
How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

author:The old witch chases the drama
How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

At the age of 88, Dr. Song is still deaf and clear-sighted, and is a well-known Chinese medicine practitioner in the community, and he can see many incurable diseases.

Twenty years ago, Dr. Song and his son opened a family clinic in the community, specializing in treating neighbors and many patients who came to him.

Sometimes the old man in the neighbor who is not very sharp in his legs and feet has a headache and brain fever, and Dr. Song will also ask his son to prepare medicine and deliver it to the door.

How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

Therefore, as long as people who know Dr. Song's father and son, they like them very much, and often comment on their "kind eyebrows and kind eyes".

Elderly people in the community like to gather around the clinic when they go downstairs for a walk in the shade, and sometimes make good-natured judgments about patients who come to see them.

On this day, an old man who looked to be eighty or ninety years old, in addition to his silver hair, the most striking thing was his pair of ears.

Grandma Liu said that this old man's earlobes are thick and big, and at first glance he is a blessed person, who must have a happy family and live a long and healthy life.

How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

Dr. Song, who was receiving the doctor, smiled when he heard this, and after seeing the silver-haired old man and prescribing medicine, he told him that there was nothing wrong with his body.

The old man was also very curious, saying that he often heard people praise his earlobes, is it really related to people's health?

Dr. Song nodded affirmatively and said, "Yes, and it has a lot to do with it, just like Grandma Liu said, your ears are in a very healthy state."

How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

"People who have three characteristics of the ear itself are generally a sign of longevity. I look at your ears, and it just so happens that all three characteristics match, so you are still alive and healthy. ”

Dr. Song discussed the importance of ears with the silver-haired old man in detail, and the silver-haired old man left satisfied.

What are the three characteristics of the ear that indicate longevity? Let's find out.

First, the ears are large

Among the people, especially among the older generation, there has always been a common understanding: that is, those with big ears are blessed.

This "blessing" refers to a smooth and carefree life, good health, and even a longer life expectancy than the average person.

The reason why this perception has existed in large numbers for a long time and has not been effectively refuted is because it actually has scientific justification.

How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

Generally speaking, the size of the ears itself is a reflection of the state of the body, and people with larger ears indicate that the fat is sufficient.

Sufficient ear fat means that the person's body fat is also sufficient, which means that the person is relatively healthy.

Large ears are also a sign of sufficient qi and blood, which means that the heart function and kidney function are in a normal state.

How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

Since ancient times, there has been a saying in traditional Chinese medicine: the kidney is the main body of the development and growth, and the heart is the main organ of the five internal organs and the function of the six internal organs is stable.

As long as the heart function is normal and the kidney function is not damaged, it means that the internal organs of the human body are also in normal working condition in traditional Chinese medicine.

All the important organs and tissues in the body are functioning normally, and the qi and blood are sufficient, which just proves that the body is healthy, and if you are healthy, of course, you may live a long life.

Therefore, many people have always been able to see from the size of their ears whether the function of the internal organs is sound or not, and there is a basis and reason.

How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

A medical group once measured the ear size of more than 200 elderly people and found that the ears of long-lived elderly people over 90 years old generally exceeded 7 centimeters in length.

However, the average ear length of people under the age of 70 is only about 6.5 centimeters.

They also confirmed an interesting phenomenon, which is that the ears do not appear to change. But over time, it turns out that they do get longer and longer as their lifespan increases.

Second, the earlobes are round and thick

People who live a long life have large ears, and in addition to this phenomenon, they are often accompanied by thick and long earlobes.

As mentioned above, the state of the ear is a direct indicator of the health of the human body. The earlobe happens to be the most obvious reaction vector.

One of the things we may find is that the average person's earlobes look round and full when they are young, but gradually become shriveled as they age.

How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

This is because the human body undergoes a process of physical development from childhood to adulthood and then to 10,000 years.

In other words, when we are in the prime of life, the health of the body is also at its peak, and what is reflected in the earlobes at this time is full and elastic.

As we age, our body functions gradually decline, and our health status will gradually decline, which will naturally result in shriveled and inelastic earlobes.

However, there are also some elderly people, their earlobes are still thick and full, which just reflects that the physical state of these elderly people has not declined excessively.

How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

This is the reason why many people can judge whether the person will live a long life simply by the state of the earlobe.

Of course, the earlobes that reflect longevity are thick, long, rounded, and scarless.

It should be noted that although some earlobes are thick and long, single earlobes are not round and shiny, and have vertical lines.

This vertical streak has a special medical name called Frank's sign, which indicates that the person has a problem with the cardiovascular system.

How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

Once Frank's sign is found or suspected, it is necessary to go to the cardiovascular department as soon as possible to rule out cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, when judging whether we will live a long life by the state of the earlobe, we should also be more careful and pay attention to the signs of some diseases.

3. Good listening

Perhaps we will come to an interesting conclusion from the observation and analysis of the elderly around us, that is, some of the elderly have deterioration of hearing, while others have no problems.

Generally speaking, the natural aging process of the human body from middle age to old age will gradually begin to decline hearing, which is the reason why many elderly people become more and more unable to hear as they get older.

But this process of hearing loss, which is seen as natural aging, does not necessarily happen to every elderly person.

How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

Some elderly people are eighty or ninety years old, and they can still hear the outside world as clearly as they did when they were thirty or forty years old.

Because there is no loss in hearing, their cognitive abilities and ability to respond to the outside world are better than those of older people who have declined.

This physiological state also happens to indicate that their quality of life in old age is higher than that of the elderly with hearing loss, and their health status is also better than theirs.

How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

Studies have shown that if hearing loss can be actively prevented and treated, it can effectively prolong life and prevent Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, the health of the inner ear, i.e., the middle ear and the inner ear, indicates the blood circulation inside the ear.

If the blood circulation is good, it means that the auditory system is also functioning well, the canalith is stable, the hearing condition is good, the body has a better sense of balance, and the whole body is healthier.

Fourth, the maintenance of the ears

Since the state of the ears is closely related to physical health and longevity, how do we take care of our ears?

The first is the maintenance of the earlobe, according to the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, the earlobe is related to the person's facial features, teeth, tonsils and other head and facial organs.

If you have a toothache, oral disease, throat disease, etc., you can relieve the condition by rubbing the earlobe.

How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

If there are diseases of the digestive system, such as cholecystitis, diarrhea and constipation, etc., you can rub the upper part of the ear nail to relieve it.

If you have stomach problems, you can also relieve the symptoms by rubbing your ear nails.

The lower part of the ear armor corresponds to the body tissue of the chest cavity, and regular rubbing can relieve angina, chest tightness, chest pain, cough and asthma.

Even if there is pain and discomfort in the limbs, shoulders, elbows, collarbones, lower back, etc., it can be relieved by proper rubbing from the ears.

How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

In addition to kneading, there is also a reverse maintenance method for the ears.

The so-called reverse maintenance is to adjust the body's blood circulation through dietary improvement and lifestyle adjustments.

Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, the diet should be based on a light diet with less oil and less salt, and the nutrition should be balanced and the eating habits should be regular.

The usual life and rest should follow the laws of nature, go to bed early and get up early, adhere to moderate exercise, and do not drink or smoke.

How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

As these habits become healthier, the body will gradually become healthier and show a state of abundant qi and blood.

When the body's qi and blood are sufficient, the state of the ears will naturally become round, shiny, and elastic.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the cleaning of the ears, and to clean the ears safely on a regular basis to avoid water in the ears for a long time, and to avoid the ears from being traumatized and infected.

Middle-aged and elderly people, do not ignore the problem of hearing loss, check your hearing regularly every year, and once you find that there is degeneration, you need to treat it in time.

How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

Don't think that it's normal for the elderly to not be able to hear, hearing is important for everyone, and if you allow hearing to deteriorate, it will have a great impact on your health and even your lifespan.

Only with diligent maintenance and proper maintenance can the ears of the elderly be kept in a healthy state as much as possible, the quality of life can be guaranteed, and the possibility of longevity.


The ear is only one aspect that can reflect longevity, and if you want to live long, you need to start from many aspects.

For example, whether your physical condition is healthy, and whether you have suffered from various underlying diseases before entering old age.

There is also whether the control of diet and living habits meets health standards, and whether there are bad life preferences, such as smoking, drinking, staying up late, etc.

How long do you have to live, just touch your ears? Doctor: The long-lived elderly have 3 characteristics of the ear

There is also the question of whether there is a genetic aspect in the family, such as whether the elderly in the family are long-lived and what is the proportion of longevity.

Even some unknown events may be the determining factor of longevity. For example, whether you have a good attitude, etc.

Therefore, whether the condition of the ear is good or not is only one of the criteria for judging longevity, not the only one.

What do you think? Do you have any different views on longevity?