
Can the embroidery-eyed bird reproduce on its own?

author:Pet breeding specialists
In our Guangdong, there are really a lot of embroidery-eyed birds, and they can reproduce by themselves, when the spring flowers bloom, most of them are chirping on the branches. The embroidery-eyed bird is on our side, because of its crisp and pleasant voice and small and delicate body, it is loved by many people.
Can the embroidery-eyed bird reproduce on its own?

They are very small in size and beautiful in color, especially the white circle around their eyes, which looks like they have embroidered eyes from a distance, so they are called embroidered birds. Although their voices are small, their singing voices are very nice and crisp.

Can the embroidery-eyed bird reproduce on its own?
When it comes to their activities, the Embroidery-eyed bird is restless. As soon as spring arrives, they begin to work, either looking for food or building nests. They nest in tall trees and occasionally in small bushes that are inaccessible. Most of the nests are cup-shaped, woven with small twigs, grass stems, and even spider silk, with a very meticulous craftsmanship.

People here in Guangdong also like to observe the embroidery-eyed bird, in the spring, bring a camera, go to the park or the wild early in the morning, just to capture the busy figure of the embroidery-eyed bird. Especially in places such as Baiyun Mountain in Guangzhou and Wutong Mountain in Shenzhen, birders often share the warm scenes of seeing embroidery-eyed birds nesting or feeding young birds.

Can the embroidery-eyed bird reproduce on its own?
It is very interesting about the breeding process of the embroidery-eyed bird, and when the female is looking for a male embroidery-eyed bird, the number one condition is to see who chirps well. In this part of Guangdong, in the spring, if you go out early and you can hear bursts of birdsong, it is the male embroidery-eyed birds showing their singing voices and winning the favor of the females.
Can the embroidery-eyed bird reproduce on its own?

❖ Criteria for selecting male birds during the breeding period of embroidery-eyed birds:

In this process of selecting male embroidered birds, the male embroidered birds have to call loudly and beautifully. They are usually chosen in the early morning, when the air is fresh and the surroundings are quiet, and the chirping is especially easy to transmit at this time. While singing, the male has to pay attention to whether there is an opponent around him, and sometimes he has to fight while chirping.
Can the embroidery-eyed bird reproduce on its own?

In addition to the tweet competition, the competition for habitat is also key. Good habitats have more food and better nesting positions, which makes them more likely to attract good females. When two males meet, it is up to them to see who is stronger and who is more capable of occupying the place. Sometimes the fight can really be fought, and those who win can stay and continue to occupy the territory and chirp, and those who lose can only find another habitat.

People here in Guangdong look at the embroidery-eyed birds, not only to see their beauty and listen to the chirping, but also to see the scenes of mate selection and fighting. Some birders will also record these "battle" scenes, and upload them to the Internet after returning to discuss them with other birders.
Can the embroidery-eyed bird reproduce on its own?

The breeding and selection process is one such thing, which is both romantic and practical, full of competition and challenges. But this is also the law of nature, and in this way, the population of the embroidery-eyed bird can become stronger and stronger.

❖The whole process of nesting during the breeding period of the embroidery-eyed bird

As soon as the nesting season comes, these embroidery-eyed birds begin to be busy, from finding a site to building a nest, every step is extremely meticulous. The embroidery-eyed bird is particularly particular about the site selection. They usually choose those trees with sparse branches, but are concealed enough.
Can the embroidery-eyed bird reproduce on its own?

For example, the willow and poplar trees in Guangdong are their first choice. The location should be a little higher than the ground, so as to avoid predators on the ground, such as cats, ferrets, etc., and at the same time reduce human interference.

The materials used to build the nest are also quite particular. They will use twigs, grass stalks, and sometimes discarded fiber threads from humans to build the periphery of their nests. The inside of the nest is covered with soft materials such as feathers and fluff to ensure the comfort of the young birds in the future.
Can the embroidery-eyed bird reproduce on its own?

In parks or suburbs in Guangdong, if you look closely, you can often see the busy figure of embroidery-eyed birds. Some of them collect materials on the ground, while others build nests in trees. This process can take a few days, after all, a good nest doesn't happen overnight.

❖ Breeding habits of embroidery-eyed birds

When it comes to breeding season, Guangdong's embroidery-eyed birds begin their busiest time of the year, not only keeping their nests safe, but also busy incubating and brooding, a challenging but also one of nature's most heartwarming images.
Can the embroidery-eyed bird reproduce on its own?
Hatching eggs is a long and patient process. The incubation period of the embroidery-eyed bird is usually 10-11 days. During this time, the male and female birds take turns sitting in the nest to ensure that the temperature of the eggs is kept at the optimum. In this process, the non-hatching party is responsible for foraging and providing energy for the embroidery-eyed bird that hatches the eggs.

In rainy areas such as Guangdong, it is also necessary to guard against the effects of moisture and rainfall on the nest during egg incubation, and the embroidery-eyed bird should adjust its position frequently to ensure that the eggs will not be affected by humidity or uneven heat and cold.

Can the embroidery-eyed bird reproduce on its own?
Once the eggs hatch, the responsibility of the embroidery-eyed bird is even greater. The newborn chicks are completely dependent on the embroidery-eyed breeding birds, and at this time, the male and female embroidery-eyed birds will start busy feeding work. The chicks grow faster and eat more, and the females and males have to search for food constantly.
Can the embroidery-eyed bird reproduce on its own?

Chicks are usually ready to fly for the first time after 10-11 days. Until then, the birds teach them essential survival skills, such as how to forage for food and how to avoid enemies. At this stage, if you are in the countryside of Guangdong or in the woods of the park, you can sometimes see the warm scene of the little embroidery-eyed bird learning to fly with the embroidery-eyed bird.


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