
The woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposit disappeared in the follow-up! Bank: Error, the money was originally from the bank!

author:Xiao Xin Kan entertainment

On June 29, it was reported on the Internet that a woman claimed that her deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and her account was cancelled, and she looked for a bank for a few years. So what's going on?


Event recap

The incident occurred in Ankang, Shaanxi, Ms. Deng from Ankang said that her husband died of illness in April 2018, and when she went to check her husband's Agricultural Bank account with the tail number 0072, the account still had more than 130,000 yuan, and the receipt of the bank inquiry also clearly stated 133,900 yuan.

The woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposit disappeared in the follow-up! Bank: Error, the money was originally from the bank!

In November 2020 and December, and on December 17, 2021, I also went to the bank to check, and the deposit information given by the bank also showed that the account did have more than 130,000 yuan.

The woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposit disappeared in the follow-up! Bank: Error, the money was originally from the bank!

On February 23, 2022, Ms. Deng was about to go to another branch, Pingli Branch, to withdraw money, and the bank said that the account had been closed and the money had been withdrawn.

The woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposit disappeared in the follow-up! Bank: Error, the money was originally from the bank!

This reply shocked Ms. Deng, Ms. Deng asked, why don't I know when I cancelled it, it has been fine for the past few years, even in the first few months, and even the relevant agencies have notarized, why is it not now. Hearing this result, Ms. Deng was dumbfounded.

The woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposit disappeared in the follow-up! Bank: Error, the money was originally from the bank!

However, after several years of running and questioning, on June 27, 2024, the Pingli Branch told her that the matter had been handed over to the Ankang Branch to deal with.

The woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposit disappeared in the follow-up! Bank: Error, the money was originally from the bank!

So Ms. Deng went to the Ankang branch to inquire, and the person in charge of the branch said that it was caused by the staff's operation error, in fact, there was not so much money in the account, but it was inconvenient to disclose the specific amount.

The woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposit disappeared in the follow-up! Bank: Error, the money was originally from the bank!

This made Ms. Deng even more confused, what is a work mistake, what is the specific amount is inconvenient to disclose, and my own account does not even have the minimum right to know? In a fit of rage, the incident was exposed on the Internet, which immediately caused an uproar.

How did the deposit in the account "disappear", the bank responded

Due to the huge negative impact on the bank after the incident was exposed, the bank issued an investigation result on June 29.

The bank said that after investigation, it was found that the account had no money by June 2018, when the balance was already zero.

The woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposit disappeared in the follow-up! Bank: Error, the money was originally from the bank!

So why did the balance have more than 130,000 in the following years? In this regard, the bank said: It was because Ms. Deng took the passbook to the bank to handle business, but because she had been using a bank card for many years, the passbook was not used.

The woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposit disappeared in the follow-up! Bank: Error, the money was originally from the bank!

Therefore, the more than 130,000 yuan written on the passbook was deposited on the day of the passbook, and due to the operation error of the staff, the data was entered into the system, and there was another 130,000 yuan.

The woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposit disappeared in the follow-up! Bank: Error, the money was originally from the bank!

This operation is really incomprehensible, Ms. Deng did not take the money to deposit, just looked at the passbook, and then the staff entered this data as a deposit, did the staff not receive the money and also give people a deposit? What a low-level mistake this is!

The woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposit disappeared in the follow-up! Bank: Error, the money was originally from the bank!

In this regard, the bank said that it apologized for the misunderstanding caused to Ms. Deng, and the bank would seriously deal with the staff who handled the business at that time.

The woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposit disappeared in the follow-up! Bank: Error, the money was originally from the bank!

Netizens are hotly discussed

According to the results of this investigation, although the truth of the incident was finally revealed, it still aroused heated discussions among many netizens and was always questioned by many netizens.

The woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposit disappeared in the follow-up! Bank: Error, the money was originally from the bank!

There is a netizen's suspicion is very logical, he said that even if the deposit is wrong, the ownership of the account belongs to Ms. Deng, whether she should get her consent to withdraw the money, whether the account is canceled with my consent, why did God cancel other people's accounts unconsciously.

The woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposit disappeared in the follow-up! Bank: Error, the money was originally from the bank!

In fact, this comment is very rational, even if it is really out of money and mistaken, but it should not be quietly canceled from other people's accounts.

Some netizens revealed that they had a similar experience in other banks, that is, the money in the account was withdrawn, and the bank could not find out.

The woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposit disappeared in the follow-up! Bank: Error, the money was originally from the bank!

Finally, I would like to say

Although now the truth of the incident has finally been revealed, that is, there was no money in the account, and the bank made a mistake in depositing the money, which was later discovered, so the bank wanted to get the money back.

At that time, the staff who handled the business was also godly, and they could make such a low-level mistake, and you could deposit the money if the customer didn't give you money. The bank's subsequent operation was also divine, and the funds in the customer's account were transferred away without notifying the customer, and they were also cancelled.

Although the money was originally from the bank, this operation does make depositors worry about whether their funds and accounts will disappear one day, and they don't know it, what do you think?

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