
The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

author:Look at Mr. Zhang
All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources of information and is detailed at the end of the article
The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

Text/Editor: Look at Mr. Zhang

The "interstellar airliner" that lifted off on June 5 should have been a highlight of the US spaceflight, but the unexpectedly space failure made many netizens more suspicious of the US space safety issue.

The return of the American astronauts is still the biggest problem for NASA, and it is also a huge psychological challenge for the astronauts.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

So, what should NASA do next? Will the two astronauts ever make it back to Earth?

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The astronauts are in danger

In addition to the condemnation of NASA by netizens, Boeing, the manufacturer of the "starliner", was also implicated.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

As the most important partner of the US space agency, Boeing has completed all the parts and tests of the entire "Starliner" by Boeing, so this has also made many netizens question the current technology of Boeing.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

Especially this time in space, it is still unknown whether the two astronauts can return to Earth, and the time of this return trip has been postponed again and again, and the astronauts' diet has been affected.

On June 5, according to media reports, the United States has docked with the International Space Station and sent supplies to two astronauts to ensure the safety of the astronauts.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

But in the face of such a precarious situation, the two astronauts still maintained their professionalism and did not appear to be worried or hopeless, which surprised many people.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

Not only that, they will continue to complete space missions, for the replacement and maintenance of space parts, although the astronauts are professional, but the performance of the "interstellar airliner" is very stretched, it can be said that it is extremely disappointing, especially compared with the mainland's aerospace technology.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

China and the United States have always been very good competitors, not only in terms of economy but also in space technology, and in addition to the tense international situation in recent years, the competition between the two countries has become more intense.

The technical hidden dangers behind the spaceship

On June 5, with the help of NASA, the "Starliner" finally completed communication with the International Space Station and temporarily provided daily necessities, especially food and water, for the two astronauts to ensure their safety.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

But at present, the problem of the "starliner" is not only whether the two astronauts can come back, if the smooth return is not ensured, then the starliner may stay in space for several months, so that the psychological and mental state of the astronauts has a greater or lesser impact.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

Because it is unknown whether the starliner can take off normally, not to mention that there is still a big problem of failure in the current starliner, it seems that only these two astronauts know best whether they can go home smoothly.

Although these two astronauts look very calm on the surface, we as on Earth will never understand how uncomfortable they are in the universe.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

This also made many netizens doubt the starliner manufactured by Boeing, what is the reason for the many core technical problems?

The leakage of helium is not a trivial matter for spacecraft, because helium is mainly used to control the power of spacecraft, so the loss of helium will make it impossible for the spacecraft to reach its intended position, or not enough power to return to Earth.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

Space safety is paramount

The construction of a spaceship is very important for a country, so it will invest a lot of money, from technology to design are extremely complex, it takes a top aviation research team to build a spaceship, if there is a little carelessness in the construction process, or the data is not accurate enough, then it will be very dangerous for the spacecraft and astronauts.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

Therefore, various countries will have various risks when they launch their spacecraft, and they must be carefully checked before this, otherwise the loss will not be a little bit, but hundreds of billions of dollars.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

What's more, sometimes we still have human beings to go to space exploration, and the risk will be greater, and this time the problem of the American starliner shows that Boeing did not "care" when manufacturing the spacecraft, but casually perfunctory, completely "joking" with the lives of astronauts.

There were more than one problems with the starliner this time, with helium leaks, oxidation control valve failures, and intermittent thruster failures, all of which could have killed astronauts in space.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

This is also the accusation of many American netizens and media against Boeing and NASA, compared with Continental aviation technology, it is simply a heaven and an underground.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

You must know that the Chang'e-6 launched by the mainland has led mankind to a new path of lunar exploration, landing on the far side of the moon for the first time, collecting rich lunar resources, and also bringing back the lunar soil for research, this achievement has become a symbol of mankind across the era.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

Boeing faces a crisis of trust in technology

As the world's largest aerospace production company, the problems of the starliner are inescapable, and it is believed that Boeing does not strictly control the production process, which is why there are so many fatal factors.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

You must know that US space technology has always been at the top level in the world, and it is 10 or even 20 years ahead of other countries, but now it seems that US space technology has not grown with the changes of the times, but has lagged behind a lot, and judging from every accident, it is a sign of the decline of US space technology.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

So far, it is not known whether the starliner will be able to operate normally and the astronauts will return to Earth safely, but now it is certain that the lives of the two astronauts are not in danger, and their food and drink are guaranteed.

Space cooperation

I sincerely hope that NASA will reflect on itself through this incident, and that human progress cannot be achieved by the efforts of this country alone.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

Nowadays, the Chang'e-6 launched by the mainland this time, many of which have high technology originating from various countries, and the first time to enter the far side of the moon is inseparable from the support of these countries, so after collecting samples, we will work together to research and develop, and cooperation is the biggest impact in the future.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

At present, for the US space agency, it is the most important thing to be able to let the two astronauts return to Earth smoothly, and at the same time, Boeing should also "self-reflect", as the world's largest aerospace company, it is obviously not a good sign that there are frequent fatal problems.

The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

The development of space technology is inseparable from the efforts and cooperation of each country, and we can solve problems together in the face of difficulties, so as to achieve a win-win situation.


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The United States has made another big international joke! Is it really possible that the two American astronauts will not come back?

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