
Wang Feng's girlfriend reappears in "back killing"! Advertising tidbits exposed, netizens: Trumpchi can't find anyone

author:Little White Duck chases dramas

Wang Feng's girlfriend Forest North No. 30 issued a new news, officially announcing the endorsement of Trumpchi New Energy ES9, causing countless controversies! In the video, Lin Bei wears two outfits, one is a white sleeveless dress with mid-cut leather shoes, and the second is a gray polo shirt with skinny jeans and mid-cut leather shoes, showing the femininity and coolness of women.

Wang Feng's girlfriend reappears in "back killing"! Advertising tidbits exposed, netizens: Trumpchi can't find anyone
Wang Feng's girlfriend reappears in "back killing"! Advertising tidbits exposed, netizens: Trumpchi can't find anyone

In the video, Lin Bei danced with Xinjiang aunts on the pedestrian street, attracting many foreign guys who couldn't help but secretly watch her.

Wang Feng's girlfriend reappears in "back killing"! Advertising tidbits exposed, netizens: Trumpchi can't find anyone

But when the camera is given to the herdsman's house, it is difficult to hide the old crow's feet under the blessing of the filter. When she laughs happily, she looks very old, and she doesn't look like someone in her early 30s.

Wang Feng's girlfriend reappears in "back killing"! Advertising tidbits exposed, netizens: Trumpchi can't find anyone

But I have to say that this back kill is still very eye-catching, no wonder Wang Feng is fascinated by her, and the maturity and intellectuality of women come out all of a sudden!

Wang Feng's girlfriend reappears in "back killing"! Advertising tidbits exposed, netizens: Trumpchi can't find anyone

To promote Trumpchi New Energy ES9, the copywriting of Forest North is to go to the distant and enthusiastic motherland, looking for our own "poetry and distance", and this copywriting has also caused many netizens to complain.

Wang Feng's girlfriend reappears in "back killing"! Advertising tidbits exposed, netizens: Trumpchi can't find anyone
Wang Feng's girlfriend reappears in "back killing"! Advertising tidbits exposed, netizens: Trumpchi can't find anyone
Wang Feng's girlfriend reappears in "back killing"! Advertising tidbits exposed, netizens: Trumpchi can't find anyone

In the comment area, Lin Bei said that the shadow driver is professionally assisted, and the 7-seater driving control of Zhidian University is free, but netizens did not praise her for her endorsement or congratulate her. Instead, there are all kinds of ridicule and complaints in the comment area to see how everyone comments.

Wang Feng's girlfriend reappears in "back killing"! Advertising tidbits exposed, netizens: Trumpchi can't find anyone

Many netizens feel that Forest North is not tall, but it is very strange to walk, a little top-heavy, and it is very unsightly to walk with a limp. Some netizens complained that this copywriting was really written in a cold sweat, there is no culture, we are all in the arms of the motherland, how to go to the arms of the distant motherland? Isn't that a contradiction?

Wang Feng's girlfriend reappears in "back killing"! Advertising tidbits exposed, netizens: Trumpchi can't find anyone
Wang Feng's girlfriend reappears in "back killing"! Advertising tidbits exposed, netizens: Trumpchi can't find anyone

There are also many netizens complaining about Trumpchi, can't anyone endorse it? Looking for Forest North in case it is separated from Wang Feng one day, it will affect the brand image!

Wang Feng's girlfriend reappears in "back killing"! Advertising tidbits exposed, netizens: Trumpchi can't find anyone

Many netizens complained about Lin Bei's old state, unable to compare with Zhang Ziyi, and were not optimistic about her relationship with Wang Feng.

Wang Feng's girlfriend reappears in "back killing"! Advertising tidbits exposed, netizens: Trumpchi can't find anyone

The tidbits of the promotional video filmed in the north of the forest were also exposed by netizens, and the battle of taking the two male assistants through the streets and alleys was very large, and the feeling of walking with the wind was quite like going to do a big job. It's just very strange that on a hot day, isn't it hot to wear this kind of medium-cut leather shoes?

Wang Feng's girlfriend reappears in "back killing"! Advertising tidbits exposed, netizens: Trumpchi can't find anyone
Wang Feng's girlfriend reappears in "back killing"! Advertising tidbits exposed, netizens: Trumpchi can't find anyone

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