is a "Wang Shanren" among the cadres of the Eighth Route Army, as long as it is the people's business, he will take it to heart.

In January 1943, Wang Weizhou attended a meeting of senior cadres of the Northwest Bureau, and Mao Zedong personally presented Wang Weizhou with a certificate of "loyalty, for the party and the country". When the "Seventh National Congress" of the Communist Party of China was convened, Mao Zedong said in a conversation while deliberating the list of candidates for the Central Committee of the "Seventh National Congress": "Comrade Wang Weizhou was one of the earliest members of the Communist Party of China, and he was a member of the Communist Party of China before the founding of the Communist Party of China." At the "Seventh National Congress", Wang Weizhou was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee.

In 1945, after Mao Zedong went to Chongqing for negotiations, the Party Central Committee decided that Wu Yuzhang and Wang Weizhou would serve as secretary and deputy secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, respectively. Wang Weizhou, who was familiar with the generals of the Sichuan army and had a deep mass base, returned to his hometown, causing panic and uneasiness in Chiang Kai-shek. One day, Zhang Dulun, the mayor of Chongqing and acting director of the camp, invited Wu Yuzhang and Wang Weizhou to his home under the pretext of inviting guests to dinner, and conveyed Chiang Kai-shek's order: Wang Weizhou should be allowed to leave Sichuan for three days, otherwise he would be arrested and detained, and his freedom would be restricted. Zhang Dulun also said: "Wang Weizhou is an expert who specializes in mutiny and riots. The Kuomintang found an excuse to send a plane to send Wang Weizhou and his family to Nanjing. Later, coordinated by the Eighth Route Army Office in Nanjing, Wang Weizhou's family was able to turn around and return to Yan'an safely.

During the War of Liberation, Comrade Wang Weizhou successively served as deputy commander of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningjin-Sui Joint Defense Army and deputy commander of the Northwest Military Region, and assisted Comrade He Long in participating in major battles such as defending Yan'an, eliminating Hu Zongnan, and recovering Yan'an.

He studied in a private school when he was young, dropped out of school due to his family's poverty, farmed with his father, and at the age of 19, he went to an apprenticeship in a warehouse in Xuanhan County. In 1909, Wang Weizhou was admitted to the part-time work and study school run by the Chengdu New Militia Factory. In 1911, when the Baolu Movement occurred, Wang Weizhou and his classmates marched and petitioned on the streets, and then returned to his hometown, mobilized the masses, organized the Baolu Comrade Army, and successively overthrew the rule of the Qing court in Dongxiang (now Xuanhan) County and Suidingfu (now Dachuan City), and established a military government.

After the Xinhai Revolution, Wang Weizhou served as the director of the Xuanhan County Youth League Training Bureau. In April 1913, Wang Weizhou entered the Chengdu Garrison Military Academy, and after graduation, he served as the commander of the Suiding Prefecture Garrison and the captain of the Da County Garrison, and later participated in the war to protect the country and the law. In the spring of 1920, Wang Weizhou abandoned his post and left home to go to Shanghai to find a new way to save the country and the people.

In May 1920, he joined the Shanghai branch of the Communist Party of Korea in Shanghai, and was sent to the Soviet Union to study in the winter. At the beginning of 1922, Wang Weizhou returned to China and organized the "Russian Disaster Relief Association" in Beijing and Shanghai to raise donations to support the Soviet people in overcoming the difficulties caused by the war. In 1923, Wang Weizhou returned to his hometown to carry out revolutionary activities. In 1925, Wang Weizhou went to Wuhan to participate in revolutionary work. In the same year, he was transferred to the Communist Party of China During his stay in Wuhan, Wang Weizhou studied at the "Peasant Movement Training Institute" presided over by Mao Zedong, which laid an ideological and theoretical foundation for him to lead the peasants' armed struggle later.

In August 1927, the Communist Party sent Wang Weizhou back to Xuanhan County to carry out revolutionary activities. He contacted the Communist Party members who had returned to eastern Sichuan from outside the province to establish party organizations and carry out armed struggle. In April 1929, under the initiation and support of Wang Weizhou, a peasant uprising led by Li Jiajun broke out in Gujunba, Wanyuan County, forming the First Road of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army's Eastern Sichuan Guerrilla Force (also known as the Sichuan First Road Red Army).

In July 1930, Wang Weizhou launched a peasant uprising in the vicinity of Renshipu and Guangfuchang in Kaijiang County, and established a guerrilla force. On July 29, 1930, the Eastern Sichuan Guerrilla Column of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (also known as the Sichuan Third Route Red Army) was established, with Wang Weizhou as deputy commander (Li Guanghua as commander). Under the guidance of the erroneous Lisan line, the eastern Sichuan guerrillas were ordered to march east into Hubei, join He Long's Red Second Army Corps, and "jointly encircle Wuhan." When the eastern Sichuan guerrillas marched eastward to Xileping in Shizhu County, they were defeated by the enemy, and Li Guanghua and others were killed. At the end of 1930, Wang Weizhou led the rest of his troops back to the border of Liangshan and Daxian, and rebuilt the guerrilla base area with Baili Trough as the center.

In April 1931, Wang Weizhou went to Chengdu to attend a meeting held by the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, at which it was decided to reorganize the Eastern Sichuan Guerrilla Army, with Wang Weizhou appointed secretary of the Eastern Sichuan Military Commission and commander-in-chief of the Eastern Sichuan Guerrilla Army. After the meeting, Wang Weizhou returned to Xuanhan and established the general headquarters of the guerrilla army in Dashanping, Bajiaochang, Xuanhan County, and mobilized the masses to carry out the practice of breaking warehouses and distributing grain, resisting donations and rents, and launching armed struggle. At the end of 1932, the guerrilla army established a relatively consolidated guerrilla base area on the border between Liang and Da.

In February 1933, the Red Fourth Front Army established the Sichuan-Shaanxi Revolutionary Base Area. In October, the Red Fourth Front Army launched the Xuanhan (Han) Da (County) Campaign, and Wang Weizhou led the Eastern Sichuan Guerrilla Army to actively cooperate with the operation, and in the area of Nanbachang and Shengdeng Temple in Xuanhan County, together with Xu Shiyou's troops of the Red Fourth Front Army, Liu Cunhou's 8 regiments were all defeated.

On November 2, 1933, the Eastern Sichuan Guerrilla Army was reorganized into the 33rd Army of the Red Fourth Front Army, with Wang Weizhou as the commander, Yang Keming as the political commissar, and Luo Nanhui as the deputy commander.

After the establishment of the 33rd Red Army, Wang Weizhou, Yang Keming, Luo Nanhui and others led the whole army into the battle against the warlord Liu Xiang's "six-way encirclement and suppression" of the Sichuan-Shaanxi revolutionary base area, and won a victory.

Wang Weizhou is a little-known veteran revolutionary. He participated in the Xinhai Revolution and served as the commander of the 33rd Army of the Red Fourth Front Army and a member of the Central Military Commission. During the Anti-Japanese War, he served as the deputy brigade commander, brigade commander and political commissar of the 385th Brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and the deputy secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. During the Liberation War, he served as the deputy commander of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningjin-Sui Joint Defense Army and the deputy commander of the Northwest Military Region. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as vice chairman of the Southwest Military and Political Commission and a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Supervision Commission. This year is the 130th anniversary of Comrade Wang Weizhou's birth, please follow the editor to see how many times Wang Weizhou and Mao Zedong met!

Wang Weizhou joined the Shanghai branch of the Korean Communist Party in Shanghai in May 1920. In the winter of that year, he was sent to study at the Far Eastern Secretariat of the Comintern of Soviet Russia (Irkutsk). At the beginning of 1922, he returned to China to carry out revolutionary activities with Wu Yuzhang in Beijing, and in 1923, he returned to his hometown from Shanghai to establish a school, establish a communist group, spread Marxism, cultivate revolutionary talents, and engage in revolutionary work.

Wuhan teacher

In 1926, the storm of the Great Revolution swept across the country, and the National Revolutionary Army conquered Wuhan in October, and the Communist Party of China was also in the tide of vigorous and fierce advance. In December, the Nationalist Government and some senior Communist Party leaders moved to Wuhan, which became the center of the Chinese revolution. Wang Weizhou resolutely arrived in Wuhan in early 1927 to seek party organization. The first to meet his fellow villager and old friend Wu Yuzhang, and they were very excited to reunite after a long absence. Then, when he talked with great interest about the road of the Chinese revolution, especially the peasant question, Wu Yuzhang said with feeling: "You are right, there are serious differences within our party, and Mao Zedong is setting up a central peasant movement training institute in Wuchang to solve this problem. Wang Weizhou was overjoyed, "I will learn from him!" I will learn from it! ”

Wang Weizhou entered the peasant lecture center, met Mao Zedong for the first time, and listened to his incisive account that the peasant question is the central issue of the revolution, and that the peasant struggle must be fully mobilized in order to achieve the victory of the revolution. It is only under the leadership of the proletariat that the peasants can attain the revolutionary doctrine of emancipation. He was bewildered and confused, and his hole opened open. From then on, Mao Zedong's erudite image and correct revolutionary views, as well as the pivotal position of the peasants in the Chinese revolution, were deeply instilled in his mind.

Ruijin was elected

In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei betrayed the revolution, Wang Weizhou returned to eastern Sichuan with a lofty revolutionary spirit and ideals, mobilized workers and peasants, organized more than 2,000 guerrilla troops in eastern Sichuan, carried out armed struggle and agrarian revolution, and continued to win victories in the revolutionary struggle under the guidance of Mao Zedong's guerrilla strategy and tactics in Jinggangshan. In the winter of 1932, Wang Weizhou led the guerrilla army to welcome the Red Fourth Front Army into Sichuan, established the Sichuan-Shaanxi Revolutionary Base Area, and continuously expanded the Soviet area, successively established Soviet power in more than 20 counties, and Wang Weizhou was appointed as the commander of the Red 33rd Army. Therefore, he was elected by the military and civilians of the Soviet district as a delegate to the Second National Congress of the Chinese Soviet Republic.

In January 1934, Mao Zedong, chairman of the Chinese Soviet Republic, presided over the conference in Ruijin, Jiangxi. Although Wang Weizhou was unable to attend because he commanded the troops to oppose the enemy's six-way siege, Mao Zedong was fully aware of Wang Weizhou's contribution to the Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet region. At the meeting, it was affirmed that the Red Fourth Front Army had established new and vast Soviet base areas in the Nanjiang, Xuanhan, and Suiding areas of Sichuan...... It is a bridge for the development of the Soviets between the north and south banks of the Yangtze River and between the north and south of China. It has a very tremendous role and significance in the great struggle for New China. Therefore, at the end of the meeting, Wang Weizhou was nominated by Mao Zedong and solemnly voted to be a member of the Central Executive Committee of the Chinese Soviet Republic.

In January 1934, the Second National Congress of Soviets of the Chinese Soviet Republic was held in Ruijin, and Wang Weizhou was elected as a member of the Central Executive Committee of the Chinese Soviet Republic.

The Long March greets

The Long March is a miracle in human history. In March 1935, Wang Weizhou climbed the peak of this miracle with Xu Qianqian. After several months of hard fighting on the journey, he broke through the enemy layer by layer and reached the area of Lifan and Maogong. In mid-June, the Central Red Army crossed the Jiajin Mountain, which was covered with snow all year round. When Xu Xiangqian heard the news, he called the Central Committee to report the situation of the enemy and us, and welcomed the arrival of the Central Red Army with 120,000 enthusiasm; On the one hand, Fu Zhong and Wang Weizhou were appointed to greet him. Wang Weizhou also met Mao Zedong, who saved the Central Red Army from several desperate situations on the Long March. After greeting each other, Mao Zedong cordially expressed his great concern for the Red Fourth Front Army, and said that after the meeting, the First and Fourth Front Armies should learn from each other, unite intimately, unite with each other, and accomplish the task of going north to resist Japan under the unified leadership of the Party Central Committee. Wang Weizhou said excitedly: "Mao Zedong's words are really like a guiding light, illuminating the way for the Red Army to continue to advance. Since then, Wang Weizhou has followed Mao Zedong's instructions and embarked on a new journey.

Security visits

In August 1935, the Central Military Commission held a meeting in Maoergai and decided to divide the Red Army into two armies, the left and right, to go north together. Wang Weizhou led the 276th Regiment of the 31st Army to serve as an advance mission in the Left Route Army to explore the northbound route. When he reached the Gaqu River, Zhang Guotao suddenly ordered to stop advancing under the pretext that the river was rising sharply, and then ordered to go south. The head of the regiment, Zhang Peirong, asked: "What's going on?" Wang Weizhou waved his hands: "Who knows what kind of famous hall is up there." On the way back to the south, Wang Weizhou deeply realized that Zhang Guotao's actions ran counter to the decision of the Party Central Committee, so he sided with Zhu De and Liu Bocheng and launched a struggle against Zhang Guotao's southward route. However, under Zhang Guotao's compulsion, the Red Army had to fight hard with the enemy in the process of moving north, south, and then north in the inaccessible snow-capped mountains and meadows, causing serious losses of more than half of the lost troops.

In November 1936, some troops of the Red Fourth Front Army arrived in Shaanxi Baoan, and Wang Weizhou went to visit Mao Zedong with Liu Bocheng with full of grief and indignation.

"Our struggle against Zhang Guotao was finally victorious, and we returned to the embrace of the Party Central Committee and Mao Zedong's side." This is the cheer from the bottom of his heart when Wang Weizhou and Mao Zedong shook hands, hugged each other, and burst into tears.

After Mao Zedong sat down, Wang Weizhou gave a detailed report on Zhang Guotao's conspiracy to split the party, split the Red Army, and set up a separate Central Committee and persecution and discrimination against the 33rd Red Army. Mao Zedong comforted Wang Weizhou and said: "At present, the Red Fourth Front Army has not completely crossed the river to join the Central Committee in Ganbei, and at the same time, the cadres of the Fourth Front Army have not yet fully realized that the revolution has suffered undue losses due to Zhang Guotao's erroneous line. After hearing these words, Wang Weizhou firmly believed that Mao Zedong was great and correct and that the Chinese revolution would definitely win. Therefore, Wang Weizhou resolutely got rid of Zhang Guotao's fetters and followed Mao Zedong and the Party Central Committee. On December 7, the Central Military Commission was reorganized, and Wang Weizhou was elected as a member of the Central Military Commission and director of the Fourth Bureau.

Book gift certificate

In 1937, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party united to resist Japan, and the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army, and Wang Weizhou was the commander and political commissar of the 385th Brigade of the 29th Division, stationed in Longdong. He conscientiously implemented a series of anti-Japanese national united front policies of the party Central Committee, and played a positive role in organizing the army and the people to resist Japan, fight against friction, defend the border areas, and defend the party Central Committee. In October 1942, Mao Zedong presided over a meeting of senior cadres of the Northwest Bureau of the CPC Central Committee in Yan'an, and commended the advanced on the basis of discussing economic issues and summarizing the party's historical struggle experience in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region. These eight characters not only summarize his achievements in various fields in Longdong, but also highly evaluate his long-term revolutionary contributions.

In April 1945, on the eve of the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Mao Zedong said: "Comrade Wang Weizhou is one of the earliest members of the Communist Party of China. Before the establishment of the Communist Party of China, he was a member. The delegates unanimously appreciated his historical position and role in the party, and were therefore elected as an alternate member of the Seventh Central Committee and a member of the Eighth Central Committee.


In 1947, Wang Weizhou served as deputy commander of the Shaanxi, Gansu, Ning, Jin, and Sui joint defense armies, and after cooperating with the First Field Army to win the three major battles of Qinghuatou, Yangmahe, and Panlong, the enemy's strength weakened and shrunk day by day, and a complete victory was about to be achieved. On February 24, 1948, Mao Zedong summoned Wang Weizhou in northern Shaanxi and said: "The theaters behind the enemy line continue to achieve victories, and the national counteroffensive situation is coming; I went to North China to plan for the liberation of the whole of China, and you will do the aftermath after the recovery of Yan'an." Mao Zedong entrusted the work after the recovery of Yan'an to Wang Weizhou, who was even more energetic and high-spirited, and fought a decisive battle with the enemy. Finally, on August 22, Yan'an was recovered, and Wang Weizhou led the army and the people to put up notices to regain the people's livelihood in an orderly manner, reorganize the people's government, resettle the people's lives, eliminate the remnants of the enemy and bandits, and put the social order in order, and Yan'an quickly restored its vigorous vitality and the majestic appearance of the revolutionary holy land.

At the end of March 1935, the Red Fourth Front Army crossed the Jialing River and began the Long March. After arriving in northern Shaanxi, Wang Weizhou served as the director of the Fourth Bureau of the Central Military Commission, and later entered the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University to study for half a year.

In August 1937, Wang Weizhou was appointed deputy brigade commander of the 385th Brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and was promoted to brigade commander and political commissar. In 1941, the Kuomintang created the "Southern Anhui Incident," setting off the second anti-communist upsurge. Wang Weizhou led the whole brigade in the anti-friction struggle, and at the same time led the military and civilian production self-sufficiency movement, basically solved the problem of food and clothing for the whole brigade, and smashed the enemy's economic blockade. In February 1943, Wang Weizhou was named a model worker in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region. Mao Zedong wrote an inscription on the souvenir he gave him: "Loyalty, for the party and the country". In April 1945, Wang Weizhou attended the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China and was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee.

In January 1946, after the Chongqing Political Consultative Conference, Wang Weizhou was transferred to the post of deputy secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China for the needs of his work.

In September 1946, Wang Weizhou returned to northern Shaanxi and served as the deputy commander of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia and Jinsui joint defense forces. In March 1947, Wang Weizhou actively directed and helped the central organs to make strategic transfers to Suide and the three sides in northern Shaanxi. In April 1948, Wang Weizhou participated in the aftermath of the reconquest of Yan'an. In March 1949, Wang Weizhou attended the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and immediately after the meeting, he went to Xi'an to prepare for the invasion of Sichuan. Soon after, he was appointed deputy commander of the Western Route Army to liberate the southwest, and on December 29, he entered Chengdu.

In 1950, Wang Weizhou was transferred to the vice chairman of the Southwest Military and Political Commission and the director of the Southwest Ethnic Affairs Commission, and in 1951, he also served as the first president of the Southwest University for Nationalities. In 1954, he was elected to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. In September 1956, Wang Weizhou participated in the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and was elected as a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Supervision Commission.