
It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation

author:For fun
It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation
It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation

In the bright starry sky of the cross talk world, Feng Gong and Niu Qun are undoubtedly two dazzling stars.

Their cooperation, like a natural sound, brought countless laughter to the audience.

It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation

Feng Gong's witty humor and the unique style of the herd, the two have gone through a glorious period of time hand in hand.

However, the trajectory of fate is always full of uncertainties, and at the peak of their careers, the herd made a shocking decision - to retire from the circle and join politics.

It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation

The cooperation between Feng Gong and the herd can be described as a match made in heaven.

The two of them have a tacit understanding on the stage, whether they are laughing or teasing, they can make the audience laugh.

Their cross talk works have both depth and breadth, both pay attention to social reality and lack of humanistic care.

The cooperation between the two not only allowed the audience to see the charm of cross talk, but also made great contributions to the development of Chinese cross talk art.

It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation

Just when the audience thought that the golden pair would continue to create brilliance on the cross talk stage, the cow herd suddenly announced its retirement.

After this news came out, it caused an uproar.

Fans and family members have expressed their desire to stay on the stage and bring joy to everyone.

However, the herd was unmoved and firmly chose to leave.

It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation

After retiring from the circle, the herd chose a completely different path from cross talk - serving as the deputy county magistrate of Mengcheng.

This decision shocked and puzzled everyone.

After all, cross talk and politics are two completely different fields, why did the herd make such a choice?

It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation

After coming to Mongcheng, the herd quickly gained recognition and support from the locals by virtue of its fame and influence.

He actively participates in various public welfare activities and contributes to the development of the local area.

Thanks to his efforts, the economy of Montenegro has gradually improved, and the people's living standards have also improved significantly.

It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation

However, just as the cattle were basking in the glory of the political arena, a sudden storm put him in a difficult situation.

Someone reported that he was suspected of corruption, and when the news broke, it immediately caused an uproar.

Herds are facing unprecedented pressures and challenges.

It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation

In order to prove their innocence, the herd made a surprising decision to donate all their assets.

This move, while proving his innocence, also put his family in trouble.

It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation

His wife could not understand what he was doing and thought he was too selfish and had no regard for the safety of his family.

In the end, the relationship between the two broke down and went down the road of divorce.

It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation

After experiencing political turmoil and family changes, Niu Qun began to miss his former stage career.

He tried to seek an opportunity to cooperate with Feng Gong again, but at this time, Feng Gong already had his own new life and development direction.

Although the cooperation between the two aroused the audience's eager expectations, it was ultimately unable to make the trip due to various reasons.

It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation

The herd has encountered many difficulties on the road to returning to cross talk.

He tried to find new partners and performance opportunities, but none of them had the desired effect.

His cross talk works have gradually lost their charm and influence in the past.

Eventually, the herd had to face the harsh reality that he could no longer return to the stage he once was.

It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation

The life experience of the herd is like a drama of ups and downs.

From a superstar in the cross talk industry to a man of the year in politics to changes in his family and the trough of his career, every step is full of hardships and challenges.

However, it was these experiences that made him more mature and stronger.

It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation

Looking back on the life trajectory of the herd, we can't help but feel a lot of emotion.

He used to be the glamorous prime minister, but now he has become what people call a political loser.

But in any case, we should respect his choice and efforts.

After all, life is like a play, like life, everyone is fighting for their dreams and beliefs.

It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation

Do you think the herd was chosen correctly? What does his life experience teach you?

Let's explore the story behind this cross talk master!

It's miserable! The 75-year-old herd rarely shows up: the vicissitudes of aging, the eyes are glazed, and they live alone in the slums after the naked donation

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