
Liu Xiao Profile


In January 1947, Liu Xiao was appointed secretary of the Shanghai Branch of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and in May 1947, he was appointed secretary of the Shanghai Bureau. It was also from this year that Liu Xiao's family lived at No. 44, Lane 579, Yuyuan Road (Zhongshi New Village). This is a three-story brick and wood structure of the new lane house, the first floor is the living room, the second floor is occupied by Mrs. Zhang Yi with the children, and the third floor Liu Xiao lives alone. In the pavilion on the third floor, there lives Zhu Zhiliang, a translator and telegrapher, who is Liu Xiao's nephew. In this way, Liu Xiao can see the calls and instructions from the central government for the first time. Liu Xiao's public identity is the deputy general manager and director of Guan Leming Gold Pen Factory. Zhang Yi used the identity of a housewife as a cover and served as a confidential traffic officer among the underground party leadership. In the eyes of his neighbors, Liu Xiao is a businessman who is old, successful, hard-working, and earns money to support his family.

In 1948, the situation of the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was already clear. But in the pre-dawn darkness, the enemy became more and more frenzied, and Chiang Kai-shek ordered a hastened hunt for the leaders of the underground party in Shanghai. Liu Xiao immediately made a decision, on the one hand, he dispersed many cadres to other places. In March, Liu Xiao went to Hong Kong from Shanghai to preside over training courses for underground party cadres in Shanghai, Nanjing, and southwest China. When Liu Xiao arrived in Hong Kong, he was wearing a suit, a copper basin hat, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and a medium-sized slightly chubby figure, just like a big boss who went to Hong Kong to invest and set up a factory. He had always liked to read classical novels, and this time he carried with him a copy of "The Words of the Awakening World", which had actually been changed into a codebook by our translator.

On March 22, 1949, Liu Xiao secretly wrote materials about the economic situation in Shanghai at that time and the flight of the four major families of the Chinese Kuomintang with funds in a picture album of Zhang Daqian, and left Hong Kong with underground party member Lu Xiangxian and others on a British steamer and headed north. I met Chairman Mao at the Shuangqing Villa in Xishan. After presenting the materials to Chairman Mao, Chairman Mao praised the work of the underground party in Shanghai, asked Liu Xiao to prepare a letter of opinion to the central authorities on the issue of Shanghai's economic construction after liberation, and hoped that he would return to Shanghai and take over Shanghai together with a large number of southbound cadres drawn from various liberated areas.

On May 27, 1949, Shanghai was liberated, and the day of victory finally came after 12 years of arduous underground struggle! His wife Zhang Yi is worried about Liu Xiao in her heart, I don't know where he is now, can he come back this time? Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door. Opening the door, Zhang Yi was stunned: Liu Xiao in a People's Liberation Army uniform stood outside the door, next to him were Deng Xiaoping, Chen Yi, and one or two dozen soldiers standing behind.

His son Liu Jixiang saw Liu Xiao coming back in a military uniform, he felt strange and surprised, he opened his eyes and asked timidly: "Dad, you used to be in business, how did you become a PLA?" You teach me, and I will become a PLA after I learn. When they heard this, everyone laughed.

Heroes of China's Underground Party: Comrade Liu Xiao's Twelve-Year Crisis Verge.

The work of the underground party is extremely difficult and dangerous. The spy war drama is very popular among netizens, depicting the game between agents. The work of an agent is actually full of dangers, dealing with emergencies at any time, and his identity is in danger at any time. In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the outstanding performance of our party's underground party provided the party with reliable information and avoided many potential dangers, but it also sacrificed many outstanding underground workers. Such is the cruelty of intelligence work.

Comrade Liu Xiao, former ambassador of the Soviet Union, had been engaged in underground work for 12 years, and had reached the rank of deputy minister at the age of 80. In "Kite", the fate of the agents of our party who infiltrated the enemy is embarrassing. Comrade Liu Xiao was an outstanding underground party member, and for 12 years, his family did not even realize his true identity. This excellent underground intelligence worker is indeed admirable.

Liu Xiao, who went to Nanjing to study at the age of 17, came into contact with progressive books and periodicals such as "ABC of Communism" and "New Youth", and gradually accepted communist ideas. After participating in the Long March, he shouldered the heavy responsibility of rebuilding and restoring the underground party organization in Shanghai. The work is dangerous, but he does not hesitate to accept the challenge.

Liu Xiao also served as secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, leading underground party work in Shanghai and Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. For twelve years, he fought an extremely difficult confrontation with the enemy and achieved great merit. However, his underground work was so wonderful that even his family did not notice it. The son once asked in surprise: "Dad, you used to be in business, how did you become a PLA?" If it weren't for his father's military uniform, his family would not have been able to guess his true identity. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Xiao successively served as ambassador to the Soviet Union, executive deputy minister of foreign affairs, and ambassador to Albania.

On June 11, 1988, Comrade Liu Xiao, an outstanding agent of our party's hidden front, died of illness in Beijing at the age of 80. Liu Xiao's family admired his father immensely and often hoped that he would teach him how to fight underground. His life is a glorious chapter of the heroes of China's underground party, and the 12-year crisis is on the verge of a legend that will forever go down in history.

The story of Comrade Liu Xiao is an admirable and deeply painful chapter in the history of China's underground party. Based on detailed facts, this article vividly shows Comrade Liu Xiao's heroic struggle in the 12 years of underground work and the great achievements he has made. Comrade Liu Xiao's deeds are an outstanding representative of China's underground party members, who persisted in struggle in a crisis-ridden environment and made outstanding contributions to our party's cause of resistance against Japanese aggression.

At the beginning of the article, the hardships and dangers of the underground party's work were pointed out, and the theme of the game between the agents in the spy war drama was introduced. Through a review of the contribution of our party's underground party during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the article highlights the importance of the underground party's work, although there is no lack of sacrifice, but it also shows the firm belief and selfless dedication of the underground workers.

The image of Comrade Liu Xiao is vividly depicted, and his life experience from an ordinary teacher's family to a participant in the Long March and then to an underground worker constitutes a touching and profound picture. His resoluteness and fearlessness were fully demonstrated when he took on the arduous task of rebuilding and restoring the underground party organization in Shanghai. This experience also highlights the profound influence of communist ideology on his personal beliefs, presenting readers with an image of an underground party member who is determined and full of faith.

In the article, Comrade Liu Xiao's family life has also become a bright spot. His twelve years of underground work have been unnoticed by his family, which can't help but amaze people at Liu Xiao's wit and covert methods. The son timidly asked about his father's identity, which not only expressed his curiosity about his father, but also added a special sense of history to Comrade Liu Xiao's family education.

Finally, the brilliance of Comrade Liu Xiao's underground work was displayed. The arduous confrontation he waged with the enemy and the tremendous contributions he made made him worthy of being one of the heroes of the Chinese underground party. Through the description of Comrade Liu Xiao's life, the whole article not only allows readers to deeply understand the responsibilities and responsibilities of underground party members, but also pays high respect to the heroes of that era.

Liu Xiao, who was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and executive vice minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is an authentic Chenxi person, and is also a historical celebrity that Chenxi people are most talked about and proud of. He was a decent man all his life, loyal to the party and loved the people, and made outstanding meritorious deeds; although he held a high position, it was not easy for him to do his roots, and he always demanded strict demands on himself and his family, and the true character and family style of an old revolutionary have been passed down from generation to generation.

In the study of Liu Xiao by later generations, several letters from home allow people to see Liu Xiao's selflessness, simplicity and loyalty beyond the revolution. In 1950, Liu Xiao's younger brother suddenly sent his mother to Liu Xiao's place in Shanghai. At that time, because his mother was sick, Liu Xiao had to settle her. It was not until April 1951 that Liu's mother recovered from her illness and recovered her health, and Liu Xiao sent a letter to her brother-in-law Xiang Shaoyan. The letter said: "Last year, Yunji suddenly sent my mother to Shanghai without my consent in advance, which was really inappropriate. She is the target of land reform, and it is not appropriate to leave her hometown, so as not to avoid the suspicion of escaping land reform....... Later, he instructed in the letter: "When my mother returns, she must go through the household registration procedures and complete the registration procedures with the relevant government authorities, and please urge Yun Huan to read my letter to the relevant authorities, so that they can understand my attitude and have no worries when dealing with my family's problems." ”

In the early days of liberation, Liu Xiao had already held important positions in Shanghai and assisted Chen Yi in his work. At that time, in the face of the reform of the homeland, he believed that at this time, he should draw a clear line with the family, and everything should be done in accordance with national laws and regulations, without discrimination, and never favoritism. In a letter from Liu Xiao to his sister Su Yun, hundreds of words are sprinkled throughout, all of which are enlightening and guiding his sister and nephew to work hard, support the government, and stand on the same side as the poor middle peasants.

In the last century, China endured a century of humiliation, and the entire land of China was devastated, and it fell into a huge war. At that time, countless people with lofty ideals dared to be the first, threw themselves into the revolution, and made great efforts to liberate the whole of China.

Today, I would like to introduce to you a hero on the hidden front. He has worked silently for more than ten years, and has been entrusted by the central government, he is the former secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee - Liu Xiao.

So, what kind of revolutionary struggle experience does Liu Xiao have, and in which positions has he worked?

Participatory Revolution

Liu Xiao was born in Hunan in 1908, his father was a local teacher, so he received a good education from an early age, all the way to the entrance examination, and left his hometown in 1925 to study in Nanjing.

It was also during this time that Liu Xiao was exposed to many progressive books and periodicals, was deeply influenced, and joined the Communist Party in 1926, and has been involved in the revolution ever since.

In the beginning, he was active in Shanghai, engaged in underground propaganda work, achieved fruitful results, and successfully developed and strengthened the revolutionary forces.

After the defeat of the Great Revolution, the reactionaries carried out a frenzied persecution of our party, Liu Xiao was not intimidated, but continued to work underground, even if he was arrested and imprisoned twice, he was not afraid, and still insisted on fighting on the front line after being released from prison.

In 1932, Liu Xiao went to the Central Soviet Region, participated in the Red Army's Long March after participating in several anti-"encirclement and suppression" struggles, and finally arrived in northern Shaanxi.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee

In 1937, Liu Xiao was sent back to Shanghai by the organization and ordered to rebuild the local party organization. Before leaving, Chairman Mao of the CPC Central Committee and Premier Zhou repeatedly emphasized the importance of Shanghai to the party to Liu Xiao and gave a lot of guidance and suggestions.

Before leaving, Chairman Mao also invited him to dinner, pointing out: Revolutionary work cannot be accomplished overnight, and it is necessary to follow the mass line and slowly accumulate strength.

After arriving in Shanghai, Liu Xiao, together with Wang Yaoshan and Feng Xuefeng, set up a leading group to be responsible for the local organization and construction. As a result of their efforts, Shanghai's various work and functions have been restored, and the number of party members has increased on a large scale.

Soon after, the central government approved the establishment of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee. At this time, Liu Xiao, who was only 29 years old, officially assumed the post of secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee. It can be said that many revolutionaries of that era were worthy of great responsibilities when they were young, and they can be described as heroes and teenagers.

From that moment on, Liu Xiao led the comrades in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai to carry out arduous underground work, regardless of his personal safety, and provided a steady stream of information to the central authorities.

After the outbreak of the Liberation War, Liu Xiao still worked in Shanghai, mobilized and organized the local masses, relied on the working class and progressive youth, fought against the Kuomintang reactionaries, and provided important information for the party, which played a great role in the liberation of Shanghai.

In the past 12 years, Liu Xiao has always insisted on underground intelligence work. The process was full of hardships and dangers, but he never flinched and successfully completed the tasks assigned by the organization.

Turbulent years

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Xiao stayed in Shanghai and served as deputy secretary of the municipal party committee.

During that time, he gave full play to his understanding of the city, and made great efforts to stabilize prices and resume production and construction, which paved the way for the subsequent development of Shanghai.

In 1955, Liu Xiao stepped down from his leadership position in Shanghai and sent an envoy to the Soviet Union as ambassador abroad. In his new role, he continues to excel.

In 1962, Liu Xiao returned to China and served as executive vice minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1967, he went to Albania again and made outstanding contributions to the friendly exchanges between China and Albania.

In 1968, Liu Xiao, who had returned from Albania, was shocked and imprisoned. For seven years, Liu Xiao insisted on fighting against the counter-revolutionary group, refused to admit all false charges, and was finally rehabilitated in 1978 and returned to work.

At that time, he was already in his seventies, so he worked as an adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, providing advice and advice to the mainland's diplomatic undertakings and providing his valuable work experience. In 1988, Liu Xiao died at the age of 80.

In the history of the party, countless revolutionary ancestors shed their blood, fought in their posts, and contributed their strength in obscurity.

These people, such as Liu Xiao, are down-to-earth, brave to take responsibility, and work hard for the liberation and construction of the country as much as they can. They should be remembered by future generations.

All in all, China's ability to embark on today's road of rejuvenation is inseparable from the arduous struggle of our ancestors, and I believe that we can inherit and carry forward it and contribute to socialist construction.

Liu Xiao has led the underground party work in Shanghai for a long time, and successively served as secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Shanghai Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. During his 12 years of underground work, he dealt a heavy blow to the enemy in the heart of the enemy and in an extremely dangerous and complicated environment, not only rebuilding the Shanghai underground party, but also making the Shanghai underground party continue to grow and develop in the course of sharp and complicated struggles, always standing in China's largest city, dealing heavy blows to the enemy, and making major contributions to the revolutionary cause of the Chinese people.

In 1952, during the "Three Antis" and "Five Antis", Liu Xiao, the second secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, was unreasonably suspected of having problems with the funding of the underground party he was responsible for. At that time, Liu Xiao was very sad when he heard this, looked up to the sky and sighed, pointed to his chest, and said five words to an old comrade-in-arms tremblingly: "This heart can be to the sky!" These five shocking words are a revolutionary's heartfelt confession to the party organization with his political integrity and noble personality, and express the common spiritual characteristics of that generation of communists: faith, loyalty, honesty, responsibility, and responsibility.

"Heaven" means firm belief in communism and boundless loyalty to the Communist Party

In 1926, 18-year-old Liu Xiao was introduced by Liu Dechao to the Communist Party of China in Shanghai, and since then he has firmly embarked on the revolutionary road and struggled for the liberation cause of the Chinese people and socialist construction for more than 60 years. Throughout his long revolutionary career, he always maintained his firm belief in communism and boundless loyalty to the Communist Party. In 1927, he participated in the three armed uprisings in Shanghai, served as the secretary of the Fengxian County Committee of the Communist Party of China, the secretary general of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and in February 1932, he entered the Central Revolutionary Base Area. In October 1934, Liu Xiao participated in the Long March and served as the head of the Local Work Department of the Political Department of the First Army of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. In May 1937, Liu Xiao was sent by the Party Central Committee to Shanghai to restore and rebuild the underground party organization and lead the party's secret work.

In the arduous and tortuous revolutionary journey, Liu Xiao was arrested and imprisoned twice, and he was unyielding in the face of the enemy's torture, unwavering in the face of the enemy's temptation, strictly guarding the party's secrets, and showing the heroic and righteous spirit that a communist should have. The long-term intense underground work has sharpened his nerves to be extremely strong, and he can force himself to be on high alert and clear head no matter what the situation. At the end of 1943, on the way back to the south of Anhui along the Yangtze River from the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army from Li Xiannian, he was almost buried at the bottom of the river with the entire steamer. In this case, he still struggled to get out and find the party's connections. Ever since he fell into the river, he has been suffering from high blood pressure.

For the revolutionary cause, although Liu Xiao and his wife Zhang Yi have been married for ten years, they get together less and leave more. Zhang Yi was full of enthusiasm for the revolution, risked his life to leave his well-to-do family, and returned to Shanghai from Yan'an for the cause of the party and to support his work. She gave up her love of literature and the pursuit of creating a life independently, and became a "housewife" under the White Terror for the sake of cover. She kept a sentry for him, helped him receive comrades from the base, and at the same time doubled as an internal transportation. Because his work was extremely secretive, his wife knew the discipline of underground work, never inquired about his whereabouts or what he was doing, and he would never tell her anything she should not have known. It was the family life of the underground professional revolutionary, the sacrifice of the wife for the work of her husband, and the sacrifice of the revolutionary for his communist beliefs.

"Heaven" means that it not only abides by the party's discipline in an exemplary manner, but also creatively implements the party's resolutions

From the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to the War of Liberation, Liu Xiao led the work of the underground party in Shanghai for 12 years, and the underground party's leading organs were never destroyed, and the party's ranks continued to grow and develop. Liu Xiao is a model of abiding by the party's discipline and obeying the party's arrangements.

In May 1937, Liu Xiao was ordered to come to Shanghai to restore the underground party organization. In order to prevent sabotage, the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China adheres to the principle of working in white areas as open and secret, and requires every party member to have an open and legal social occupation and identity, take root among the masses, facilitate concealment, and ambush for a long time. Liu Xiao himself worked as a manager at Shanghai Ningshao Insurance Company, a teacher at Myron Middle School, and later as a manager at Shanghai Customs Leming Gold Pen Factory. He resolutely carried out the instructions of the CPC Central Committee on the work in the white areas, and creatively combined the restoration of the party's organization with the leadership of the anti-Japanese salvation movement. Liu Xiao also strictly separated the work of the upper strata from the work of the masses at the lower strata in order to prevent some of the vacillating elements among them from having an adverse impact on the party. However, it is necessary to cooperate appropriately in order to obtain favorable and legal working conditions and to expand the social basis for the struggle against the enemy.

Because Liu Xiao resolutely implemented the CPC Central Committee's policy on rebuilding the Shanghai underground party, the foundation of the rebuilt Shanghai underground party was very solid, and even in the harsh environment of the Japanese army's large-scale aggression and Shanghai became an "isolated island," the party organization not only remained safe and hidden, but also made new developments. By the time of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Shanghai Party had more than 2,000 members and had a tremendous force to connect with the masses of 200,000 or 300,000.

"Heaven" must adhere to honesty and honesty, diligence and frugality

In the long years of underground work, although Liu Xiao has been in the old Shanghai for a long time, and directly led several large enterprises run by the underground party. For example, GCL Commercial Bank, of which McWenlan is the manager, and the vast Chinese bank run by Lu Xuzhang, a "red capitalist", are all enterprises with prosperous business and abundant funds. The funds of these enterprises were directly called by Zhou Enlai and Liu Xiao, however, he always kept in mind Zhou Enlai's admonition of "out of the sludge without staining", and has always maintained the noble character of hard work and simplicity, diligence and thrift, and honesty and dedication.

Due to the soaring prices at that time, and the living allowance stipulated by the underground party was too small, his family had three children, and his wife had to go to the secret radio station for Liu Xiao to get the central documents, and also provoke all the housework, and he was busy inside and out. For safety, he can't hire a nanny, and his family's monthly expenses are always tight. Every time his wife went back to her parents' house, his father-in-law, who was a doctor, would secretly stuff some money into his daughter to subsidize their family. Lu Xuzhang also often blames Liu Xiao for being too thrifty, and his "line" is not crisp enough, unlike the style of the manager of Guan Leming Gold Pen Factory. As the top leader of the underground party in Shanghai, who was in charge of a large amount of funds, he often held meetings late at night, and when he was hungry, he was reluctant to buy even a few bowls of pure noodles mixed with Guangdong shrimp. During his underground work in Shanghai, he always adhered to the habit of keeping accounts every day, and all the party's expenditures were clearly remembered by secret methods. For the public's money, Liu Xiao is always careful and very tight. In order to welcome the liberation of Shanghai, Liu Xiao held a cadre training course in Hong Kong. Due to the large number of students and the large expenses, in order to save money, he has to personally review and sign every expenditure before he can spend it. For a while, in order to reduce expenses, students were even encouraged to use their free time to do odd jobs. Some students sell newspapers, and some even go to the dock to carry large bags, which is convenient for cover on the one hand, and can earn some pocket money on the other hand to improve their lives.

However, in order to help comrades who encountered special difficulties, or to rescue comrades-in-arms arrested by the Kuomintang, he never spared money, and often sold one or twenty gold bars. At the beginning of 1948, when the White Terror was at its worst, there were several incidents of comrades being arrested one after another. The "boss" of the secret contact point Fumin Food Society, Ta Rong, and the secret traffic officer Xiong Zhihua were betrayed and arrested by traitors. Liu Xiao rescued at all costs, and in order to raise enough money, he even sold the bungalow in Maris New Village, which was an important point of contact.

"Heaven" is to be bright and upright

He treats his comrades with sincerity and openness. Lu Xiangxian is an underground party member from post and telecommunications in the Hong Kong cadre training class, and is Liu Xiao's assistant in writing report materials. On the way north to Beijing in March 1949, Lu Xiangxian was so seasick that he not only vomited, but also couldn't even get up to urinate. Liu Xiao is not seasick, he has been personally serving Lu Xiangxian and other comrades in the same company, and he has no big cadres.

In those turbulent days, Liu Xiao was not spared and was sent to Qincheng Prison. In prison, he endured torture to extract confessions. The case-handling personnel asked him to explain the situation of many leaders of the underground party in Shanghai, such as Pan Hannian, Liu Ningyi, Zhang Zhiyi, Liu Shaowen, Mei Yi, and many other comrades, but he insisted that these comrades were all good comrades loyal to the party. As a result, more than seven years of prison life turned this former Shanghai underground party leader and famous diplomat into a demented patient.

Liu Xiao has always suffered from high blood pressure, and his inhumane treatment in prison has led to the sequelae of cerebral thrombosis causing mental illness. After being released from prison, his condition was relieved after treatment. He misses those old comrades-in-arms in Shanghai who live and die together. In early 1978, accompanied by his son, Liu Xiao went to Shanghai. The news of Liu Xiao's arrival in Shanghai spread quickly. Wang Yaoshan, Zhang Chengzong, Zhang Qi, Chen Xiuliang, and many other veteran comrades of the underground party came to visit him when they heard the news. However, the comrades who came to visit him never expected that the old leader they admired would become such a crippled person who did not know him at all, and completely lost the majesty, kindness, and chic demeanor of the past, and they were all very sad. So, everyone found a way, contacted the hospital, and asked the doctor to treat him. In order to take better care of Liu Xiao, Cao Da, an old traffic officer of the underground party in Shanghai, went to the East Lake Guest House to take care of him. Cao Da respects his old leader very much. He told him that he was willing to represent the comrades of the underground party and come as his "orderly". Liu Xiao was so moved that he cried. He felt incredibly warm. Cao Da's family lives on Sichuan Road, and he goes out early and returns late every day to take care of him, massage him, do all kinds of chores, and wait for six months. These are the recognition of his comrades-in-arms for his personality and character.

During this period, he was full of friendly feelings for the comrades of the underground party in Shanghai. He insisted on attending all the memorial services of underground party comrades, and sometimes even offered to preside over them himself. Although Liu Xiao's own political conclusions have not yet been made, he is very concerned about those comrades who came to visit him who still carry the burden of history and have not been rehabilitated. He warmly received some comrades who asked him to prove his "historical joints" and testified to them in a truth-seeking manner, so that these comrades who had suffered injustices for a long time could reach a fair conclusion.

Liu Xiao's precious footprints in Shanghai. In 1932, he served as the head of the Organization Department of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and was known as "Xiao Liu". Once Fujian Province was going to hold a party congress, Ren Bi, secretary of the provincial party committee, only knew that the comrades in the party called him "Xiao Liu", and it was not standardized enough to write Xiao Liu into the registration book, so it was changed to "Liu Xiao". Since then, Liu Xiao has used the name given to him by Ren Bi for the rest of his life.

A few days ago, the author followed the precious footprints left by Liu Xiao in Shanghai and set off from Fengcheng Town, Fengxian District, to start a red imprint search.

Liu Xiao's family

The guardian of Fengxian's history

"We have iron discipline and red blood singing, revolutionary youth, unite and pursue the dawn of the revolution...... this impassioned song is the school song of Shuguang Middle School in Fengxian District. 94 years ago, in this place where the singing was ringing, Liu Xiao, in accordance with the instructions of his superiors to "preserve the revolutionary forces and develop the struggle in the Fengxian area", founded a private Shuguang Junior High School with Li Zhuyi and others in the Pangong Ancestral Hall in Fengcheng. The first party branch in Fengxian was established, and the spark of revolution was ignited.

When the author and Wang Qinhong, full-time vice chairman of the Fengcheng Federation of Trade Unions, arrived at the former site of the Fengxian County Committee of the Communist Party of China, which is located in the northeast corner of Fengcheng, Yang Yingqi, the administrator of the old site, who was already over the age of old, was already waiting at the door. In August 1927, Communist Party members Li Zhuyi and Liu Xiao founded Shuguang Middle School here, and under the cover of being teachers, they established a party branch to carry out revolutionary activities. Liu Xiao served as the branch secretary of the special branch of Shuguang Middle School...... "Yang Yingqi trotted all the way to the exhibition hall to open the door and turn on the lights, but the explanation did not stop for a moment.

Yang Yingqi told me that she was a women's cadre of the Fengcheng No. 1 Neighborhood Committee before she retired, and in 2013, the relevant departments wanted to find a person who lived near the old site and knew more about that period of history as the administrator of the old site, so they approached Yang Yingqi for advice. "At that time, the leader asked me if I would like to, and I immediately agreed, patriotic education cannot be delayed!" Since then, Yang Yingqi has worn many hats, in addition to explaining, he has also contracted cleaning, watering flowers and other affairs. "There is a podocarpus planted in 1927 in the backyard, I was sick when I came, I paid for fertilizer and tung oil, and changed the soil for the old mud, this podocarpus is a witness to history, it would be a pity if it died like this."

The former site of the Fengxian County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China was renovated by the original "Pan Gong Ancestral Hall" in 2001. Although it has undergone many repairs, the antique is more dilapidated and decayed. The author saw at the scene that many of the booths had been damaged, and the paint of the columns was peeling off in large areas. According to Yang Yingqi's recollection, the most difficult day was the typhoon day. "When it comes to typhoon days, I have to be scared, because the old buildings have poor drainage and leakage of wind and rain, and sometimes I even have to run over in the middle of the night with buckets and basins to catch and pour water. On one typhoon day, the roof ridge was directly blown away by the typhoon, and I hurriedly called my son-in-law, who was a plasterer, to come and repair it. Yang Yingqi said that due to the water leakage, many oil paintings and exhibition panels will be damp and moldy, and what is even more sad is that some precious cultural relics are wet by the rain. The happy life we have today was bought with the blood and lives of these martyrs, and I cannot let them suffer and soak in muddy water. ”

It is gratifying that at the beginning of 2020, the proposal of the Fengcheng CPPCC Liaison Group on the renovation of the old site of the Fengxian County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China was highly valued by the Fengxian District Party Committee and District Government, and the upgrading and reconstruction of the old site was listed as a key project at the district level. In mid-September last year, the relocation of the old site was fully launched. The author also noticed at the scene that the office building that originally belonged to Fengcheng No. 1 Primary School has been demolished for the renovation of the old site, and will be used as a new entrance to the memorial hall.

According to the Information Office of the Fengxian District Government, the expansion project of the former site of the Fengxian County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China is located in Fengcheng Town, Fengxian District, adjacent to Wanfo Pavilion on the west side and Fengcheng No. 1 Primary School on the east side. The total planned land area of the plot is 4,152.3 square meters, of which the planned construction land area is 3,409.2 square meters. The expansion project of the former site of the Fengxian County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China will retain a protected building (the former site of the Fengxian County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China), two reserved buildings (the first into the west wing and the second into the west wing), and a new two-story exhibition hall building, the exhibition content mainly includes the display of Fengxian revolutionary history and historical materials, which is a supplement to the original exhibition part of the former site of the county party committee, and at the same time integrates cultural exchanges, tourism reception, office, conference, reception room, multi-functional hall and other supporting rooms, as well as outdoor parking greening and other functions.

Shuguang Middle School has a "Red Sun Propaganda Group"

In such a middle school with red genes, students spontaneously set up a "Red Sun Propaganda Group" in 2018 to preach the history of Fengxian, the history of the founding of Shuguang Middle School and national heroes and martyrs in the school community in Fengxian District.

Chen Jiakang, the person in charge of the school's propaganda team, told the author that the members of the propaganda team have grown a lot subtly under the training of preparing and preaching again and again. For example, once in the process of preparing for the five heroes of Langya Mountain, the first draft was just to download materials from the Internet to make PPT, and after the trial lecture, the members felt that there was no touching touch. Later, he took the initiative to dig into the spiritual core of Langya Mountain, looking for the "Five Heroes of Contemporary Langya Mountain" - the border anti-narcotics police as the entry point, and revised the lesson plan overnight. "I will often take them to museums and Longhua Martyrs Cemetery to study, and after a period of time, I found that they have three changes: from watching flowers and flowers to recording the content of the exhibition with paper and pencils; From taking photos of tourists to taking historical materials; From completing tasks to loving them from the heart. ”

He Xinyi, a member of the propaganda group, also told the author that joining the propaganda group is not only not a burden, but also allows him to combine work and rest to learn history and revere history, especially the modern history part of the preaching, which is very helpful to his studies.

The Zhuanghang armed rebellion started here

According to the local chronicles of Shanghai and the website of the People's Government of Fengxian District, Shanghai, on January 21, 1929, organized by the Fengxian County Committee of the Communist Party of China, under the leadership of Hang Guoren, Chen Yun, Yan Pu, Mao Xueqin, Liu Xiao, Tang Yixin, etc., an armed peasant rebellion in Zhuanghang Town was held. At half past seven o'clock in the evening, the contingent of more than 100 people was armed with broadswords, iron forks, clubs, spears, and earthen guns, in addition to 17 shell guns, two six-inch pistols, and some earthen grenades. The riot team held high the red flag, each wearing a red cloth mark on their necks, and marched to Fengxian Zhuang Xingzhen in three ways. At about half past eight, the battle against the Kuomintang public security branch began, killing one staff member and wounding two sergeants. After the battle of the public security branch was over, the other two teams rushed to Zhuangxing. The rioters lit firecrackers and put them in kerosene tanks, posing as machine guns to deter the enemy. The rioters captured Chujing Temple and captured three people. The merchant group abandoned their guns and fled, the public security detachment dispersed, and the Kuomintang forces in the whole town were all eliminated in less than an hour, and the riot team occupied Zhuanghang Town. The gentry and landlords had all fled, and the masses poured kerosene on the searched land slips, deeds, and debts, but the fire turned into a prairie fire and burned down some houses. At about 10 o'clock, the rioters guarding the intersection shot and killed Han Yongliang, the local security officer of Zhuanghang Town, who tried to sneak to the south bridge of the county seat to report the news. During the riot, more than 30 rifles were seized, and three team members, including Zhang Sidi and Wang Duosheng, died.

At around 2 a.m. on the 22nd, the riot team assembled as a whole and announced that the goal had been achieved, that is, the team was ordered to withdraw from Zhuanghang Town. Hang Guoren, Chen Yun, Liu Xiao and others immediately withdrew to Shanghai, while Tang Yixin, Feng Awu, Wu Dalong, Wu Sanlong and others remained in the local area to persist in the struggle. Five Red Army soldiers, including Mao Xueqin and Gao Dasheng, were unfortunately arrested in Shanghai and were martyred on 6 February. The CPC members and the backbone of the insurrection who persisted in the struggle in the county were persecuted by the authorities one after another, and Tang Yixin and other comrades sacrificed their precious lives.

The Kuomintang authorities were shocked by the armed peasant uprising in Zhuanghang. Li Jiahan, the county magistrate, was removed from his post and retained his post because of "ineffective prevention," and Zhang Tongkun, director of the public security branch, was "wanted" after escaping after being "removed from investigation." The Songhu Garrison Command, the Water Public Security Force, the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, and the puppet governments of Songjiang and Nanhui counties dispatched nearly 1,000 troops, special service brigades, and public security teams to "station in the county to suppress and deter." CCP members and backbone rioters who had not yet evacuated the county border and persisted in the struggle were persecuted by the authorities, and many of them sacrificed their precious lives.

Later, Liu Xiao commented on this riot and said: "I want to make a riot, but in fact I am blind. Why do you say that? According to Liu Xiao's oral materials compiled by Shen Yiqin of the Shanghai Historical Research Institute in 1981, before the Zhuangxing riot, Liu Xiao had found Chen Yun and hoped to appoint cadres to strengthen the leadership of the riot. If the situation deteriorates, including yourself, the main cadres will have to withdraw to Shanghai, and you must not stay there! In short, it is important to preserve the backbone. ”

After the riot ended, as Chen Yun expected, even if it succeeded, it would not be tenable in Zhuangxing. The enemy transferred a large number of regular troops from Jiangsu and Zhejiang to rush straight to Zhuangxing, and the peasant armed forces could not withstand it at all. Zhuang Hang was reoccupied by the enemy, and the rebellion failed.

Although the riot failed, the provincial party committee generally praised the Zhuangxing riot, but there were also personal opinions that the responsible person should not retreat prematurely. In view of this, the provincial party committee has formed a form of consolidating the peasant armed forces that have already been organized, and dispersing the work of attacking the enemy in the form of small guerrilla attacks.

In the spring of 1929, the provincial party committee decided to send Liu Xiao to study in the cadre training class run by the Central Committee, and after a month of study, Liu Xiao gained a lot, realizing that the general task of the party at present is not to attack, not to organize an uprising, but to win over the masses and realize the spirit of the Ten Programs, and the main dangerous tendency in the party is to break away from the spirit of the six major resolutions such as blind activism that is divorced from the masses. According to the learning content, Liu Xiao sorted out his own thoughts, and his understanding has been greatly improved.

Liu Xiao led the Shanghai underground party

On Yuyuan Road, the leaves of the sycamore trees fall with the wind. Cafes on both sides of the road are full of young people enjoying their afternoons.

According to the guidance of the map, the author came to Zhongshi New Village, Lane 579, Yuyuan Road, to find Liu Xiao's residence in Shanghai during the Liberation War - No. 44, Zhongshi New Village. I saw a three-story building sitting north and facing south, the door on the first floor was locked, and there was a fence to cover it, and the curtains were drawn on the second and third floors, and the internal situation was unknown. On the left side of the gate, there is a stone tablet with the words Liu Xiao's former residence, and a plaque of Liu Xiao's former residence is also hung on the wall. However, the security guard of CIIC New Village told me that the building is currently a private residence and cannot be accessed inside.

Back in 1937, after attending the White Zone Work Conference in Yan'an, Liu Xiao was entrusted by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to be responsible for the restoration and reconstruction of the underground party organization in Shanghai. Due to the influence of the "leftist" line, the party organizations in Shanghai were severely destroyed and destroyed by the Kuomintang. At this time, the representative bodies of the central authorities in Shanghai and the leading bodies of the local organizations in Shanghai no longer existed, leaving only a few systematically scattered party organizations with party members to fight independently. In July 1937, according to the telegram of the Party Central Committee, Liu Xiao, Feng Xuefeng, and Wang Yaoshan first formed the Shanghai Three-Person Group of the Communist Party of China to lead the work of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai. In November 1937, with the approval of the Central Committee, on the basis of the Shanghai three-member group of the Communist Party of China, the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China was formally established, with Liu Xiao as secretary, Liu Changsheng as deputy secretary, Wang Yaoshan as the head of the organization department, Sha Wenhan as the director of the propaganda department, and Zhang Aiping as the secretary of the military commission.

After 1947, Liu Xiao assumed the pseudonym Liu Jingqing, and lived at No. 44, Lane 579, Yuyuan Road (Zhongshi New Village), under the cover of the deputy general manager and shareholder of Guan Leming Pen and Stationery Factory. This building is one of the secret organs of the Shanghai Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Liu Xiao's wife, Zhang Yi, is responsible for transmitting documents, picking up telegrams, and covering the work of the organs.

In 1948, the situation of the Liberation War was already clear. Chiang Kai-shek ordered the hunt for the leaders of the underground party in Shanghai. At this time, Liu Xiao received Zhou Enlai's instruction that "the struggle in the area under Chiang's administration should have a sober mind and flexible strategy", and according to the instructions, he put forward the spirit of "evacuating and concealing, accumulating strength, and waiting for the opportunity", and demanded that the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee organize the retreat and evacuation of party members who have been exposed, have been noticed by the enemy, and are in greater danger, and also rearrange the party organizations on all fronts, changing from the leadership of the districts to the leadership of the districts, so as to make preparations for the People's Liberation Army to enter the city and take over.

In February 1949, Shanghai changed its original party organization system and divided it into nine district committees according to regions, which led the work and mass struggles on all fronts in the region in a unified manner. Liu Xiao also instructed the underground party grassroots organizations to vigorously develop new party members and strengthen the party's strength. Therefore, during this period, the Shanghai Municipal CPC Committee actively and prudently recruited a number of new party members from important factories and schools who had withstood the tests of previous movements, and recruited more than 1,200 workers' party members and more than 1,000 student party members. By the eve of liberation, the total number of party members in the urban area reached 8,665.

In March, Liu Xiao traveled from Shanghai to Hong Kong to preside over training courses for underground party cadres in Shanghai, Nanjing, and southwest China, so as to prepare politically and ideologically for the liberation. On April 23, 1949, the People's Liberation Army liberated Nanjing. Early the next morning, Liu Xiao traveled south by train with a group of underground party members and a group of southbound party members in Shanghai to attend a study class for cadres who had taken over Shanghai in Danyang.

Liu Xiao is with Shanghai

In "Materials and Research on the History of the Shanghai Revolution" (Volume 5), Ma Fulong and Shen Yiqin summarize Liu Xiao's love affair with Shanghai at the end of the article. It is written in the book that in the 12 years from 1937 to the liberation of Shanghai, Liu Xiao firmly and creatively implemented the basic principles and strategies of the CPC Central Committee on the work in the white areas, and made outstanding contributions to the liberation of the whole country and the people of Shanghai. After the liberation of Shanghai, Liu Xiao served as a member of the Standing Committee of the East China Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and head of the Organization Department, and the second secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. We have strengthened the party's ideological, organizational, and cadre contingent building, and have achieved remarkable results in rapidly restoring and developing Shanghai's economy, culture, and education. Until 1955, Liu Xiao was transferred out of Shanghai.

The Chinese Communist Party opened up a number of hidden fronts in Nanjing.

  After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the establishment of the united front of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the Communist Party of China on the one hand developed anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare in the vast rural areas of the Japanese-occupied areas, and on the other hand, actively and steadily established and developed underground party organizations and carried out underground anti-Japanese struggles in the major and medium-sized cities in the Japanese-occupied areas. After the fall of Shanghai and Nanjing, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Yan'an immediately instructed the New Fourth Army to quickly divide its forces and advance eastward from southern Anhui, establish anti-Japanese base areas in the vast rural areas around Nanjing, and launch anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare. At the same time, in accordance with the principles and methods laid down by the CPC Central Committee for working in the big cities in the Japanese-occupied areas, the relevant organizations under the leadership of the CPC quickly dispatched personnel to Nanjing in different guises and methods, and successively established a number of underground organizations and a number of activity routes to carry out anti-Japanese activities. Important achievements have been made in underground work on all covert fronts.

  The Nanjing Intelligence Group's "Punch In"

  Soon after the Japanese army occupied Shanghai, the Central Intelligence Department of the Communist Party of China set up an intelligence station in Shanghai, headed by Pan Hannian. In addition to the Chinese members, the Shanghai intelligence station also included Japanese CPC members Ryuo Nishiri and Nakanishi Gong. These Japanese CCP members were originally members of the Comintern's Shanghai Intelligence Organization under Sorge's leadership. Later, Sorge and Ozaki Hidemi were sent to Japan, and the rest of the Japanese CCP members worked in the CCP's intelligence system. Nishiri Ryufu's public identity is that of a reporter for the Japanese Allied News Agency, while Nakanishi works in the investigation office of the Shanghai office of the Japanese South Manchurian Railway Co., Ltd.

  In March 1938, the headquarters of Japan's "Central China Dispatch Army" was moved from Shanghai to Nanjing, and the Reporting Department of the Headquarters transferred Ryuo Nishiri to Nanjing to serve as the chief reporter of the Nanjing branch of the Japanese Alliance. This is also the first time that personnel of the CCP's intelligence system have entered Nanjing. In 1938, after the establishment of the puppet restoration government in Nanjing, the "China United News Agency" (hereinafter referred to as the "China Associated Press") was established. Using their status as chief reporters, Xili Longfu and Chen Yifeng often collected a lot of important information in Nanjing and sent it to Shanghai.

  In April 1939, the Shanghai Intelligence Station of the Communist Party of China sent Zhang Mingda (also known as Fang Zhida) to Nanjing to be responsible for the transmission of intelligence between Xili Longfu and Chen Yifeng. Zhang Mingda first opened a small department store in Nanjing as a cover, diagonally opposite the small shop was the Ministry of Industry of the puppet government, and not far to the west was the Japanese military police. Chen Yifeng often went to this small shop to buy cigarettes in order to pass on information and receive instructions. Soon, Chen Yifeng asked Zhang Ming to apply for a liaison officer at the "China Associated Press" and was successfully admitted. Zhang Mingda, in the capacity of liaison officer of the "China Associated Press," took a train back and forth from Nanjing to various cities along the Shanghai line to convey the information obtained by Xili Longfu and Chen Yifeng.

  After the establishment of Wang's puppet government in Nanjing in 1940, the Shanghai Intelligence Station of the Communist Party of China successively sent Li Desheng (also known as Ji Gang), Zhang Mingxian (Li Desheng's wife), Wang Jinyuan, Lu Yifeng, Ruan Yuqi and others to Nanjing to carry out intelligence work.

  After Li Desheng arrived in Nanjing, he used the cover of practicing medicine under the pretext of practicing medicine and took advantage of his connections with fellow villagers in Shandong to gain the trust of Su Chengde, director of the puppet Capital Police Department, Li Shengwu, director of the puppet education department, Zhang Jiyuan, director of the General Affairs Department of the puppet General Staff Headquarters, and Zhu Qingchuan, chief of staff of the puppet Capital Garrison Command, and obtained a large amount of information. Most of the information obtained by Xili Longfu and Chen Yifeng was sent to Li Desheng first. Li Desheng's wife, Zhang Mingxian, was in charge of writing secret information. If the information is too long, it will be secretly written on the inside pages of the press release of the "China Associated Press" or fake magazines; If it is information that does not have many words, or if it is particularly important top-secret information, Zhang Mingdamo will memorize it in his mind, write it down after arriving in Shanghai, and send it to our intelligence station.

  Wang Jinyuan is proficient in Japanese and has a strong patriotic heart. Through his working relationships, he became acquainted with a number of Chinese and Japanese progressives and revolutionaries, and his ideological understanding was greatly enhanced. In December 1936, he was introduced to the Communist Party of China by Ryuo Xili and Chen Yifeng, and was responsible for the work of the Japanese overseas Chinese in Shanghai. After the fall of Shanghai, he was ordered by the organization to work in the Secretariat of the Puppet Shanghai Avenue Municipal Government, the Puppet New Youth Daily, and the Reporting Section of the Puppet University Shanghai Radio Station. In May 1939, Wang Jinyuan entered Wang Jingwei's "Institute of International Studies", and was deeply "appreciated" by Zhou Longzhen, and was recommended to Wang Jingwei as a Japanese translator and entourage secretary. After the establishment of Wang's puppet government, Chen Yifeng went to work for the "Central Telecommunications Agency" of Wang's puppet government and continued to work as a reporter. Ryuo Nishiri, on the other hand, continued to engage in covert front activities in the upper echelons of the Japanese puppet authorities in his capacity as an adviser to the reporting department of the Japanese "China Dispatch Army" headquarters and the chief reporter of the Nanjing branch of the Japanese Allied News Agency.

  The "bring out" of the Party Committee of the Suwan District of the Communist Party of China

  In December 1939, the Southeast Bureau of the Communist Party of China decided to establish the Party Committee of Jiangsu and Anhui District, with Wu Zhongchao and Tan Qilong as the principal and deputy secretaries, and under the jurisdiction of three special committees in southern Jiangsu, Jiangsu and Anhui, and northern Jiangsu. The party committee of the Suzhou-Anhui district attaches great importance to carrying out work in Nanjing. Most of their work is carried out by the method of "bringing out," that is, they recruit patriotic people in various trades in Nanjing, take them to the base areas or guerrilla areas controlled by the Chinese communist army to study and train, and then send them back to Nanjing to work.

  During the summer vacation of 1939, Zhao Yunju, an intelligence officer of the New Fourth Army operating in Changzhou, came into contact with Zhu Weijuan (also known as Xu Qin), a student of the Experimental Girls' Middle School of Nanjing Jinling Women's College of Arts and Sciences, who had returned to his hometown for vacation, and learned that they had secretly formed an anti-Japanese group "Group of Seven" in the school and hoped to establish contact with the New Fourth Army, so he reported their situation to his superiors. In December 1939 and April 1940, the Party Committee of the Suwan District of the Communist Party of China successively sent Li Fu, Wang Daming, Zhu Weijuan and others to meet with them, instructing them to make friends in Nanjing and expand the scope of activities; In July 1940, during the summer vacation of the school, Zhu Weijuan, Wang Xiuqi, and Jiang Xiuying (also known as Shi Xuan) were transferred to the guerrilla area for a one-month training, and they were approved to join the party organization, and a party branch was formed, with Wang Xiuqi as the branch secretary.

  In September 1940, Zhu Weijuan was admitted to the School of Literature of Wang Puppet Central University. Together with other members of the party branch, she united progressive youth, and successively secretly established the Youth Mutual Aid Association, the Solidarity National Salvation Society, the Youth National Salvation Society and other peripheral organizations of the Communist Party of China, and found and trained Fang Kun (also known as Pan Tian) and others to join the Communist Party of China. In July 1941, the Jiangnan District Party Committee, which was reorganized by the Party Committee of Jiangsu and Anhui District, sent Shu Cheng to Nanjing, under the pseudonym Jiang Xiulin, to lead the underground work in Nanjing. At the beginning of 1942, the Nanjing Special Branch of the Communist Party of China was established, with Shu Cheng as secretary and Wang Xiuqi and Jiang Xiuying as members; In July 1942, the Nanjing Working Committee was established, with Shu Cheng still as secretary, and in addition to continuing to work among the students, party members were also sent to carry out activities among workers, shop assistants, and clerks. In June 1944, Shu Cheng and others were transferred out of Nanjing, and the newly formed Party Committee of the Communist Party of China in Jiangsu and Zhejiang sent Fang Xiu as a special commissioner to Nanjing to lead the underground work. By the time Japan surrendered in August 1945, there were more than 50 CCP members in the system.

  Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China "sent in"

  In May 1937, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sent Liu Xiao to Shanghai to restore and rebuild the underground party organization of the Communist Party of China. In October, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China approved the establishment of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai, with Liu Xiao as secretary. The Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China immediately carried out its work in Nanjing. It is different from the method of "bringing out" of the Party Committee of the Communist Party of China in the Suwan District, but adopts the method of "sending in". In March and April 1940, the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China dispatched Ma Zhuoran, an underground party member from Nanjing who worked for the British Bus Company in Shanghai, to Nanjing to break into the Xiaguan business office of the Central China Railway Transportation Company, which was jointly owned by Japan and the puppet company. In September, the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China sent Zhu Qiluan, who had relatives and friends in Nanjing, from the Pudong guerrillas to Nanjing to rebuild the party organization. In early 1941, Chu Kailuan entered a private training secondary school as a foreign language teacher, and was later promoted to director of education. Then, the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China successively dispatched more than 10 people, including Zhang Baosheng (also known as Zhu Lei), Ke Jianping (also known as Ke Xiuzhen), and He Guangxin (also known as He Ming), from Shanghai to Nanjing. In June 1942, the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee sent Liu Feng and Ouyang Yi to Nanjing. In August, the Nanjing Working Group of the Communist Party of China was established, headed by Liu Feng and Zhu Qiluan, and there were 17 party members in the group. In March 1943, the Urban Industry Department of the Central China Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was established, and the minister was Liu Xiao. The Ministry of Urban Industry successively sent more than 10 people, including Sheng Tianren, Ye Zhengzheng, Peng Yuan, and Chen Shenyan, to Nanjing. In June 1944, the Nanjing Working Committee was also established, with Liu Feng and Zhu Qiluan serving as the chairman and deputy secretary respectively, in addition to leading the underground work in Nanjing, they were also in charge of the work of the underground organizations of the CCP in Ma'anshan, Zhenjiang and other places. By the time Japan surrendered, there were more than 80 party members in Nanjing.

  The intelligence department of the General Staff of the Eighth Route Army in Yan'an directly penetrated the top of the puppet army

  In March 1942, the intelligence department of the General Staff of the Eighth Route Army in Yan'an directly sent Xu Chuguang, a military intelligence officer, to work in Nanjing. Xu Chuguang, also known as Xu Zufang. After he arrived in Nanjing, he was introduced to Zhu Yaxiong, the head of the Daya Mountain Hall in Nanjing and the leader of the Red Gang. He first engaged in business, and then went to Nanjing Puppet Central Military Academy to serve as a colonel tactical instructor, and soon served as the secretary of the colonel of the Intelligence Department of the Political Department of the puppet Military Commission, the colonel chief of the Sixth Section of the puppet War Department, and the colonel and counselor military attache of the Puppet Military Commission. During this period, he made friends among the upper and middle-level officers of the puppet army, collected military and political intelligence, and plotted against the puppet army officers. At the beginning of 1943, the General Staff of the Eighth Route Army sent Ma Yunping and others to infiltrate Nanjing to assist Xu Chuguang in his work.

  In addition to the above-mentioned four main lines of activity, the CCP also sent personnel from the Second Division of the New Fourth Army in Huainan and the First and Third Divisions of the New Fourth Army in Northern Jiangsu to Nanjing to develop underground anti-Japanese activities.

No. 44 of CIIC New Village, which interprets the legend of spy warfare. Zhongshi New Village, No. 579 Yuyuan Road, built in 1912, is a new style of lane residence invested and built by the former China Industrial Bank, consisting of 2 5-storey apartments and 43 2-to-3-storey buildings, covering an area of 7,033 square meters and a construction area of 8,972 square meters. The alley houses in the new village are brick and wood structure, with red tiles and four slope roofs, always straight, one to the end, eight horizontal fish bones like two sides open, completely symmetrical, and it looks unconventional. One side is made of eaves gable, the façade of the alley is decorated simply, the horizontal ribbon of light color stucco and the clear water red brick window are alternated, the middle of the south façade is set up to pick out the balcony, and there is a small courtyard on the ground floor. Along the road are two 5-storey apartment buildings, which are side-by-side and confrontational, which looks very magnificent. The residents of the 2 apartments do not enter and exit from the alley, and the door is directly opened on Yuyuan Road, although it is an integral part of the alley, but it maintains the independence of the apartment itself.

CIIC New Village is an outstanding historical building in Shanghai. No. 44 Zhongshi New Village, although it is a very ordinary residence in the alley, but under the dark rule of the Kuomintang, a legend of red spy warfare has been interpreted. Its former owner was an out-and-out "pretender", with a calm life on the surface and an undercurrent of true identity, and he was Comrade Liu Xiao, secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the underground party of the Communist Party of China, who made great contributions to the cause of Shanghai's liberation. No. 44 Zhongshi Xincun was the residence of Comrade Liu Xiao's family from July 1947 to May 1949, and it was also one of the secret organs of the Shanghai Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.


The torrent of revolution has forged the talents of revolutionary struggle

Liu Xiao's life is quite legendary. His original name was Liu Yunquan, and he was born on May 13, 1908 in Chenxi, Hunan, in a family of teachers. When he was young, he was influenced by the New Culture Movement, full of enthusiasm, and actively threw himself into the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal revolutionary torrent in pursuit of truth, democracy and freedom. In 1925, Liu Xiao left his hometown of Hunan to study in Nanjing, where he began to read progressive books and embraced communist ideas. In 1926, he was admitted to the Shanghai National Chengchi University, and under the inspiration and guidance of the underground party organization of the Communist Party of China, he continued to engage in patriotic student movements and anti-imperialist and anti-feudal revolutionary activities, and joined the Communist Party of China in the same year.

Liu Xiao's relationship with Shanghai began in 1937. In order to deploy the nationwide struggle to resist Japan and save the country, he was sent by the Party Central Committee in the spring and summer of 1937 to Shanghai to restore and rebuild the underground party organization and lead the secret work of the underground party in Shanghai. He successively served as secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, director of the Urban Industry Department of the Central China Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, secretary of the Shanghai Branch of the CPC Central Committee, and secretary of the Shanghai Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. In accordance with the spirit of the Party Central Committee's instructions, Liu Xiao examined the underground party members working in Shanghai one by one, thus laying a solid foundation for the reconstruction of the underground party organization in Shanghai.


The residence of the revolutionary struggle that continues the red blood

In Shanghai, Liu Xiao, alias Liu Jingqing, lived with his family in a three-story building in Lane 47 of Lawden Road (now Xiangyang North Road). Downstairs is the economic organization of the underground party led by Wu Xuezhi, "Xietaixing". After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the two adjacent buildings were occupied by the Kuomintang reception officers, and they had the background of the Central and Military Commands, Liu Xiao thought it was not safe here, so he decided to move.

At that time, Shanghai under the shroud of the White Terror was full of spies, and the most important thing in the party's underground work was safety, but it was not easy to find a safe place in Shanghai. Liu Xiao traveled all over Shanghai, looking around for houses, and he first took a fancy to No. 33, Lane 608 (Wenyuanfang), Yuyuan Road, which was a townhouse that matched his identity. Later, I learned that this alley was a place where many military commanders and spies hid their coquettishness, and the spies often came and went here, lacking a sense of security. Just when he was undecided, Lu Xuzhang, a red "capitalist" and an underground CCP member of the vast Chinese Bank who lived at No. 44 Zhongshi New Village across the road, transferred his No. 44 residence to Liu Xiao because he needed to find a bigger house for work, and Liu Xiao claimed to the outside world that he had booked the house here with a lot of money, continuing the red blood of the underground party of the CCP in the revolutionary struggle.

In July 1947, Liu Xiao and his family lived in No. 44 Zhongshi New Village. The first floor is the living room, the second floor is occupied by his wife Zhang Yi and the children, Liu Xiao lives alone on the third floor, and Zhu Zhiliang, a translator and telegrapher, lives in the pavilion on the third floor, and his external identity is Liu Xiao's nephew. In this way, Liu Xiao can quickly get the call and instructions from the central government as soon as possible. Liu Xiao was the secretary of the Shanghai Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China at the time, presiding over the work of the underground party in Shanghai, but his public identity was the deputy general manager and director of the Guan Leming Gold Pen Factory. His wife, Zhang Yi, used her identity as a housewife as a cover and served as a confidential traffic officer among the underground party leadership. In order to make the neighbors look more like a businessman, Liu Xiao opened a trading house nearby to run a caustic soda business. In the eyes of the neighbors, Liu Xiao is a stable and busy businessman, and his wife is a competent housewife, which is an ordinary Shanghai family.

No. 44 Zhongshi Xincun is a secret organ of the Shanghai Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. At that time, Liu Changsheng, then deputy secretary of the Shanghai Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, lived next to the street, and often came here to talk with Liu Xiao until late at night. The No. 44 residence of Zhongshi New Village has also been in danger many times, and spies and police often come to the door for interrogation and inquiry, but with the calm response of his wife Zhang Yi, he has a witty contest and saves the danger.


Excellently implement the Party Central Committee's policy on the work of the white zone

In accordance with the Party Central Committee's policy of "concealing and being capable, laying in ambush for a long time, accumulating strength, and waiting for the opportunity", Liu Xiao used his legal status to carry out extensive united front work, restore and develop the party organization, and strengthen the party's strength. After the fall of Shanghai, the environment for the struggle deteriorated sharply, and Liu Xiao actively implemented the principle of "studying diligently, working diligently, and making friends diligently" put forward by Comrade Zhou Enlai, and adopted a concealed, capable, flexible and scattered struggle method to mobilize the masses to carry out various forms of anti-Japanese struggle. Under Liu Xiao's personal leadership, the preventive measures for the work of the underground party in Shanghai became more and more thorough, and the activities of the underground party became more and more active, and victory after victory was achieved. The enemy has a great headache about this, and sees it as a problem for his henchmen, but there is nothing he can do about it. They felt that the mystery of the Shanghai underground party had become even stronger, and its magical powers were vast and incomprehensible.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Nationalist Government suppressed the peaceful democratic movement, arousing the indignation of the people of the whole country. Leaders of the Shanghai Party organization, Liu Xiao, Liu Changsheng, and other leaders mobilized the masses from all walks of life to actively carry out various activities to oppose the civil war and strive for peace. On June 23, 1946, after full consultation and careful organization by Liu Xiao and other leaders, the Shanghai People's Peace Petition Group, composed of 11 people, including Ma Xulun, Sheng Pihua and Bao Dasan, was mobilized by the Shanghai Federation of People's Organizations and the Shanghai Student Federation for Peace to go to Nanjing to petition. More than 300 units from all walks of life in Shanghai, including more than 50,000 people from all walks of life, including celebrities, held a farewell party in the railway station square. That night, when the deputies arrived at the Xiaguan Station in Nanjing, they were besieged and beaten by a mob organized by the authorities, and more than 10 deputies and reporters were injured. This is the "Xiaguan tragedy" that shook the whole country. The "June 23" Movement enabled the people of the whole country to see more clearly the reactionary features of the Kuomintang in launching a civil war against the people. For this reason, Zhou Enlai praised the work of the Shanghai underground party led by Liu Xiao and others. In 1947, Liu Xiao and the leaders of the Shanghai Bureau decided to hold a huge "anti-hunger and anti-civil war" student movement. On May 20, when students from Nanjing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and other places held a joint march in Nanjing, the Kuomintang bloodily suppressed the student movement, known as the "May 20" Bloody Massacre. For this reason, Liu Xiao promptly put forward the general slogan of the struggle plus the content of "anti-persecution," and the "anti-hunger, anti-civil war, and anti-persecution" movement centered in Shanghai and Nanjing became the unified slogan of the students of the whole country, and its scale and momentum were rare in the previous student movements, and the movement spread to more than 60 major cities across the country, forming a second front against the rule of the Kuomintang reactionaries, and effectively supporting the people's liberation war.

The May 20 Movement was held in Shanghai

In 1948, the situation of the Liberation War was already clear. But in the pre-dawn darkness, the enemy became more and more frenzied, and Chiang Kai-shek ordered a hastened hunt for the leaders of the underground party in Shanghai. Liu Xiao immediately made a decisive decision, on the one hand, he dispersed many cadres to other places, and on the other hand, he stepped up the training of cadres and carried out education on revolutionary integrity. In order to usher in the liberation of the whole country, we should make all kinds of preparations politically and ideologically. In March of the same year, Liu Xiao went to Hong Kong to preside over the training courses for responsible cadres of underground parties in Shanghai, Nanjing, and Southwest China. In January 1949, the Shanghai Bureau issued a directive demanding that all the focus of the underground party be shifted to the struggle for the liberation of Shanghai, to prepare forces, and to cooperate with the takeover. On March 22, Liu Xiao was ordered to go to Beijing, before leaving, he disguised himself, secretly wrote the materials about Shanghai's economic situation in Zhang Daqian's album, and left the port on a British steamer to go north. Mao Zedong praised the work of the underground party in Shanghai and instructed Liu Xiao to send a large number of southbound cadres from the liberated areas to take over Shanghai. On April 23, 1949, Liu Xiao rushed to Danyang, Jiangsu, and at the cadre study class for taking over Shanghai, he repeatedly stressed to everyone that it was necessary to pay attention to the problem of the underground party and army cadres meeting teachers.

On May 27, 1949, the day of the liberation of Shanghai, there was a sudden knock on the door at No. 44 Zhongshi New Village, which was quiet, and when the door was opened, the family was stunned. After greeting Liu Xiao's wife, Deng Xiaoping and Chen Yi said to her with a smile that they were surprised that the leading organs of the underground party in Shanghai had not been destroyed for more than 10 years, so today they went to see what Liu Xiao, the chief leader of the underground party in Shanghai, was like. He also asked Zhang Yi: "How did you engage in the underground struggle and how did you cover it?" Son Liu Jixiang looked at his father in military uniform, feeling strange and surprised, he opened his eyes and asked timidly: "Dad, you used to be in business, how did you become a PLA?" You teach me, and I will become a PLA after I learn. The crowd laughed.

After the liberation of Shanghai, Liu Xiao served as the second secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China until January 1955, when he became the Chinese ambassador to the Soviet Union, engaged in diplomatic work. After Liu Xiao and his family moved out of No. 44 Zhongshi New Village, Yuyuan Road, the residence became a residential residence. In June 1992, Liu Xiao's former residence was designated as a memorial site for the Shanghai Revolution.