
Take stock of the famous heroines in Chinese history


In the history of the mainland, there have been many heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country, and they repelled the enemy with their selfless dedication and the spirit of forgetting their lives, and fought perfect victories one after another. Among these heroes, there are many heroines, and their feats are truly unshaven. There are many heroes in China, but there are also many heroines who have left their own strong marks in the smoke of history. From Hua Mulan, who served in the army on behalf of her father, to Mu Guiying, who was 53 years old and returned to the handsome seal, the stories of heroines in Chinese history have been passed down from generation to generation, inspiring generations of Chinese children. They are a monument in Chinese history. Do you know who are the heroines of history? Which are the famous heroines?

First, take stock of the top ten heroines in history

Chinese men are heroic, and women are also true husbands; In the long history of China, countless heroines have emerged; Let's take a look at the heroes who are widely circulated.

1, Mulan

Hua Mulan, the daughter of Wei, was a native of Eastern Wei Village in Qiaocheng of the Western Han Dynasty (now Qiaocheng District, Bozhou City). The name Mulan, later known as Mulan. His father's name is arc, and he is the commander of a thousand men in the early Han Dynasty. Mulan adheres to her father's aspirations, learns martial arts since childhood, and especially works swordsmanship.

The tomb of Mulan is located in the north of Wei Village in the east of Bozhou City, the mound is tall, the pine is encircled, the green bamboo becomes a forest, the villagers set up a shrine for it again, and the eighth day of April every year is the birthday sacrifice for Mulan's birthday.

The name of the place of Mulan is reversed, that is, Shunping County, Hebei Province, the people of the place are grateful for the kindness of Mulan, and they have built temples and shrines for it since the Han Dynasty, after many generations, the cigarettes are endless. In the first year of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Gaozong and Wu Zetian went to Mount Tai to seal Zen, passed through Bozhou, visited Laojun Temple and Mulan Temple, and named Laozi as "Emperor Xuanyuan of Taishang", and Mulan as "General Xiaolie".

During the Northern Wei Dynasty, the northern nomadic Rouran tribe continued to harass in the south, and the Northern Wei regime stipulated that each family should send a man to the front. However, Mulan's father was old and frail and unable to go to the battlefield, and her younger brother was still young, so Mulan decided to join the army for her father, and began her military life for more than ten years. Mulan joined the army for her father and made great contributions to the country, and the emperor prophet did not receive a reward. Later, I heard that she was still a girl who had not left the cabinet, and she was beautiful, and she wanted to accept her as a concubine, so she ordered to summon Mulan to Beijing. When the emperor saw it, Mulan was really a stunning beauty, and he couldn't help but say: "The lonely king saw that you have only learned people, strong martial arts, loyalty and filial piety, and the country is beautiful and fragrant, and wants to make you a concubine, I don't know what to do?" When Mulan heard that it was like lightning striking the top, she secretly thought: In the past, because of his obsession with wine, the faint king caused chaos in the dynasty, causing the country to decline. Now that the Quartet is a little determined, they don't think about governing the country and the people, but instead close the palace and choose concubines, won't they repeat the mistakes of the past? She frowned and said, "The emperor's grace, how dare you not accept it?" It's just that the little woman has made 3 vows since she was a child, and if she doesn't realize it, she will never marry! The emperor said happily: "This is easy to do, you say, don't say 3 pieces, it's 30 pieces, 300 pieces. The lonely king will not hesitate to do a thousand dollars of gold and ten thousand tons of silver, and he will do it to your satisfaction.

Mulan said: "First, the little girl joined the army for her father, one is to be filial, the second is to be loyal, and the third is to fight for the women of the world." The little woman thinks that men and women in the world are human beings, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, and what men can do, women may not be able to do it! Since the implementation of the scientific examination in the previous dynasty, there have been no female candidates for the examination, and I sincerely ask Your Majesty to issue a holy order. Let the women of the world also learn literature and martial arts, open a candidate, and be loyal to the country. The emperor was stunned when he heard this. Mulan said: "Second, the world is so big, today's women have no place to stand: they are said to be people in their mother's house, and they must be surnamed husband's surname when they go to their mother-in-law's house, and they are called 'surname people' when they get married. A man may marry a woman, and a woman may marry a man. When a man marries a woman, he takes her husband's surname, and when a woman marries a man, she gives birth to a daughter with her surname......" The emperor wondered: "Why is this? Mulan said: "If this is not the case, the world thinks that only men can pass on the lineage, and women cannot, so there will be endless troubles." Mulan also said: "Third, both the common people and the emperor must be monogamous, and violators will be punished ......" The emperor listened to these three wishes. Haha laughed and said, "What a woman's opinion! Since ancient times, there is a difference between men and women, how can the lonely king change.

In the evening, the emperor issued a holy decree to make Mulan a concubine, Mulan asked about the vow, the emperor did not mention anything, and Mulan said that she was sick. After three holy decrees in a row, Mulan saw that it was pressing, and knew that it was hopeless, so she wrote 4 big characters "The world is well". What does it mean to be "well"? Dismantling it is: it is better to have a woman in the room, a man and a woman, and a man and a woman equal. Mulan wrote it and put it on the table. He looked out the window at the vast sky, and then hung himself on the painting beam. When the emperor learned of this, he was shocked in his heart, and when he saw the 4 big characters of Mulan's book "The world is well", he did not understand its meaning, and ordered someone to be buried in Weiyuan Village, 5 miles in the eastern suburbs of Bozhou.

In order to commemorate Mulan, the descendants built the Mulan Temple in her hometown, and the hall was written with the 4 words of "General Xiaolie" given by Tang Gaozong.

In history, there is a Northern Dynasty folk song that praises Mulan - "Mulan Ci", also known as Mulan poems, which is also a long narrative poem and an epic poem. "Mulan Ci" has been included in middle school textbooks and has been recited by thousands of people for generations. Mulan's deeds and image were put on the stage and performed for a long time. Her spirit has inspired thousands of Chinese sons and daughters to defend their country.


Fan Lihua, a native of the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty, one of the four great heroines of ancient China, she became a household name because of the story of pacifying the northwest border chaos and fighting on the battlefield with Xue Dingshan, and had a far-reaching influence in later generations. Its legendary story has been expressed in various forms of literary and artistic works, especially movies, TV dramas, songs, dances and dramas, etc., which are typical images of ancient Chinese heroines. Fan Lihua, recorded in the local history of the mainland and the history of the barnyard in the palm of the hand, she is a Tang Dynasty girl who dares to love and hate, has a broad mind, and is a generalissimo of soldiers and horses with strong martial arts, vast magical powers, and all-round talents in civil and military affairs.

Fan Lihua, a native of the Zhenguan period of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, his father Fan Hong was the master of the Western Turkic Hanjiang Pass, and later joined the Tang Dynasty (Fan's father was originally a Sui general and returned to the Turks). Fan Lihua is both wise and brave, beautiful and beautiful, she married Xue Dingshan as his wife, and assisted Xue Dingshan to ascend to the altar to take command, fight in the south and the north, and be invincible. In folklore, she is a Tang Dynasty girl who dares to love and hate, has a broad mind, and is a generalissimo with strong martial arts, vast magical powers, and all-round talents in civil and military affairs. The story of his life has been expressed in a variety of literary and artistic works, such as TV dramas, movies, song and dance dramas, etc. And it is widely used by folk Taoism to establish temples to worship gods so far.

Fan Lihua is one of the four great heroines of ancient China. Compared with Mulan, Mu Guiying, and Liang Hongyu, the mythical color on her body seems to be stronger. When "Speaking of Tang" and "Xue Jiajiang" tell the story of Xue Dingshan's expedition to the west, without exception, they must talk about such an ancient woman who is full of rebellious spirit and dares to boldly pursue ideal love.

The story goes that during the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty, that is, after Tang Taizong Li Shimin ascended the throne of the Tang Dynasty, some small northwestern states such as the Xiliang State centered on Wuwei in Gansu Province were unwilling to accept the jurisdiction of the Tang Dynasty and confronted the Tang Dynasty by force. For this reason, Tang Taizong Li Shimin decided to send Xue Rengui to investigate, and all the legends about Fan Lihua happened in such a historical background.

Marshal Fan, commonly known as Fan Lihua, is Xue Dingshan's wife. She has been learning art with Lishan's mother since she was a child, and she has been strong in martial arts for eight years. She is the mainstay of the Xue family's father and son's expedition to the west, and her embroidered knife is unmatched. After the death of Xue Rengui, he succeeded as the generalissimo of the expedition to the west, and finally the rebellion of Xiliang was pacified.

Fan Lihua's artistic image of taking into account the overall situation, being intelligent and brave, and loyal to love, has been continuously reprocessed and recreated through folk legends, raps, romances, etc., becoming more distinctive, plump, and widely spread, and is a typical image of a heroine in Chinese classical literature.

The story of Xue Dingshan and Fan Lihua is based on the background of the pacification of the northwest border chaos during the Tang Zhenguan period, and describes a magnificent picture of hot-blooded children pacifying the chaos and swaying on the battlefield. Among them, Xue Dingshan's three invitations to Fan Lihua are the most popular, and they are widely sung and spread by art forms such as opera and quyi. In the 80s of the last century, the Henan Opera film art film "Fan Lihua" was filmed, and in 2000, CCTV completed the Northeast local opera art TV series "Three Please Fan Lihua", and now it has been filmed into a TV series by TV people from Hong Kong and Taiwan, making the artistic carrier of the story more abundant.

Today we heard the storytelling version of "Xue Jiajiang", and then looked at the original "The Legend of Tang San", which was like a lifetime. Only Fan Lihua, who was left behind in the original work, grew up to be the real soul of the Xue family. "Fate, what can I do? What a spirit! Therefore, Fan Lihua is also the only essence of the Chinese culture in the legends of the early Tang Dynasty compiled by "Speaking of the Later Tang Dynasty" and "Speaking of the Third Legend of the Tang Dynasty".

Fan Lihua, beautiful and unparalleled, with the highest martial arts, invincible in the world; Although he was humiliated and wronged, he affirmed the righteousness, took into account the overall situation, and repaid the grievances with virtue. Her image is extraordinary, beautiful, and profound, just because her son Xue Gang was drunk on the Lantern Festival night and beat the prince to death, Tang Gaozong was ordered to be executed by Wu Zetian, which also led to the later Xue Gang anti-Tang.

3, Mu Guiying

Mu Guiying is one of the four great heroines of ancient China, on the same level as Liang Hongyu, Hua Mulan, and Fan Lihua, and is also a "female general of the Yang Gate". She is Yang Zongbao's wife, that is, Yang Jiye's granddaughter-in-law. Although there is no evidence in history to prove Mu Guiying's merits on the battlefield, there are many stories among the people. (Note: The Northern Song Dynasty perished due to the invasion of the Jin Dynasty, and the story of the female generals of the Yang Sect took place during this period, and the Southern Song Dynasty, collectively known as the "Song Dynasty", that is, the Great Song Dynasty).

Mu Guiying and She Saihua have a lot in common. She Saihua defeated Yang Jiye, and Yang Zongbao was also a defeated general under Mu Guiying; Both of them are also higher in martial arts than their husbands. Mu Guiying is a step above She Saihua in terms of tactics. Many of her stories are about her strategy. She Saihua's war stories are few.

The generals of the Yang family are all heroes and will pay all the price for the country, especially the female generals of the Yang family, who can be said to be one of the most respected women in Chinese history.

Mu Guiying's prototype is a female military commander with outstanding achievements in the last years of the Ming Dynasty, a national hero, a doctor of Guanglu of the Zhu Kingdom, a prince Taibao, a prince Taifu, a young bao, a Sichuan recruiting envoy, a Chinese military governor, a general of Zhendong, a Sichuan chief military officer, a loyal marquis, and a wife of Yipin (Qin Liangyu).

Main deeds:

1. The anti-Liao --- broke the Tianmen Formation, annihilated the main force of the Liao army led by the Empress Dowager Xiao of the Liao State to defend the Song State. After that, the Liao army no longer dared to invade south, and there was no major war on the Liao-Song border.

2. Pingnan --- Guangxi Nong Zhigao rebelled, and Mu Guiying and her husband Yang Zongbao took command to quell the rebellion in the south.

3. Mu Guiying made outstanding achievements in war and was named the Marquis of Hun Tian by the Song court.

4. Expedition to the West--- Mu Guiying led 12 widows to conquer the West, and the Western Xia negotiated and surrendered.

4, Liang Hongyu

Liang Hongyu was originally from Chizhou (now Anhui), his grandfather and father were both military generals, and Liang Hongyu practiced kung fu with his father and brother since he was a child. In the second year of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, Fang La, a resident of Muzhou, gathered the mountain people to revolt, which rapidly grew to hundreds of thousands of people, and even trapped the prefecture and county, and the official army repeatedly failed to conquer, Liang Hongyu's grandfather and father were killed because they missed the fighter plane in the rebellion of Fangla, and were defeated and killed. The Liang family fell from this, and Liang Hongyu also fell into the Jingkou camp prostitute, that is, the official prostitute managed by the state and county governments, but because she was proficient in Hanmo and had divine power, she could hold a strong bow, and every shot must be hit, and she looked at ordinary young children with a blank eye, and there was no prostitution atmosphere.

Han Shizhong is a native of Suide County, Shaanxi, with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, a body full of courage, a person Gengjie, and a person who is especially happy to help people in times of need, and is an upright and brave hero. After Tong Guan pacified Fang La, the class teacher returned to the court, went to Jingkou, summoned prostitutes to drink, Liang Hongyu and the prostitutes served, and met Han Shizhong at the banquet. Han Shizhong looked sullen alone in the cheers and drinks of many generals, which attracted Liang Hongyu's attention; Liang Hongyu's sassy and heroic posture and unconventional demeanor also attracted Han Shizhong's attention, and the two of them were attentive and sympathetic to each other, so the heroes and beauties became dependents.

After the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Jin army plundered Bianjing and retreated, after the establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty, the capital was Lin'an, which is today's Hangzhou, so Bianjing was changed to Kaifeng, and Zongze was left behind in Kaifeng. In the third year of Jianyan, the Jin army entered Sizhou from Pengcheng under the leadership of Mu Han and arrived in Chuzhou. Song Gaozong fled to Zhejiang in a hurry, external worries caused internal troubles, Miao Fu, the imperial commander and Liu Zhengyan, the assassin of Weizhou, supported the crowd to make a rebellion, attacked and killed Wang Yuan, who was in charge of the privy council, hunted and killed the eunuchs separately, forced Gaozong to give up the throne, the crown prince of Inner Chan, and the Empress Dowager Longyou listened to the government. In this rebellion, Han Shizhong's son and wife Liang Hongyu, who had heavy troops in Xiuzhou, were also detained.

After the incident, Song Gaozong's actions were no longer free, Prime Minister Zhu Shengfei and the Empress Dowager Longyou secretly discussed, sent Liang Hongyu out of the city, galloped to Xiuzhou, urged Han Shizhong to quickly march to Hangzhou Qinwang, and the Empress Dowager named Liang Hongyu as Mrs. Anguo, and Han Shizhong as the general of the imperial camp Pingkouzuo. After discussing it here, Zhu Shengfei said to Miao Fu: "After Han Shizhong heard about the incident, he didn't come immediately, it means that he is hesitating and hesitating, if you can send his wife to meet him and persuade Han Shizhong to defect to you, then your strength will increase greatly, and others will not need to be afraid." Miao Fu was overjoyed when he heard this, and thought it was a good plan, and immediately sent Liang Hongyu out of the city, Liang Hongyu went home and hugged his son, stepped on horseback, galloped away, and rushed to Xiuzhou day and night. After Han Shizhong learned all the situation, he immediately joined Zhang Jun and Zhang Jun to lead troops to quell the rebellion of Miao Fu and others. Song Gaozong was overjoyed, personally greeted the couple at the gate of the palace, and immediately awarded Han Shizhong the envoy of the military victory, and soon worshiped as the envoy of Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Principal Role:

A wave has not settled, and another wave has risen. The civil strife in the Southern Song Dynasty just gave the Jin army an opportunity. In October 1129, the Jin army, led by Wanyan Zongbi (commonly known as Jin Wushu), marched straight into Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The only way for Song Gaozong to deal with it was to escape. He fled from Hangzhou to Mingzhou (present-day Ningbo, Zhejiang), and then to the sea. Fortunately, the Jin army and navy were not good, so Gaozong barely saved his life. At this time, the Jin army had been alone for more than 5 months, and Han resistance broke out everywhere in the south of the Yangtze River. Seeing that if he stayed any longer, he would be "drowned in the vast sea of the people's war", so he returned north after a large-scale plunder.

At this time, Han Shizhong was serving as the commander of the Western Zhejiang Theater (Envoy of the Western Zhejiang Theater). Hearing that the Jin army had retreated north, he led 8,000 sailors to Zhenjiang to intercept it. The Jin army is known as 100,000. Although there may not really be that many, the number of troops must be much more than Han Shizhong's. Han Shizhong's Song army had already been defeated for a while when the Jin army moved south. In addition, there is a cloud in the art of war, "return to the teacher and do not stop it". That is to say, do not intercept the troops returning home, otherwise the homesick army will often exert extraordinary combat effectiveness. So on the surface, Han Shizhong is far inferior to the Jin army in terms of troops, morale and combat effectiveness. Zong Bi, the commander of the Jin army, probably also felt that Han Shizhong was hitting a stone with an egg, so he sent a war letter to Han Shizhong to agree on a date to start the war, and Han Shizhong accepted. On the appointed day, the Jin army began to cross the Yangtze River north. Han Shizhong led his army to intercept on the river. The two sides fought fiercely on the river. Liang Hongyu braved the rain of arrows to beat the drum herself. Repelled more than a dozen attacks by the Jin army in a row. The Jin army was never able to cross the river.

The Jin army suffered a heavy setback, much beyond Zongbi's expectations. So he adopted peaceful means and sent an envoy to Han Shizhong to say that as long as Han Shizhong was willing to let them live, he was willing to return all the property plundered in Jiangnan, and also gave Han Shizhong a famous horse as a thank you gift. Han Shizhong refused. The two sides fought and walked on the Yangtze River. The Jin army was not familiar with geography and was forced into the dead port of Huangtiandang by the Song army. This was the best time to destroy the Jin army. However, Han Shizhong and Liang Hongyu's troops were too small, and there was no army to cooperate, so Zong Bi took the opportunity to dig 30 miles through the old stork river that had been blocked for a long time, and withdrew to Jiankang (now Nanjing).

On the way to retreat to Jiankang, Zong Bi was blocked by Yue Fei again. had no choice but to turn back to the Yangtze River and continue to cross north. Han Shizhong's navy is a multi-sea ship, with a tall body, good stability and strong attack power. In order to take advantage of this advantage, Han Shizhong ordered craftsmen to make many large iron hooks connected by iron chains, and selected sturdy sailors to practice using them to deal with the small warships of the Jin army. In the early morning of 12 April, the Jin Shui Army launched the first attack, and Han Shizhong's Naval Army met the enemy in two directions, trapping the enemy in a situation of being attacked in the back and abdomen. The warships of the Southern Song Dynasty sailed in the wind, going back and forth like flying, condescendingly hooked the enemy ship with a big hook, and dragged it hard, and the enemy ship capsized. Once again, the Song army won.

Han Shizhong was very proud of the victory, thinking that the Jin army was not accustomed to water warfare, so he became careless. Unexpectedly, someone suggested to Zong Bi that it was difficult to use the fact that the sea ship was difficult to move without wind, and that he would be able to win by choosing a windless day and attacking the Song army. In this ceremony, Zong Bi killed a white horse, cut his forehead, and disemboweled, and dug out the heart of the captive women to sacrifice to heaven. As a result, there was really no wind the next day. Zong Bi immediately led the fleet to launch a general attack on the Song army. The Jin army set fire to the boat and shot the sails of the Song army with rockets. The Song army's sea ships could not be moved, and they became the target of the Jin army's rockets. All of them were burned in a moment. The generals of the Song army, Sun Shixun and Yan Yun, died in battle. Han Shizhong was defeated and returned to Zhenjiang. The Jin army broke through.

Liang Hongyu and Han Shizhong guarded Chuzhou for more than ten years, and later resigned from the military and retired to Suzhou because Yue Fei was unjustly wronged. And said that Liang Hongyu died in 1153, two years later than Han Shizhong. This statement may be derived from the "Tale of the Two Martyrs". However, the "Essentials" clearly records that Liang Hongyu died only five months after moving to Tunchuzhou with Han Shizhong, on October 6, 1135 (the 26th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar).

5, Wang Zhaojun

Wang Zhaojun (about 54 B.C. - 19 B.C.), the name of the sister-in-law, the word Zhaojun, the milk name Haoyue, Zigui of the Southern County of the Western Han Dynasty, now Xingshan County, Yichang City, Hubei Province, the Yuan Emperor of the Western Han Dynasty and the palace maid, and Diao Chan, Xi Shi, Yang Yuhuan (Yang Guifei) and called the four beauties of ancient China, is one of the four beauties of ancient China, the Jin Dynasty to avoid Sima Zhao, also known as "Ming Concubine", Wang Mingjun. Wang Zhaojun maintained the stability of Han-Hungarian relations for half a century, and the story of Zhaojun's exit from the fortress has been passed down through the ages.

In the first month of the first year of Jingning (33 years ago), the Xiongnu came to the court in Hu Han and asked to marry a Han man. Emperor Yuan then gave Zhaojun to Huhan Evil Shan Yu, and changed Yuan to Jingning. Shan Yu was very happy and wrote to express his willingness to keep the border forever.

After Zhaojun left the fortress, she persuaded Han Yedan Yu not to start a war and teach the culture of the Central Plains to the Huns. Since then, the Han and Hungarian ethnic groups have been united and harmonious, the country and the people are safe, "the border city is closed, the cattle and horses are wild, there is no dog barking police in the third world, and Li Shu forgets the battle of fighting", and the Xiongnu show a thriving peaceful scene. Because Zhaojun is not just a person who went north to the Huns, she carries all the culture of the Central Plains, and everywhere she goes, there are spring flowers. She alone affected the lives of the entire Xiongnu and the entire people of the Central Plains. Wang Zhaojun married the Xiongnu in order to realize the harmony between the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu, creating a peaceful situation between the Han and the Xiongnu without war for 60 years. Wang Zhaojun's historical merits are not only that she took the initiative to make peace with the Xiongnu, but more importantly, that after she left the fortress, she reconciled the Han Dynasty with the Xiongnu, extinguished the beacon smoke of the border fortress for 50 years, and strengthened the national unity between the Han nationality and the Xiongnu nationality, which is in line with the interests of the Han nationality and the Xiongnu people. She has made great contributions to the harmony and solidarity of the Hu and Han peoples, and as a result, she has been praised by history. Zhao Jie, a poet of the Yuan Dynasty, believed that Wang Zhaojun's contribution was no less than that of Huo Quai, a famous general of the Han Dynasty. The story of Zhaojun has become a good story of national unity that has been passed down in Chinese history.

Hann is shallow and deep, and the joy of life is in knowing each other. The poor green mound is gone, and there are still mourning strings left to this day.

6, Qin Liangyu

Qin Liangyu, a native of Chungju. Courageous and intelligent, good at riding and shooting, and good at writing, his posture is demure and elegant. The army is known as the "white pole soldiers" and is famous far and wide.

In the twenty-seventh year of Wanli (1599), Yang Yinglong rebelled in Banzhou (now Zunyi City, Guizhou Province), Qin Liangyu's husband Shizhu Xuanfu made Ma Qiancheng lead 3,000 people to follow Li Hualong to conquer, Qin Liangyu led 500 elite soldiers to escort grain and grass, and Zhou Guozhu, the deputy general, held Dengkan (now south of Fenggang County, Guizhou).

In the twenty-eighth year of Wanli (1600), Yang Yinglong's army took advantage of Li Hualong's army to launch an attack on the camp, Qin Liangyu and her husband defeated it first, and then pursued it with victory, and successively broke through seven camps such as Jinzhuguan. Then he assisted the officers and troops of Youyang to capture Sangmu Pass, and broke Yang Yinglong's army, Qin Liangyu was the first in Nanchuan Road's military exploits, but after Yang Yinglong's soldiers were defeated and died, Qin Liangyu did not report his military merits.

In the forty-first year of Wanli (1613), Ma Qiancheng was falsely accused by the eunuch Qiu Chengyun and died of illness in Yunyang prison. Qin Liangyu then took Ma Qiancheng's position.

In the first year of Taichang (1620), the Later Jin invaded Liaodong, and the imperial court ordered Qin Liangyu to send troops to help. Qin Liangyu sent his elder brother Qin Bangping and his younger brother Qin Minping to lead thousands of people to go first. The imperial court gave Qin Liangyu the clothing of a three-grade official, and appointed Qin Bangping as the secretary of the capital and Qin Minping as the garrison.

In the first year of the Apocalypse (1621), the Houjin besieged the important town of Shenyang, Qin Bangping and Qin Minping crossed the Hunhe River with the chief soldier Tong Zhonghua and fought a bloody battle with the Qing army. Qin Liangyu then personally led 3,000 to Yuguan (now Shanhaiguan, Hebei), and there was no crime in the place he passed. Ming Xizong issued an edict to Qin Liangyu to add second-grade official clothing, and named Qin Liangyu as the wife of the command, and Qin Liangyu's son Ma Xianglin as the commander. Qin Liangyu said Qin Bangping's death and asked for preferential compensation, and Zhang Heming, the secretary of the military department, entered the bloody battle of the Hunhe River and killed thousands of the enemy's heads, which was actually the credit of the Tusi of Shizhu and Youyang, and suggested that Zhu Youxiao treat Qin Liangyu's family well. Zhu Youxiao then ordered to give Qin Bangping the governor of the capital, and the descendants were hereditary, and set up a shrine with Chen Ce and others.

In September of the same year, the Ministry of War asked Qin Liangyu to return to his hometown to recruit 2,000 soldiers, and after Qin Liangyu and Qin Minping returned to their hometown, it coincided with the rebellion of Yongning (now southwest of Xuyong County, Sichuan) Xuanfu envoy Hao Chongming in Chongqing, and his general Fan Long sent envoys with gold, silver and silk to come to form an alliance with Qin Liangyu. Qin Liangyu beheaded the envoy, and immediately sent troops to lead Qin Minping and Qin Bangping's sons Qin Yiming and Qin Gongming to the west, crossed Chongqing City, took advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness, and went straight to Nanping Pass in Chongqing, cutting off the thief's way back. Qin Liangyu set up an ambush to attack Lianghe and burned the enemy's ships. Then Qin Liangyu divided his troops to defend Zhongzhou, sent fast horses to Kuizhou, and asked the local garrison to quickly defend the upper and lower reaches of Qutang Gorge and repel the invading thieves. Qin Liangyu showed Qin Minping's military exploits, and the imperial court promoted Qin Minping to general, Qin Yiming and Qin Gongming as garrisons.

In the second year of the Apocalypse (1622), luxury Chongming besieged Chengdu, and Zhu Xieyuan, the governor of Sichuan, ordered Qin Liangyu to go to conquer. At that time, the toasts everywhere were greedy for the bribes of the thieves and the soldiers, and only Qin Liangyu beat the drum to march west. Qin Liangyu led the army to capture the new capital, drove straight to Chengdu, defeated Hao Chongming, and relieved the siege of Chengdu. After the defeat of Yu Chongming, Qin Liangyu led Qin Minping and others to conquer Erlang Pass and Fotu Pass and recover Chongqing. The imperial court then appointed Qin Liangyu as the governor of the capital, the governor of the capital, and the chief soldier of the same governor, and was crowned as his wife, Ma Xianglin as the consolation envoy, Qin Minping as the deputy commander-in-chief, Qin Yiming and Qin Gongming as generals. After the official was awarded, Qin Liangyu recovered the important strongholds of the thief army such as Hongyadun, Guanyin Temple, and Qingshandun, and committed suicide in defeat, and Qin Liangyu completely quelled the rebellion in Sichuan. The imperial court rewarded Qin Liangyu with gold coins many times for merit.

In the third year of the Apocalypse (1623), Qin Liangyu wrote: "I took Qin Yiming and Qin Gongming to fight with grain, and successively won victories like the three battles of Hongyadun." But those generals who divided our monarchs and ministers, they had never seen the thieves, but they waved their arms and boasted all day long, and when they confronted the thieves, they heard the wind and fled. Those who have been defeated by the thieves themselves fear that others will defeat the thieves; Those who are frightened by the thieves themselves are afraid that others will be more courageous than the thieves. Like the general soldier Li Weixin, he failed to return to the camp in the battle of crossing the river, but refused to let me out of the door and did not allow me to enter the city to meet him. A man with a six-foot body was jealous of a woman, and he should die of shame if he thought about it in the silence of the night. Emperor Zhu Youxiao then issued an edict that the ministers of civil and military affairs must entertain Qin Liangyu with courtesy, and there must be no suspicion.

In the fourth year of the Apocalypse (1624), Qin Minping led the army with the governor Wang Sanshan to defeat in Luguang, and Wang Sanshan took the lead in escaping. Qin Minping broke the thieves in Dafang, and won many battles. When he retreated, he was attacked by thieves and died in battle, and Qin Minping's two sons, Qin Zuoming and Qin Zuoming, broke through but were also seriously injured. Qin Liangyu wrote a letter to ask for compensation, and the court posthumously presented Qin Minping as the governor of Tongzhi, and set up a shrine to worship, and the two sons were named generals, Qin Yiming and Qin Gongming officials to the deputy commander-in-chief.

In the third year of Chongzhen (1630), the Qing army attacked on a large scale, the four cities of Yongping were lost, and Huang Taiji entered and besieged Kyoto. Qin Liangyu led Qin Yiming to serve the king of Zhaoqin, and took out the assets of his family as military salary. Emperor Zhu Youzhen specially issued an edict to commend him, and summoned Qin Liangyu on the platform, rewarded Qin Liangyu with coins, livestock, wine, etc., and wrote four poems to commend Qin Liangyu's contributions. After Huang Taiji retreated, Qin Liangyu led his troops back to his hometown, while Qin Yiming was stationed near Gyeonggi.

In the fourth year of Chongzhen (1631), Sun Chengzong built Dalinghe City, Qin Yiming led 10,000 people to protect it, and led his troops back after the repair. In the seventh year of Chongzhen (1634), the thieves conquered Henan, and the imperial court appointed Qin Yiming as the chief military officer and asked him to lead the army to crusade. The following year, after the death of the general soldier Deng Wangji, because his subordinates were all from Sichuan, the imperial court ordered Qin Yiming to lead them to defeat the thieves at Qingyahe, Wujiayan, and Yuanjiaping, and choke the road to Yunxi. But Qin Yiming's temperament was flustered and bold, and his subordinate generals failed one after another, but he did not report truthfully, so he was removed from the rank of governor, demoted to the second rank, and continued to suppress thieves, and later he followed Lu Xiangsheng to chase thieves in Gucheng. The thieves fled to Junzhou, and Qin Yiming defeated them at Qingshipu. The thieves entered the mountains to defend themselves, and Qin Yiming defeated them again. Then he broke the thieves in the boundary mountain, the three rivers, and the garden ditch, and caught the two thieves generals of the Black Demon God and the Flying Mountain Tiger. The thieves haunted the area of Yunyang and Xiangyang, and when the governor of Yunyang, Miao Yutu, sent an envoy to recruit the thieves, Qin Yiming agreed with this matter, but he was deceived, and the thieves did not surrender in the end. Qin Yiming and Miao Yintu were both impeached. Later, the thieves invaded Xiangyang, and Yiming fought continuously to obtain results, and stationed troops on Miaotan to hold the shallow water of the Han River. It's just that Luo Rucai and Liu Guoneng crossed through the deep water, and then harassed Qichun and Huanggang in a big way. Emperor Chongzhen then dismissed Miao Yantu's official and severely criticized Qin Yiming, who was soon impeached and dismissed from his official position.

In the seventh year of Chongzhen (1634), Zhang Xianzhong captured Kuizhou, an important town in eastern Sichuan (now Fengjie, Chongqing), Qin Liangyu led the army to arrive, and Zhang Xianzhong left without a fight. Qin Liangyu led the army in pursuit, and attacked Ma Xianglin, his son who happened to return to Sichuan, defeated Zhang Xianzhong, and made him retreat to Huguang. Then Zhang Xianzhong was recruited by the imperial court.

In the thirteenth year of Chongzhen (1640), Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai rebelled again, and Luo Rucai led his troops to attack Kuizhou. Qin Liangyu led the army to go, Luo Rucai left without a fight, Qin Liangyu chased to Majiazhai, broke Luo Rucai, beheaded 600 levels, Qin Liangyu led the army to pursue, successively in Liumaya, Tanjiaping Beishan, Xiansiling broke the enemy soldiers, killed its leader Dongshan Tiger, captured the deputy collapsed alive, Hui Dengxiang, Wang Guangen surrendered, and captured Luo Rucai's handsome banner, Luo Rucai's army gradually declined.

In the same year, Yang Sichang invited himself to be the supervisor to enter Sichuan to suppress thieves. Yang Sichang advocated the strategy of driving thieves into Sichuan, transferred the elite of Sichuan into Chu, and Shao Jiechun, the governor of Sichuan, led 20,000 old and weak soldiers to defend Chongqing, and relied on only Zhang Ling and Qin Liangyu as generals, but Shao Jiechun did not fight for danger and passive defense, so Qin Liangyu was fortified thirty or forty miles near Chongqing, and Zhang Ling was sent to guard the Yellow Mud. Qin Liangyu lamented to Lu Xunzhi, the governor of Mianzhou (now Mianyang, Sichuan), who had resigned, and profoundly pointed out the drawbacks of this kind of defense, and was ashamed of dying in battle with Shao Jiechun. Soon, Shao Jiechun moved the camp to Dachang, and the supervising army of Wan Yuan Ji also stationed troops in Wushan, echoing Qin Liangyu.

In the sixteenth year of Chongzhen (1643), Zhang Xianzhong captured Wuchang, executed Zhu Huakui, the king of Chu, and led his troops to invade Sichuan again.

In the seventeenth year of Chongzhen (1644), Zhang Xianzhong led the army to drive straight into Kuizhou and invaded Kuizhou again, Qin Liangyu led the army to the rescue, but was outnumbered and defeated. After Zhang Xianzhong captured Chengdu, Qin Liangyu said to his subordinates: "Both of my brothers died on the battlefield, and I am a woman who has been favored by the country for 20 years. At this point, I dare to stand up to the thief! So Qin Liangyu divided his troops to guard the Shiyan Realm, and Zhang Xianzhong recruited Sichuan Tusi everywhere, but he didn't dare to come to Shiyan.

In the second year of Yongli, Zhu Rongfan, the clan of the Ming Dynasty, said that he was in charge of Zhongzhou, and sent an envoy to collect grain from Qin Liangyu, but Qin Liangyu should not, Zhu Rongfan sent troops to attack it, Qin Liangyu asked for help from Li Zhanchun, and Zhu Rongfan retreated. He died on May 20 (the fifth year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, July 10, 1648) at the age of 75.

7. Good woman

She is the first female military commander in Chinese history and an outstanding female politician. Not only was she able to lead the army to the east and west to expand the territory for Wuding, but she also presided over various sacrificial activities of the Wuding Dynasty. She was one of the more than 60 wives of Shang King Wuding and one of the three legal spouses. "Woman" is a relative title. In the bronze inscription, it is also called "stepmother Xin" because her temple is called Xin, that is, Yi Xin, which is called Yan Xin in the Zhou sacrifice divination. Zu Geng and Zu Jia's maternal generation "Mu Xin" is also her. Therefore, Wu Ding liked her very much, and after her death, Wu Ding was grief-stricken, and posthumously called her "Xin", and the descendants of the Shang Dynasty called her "Mother Xin" and "Mother Xin".

She was one of the more than 60 wives of Shang King Wuding, the mother of Zu Jiyin. After his death, the temple name "Xin", who lived in the first half of the 12th century BC during the period when Wuding reorganized the Shang Dynasty, was the earliest female politician and military strategist in the mainland with historical records, and the first well-documented heroine in Chinese history. From the excavation of her tomb, it is inferred that her surname should be "Hao", "woman" is a kinship title, and in the bronze inscription, she is also called "stepmother Xin". The word "good" of the woman, the writing of the divination or the left son and the right woman, the utensils unearthed from the tomb of the woman (such as the goose numbered 827) There is a very complicated way to write a "son" in the middle, and there is a "each (mother)" on the left and right, which should be a complex construction of "good".

She is a famous military strategist in Chinese history, a female general who is good at fighting, and the oracle bone inscriptions of Yinxu record that she conquered many surrounding countries, which is rare in history. However, the Yue unearthed from the tomb of the woman should belong to the guard of honor, which is held by a special person and stands on the chariot. It is worth mentioning that this kind of ceremonial function has been found in the early tombs of the mainland.

In the early days of our civilization, like several other ancient civilizations, we also encountered the threat of the ancient Indo-Europeans, but it was under the leadership of the woman that we successfully defeated the invaders, preserved our race and civilization, and became the only nation among the four ancient civilizations that has stood to this day.

She was the wife of the Shang king Wu Ding, and a large number of oracle bones unearthed show that the woman was ordered to fight on the battlefield many times, and made great contributions to the Shang Dynasty's expansion of territory. She was also often appointed to preside over various rituals such as worshipping the heavens, ancestors, and sacred springs, and served as an official of divination. However, the woman unfortunately died in her thirties, but it cannot be regarded as an early death during the Shang Dynasty, however, compared to the 59-year reign of Wu Ding, it is indeed a premature death, Wu Ding is very sad, the woman has a huge tomb buried alone, and there is a solemn ceremony of worship. This was very rare during the Shang Dynasty.

8, Mrs. Sin

Mrs. Xian, November 24 of the lunar calendar of 512 A.D. - January 18 of the lunar calendar of 602 A.D., also known as Mrs. Xian, Mingying, Gaoliang County, Maoming and Yangjiang of Guangdong Province, was born in Shandou Village, Diancheng Town, Dianbai District, Maoming City. An outstanding statesman and military strategist in ancient China, he was worshipped as the "Holy Mother of Lingnan". Mrs. is young and wise, more strategic, in her parents' house, following the people, able to march as a military division, subduing Zhu Yue in her life through three dynasties, conforming to the requirements and wishes of the people, committed to maintaining national unity and national unity, she and her children and grandchildren have successively made outstanding contributions to the relative stability of the Lingnan region for a hundred years, and to promote the social and economic development of the southern part of Guangdong, and is a model of patriotism.

Mrs. Xian (512-602), a native of the Slang ethnic group in southern Guangdong (now from Shandou Village, Dianbai District, Maoming City, Guangdong Province), married in Gaoliang County (now Gaozhou, Guangdong), was the leader of the Lingnan tribe during the Liang, Chen, and Sui dynasties.

Mrs. Xian was born in the Xian family in Gaoliang County (now Shandou Village, Diancheng Town, Dianbai District, Maoming City, Guangdong Province) in the third year of Liang Pingping (512), and according to legend, her real name was A Ying. The history books record her family: "Shi is the leader of South Vietnam, across the cave, and there are more than 100,000 tribes. Mrs. is young and wise, more strategic, in her parents' house, she follows the people, can march the military division, and subdue the Yue. Every persuasion of relatives is good, and faith and righteousness are married to their hometown. The customs of the Yue people, good to attack, the wife and brother of the Southern Liang Prefecture stabbed Shi Ting, relying on its wealth and strength, invaded the county, and the ridge was bitter. Mrs. has many rules, and the grievances have stopped, and there are more than 1,000 caves attached to Hainan and Dan'er" ("Sui Shu Biography of Mrs. Qiuguo").

In the first year of Liang Datong (535), when Mrs. Xian was twenty-four years old, Feng Rong, the assassin of Luozhou, heard that Mrs. Xian was talented, so he asked his son Gao Liang Taishou Feng Bao to marry her. Feng Rong was originally a descendant of Beiyan Miao, and his first Feng Ye led the people to float to the south, settled in Xinhui, successively served as a pastor, and passed to Feng Rong three times. Because he was an outsider, Feng Rong was not convinced by Gao Liangren. After Mrs. Xian arrived, she admonished her clan to respect local customs and habits. Whenever she and Feng Bao deal with a lawsuit, she also acts in accordance with the law and does not show favoritism to those who break the law in her own clan. In this way, Feng's prestige in the local area was established, and "since then, the decrees have been orderly, and no one dares to disobey them" ("Sui Shu Biography of the Lady of the State of Qiu").

In August of the second year of Liang Taiqing (548), Hou Jing, a general of the Eastern Wei Dynasty who surrendered to the Liang Dynasty, rebelled against the Liang Dynasty again in Shouyang. According to Yang Kan's plan, the Liang Dynasty should resist the rebels crossing the river at Quarry Alum, and attack Shouyang with an elite force to cut off its way back, so that the rebels will naturally collapse. It's a pity that the imperial court didn't use its plans, but took Xiao Zhengde, the king of Linhe, who colluded with Hou Jing, as the general of Pingbei and the military governor of Beijing. Xiao Zhengde was busy preparing for war on the surface, but secretly he used dozens of large ships to support the enemy, so Hou Jing successfully crossed the river and besieged Emperor Wu of Liang in Taicheng.

At that time, Xiao Bo, the governor of Guangzhou, recruited troops to help relieve the siege, and Li Qianshi, the assassin of Gaozhou, refused to go, but sent someone to summon Feng Bao. Feng Bao wanted to go, but was stopped by Mrs. Xian, he said: "If the assassin does not meet the call of Taishou for no reason, he will want to deceive the king and turn against him." Feng Bao asked why, and Mrs. Xian said: "The assassin was called to Taiwan, but he was called sick, cast troops to gather people, and then called the king." If the present person goes, he will leave the quality and chase after the king and the soldiers. This meaning can be seen, and there is no way to do it, in order to observe its potential" ("Sui Shu Biography of Mrs. Qianguo").

A few days later, Li Qianshi really raised troops against Liang and sent the commander Du Pinglu to lead his troops into the stone to echo Hou Jing. Mrs. Xian believed: "Ping captives, Xiao generals, led the troops into the rock, that is, they refused to be with the officers and soldiers, and they did not return." Moving to the state, there is nothing to do. If you go to your own devices, there will be a battle. It is advisable to send a deceitful person, humble and polite, and the cloud body does not dare to come out, and wants to send a woman to participate. When he hears it, he will have no worries. So I put more than 1,000 people, carrying sundries, singing and losing, and getting to the gate, and the thief will be able to get it" ("Sui Shu Biography of the Lady of the Kingdom"). Feng Bao acted according to the plan, and Li Qianshi really believed it and was unguarded. Mrs. Xian personally led more than 1,000 people to "carry sundries and sing words" ("Sui Shu Biography of Mrs. Xianguo") and went to Dagaokou. To the stone, he suddenly attacked, won a big victory, and Li Qianshi was defeated and took away to protect Ningdu. Madame Xian took advantage of the victory to join the troops of Chen Baxian, the Marquis of the Great Wall. After returning, Madame Xian said to Feng Bao: "Grand Duke Chen Dudu is terrifying and has won the hearts of everyone. I think this person will be able to pacify the thief, and you should be rich" ("Sui Shu Biography of the Lady of the State of China"). These insights show Mrs. Xian's good knowledge and military intelligence.

After that, Chen Baxian and Wang Seng argued together to defeat Hou Jing, and Xiao Yi, the king of Xiangdong, ascended the throne in Jiangling, but was soon defeated by the Western Wei regime, and Chen Baxian took the opportunity to call the emperor on behalf of Liang in the first year of Chen Yongding (557), and the country name was Chen, which was Emperor Wu of Chen.

In the second year of Chen Yongding (557), Feng Bao died, Lingbiao was in turmoil, and Mrs. Xian appeased the Baiyue tribes and made the territory safe. and sent his son, the nine-year-old Feng Fu, to Danyang with the leader of Baiyue. Emperor Wu of Chen worshiped Feng Fu as the county guard of Yangchun County (now Yangjiang, Guangdong).

In the first year of Chen Taijian (569), Ouyang Su, the assassin of Guangzhou, rebelled and summoned Feng Fu to Gao'an, trying to pull him to oppose Chen. Feng Fu sent someone to inform his mother. When Mrs. Xian learned about it, she said: "I am loyal, and after two generations, I cannot spare you and fail the country" ("Sui Shu Biography of Mrs. Xian Guo"). Then he sent troops to resist the border, and led the Baiyue troops and Zhang Zhaoda, the general sent by the Chen Dynasty to conquer, to attack inside and outside, so that Ouyang Su's army was defeated and captured. Feng Fu was named the Marquis of Xindu by Chen Baxian because of his mother's meritorious service in quelling the rebellion, and he was transferred to Shilong (ruled in the northeast of present-day Huazhou, Guangdong) Taishou. Mrs. Xian was named Mrs. Shilong, the lady of the Zhonglang General, and took a ride on the embroidered banner oil and horse, and gave a lecture to the building, and the book was like the ritual of the history of the thorn.

During the reign of Chen Zhide (583-586), Feng servant.

In the first month of the ninth year of Emperor Kaihuang of Sui (589), the Sui division captured Jiankang and the Chen Dynasty perished. Although Emperor Wen of Sui unified China, the Lingnan region had not yet been annexed, and the local people worshipped Mrs. Xian as the "Holy Mother" to protect the territory and the people.

In February, Emperor Wen of Sui sent Wei Xun, the governor of Jiangzhou, to pacify Lingnan, but was stopped by Chen's general Xu Fan in Nankang. Wei Xun went to the bottom of the ridge and did not dare to enter. Yang Guang, the king of the Jin Dynasty, ordered the captured Empress Chen to write a letter to Madame Xian, "telling the country to perish" and asking Madame Xian to return to the Sui Dynasty. The letter also has the rhino staff and military talisman offered by Mrs. Xian that year as evidence. After Mrs. Xian saw it, she knew that Chen was dead, so she "gathered thousands of leaders and wept all day long" ("Sui Shu Biography of Mrs. Xian Guo"). and sent his grandson Feng Soul to lead his troops to welcome Wei Xun into Guangzhou. At this point, Lingnan has been decided. Feng Soul was named the third secretary of Yitong by the Sui Dynasty, and Mrs. Xian was registered as Mrs. Song Kangjun.

In the tenth year of Emperor Kaihuang of the Sui Dynasty (590), Wang Zhongxuan, a general of Panyu, raised troops against the Sui, and many leaders in Lingnan also responded with troops. Wang Zhongxuan besieged Wei Wei in Guangzhou, garrisoned Hengling, and Wei Wei died in the middle of the arrow. Mrs. Xian sent her grandson Feng Xuan to rescue Guangzhou, but Feng Xuan had a close relationship with Chen Fozhi, a general of Wang Zhongxuan's subordinate and a wealthy family in Lushui (now Luoding, Guangdong), so he did not move and delayed the fighter. When Mrs. Xian found out, she was furious, imprisoned Feng Xuan, and sent another grandson, Feng An, to fight against the rebels, and joined forces with the Sui official army, defeating Wang Zhongxuan. After being pacified, Mrs. Xian put on armor and rode a horse, and personally escorted Pei Ju, the envoy of Sui Zhaofu, to patrol the states, and Lingnan was decided. At that time, Emperor Wen of Sui said to his ministers Gao Gong and Yang Su, "Wei Huan's 20,000 soldiers cannot reach the ridge early, and I have few soldiers every time I suffer" ("Zizhi Tongjian, Volume 177"). It can be seen that Mrs. Xian's decision has a great impact on the overall situation.

At this time, Mrs. Sin was 80 years old. Emperor Wen of Sui was amazed by Mrs. Xian's actions, and sent a special letter of condolences. Queen Dugu also gave her jewelry and banquet clothes. His grandson Feng Ang was honored as the Assassin of Gaozhou for his meritorious service in assisting the Sui Army to quell the rebellion, and his second grandson Feng Xuan was also pardoned and worshiped as the Assassin of Luozhou. Feng Bao was posthumously presented as the governor of Guangzhou and the Duke of Qian Guo, and Mrs. Xian was canonized as the Lady of Qian Guo. And "open the shogunate of the lady of the state of the country, put the official subordinates below the long history, give the seal, listen to the soldiers and horses of the six states of the tribe, if there is an emergency, act cheaply" ("Sui Shu - The Biography of the Lady of the State of the State"). It is not difficult to see that Emperor Wen of Sui attached great importance to Mrs. Xian.

Emperor Wen of Sui issued an edict to comfort Mrs. Xian: "I nurture the common people, love the parents, and want to make the land clean and happy." And Wang Zhongxuan and others gathered together and disturbed the people, so they were sent to Zhujian to eliminate harm for the people. Mrs. is in love with Fengguo and knows the right reason, so she ordered Sun Ang to gain the wisdom of the Buddha and break the group of thieves, which is very successful. Today, the husband has 5,000 characters. If you don't feel guilty, you are guilty of the crime, and your wife is sincere, so you are hereby excused. It is advisable for the lady to discipline her children and grandchildren, to worship etiquette, to obey the dynasty, and to be a vice of the heart" ("Sui Shu - Biography of the Lady of the State of China"). The meaning of Yin Yin is overflowing with words.

Mrs. Xian kept the gifts given by the Liang, Chen, and Sui dynasties in three warehouses, and she always took them out and displayed them in the court every New Year's holiday. And he said to his children, "Thou shalt devote thy heart to the Son of Heaven." I serve three generations of masters, and I only use one good heart. Now the gift is saved, and this reward of loyalty and filial piety is also, may you all miss it" ("Sui Shu - Biography of the Lady of the State of China").

After the founding of the Sui Dynasty, Guangzhou was changed to Fanzhou, in addition to relying on Mrs. Xian to sit in the Lingnan area, the imperial court sent Zhao Na as the governor of Fanzhou, and governed local government affairs. Zhao Ne was greedy and cruel to the people, and many of the Lingnan tribes rebelled. Mrs. Xian sent Shi Zhangrong to the imperial court to expose it, so that Zhao Ne was sanctioned. Emperor Wen commissioned Mrs. Xian to comfort the rebels. Despite her advanced age, Mrs. Xian personally carried an edict to more than ten states, proclaiming the holy decree and comforting the local people. Because of Mrs. Xian's contribution to exposing Zhao Ne and appeasing the people, the imperial court gave Mrs. Tang Muyi 1,500 households in Linzhen County, and gave Feng Servant as the governor of Yazhou and the prince of Pingyuan County.

In the second year of Renshou of the Sui Dynasty (602), Mrs. Xian died at the age of ninety. Today's Wang Xingrui has a book "Mrs. Xian and the Feng Family", and has studied many related deeds.

9, Don Say

Tang Sail, 1399—? The female leader of the peasant rebel army in the early Ming Dynasty was a native of Putai County, Binzhou, Shandong. In 1420, in the eighteenth year of Yongle, he led the people to revolt in Yidu Unloading Stone Shed, which shook the Beijing division and dealt a heavy blow to the Ming Dynasty. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Chengzu moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing, overhauled the palace, organized manpower, transferred grain from the south to the north, and dug canals, and successively requisitioned hundreds of thousands of people in Shandong, and the burden of peasant forced labor was heavy. Tang Sai'er was a famous female leader of the White Lotus sect who rebelled against the imperial court in the early Ming Dynasty. Tang Saier is a native of Putai County, Shandong, and the wife of Lin San. After the death of Lin, it is said that Tang occasionally got a stone box, which contained a sword and a book of soldiers, Tang studied and became proficient in the art of war, in the name of spreading the White Lotus Sect, gathered thousands of people, and in February of the eighteenth year of Yongle, he unloaded the stone shed in Yidu.

Tang Saier was well-known in the Yongle period of Ming Chengzu. During the Yongle period, she used the White Lotus Sect as a cover to organize and launch a large-scale peasant uprising, achieved two great victories, and became a famous female leader of the peasant uprising in Chinese history.

Tang Sai'er, female, also known as Tang Sanjie, was a native of Xiguan, Putai County (now Binzhou, Shandong), (1399~?) ), practicing martial arts since childhood. In the last years of Hongwu in the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang's four sons launched the "Battle of Jingyan" in order to compete for the throne, and Shandong became the main battlefield, and the war displaced the people. After Zhu Di ascended the throne, he moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing, overhauled the palace, organized manpower, transferred grain from the south to the north, and dug canals.

Hundreds of thousands of people were requisitioned and transferred in Shandong, and the peasants were burdened with forced labor. In addition to floods and droughts, plague epidemics, the masses are living in great difficulty. The masses in Shandong, Henan and other places have reached the point of eating tree bark and grass roots to support their lives. "People eat grass for food." In the seventeenth year of Yongle, "Shandong, Henan, and Shanxi were still in a state of famine and drought, so they stripped the bark of trees and dug up grass roots...... The old and the young wandered, the roads were bumpy, and the wives and children were sold in order to survive." (The Legend of the Nation, Vol. 17)

In folklore, Tang Sai'er got married at the age of 18, in troubled times. Soon after the marriage, her beloved husband Lin San was forced to death by the government (one said that he died of an epidemic), Tang Sai'er was in pain, aroused her spirit of resistance, and was determined to avenge her husband and the suffering villagers.

At that time, the folk White Lotus Sect in Binzhou was prevalent. The peasant masses, who had suffered from war and exploitation, widely believed in the White Lotus Sect and sought spiritual sustenance and mutual help from it. Tang Sai'er has been chanting Buddhist scriptures since he was a child, and in order to make his teacher famous, a legend has been circulated.

After Lin San's death, Tang Sai'er often went to the cemetery to pay respects. When Lin San returned to the village after a sacrifice, in the stone crevice at the foot of the mountain, Tang Sai'er found the books and swords of the White Lotus Sect. Since then, it has been rumored in the township and the government that she is "proficient in all arts", and believes that "the sword is also a divine object, but Sai'er can use it". Tang Sai'er then called herself "Mother of the Buddha", saying that she could predict the success or failure of things in the future, and called on the people to be able to cut paper. She worked tirelessly, did not avoid hardships and dangers, and secretly traveled back and forth between Yidu, Zhucheng, Anzhou, Juzhou, Jimo, and Shouguang counties.

The rebel army organized by Tang Sai'er, called the "White Lotus Army", gathered thousands of people. Because Putai County is located in the plain, there is no danger of high mountains and dense forests, Tang Sai'er found in Qingzhou, in the territory of Yidu County, more than 200 miles south of Putai County (the junction of Yangji and Zhuya townships), there is an ancient stone unloading shed, the peak is seven or eight hundred meters high, is surrounded by cliffs, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and is in the center of Zhucheng, Anqiu, Juzhou, Shouguang and other places, so Tang Sai'er chose the stone sheds as the site of the uprising, Yongle 18 February 11 formal uprising.

After Tang Sai'er's uprising, the Ming government urgently ordered the Qingzhou Weidu to command Gao Feng to surround the unloading stone shed in an attempt to eliminate the rebel army. As soon as the Ming army arrived at the end of the stone shed, Tang Sai'er suddenly launched an attack at night, killing Gao Feng and others on the spot, and annihilating all the Ming troops in a state of chaos.

The first battle was victorious, and the Tang Sayer rebel army was greatly inspired. She used the unloading stone shed as a base, and soon occupied Juzhou, Jimo and other county seats, attacking the government and wealthy landlords. People in all parts of the east of Qingzhou responded to the uprising, "destroying the official offices, burning the warehouses", opening warehouses to help the poor, and the team quickly grew to more than 20,000 people, shaking the Beijing division. The masses in all parts east of Qingzhou responded one after another, and more than a dozen rebel armies appeared in Yidu, Zhucheng, Anqiu, Juzhou, Jiaozhou and other prefectures and counties. Among them, there are two teams of Bin Hong and Dong Yangao. In this way, the peasant uprising centered on the stone unloading shed village was vigorously launched.

After Tang Sai'er won the first battle, he used the stone unloading shed as a base to continuously attack the official officials, bullies, and landlords in the nearby state capital. Everywhere Tang Sai'er went, all the officials fled for their lives, and other rebel armies also responded. According to local chronicles, Shouguang, Anqiu, Jiaozhou and other places all had activities to crack down on the Ming army, such as "destroying official offices and burning warehouses", and one by one urgent documents flew to Beijing. In order to control the situation, Emperor Yongle sent a minister to the unloading stone shed to recruit peace, and Tang Sai'er angrily beheaded the envoy

In the case of failure to recruit An, Ming Chengzu Zhu Di was extremely angry, and sent the commander of the "Beijing Battalion", Liu Shenghe, the Marquis of Anyuan, and the commander of Liu Zhong to lead 5,000 elite soldiers to suppress it.

In the face of the rebel army led by Tang Sai'er, Liu Sheng believed that "the little thief can be pacified in a few days". On February 28, after Liu Sheng and Liu Zhongbing arrived in Yidu, they once again surrounded the unloading stone shed.

Tang Sai'er took advantage of the enemy's arrogance and underestimation of the enemy's weakness, and surrendered on the grounds that "the village is exhausted and there is no water", and transferred Liu Sheng's main force to a place where there is water in the east of the city, but he concentrated his forces and launched a surprise attack on the weakly defended enemy camp. During the second watch of the night, he broke through the enemy camp and killed Liu Zhong, the commander of the capital. When the enemy's main force arrived, Tang Sayer had already commanded the rebel army to move calmly.

At the same time, other rebel armies also fought valiantly against the Ming army, among which the battle of Anqiu City was the fiercest. At that time, more than 10,000 rebel troops in Anqiu, Juzhou, and Jimo besieged Anqiu City, and when it was about to be captured, Wei Qing, who was responsible for guarding against the Japanese invaders on the coast of Shandong, led his troops to arrive, so that the rebel army suffered from the enemy and finally failed. The local leader Zhao Wan was captured and righteous, and more than 2,000 people were killed and wounded by the rebels, and more than 4,000 people were captured, all of whom were killed by the Ming army, and his wife and children were confiscated as slaves by the government.

Although the peasant uprising led by Tang Sayer only lasted more than 60 days, it killed two generals of the Ming Dynasty and achieved two great victories. After the failure of the Tang Sayer uprising, the ruler of the Ming Dynasty sent Liu Sheng to command the army to pursue the rebel army that broke through from the unearthing stone shed, and executed all the captured rebel generals. However, the leader of the rebel army, Tang Sai'er, had fled, which made the Yongle Emperor angry, and ordered Liu Sheng to be imprisoned, and all the senators, envoys, political envoys, and officials in the counties where the uprising occurred were executed.

Ten, Wang Cong'er

Wang Cong'er, a native of Xiangyang, Hubei, was born as an artist in the rivers and lakes, and was also known as Qi Wang because he married Qi Lin. After participating in the White Lotus Uprising, she served as the commander-in-chief of the Righteous Army, that is, the commander of the Eighth Route Rebel Army, and was a heroine who was as beautiful as a flower, noble in virtue, strong in martial arts, brave and strategic.

During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, bureaucratic landlords encroached on the land of the peasants in large quantities. Unable to make a living, the peasants had to live in the rivers and lakes to make a living. Wang Cong'er lost his father at a young age, and followed his mother to learn acrobatics, running horses and ropes, dancing knives and sticks, and doing everything. The mother and daughter traveled north and south with their skills and lived a life of displacement. One day, the mother and daughter came to Xiangyang and joined the White Lotus Sect with the help of a man named Qi Lin in an accident. Qi Lin is the leader of the White Lotus Sect in Xiangyang. After Wang Cong'er joined the church, he often used his identity as an entertainer to promote the teachings of the White Lotus Sect on the rivers and lakes. Because the two of them were like-minded, their relationship became deeper and deeper, and they soon became husband and wife. After getting married, Qi Lin and Wang Cong'er led the White Lotus cultists to plan an armed uprising against the Qing Dynasty.

When He Shen was in power, the Qing Dynasty was very corrupt, local officials were rampant with corruption, and the people were full of complaints. At that time, in Hubei and Henan, the White Lotus Sect was popular again. There was a native of Anhui, Liu Song, who went to Henan to preach, and took advantage of the opportunity to treat the people to persuade them to join the church, but was later discovered by the government and exiled to Gansu.

Liu Song's apprentices, Liu Zhixie and Song Zhiqing, fled to Hubei and continued their missionaries. They propagandized that the Qing Dynasty was about to fall, and that a new world would emerge in the future, and that anyone who joined the religion would be given land. The local poor peasants, fed up with the exploitation of the landlords and eager to get land, listened to this propaganda and joined the White Lotus Sect one after another.

The news of the increasing number of people participating in the White Lotus Sect alarmed Emperor Qianlong. Emperor Qianlong ordered the provincial governments to arrest the believers. Some officials, who were veterans of extortion, took the opportunity to send out officers to go door to door to inquire about whether you were a believer or not, and you had to pay a sum of money to "honor" them. Those who have money pay for their lives, and those who have no money are caught in prison, tortured, and even killed. There was an official in Wuchang who could not extort money from the people, fabricated charges, and was implicated by thousands of people. Both believers and non-believers were persecuted to the point that their families were ruined, and they hated the government even more.

Liu Zhixie, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, arrived in Xiangyang and convened a meeting of the followers to discuss. Everyone said: "In this world, the government is really forcing the people to rebel!" It's better to simply rebel. After some deliberations, it was decided to use the slogan of "the government to force the people to rebel" to launch a mass uprising, and sent the followers to various places to make contact.

The number of people participating in the White Lotus Sect increased day by day, and Qi Lin and Wang Cong'er saw that the conditions for an uprising were ripe, so they decided to revolt in Xiangyang. Unexpectedly, the news of the uprising leaked, and Qi Lin and more than 100 other believers were arrested, and they were all killed. After Qi Lin's death, Wang Cong'er was elected as the leader by everyone and secretly continued to prepare for a new armed uprising

In 1796, Wang Cong'er learned that the White Lotus Sect in other places had launched an armed uprising. Everyone unanimously elected her as the "chief teacher". So, she led the rebels to kill corrupt officials and corrupt officials, and opened the granary to distribute grain to the poor people. By this time, Wang Cong'er's army had grown to as many as 40,000 or 50,000 people.

Later, she led the rebel army from Hubei to Sichuan, and joined forces with the rebel army in Sichuan, forming an uprising army of 140,000 or 50,000. In order to facilitate the command, the rebel army was divided into eight armies with yellow, blue, blue, and white colors. Wang Cong'er was elected as the road commander of the Eighth Army. The fact that a young woman can become the leader of such a large-scale uprising shows how capable Wang Cong'er is!

In 1798, Wang Cong'er led the rebel army all the way to Xi'an. Emperor Jiaqing saw that the rebel army was getting stronger and stronger, panicked, and hurriedly ordered governors, governors, generals, general soldiers and other officials in various places to send a large number of men and horses to suppress it. However, those high-ranking officials and generals only knew how to embezzle military salaries, and did not know how to fight.

Wang Cong'er divided his troops into three routes, from Hubei to Henan. The rebels fought bravely, but also with agility. When they were marching, they did not form a group, and when they saw that the officers and soldiers did not meet them head-on, they did not take the flat road, but chose mountain paths to walk, looking for opportunities to attack the officers and soldiers. They also divided the soldiers into many small teams, a team of several hundred people, and they were divided and united, moving from south to north, and the officers and soldiers who surrounded and suppressed them were dizzy and exhausted.

Wang Cong'er's rebel army fought in Hubei, Henan, and Shaanxi to fight against the official army. The following year, he joined forces with the rebel army there in Sichuan. Emperor Jiaqing saw the failure of the encirclement and suppression of the official army, his eyes were red with anger, he scolded Wang Cong'er as the culprit, and issued an edict to severely reprimand some generals who led the troops.

The Qing army general Mingliang offered a vicious plan to Emperor Jiaqing, asking landlords everywhere to organize armed militias and build blockhouses. As soon as the rebels came, they drove the people into the bunkers, so that the rebels could not find the help of the masses and could not get food and grass. This practice is called "Fortified Clearing". Emperor Jiaqing ordered this strategy to be adopted in various localities, and the activities of the rebel army became more and more difficult. The Qing army besieged Wang Cong'er in the northern Sichuan area. Wang Cong'er got rid of the siege of the Qing army and personally led 20,000 horses to attack Xi'an, but was blocked by the official army in Xi'an and lost the battle; When he returned to Hubei, Mingliang led the officers and troops to pursue closely. The rebel army was followed by officials and troops, and in front of it was intercepted by the landlords' armed militias, and finally fell into the enemy's encirclement at the Sancha River in Yunxi (in present-day Hubei Province, Yunyin Yún).

Wang Cong'er was not afraid of danger and commanded the rebel army to retreat to the forest of Maoshan and prepare to organize a breakthrough. When the officers and soldiers found out, they surrounded Maoshan again, and from the front and back of the mountain, they crowded up. After stubborn resistance, the rebels were finally defeated. Seeing that the breakthrough could not be achieved, and that she and her subordinates did not want to be taken prisoner, Wang Cong'er retreated to the top of the mountain, jumped off the steep cliff with her subordinates, and died heroically, and the heroine Wang Cong'er was only twenty-two years old at the time.

Sassy and heroic five-foot gun,

The first light of dawn shines on the exercise ground.

The sons and daughters of China have many strange aspirations,

I don't love red makeup, I love arms.

Second, take stock of the 12 heroines in history

There are many heroes in China, but there are also many heroines who have left their own strong marks in the smoke of history. From Hua Mulan, who joined the army on behalf of her father, to Mu Guiying, who was 53 years old and returned to the handsome seal, the stories of ancient Chinese heroines have been passed down from generation to generation, inspiring generations of Chinese children. The iron bones, the soft intestines, are one in them. They are a monument in Chinese history!


Good woman

She is the first well-documented heroine in Chinese history. The martial arts of the Shang Dynasty were the most prosperous in the era of Shang Gaozong Wuding, who expanded the territory of the Shang Dynasty several times through a series of wars, and the general who led the troops to conquer the east and west for Wu Ding was his queen's wife.

According to the oracle bone inscription, one summer, there was a war on the northern border, and the two sides were at loggerheads, so the woman volunteered and asked to lead the troops, but Wu Ding hesitated, and only after divination did he decide to send the woman to raise an army, and the result was a great victory. After that, Wu Ding made her the commander, and since then, she has conquered more than 20 independent small countries around her.

Not only can women lead troops to fight, but they are also often ordered to preside over various ceremonies such as worshipping the heavens and ancestors, and serving as divination officials. The Shang Dynasty was a superstitious country of ghosts and gods, the so-called "major affairs of the country, in the worship and Rong", women can fight again, and have the power of sacrifice and divination, maybe even Wu Ding is afraid of her.



The story of serving in the army for his father can be described as a household name, the real Mulan has a person in history, the year of birth and death is unknown, the daughter of Wei, a native of Eastern Wei Village in Qiaocheng (now Qiaocheng District, Bozhou City), named Hua Arc, later known as Mulan. His father's name is Ying, and he is an official knight in the early Han Dynasty. Mulan adheres to her father's aspirations, learns martial arts since childhood, and especially works swordsmanship.

In the fourteenth year of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty (166 B.C.), the old Xiongnu Shangdanyu (the son of Maodun Shan Yu, the name of Ji Porridge) entered the fortress in a big way, killing and plundering a lot. Emperor Wen conquered the people of the world to reign, Mulan's father should go, and he is old, and his younger brother is still young. Mulan took pity on her father and served for her father. Mulan was a soldier at the beginning, a junior colonel with merit, and later promoted to a general, guarding the southern foot of Yan Mountain. Galloping to the battlefield, plugging the flag and cutting the generals, attacking the city and conquering the land, there is no one who is the front. Single-handedly reversed. Mulan has been in the army for 12 years, and has won many awards, but people never know that she is a woman. Hou Kai returned, the Son of Heaven Jiaqigong, Feng Shang Shulang, not accepted, and earnestly played the provincial relatives. and support the army to return the war, release the clothes, dress women, and the companions are shocked.

The Mulan tomb is located in the north of Wei Village in the east of Bozhou City, the mound is tall, the pine is surrounded by trees, the green bamboo becomes a forest, the villagers are the ancestral hall again, and the eighth day of April every year is the birthday sacrifice for Mulan. The land of Mulan is rebellious, that is, Shunping County, Hebei Province, the people of the place are grateful for the kindness of Mulan, and have built temples and shrines for it since the Han Dynasty.

In the first year of the Tang Dynasty, Mulan was posthumously awarded the title of "General Xiaolie". In this year, Tang Gaozong and Wu Zetian Taishan sealed Zen and returned to the court, passing through Bozhou, towards Bozhou Laojun Temple and Mulan Temple, and named Laozi as "Emperor Taishang Xuanyuan" and Mulan as "General Xiaolie".


Wu Mo

Lü Mu (?~18 AD) was one of the earliest leaders of the peasant uprising against Wang Mang's rule in the late Western Han Dynasty, and the first female leader of the peasant uprising in Chinese history.

She is a native of Langya Haiqu (now part of Rizhao Donggang District). Zi Lu Yu, Ren County Wanderer, is in charge of patrolling and arresting. In the first year of Wang Mang's new dynasty Tianfeng (14 AD), Lu Yu was killed by the county governor because he did not punish the people who could not pay the taxes according to the instructions of the county governor. Lu's mother was full of grief and indignation and vowed to avenge her son. She took out all the family property, and after some careful planning, she quickly pulled up a team of hundreds of people, practiced soldiers and horses, and waited for the opportunity. In the fourth year of Tianfeng (17 AD), Lu Mu climbed the earthen platform at the west foot of Kuishan to worship the sky, called herself "General", and led the rebel army to kill Xianghaiqu City. After a fierce battle, the county commander was captured alive and put to death.

Since then, Lu's mother has become famous, and poor farmers from near and far have defected to her. Soon, the rebel army grew to tens of thousands. Lü Mu's uprising lit the torch of rebellion against Wang Mang's rule, and soon formed a trend of burning the prairie that swept across the country. In the fifth year of Tianfeng (18 AD), Lu's mother died of illness, and most of her soldiers joined the Red Mei Army, and the rest defected to the peasant rebel armies such as Qingli and Tongma.


Sin Fu

Premier Zhou Enlai once praised Mrs. Xian as "the first Chinese woman hero". Lady Xian (c. 520~601) was a prominent political leader of the Lingnan Slang (a branch of Baiyue). She was born in a family of leaders, "young and wise, more strategic", good at "following the people, being able to march the army, and subduing the Zhuyue", and has been an outstanding leader since her youth. She routinely advises her relatives to be kind, to "trust and righteousness in the hometown", and to act impartially and without favoritism, so she is very prestigious in the township and is deeply supported and loved by the local people. In the ninth year of Emperor Kaihuang of Sui (589), Emperor Wen of Sui marched into Lingnan and was resisted by the former ministers of the Chen Dynasty and some ethnic minorities. Mrs. Xian was also named Mrs. Xian Guo.

Mrs. Xian is the leader of the ethnic minorities in Lingnan, has her own armed forces, and has the conditions to dominate the territory. However, when the whole country was in chaos and division, she did not engage in division and division, but always supported the feudal court and safeguarded the unity of the motherland, and became the main pillar supporting the stability of the political situation in the Pearl River valley in the Liang and Chen dynasties of the Southern Dynasties and the Sui and early Tang dynasties, and made important contributions to promoting local political and social and economic development.

In addition, Mrs. Xian also played an active role in the re-establishment of the county system in the slang area of Hainan Island. Because the Liang Dynasty adopted Madame Xian's suggestion and reinstated the county system in the slang areas of Hainan Island, the relationship between the Central Plains and Hainan Island became closer and closer, which was conducive to the reunification of the motherland and the social and economic development of the slang areas.

Mrs. Xian always upheld the centralization of power and the unity of the motherland, and opposed the act of separatism and separatism, which deeply influenced her descendants. Later, her grandson Feng Ang resolutely refused to claim the title of king and annexed to the Tang Dynasty, making great contributions to the Tang Dynasty's unification of the Lingnan region. This is directly related to her leading by example and educating her children and grandchildren to put the country first.

In order to commemorate her great achievements and high wind and bright festivals, the descendants built many temples in Gao, Lei, Hua, Qin, Lian and other prefectures in Liangguang. Among them, there are often 10 or 20 in one county in Maoming, Huaxian, and Dianbai. Yazhou on Hainan Island has a temple for Mrs. Junwang, and there is also a temple for Mrs. Xian in Danxian and other places.


Liang Hongyu

Liang Hongyu (1102 ~ 1153), a famous anti-gold heroine of the Song Dynasty, her husband was Han Shizhong, a famous anti-gold general, a native of Beichenfang, Huai'an, originally from Chizhou, which is now Guichi County, Anhui Province. Grandfather and father were both military generals, and Liang Hongyu served his father and brother since he was a child and practiced kung fu. The story of Liang Hongyu beating the drum to repel the Jin soldiers is still recited by people today.

In the spring of the fourth year of Jianyan, the Jin army returned from Hangzhou to the north. Han Shizhong's troops have been urgently dispatched to advance along both sides of the canal on land and water, preemptively occupying Jinshan and Jiaoshan in the Jingkou area, and intercepting the return route of Jin Wushu. On the same day, Jin Wushu sent a war letter to Han Shizhong, agreeing to start the war the next day. The next morning, Liang Hongyu had already finished his stop, wearing a pheasant tail eight treasures inlaid with gold beads and a golden phoenix crown, wearing a collar of chain gold armor, and a coiled dragon white jade belt, sitting on the Chinese army's building ship to command the battle. At the most intense time, Liang Hongyu personally beat the drum to cheer, and the morale of the Song army was hundredfold, and the Jin army was terrified after a day of fighting, trapping the army of Jin Wushu in Huang Tiandang. Han Shizhong used Liang Hongyu's strategy to surround the enemy army for 48 days with less than ten times the enemy's strength (8,000 Song troops against 100,000 Jin troops), which shocked China.

Huang Tiandang's first battle made the Jin army frightened, and they no longer dared to casually cross the Yangtze River to the south. Later, Han Shizhong, Yue Fei and Zhang Jun went on the Northern Expedition of the Three-Way Army, and Liang Hongyu specially trained a team of female soldiers and made many miraculous achievements. After Yue Fei was killed, Han Shizhong resigned angrily and returned to the West Lake in Hangzhou with Liang Hongyu. In 1151, Han Shizhong died of illness. In less than two years, Liang Hongyu also died of depression, and the couple were buried together at the foot of Lingyan Mountain in Sudi.


Qin Liangyu

Qin Liangyu (1574 or 1584 ~ 1648), the word Zhensu, Miao nationality, Sichuan Zhongzhou (now Zhong County) people. Since childhood, he has practiced martial arts from his father, is good at riding and shooting, knows poetry and writing, and is resourceful. After the death of her husband, she succeeded him, she once sent her people to rescue Shenyang to fight against Houjin, and personally led 3,000 elite soldiers to the north to guard Shanhaiguan. When the Qing army entered the customs and went south, she insisted on resisting the Qing Dynasty, and was crowned the crown prince and loyal marquis by Emperor Longwu of the Southern Ming Dynasty, becoming the only officially registered heroine in Chinese history.

After Ming Sizong saw the female general, he was full of emotion, and wrote four poems, praising her achievements, and gave Qin Liangyu a personal transcription of the imperial pen: "Learn to make a formation map in Sichuan, and hold a talisman in the sleeve of the mandarin duck; The origin of women is willing to accept it, why should the general be a husband. "Shu brocade robes are cut by themselves, and the peach blossoms are immediately long; How many strange men in the world, who are willing to travel thousands of miles. "" Sleeping in the open swear and swearing, endure blood instead of rouge; Kaige immediately cleared the song, not when Zhaojun was out of the plug. "" With the broom sweeping the Huns, a chorus of joy shouted; Try to look at his Nianlin Pavilion, Danqing first painted a picture of a beauty. The four hymns inscribed by the emperor gave Qin Liangyu a very high evaluation.



Qiu Jin (1875 ~ 1907), a modern democratic revolutionary, formerly known as Qiu Jin, changed his name to Jin after studying in Japan, called himself "Jianhu Woman", pen name Qiu, once used the pen name Bai Ping. Qiu Jin was born in Min County, Fujian, who despised feudal etiquette and advocated equality between men and women. She actively participated in the revolution, and successively participated in revolutionary organizations such as the Triads, the Liberation Society, and the League Society. In 1907, she and Xu Xilin and others organized the Guangfu Army, and planned to revolt in Zhejiang and Anhui at the same time on July 6, but they were arrested. On July 15th, he calmly took up righteousness at the entrance of Shaoxing Xuanting.

Qiu Jin is proficient in poetry, and is the author of "Feelings" and "Feelings", etc., and his works include "Qiu Jin Poems", "Ms. Qiu's Posthumous Manuscripts", "Autumn Female Martyrs' Posthumous Manuscripts" and several other kinds.


Liu Hulan

Liu Hulan is the youngest known female martyr of the Chinese Communist Party. This is because she has been educated by the Party since the Children's League and has seen the fundamental benefits of the Party-led land reform to the poor peasants. In order to defend the interests of her own class, she was neither greedy for money nor afraid of death, and finally faced the temptation of the enemy, she only replied: "Give me a golden man and I will not confess." On the execution ground, she shouted: "Afraid of death is not a Communist Party member." At that time, the national army had pulled a few people from the masses to fight Liu Hulan.

On March 26, 1947, Mao Zedong wrote an inscription for Liu Hulan: "The greatness of life, the glory of death!" It was just eight days after the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China had just retreated from Yan'an, and Mao Zedong was deciding to leave northern Shaanxi to engage the Kuomintang army in a guerrilla manner. At this critical juncture, the leaders of the whole party, in the midst of their busy schedules directing the war situation in the whole country, wrote such words for a young female party member, which has the implication of inspiring the whole party and all the people in the liberated areas to fight bravely to win the war.


Zhao Yiman

Zhao Yiman, formerly known as Li Kuntai (1905 ~ August 1936), a patriotic poetess, an outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, a famous anti-Japanese national hero, studied at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow, and graduated from the sixth phase of the Whampoa Military Academy. He once served as the political commissar of the Second Regiment of the Third Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army, led the army and civilians to fight bloodily against the Japanese invaders between the white mountains and black waters, and sacrificed their lives for the country in the desperate struggle against the Japanese invaders. She is a good daughter of the Chinese people, an outstanding representative of the Chinese nation, and was named one of the "100 heroic and exemplary figures who have made outstanding contributions to the founding of New China" in 2010. There is a poem "Riverside Narrative".


Jiang Zhuyun

Jiang Zhuyun (1920~1949), formerly known as Jiang Zhujun, known as "Sister Jiang", was a native of Jiangjiawan, Dashanpu, Zigong City, Sichuan Province, China, and a martyr of the Communist Party of China.

Born in a peasant family in Sichuan, Sister Jiang joined the Communist Party of China in 1939 and married Peng Yongwu in 1945. In 1948, Peng Yongwu died in battle as a member of the East Sichuan Provisional Committee of the Communist Party of China and deputy secretary of the East Sichuan Prefectural Committee, and Jiang Zhuyun took over his work. On June 14, 1948, he was arrested in Wanxian County, imprisoned in Chongqing Military Commander's Dzha Cave Prison, tortured but still untruthful, and killed and destroyed on November 14, 1949. Sister Jiang gave her life at the age of 29 for the ideals of communism.

11, 迟昭平

Chi Zhaoping, the heroine of the peasant uprising in the Western Han Dynasty, shines in the long scroll of history, showing the dignity and pride of a generation of women. Chi Zhaoping, a native of Pingyuan County, was born and died without examination. Chi Zhaoping also in the autumn of the same year of the Lümu uprising, gathered thousands of people in the southwest of the river, now in the southwest of the plain city, held an uprising, resisted official taxes, swept the government, killed the gentry, plundered the nobles, helped the weak and the weak, distributed grain and poor people, and became an outstanding female leader of the peasant uprising among the heroes. Due to the development of the struggle situation, in the third year of Emperor Yudi, in the summer of 22 AD, Chi Zhaoping's troops and Xu Yiqing's troops converged, and fought in Pingyuan, Fuping, Leling, Wudi, Yanshan and other places, and the team soon grew to 100,000 people.

12, Princess Pingyang Zhao

Princess Binh Duong? —In 623, the third daughter of Tang Gaozu Li Yuan, the same sister of Tang Taizong Li Shimin, and the mother of Empress Taimu Dou. Originally from Yaoshan in Xingzhou, she is a true heroine, and the first princess in ancient China to lead thousands of armies and horses to establish an imperial business for her father, and her talent and courage are not inferior to her brothers. The famous pass of the Great Wall of China, Niangzi Pass, was named after the Niangzi Pass led by her who were once stationed here. She is the first princess in the Tang Dynasty to have a nickname after her death, and she is the only woman in Chinese feudal history who was mourned by the army. But her name and date of birth are not recorded in the "Old Tang Book" and "New Tang Book" that record her deeds.

Third, the youngest of the 10 female Red Army heroes of New China died this year

In ancient times, Hua Mulan served in the army for her father, Mu Guiying was in command, and women were not allowed to shave their eyebrows, and in the revolutionary period, there were naturally some heroines, and today we will take stock of the ten female Red Army heroes of the Republic.

The first Su Li, the youngest soldier who participated in the Red Army's Long March, said that she was also relatively pitiful, her father died when she was 1 year old, and her mother was weak and sick, so she could only be sold to a landlord's family. After arriving at the landlord's house, he suffered a lot, and was caught by the landlord after escaping several times, and later the Red Fourth Army arrived in her hometown, Su Li heard that the Red Army was a force to help the poor, so he found the Red Army clothing factory several times, and finally joined the Red Army.

In the course of the Long March, because of her young age, she was often taken care of by everyone, and later she grew from an ignorant child to a revolutionary youth, and in the following days, she went to Yan'an to work as a nurse, and also followed the Fourth Field Army south to the Jinggangshan area. On May 21 this year, Su Li passed away at Ruijin Hospital at the age of 95.

The second Jian Xianfo, she is the wife of General Xiao Ke, Jian Xianfo was born in a very enlightened merchant family, several brothers and sisters in the family wanted to be the Red Army, and their father agreed to them, so the elder sister Ji'an County became the first female Red Army in Xiangxi, and married in He Long, and subsequently, Jian Xianfo also joined the Red Army. Later, because of her outstanding talent, she was arranged to do political propaganda work in the Political Department of the Red Sixth Army, and she would go to the wall to write slogans and paint propaganda posters everywhere the troops went.

Later, she attracted the attention of Xiao Ke because of her outstanding performance, and the two became husband and wife, making great contributions to the establishment of New China, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, she served as vice minister of electric power, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, etc., and is now 106 years old.

The third Wang Xinlan, she is the wife of the founding general General Xiao Hua. Her uncle was a well-known member of the Communist Party, so under the influence of her uncle, her older brothers and sisters all joined the Communist Party, and she often helped the party organization pass secret documents because she was too young to be noticed. When the Red Army entered Sichuan in 1933, only Wang Xinlan and her frail mother were left at home, and her mother saw that she was preoccupied all day long, and knew that she wanted to follow the Red Army, so she joined the Red Army at the age of 9.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Wang Xinlan received an order from her superiors to go to Yan'an to study, where she met Xiao Hua for the first time. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the husband and wife went to major battlefields and contributed to the establishment of New China, and at the award ceremony in 1955, Xiao Hua was the youngest founding general, and Wang Xinlan was the youngest founding female colonel.

The fourth is Chen Qi, when the Red Army passed through her hometown, Chen Qi heard that the communist army fought local tyrants and divided the land, and felt that the arrival of the Red Army made the whole village full of hope, so she was nearly nine years old and wanted to see the style of the Red Army, and then she joined the team categorically at a young age, and from the time she chose this team, she had already made up her mind that no matter what problems she encountered on the road, she would always follow the Communist Party, so although she would encounter problems along the way, she never gave up, in her opinionThe completion of the Long March means the arrival of a better life.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Chen Qi, who returned to Yan'an, entered the "Kang Da" study, so the 15-year-old girl joined the Communist Party, and after the expiration of the study period, she was assigned to the Third Bureau of the General Staff to work, and after 1940, she was transferred to Chairman Mao's side to do confidential work.

Fifth Li Hongxiang, she was born in Sichuan, the local warlord melee affected her small village, so that she was young and memorable, and later the Red Fourth Front Army entered her hometown, and began to publicize the Red Army's mission, after hearing the propaganda, she ran to join the Red Army at the age of 12, and two years later joined the Communist Party of China, participated in the 25,000-mile Long March, after the Long March, she served in Yan'an as a youth officer of the Political Department of the Central Military Commission, and then joined the Northern Shaanxi Public School for further study.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, she left Yan'an and went to North China to participate in land reform, and then served as a security officer of the General Office of the Second Field Army in the War of Liberation, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, she devoted herself to the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway as a military representative.

The sixth Wan Manlin, she participated in the revolution at the age of 7, and later became the "red ghost" in the Red Army, and followed the Red Army from the beginning of the Long March to start the Long March. After the victory of the Red Army's Long March, she was sent to Kang Keqing's side as a service soldier, and was successively assigned to work in the Lenin Drama Troupe and the Anti-Japanese War Art Troupe. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, she worked in the Northwest Military Region, Xi'an Local Industrial Bureau and other units, and later retired early due to long-term illness.

The seventh Zhao Guiying, she participated in the revolution in 1933, and the following year she followed the Red Army through the Long March, in this process, she served as a stretcher, custodian, after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, she participated in the Yan'an large-scale production movement in Yan'an, farming, raising pigs, and other comrades here, providing logistical support for the soldiers on the front line of the Anti-Japanese War. Although she did not go directly to the front line to fight, in the rear, she not only had to do some farm work, but also made cloth shoes, made quilts, and opened up wasteland, and did a good job in logistics support, which promoted the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan to a certain extent.

The eighth is named Wang Quanying, she was originally born in a Tibetan family, but unfortunately when she was 5 years old, because of the poverty of the family, her parents sold her to the landlord's family as a slave, she thought that her life had passed like this, who would have expected that later the Red Army actually changed his life. In 1935, the Red Army's Long March team came to her hometown, although she was only 14 years old, but she already understood what kind of team the Red Army was, so she did not hesitate to join the Red Army.

In the second year, Wang Quanying's unit encountered the siege of the Kuomintang army, in the fierce battle, she accidentally got lost with the large army, and then in the process of finding the large army, after many difficulties and obstacles, her feet were frozen and damaged without the slightest hesitation, and continued to move forward, but unfortunately after a month of hard work, she still failed to find the team, and later lived in Wenchuan.

The ninth Zhang Wen, she is the wife of General Hong Xuezhi, participated in the revolution in 1933, and then followed the Red Fourth Front Army to participate in the Long March, in this process, she served as a soldier and squad leader of the clothing factory, and then the victory of the Long March, she joined the Communist Party soon after, and started as a student in Yan'an Women's School, and later served as a squad leader and party branch secretary, during the Anti-Japanese War, she joined the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University for work and study.

Subsequently, she moved to northern Jiangsu with the Military and Political University, and participated in the anti-Japanese guerrilla war during this period, and during the War of Liberation, she served as the political instructor of the logistics department of the sixth column of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army, and the vice principal of the family school. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, she served as the director of the kindergarten affiliated to the 15th Corps Children's School, the director of the kindergarten of the Volunteer Army's back-file left-behind office, and the director of the Family Committee of the General Logistics Department, and conscientiously made important contributions to our party and the people.

The last Wang Shaolian, she followed her mother and brother in the spring of 1933 to participate in the Red Fourth Front Army in Bazhou, but unfortunately her brother died in a battle of the Long March, leaving only her and her mother wounded.

At the beginning of this year, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, also organized leaders to visit the 103-year-old hero, although she was in a wheelchair, her movements were not so neat, and because of old age and frailty, but her mental state was very good, especially when she mentioned that she participated in the Long March at that time, she was even more energetic and her thinking was very clear. Now she has been in the same house for five generations, and among her children and grandchildren, there are 7 people who joined the army to defend the country, although she is seriously ill, but she still raised her right hand to salute after seeing the care of the party and the country to express her gratitude, wishing the old hero to be blessed as the East China Sea Shoubi Nanshan.

These are the ten heroines of the Red Army on the mainland, who braved difficulties, experienced the Long March, and made great contributions to the founding of New China, and also passed on the spirit of the red revolution and paid tribute to them!

Third, China's top ten anti-Japanese heroines: Zhao Yiman is on the list, and the third is tearful

  In the battle against the Japanese invaders on the mainland, many heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country appeared, and in this war, they repelled the enemy with selfless dedication and the spirit of sacrificing their lives and forgot to die, and fought a perfect victory. Among these heroes, there are many heroines, and their feats are truly unshaven. Do you know who the anti-Japanese heroines are? The editor of Ranking 123 will introduce you to China's top ten anti-Japanese heroines, come and take a look.

China's top ten anti-Japanese heroines

1. Zhao Yiman

  Zhao Yiman was a hero of the Chinese nation's resistance against Japan, who participated in the vigorous revolutionary struggle led by our party, and sacrificed his most precious life for national liberation, was arrested in November 1935 in the struggle of the Japanese invaders, and was inaugurated in August 1936. He also has representative works such as "Binjiang Reminiscence" and "Sending a Son's Suicide Letter", and was awarded one of the "100 Heroes and Exemplary Figures Who Made Outstanding Contributions to the Founding of New China".

2. Cold clouds

  Leng Yun, the leader of the eight women in the Anti-Japanese Federation. In October 1938, on the bank of the Wusihun River, a tributary of the Mudanjiang River, in order to cover the breakthrough of the anti-United Nations troops, he led 7 soldiers of the women's regiment to throw themselves into the river in a fierce battle with the Japanese puppet army. The feat of the eight women throwing themselves into the river vividly and vividly demonstrated the heroic spirit of the Chinese nation in fighting a bloody battle against the enemy to the end, and what flashed through them was the lofty national integrity and the revolutionary fighting spirit of the communists who regarded death as their home. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the people's government built a monument for the martyrs on the side of the Wusihun River in Linkou County, Heilongjiang Province, where they threw themselves into the river.

3. Wang Cong'er

  Wang Cong'er was born in 1777 A.D. and was the commander-in-chief of the former White Lotus rebel army. Wang Cong'er lost his father at a young age, and followed his mother to learn acrobatics, running horses and ropes, dancing knives and sticks, and doing everything. The mother and daughter traveled north and south with their skills and lived a life of displacement. Later, she led the rebel army from Hubei to Sichuan, joined forces with the rebel army in Sichuan, and formed an uprising army of 140,000 or 50,000. In order to facilitate the command, the rebel army was divided into eight armies with yellow, blue, blue, and white colors. Wang Cong'er was elected as the road commander of the Eighth Army. The fact that a young woman can become the leader of such a large-scale uprising shows how capable Wang Cong'er is!

4. Li Lin

  Li Lin is a native of Longxi County, Fujian Province (now Longhai City), after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War in 1937, she insisted on going to the front line, and repeatedly made military exploits in the war with the Japanese puppet army, and then in April 1940, in order to cover the organs and the masses to break through regardless of their three-month pregnancy, led the cavalry company to lead the Japanese puppet army away, and then on the 26th of the same year, she was seriously wounded but still killed 6 Japanese soldiers, and finally gave the last bullet to herself at the age of 24.

5. Cost Hua

  In early 1938, when the Japanese army invaded Anhui Province and County, the people of the region rose up under the leadership of Ben Hua, although the final operation failed and was captured by the Japanese army, but she would rather die than give in, and was finally brutally killed by the Japanese army at the age of 24.

6. Liu Yaomei

  Liu Yaomei is a native of Fuping County, Hebei Province, joined the Communist Party of China in 1939 and wrote the "Women's Liberation Song", often leading women to learn culture, discuss the truth of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, and also organize women to undertake production, standing guard, sentry, delivering public grain and other anti-Japanese work, and then in November 1943, the Japanese army Arai troops were arrested when they attacked Pingyang Township, Fuping County, but she would rather die than give in, wearing single clothes in the cold winter to sing revolutionary songs loudly, which eventually led to the angry Japanese army Arai tied her to a tree and cut her flesh one by one, caused her to pass out again and again because she couldn't bear it, but she didn't have the slightest intention of giving in, and three days later, the Japanese army angrily beheaded her and brutally killed her at the age of 22.

7. Lin Xinping

  Lin Xinping was a native of Pingyang, Zhejiang, and served as the deputy head of the Art Troupe of the First Detachment of the New Fourth Army in the autumn of 1939. In the winter of the same year, he went to Xinchang, Liyang County to assist in the development of a new area. At that time, she often publicized and mobilized the masses in the form of night schools, organized poor peasant groups, women's resistance associations, and youth resistance groups, recruited party members, established party branches, and later expanded the Zhanghegang Dahe anti-Japanese guerrilla zone to the Xinqiao area on the south bank of the Zhuhu Lake. Unfortunately, she was arrested by the Japanese in June 1942 for betrayal as a traitor and was eventually brutally murdered. He was 23 years old.

8. Zhou Yongnan

  Zhou Yongnan is a native of Qidong County, Hunan Province, that is, Yuanmu Chong, Wanfuling Township, Baidi City, Qidong County, Hunan Province, when she was 21 years old, her husband passed away, at this time their son was still in infancy, only 9 months old, at this time she could have lived an easy life as a young grandmother, but she made a very shocking decision, when her son was 19 years old, she took her son to the Whampoa Military Academy, the military school was very difficult at the beginning because of her age, Later, the mother and son were moved by the great anti-Japanese spirit and agreed to leave them, in the military academy to study and live in China, her performance can be said to be very good, later at the graduation ceremony, Chiang Kai-shek personally presented her with awards, and later after entering the army, Zhou Yongnan formed a female soldier company by her as the company commander, she and her son in the front line performance is very heroic, what is more exciting is that in a battle, she actually stabbed three Japanese soldiers. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, she was disarmed and returned to the field, and finally died at the age of 66.

9. Yang Huimin

  Yang Huimin, a native of Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, is a heroine famous for giving flags to the "Eight Hundred Heroes", and traveled her autobiography "Eight Hundred Heroes and Me". He died on March 9, 1992 at the age of 78 at Shipai Veterans General Hospital in Taipei, Taiwan, China.

10. Huang Baoyu

  Huang Baoyu, a native of Shanghai, returned to his hometown with his father in 1932, and later studied at Huizhou Normal School, where he actively participated in the school's anti-Japanese rescue work. Later, on the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War on August 5, 1945, he died honorably in the fight between the Sanjie District of Shengxian County, Zhejiang Province and the special agents of the Zhejiang Provincial Security Corps. He was 22 years old.

Fourth, the female martyrs of the republic, do you remember?

We sweep the graves, worship the ancestors, and remember the ancestors

We cherish the memory of the revolutionary martyrs and people with lofty ideals

Do you remember the heroines of the republic?

They are the heroines in our hearts!

Zhao Yiman

In August 1936, Zhao Yiman was arrested in the struggle against the Japanese invaders. After being brought back to Harbin, the Japanese military police tortured her with a tiger chair, pouring chili pepper water, and electrocution. But she remained steadfast and unyielding, and did not reveal any truth. The Japanese army finally decided to send her back to Zhuhe County to be executed "for public display".

You can turn entire villages into rubble, you can chop people into mud, but you can't wipe out the faith of the Communists! - Zhao Yiman

Liu Hulan

In January 1947, Liu Hulan was arrested for being a traitor, and during the interrogation, the Kuomintang tried every possible means to induce her to confess to her comrades and promise her land. Liu Hulan did not obey in every possible way, and calmly accepted righteousness.

Fear of death is not the Communist Party. - Liu Hulan

Jiang Zhuyun (Sister Jiang)

On June 14, 1948, Jiang Zhuyun was arrested in Wanxian County, imprisoned in Chongqing Military Commander's Dregs Cave Prison, tortured but still untruthful, and was killed by the enemy on November 14, 1949.

Torture is not planned, bamboo sticks are made of bamboo, and the will of the Communist Party members is steel. - Jiang Zhuyun

Zhang Yingchun

Zhang Yingchun, a native of Huludou Village, Lili Town, Wujiang County (now Group 4, Lixing Village, Lili Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou City), joined the Communist Party of China in November 1925, but was still engaged in the work of the women's movement in the capacity of the women's head of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Department of the Kuomintang. On the evening of April 10, 1927, she was unfortunately arrested while attending an enlarged meeting of the Nanjing Prefectural Committee. In prison, the enemy tortured her to extract a confession and hanged her for a day and a night, but she only replied with the phrase "I am a party member". Annoyed and enraged, the enemy put her in a sack filled with lime, stabbed her alive with a bayonet, and secretly threw her into the Qinhuai River under the Kowloon Bridge outside Tongji Gate overnight.

If you want to fight for women's rights, you must take the world as your own responsibility. - Zhang Yingchun

Chen Junqi

Chen Junqi, a native of Jiading, Jiangsu Province (now Jiading, Shanghai), joined the Communist Party of China in 1924 and was the head of the Nanjing Women's Issues Research Association at that time. In April 1927, she was arrested and killed after participating in a meeting of 100,000 citizens in Nanjing to purge counterrevolutionaries.

This feudal family is really hateful, it is so ruthless that it has lost a weak life: it always exudes an unpleasant stench, suffocating people; It is a cage, a hell ...... - Chen Junqi

Gao Fengying

Gao Fengying, a native of Jiangyan, Jiangsu, participated in the revolution in 1944, served as the director of the Shuangbao Township Women's Resistance Association, and joined the Communist Party of China in May 1946. On January 14, 1947, Gao Fengying was wounded in battle, hid in the house of a lady, and was arrested for betrayal by a traitor. Although the enemy tortured her, hung her hands on the roof beams with scissors, and whipped her all night, she remained steadfast and was killed by the enemy on the 15th. In 1947, Yan'an's "Liberation Daily" wrote in an editorial commemorating the "March 8th" Women's Day, "We must learn from the glorious examples of Gao Fengying in the Soviet Union and Liu Hulan in Jinsui, and lead the vast number of women in an unyielding struggle against the enemy!" ”

It is glorious to shed blood and sacrifice for the revolution. - Gao Fengying

Yao Ailan

Yao Ailan, a native of Nanjing Liuhedongwang, a student of Nanjing Xiaozhuang College, joined the Chinese Communist Youth League in 1929. In 1930, Xiaozhuang Normal College was closed down by the reactionary government, and she moved to her hometown to escape from the enemy, and was arrested in September by secret agents who followed her. The enemy exhausted all kinds of torture, and could not get a worthy confession from her mouth. On September 17 of the same year, she sang "The Internationale" and went to the Yuhuatai execution ground.

I am a member of the Communist Youth League, and unfortunately I have not yet become a Communist, but I will fight like a Communist, and face death like a Communist! - Yao Ailan


Li Wen, a native of Butou Town, Huangli Township, Wujin County, Jiangsu, joined the Communist Party in 1928, served as a confidential member of the Communist Party of China's "Red Flag Daily", and was one of the 24 martyrs of Longhua. On January 21, 1931, she was arrested at her home as a traitor, and a pistol and a Russian version of communist books were found on the spot.

We are doing serious things and taking the right path. - Li Wen

Guo Ganglin

Guo Ganglin, a native of Jurong, Jiangsu, joined the Chinese Communist Youth League in October 1931 and became a member of the Communist Party of China at the end of the same year. In 1934, he was arrested as a traitor. After the "77 Incident", she was transferred to death row at the Kuomintang Military Police Headquarters, where she endured countless of the most brutal punishments; However, she carefully polished it into a bright "heart" shape with a copper key, engraved "Forever a warrior", tried to send it to her family, expressed her belief in the consistent loyalty to the Communist Party of China, and wrote a bloody letter on the wall of her cell: "Stand firm and sacrifice for the revolution!" uphold the truth and shed blood for justice". In July 1937, she died heroically in Yuhuatai.

The youth of a revolutionary is beautiful, I have long since dedicated it to the great Motherland, and I can give my life, my youth and everything for my noblest ideals. - Guo Ganglin

Pan Yan

Pan Yan, a native of Xuzhou, Jiangsu, joined the Communist Party of China in 1939. On December 1, 1945, she led the students of the Southwest Associated University in the anti-civil war movement, and died heroically in the suppression of the reactionary agents of the Kuomintang.

Please go today, no matter how many people he returns. - Pan Yan

Sun Xiaomei

A native of Longmen Town, Fuyang, in April 1943, she escorted a group of cadres back from crossing the Yangtze River north, and was arrested by the Japanese gendarmerie stationed in Longtan, Nanjing, because she was betrayed by a traitor. Sun Xiaomei was righteous and unyielding, and was finally shot dead by the Japanese gendarmerie.

As long as we are willing to work hard, be willing to struggle, and be willing to sacrifice, the final victory must belong to us. - Sun Xiaomei

Zhang Xinhua

At the beginning of 1940, he was ordered to go deep behind enemy lines and arrive in the Liyang area of southern Jiangsu to open up an anti-Japanese guerrilla zone. He was later arrested as a rebel snitch. In the face of the enemy's coercion and temptation, Zhang Xinhua was unyielding and died bravely at the age of 23.

I am willing to dedicate everything to the revolution, then of course work is above all else, what is the value of personal feelings? ——Zhang Xinhua

Mao Liying

A native of Hangzhou, Zhejiang, she is the chairman of the China Professional Women's Club. On the evening of December 12, 1939, Wang Puppet No. 76 spy assassinated Mao Liying outside the working women's club, Mao Liying was shot three times and died in the hospital on December 15.

After the liberation of Shanghai, Chen Yi wrote an elegy in his own handwriting: "It is glorious to sacrifice for the interests of the people, and the people will always remember her!"

Lin Xinping

A native of Pingyang, Zhejiang, he became seriously ill after giving birth in 1942 and was arrested by the Japanese army for betraying as a traitor. After being arrested, he was tortured, but he was unyielding and died heroically at the age of 23.

The Chinese people will never give in. - Lin Xinping

Yame Toujiang

In October 1938, 8 female officers and soldiers of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army led by Leng Yun, led by instructor Leng Yun, fought a fierce battle with the Japanese puppet army. They took the initiative to attract the fire of the Japanese puppet army, so that the main force of the army quickly got rid of the enemy's attack, but was besieged by the enemy by the river. In the face of the Japanese puppet army's forced surrender, they swore to the death, destroyed their guns, waded into the Uskhon River with their arms armed, and shouted: "Down with Japanese imperialism!" The singing of the Internationale "Slaves Rise Up" and the heroic martyrdom of the Chinese nation in the collective sinking of the river showed the heroic spirit of the Chinese nation in fighting the enemy to the end, and was widely praised among the masses of the people.

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