
Who killed Wu Dalang?

author:The official account is memorable

Pay attention to the official account and the compass in the world, so that you can read the text "Men are afraid of entering the wrong industry, women are afraid of marrying the wrong man, people are afraid of choosing the wrong city, and they are even more afraid of buying the wrong house"

Yesterday, when I talked about the story of Rose, I said that marriage is a merger between two companies, and the process of finding your other half is not much different from the company's recruitment.

A lot of people don't understand what I'm talking about.

Actually, I want to tell you a very simple fact:

That is, the risk needs to be managed by yourself, rather than expecting to say that you have encountered a risk, scolding, and scolding is fruitless. Scolding and scolding only proves that you are blind and that you are not good at risk management.

No company will scold employees for changing jobs as a kind of betrayal, no, the company will only think, why did I put an employee who was at risk of changing jobs in a position that could not bear the risk of job change and needed stability?

Enterprises will only think about this, and if they don't think like this, the company will definitely fall, and it will not survive.

So at the beginning of the company's recruitment, he has already started risk management.

Recruitment is not the better, it depends on the position.

For those positions where short-term rewards and loyalty is less important, talent comes first.

For those positions that can only reflect returns in the long term and loyalty is very important, the company actually pursues suitability and high stability under competence in the recruitment process, rather than the better the better.

So think about it for yourself, what is the so-called mate selection a short-term choice? Or is it a long-term choice?

This truth is very true, but some people can't listen to the truth.

Some people say, "Isn't this exonerating of those treacherous men and women?"

If you say that you love each other, you have to love for a lifetime, and you can't do it for a minute.

If you find a better one, you will invest in a new love and abandon your old love, isn't that Pan Jinlian?

You have a very slippery moral line, a small mouth, I don't disagree with you.

It's just that we're not on one channel.

I'm telling you about how you think about it from the perspective of a business owner, where the stakes are at stake.

What you told me was from the perspective of melon-eating netizens, and it was none of your business, and you just opened your mouth to comment.

To be reasonable, Pan Jinlian is of course the culprit, but in fact, when you return to the perspective of the victim's decision-making, the decision-making method that ignores risk management is almost the same as sending him to death.

Of course I know what the rebutters are going to say, are you going to say that there is no justice under the sky?

The word justice is also said in two ways.

You stand in the perspective of a small mouth, and justice is at ease in the hearts of the people, which is the way to manage public expectations.

But let's go back to reality, that's what I told Ling Hu Chong, right and wrong are about strength, and justice is not in the hearts of the people.

You are like Wu Dalang and Pan Jinlian in the novel "Golden Vase Plum".

First of all, we have to figure out, what is Pan Jinlian's goal in life?

This girl, who was sold by her mother at a few years to the Geisha training class of Zhaoxuanfu, has been aiming to become since she was a child, how to put it, the kind in Feichi's life.

The life she wants is Zhang Chi's kind, which is equivalent to becoming a rally champion, do you understand what this means?

So I ask you, what car does a person with the goal of becoming a top racer want the most?

A high-performance sports car for sure.

There's no way she's going to say she wants to go out on the streets.

You go and ask Zhang Chi in Feichi's life, is he willing to pedal three wheels for a lifetime?

In other words, in Pan Jinlian's heart, Ximenqing is Porsche, what is Wuda? It's a tricycle.

Then you say, since you don't like tricycles, you want to be a top driver, why did you get together?

Fate is unpredictable.

Pan Jinlian was sold to Zhang Dahu's family because the training school went out of business, which is equivalent to entering a medium-sized racing team.

The problem is that Zhang Dahu's wife, the general manager of the racing team, squeezed out Comrade Xiao Pan and never gave her a regular job.

Then in the end, Comrade Xiao Pan became an outsourced person, and she could not get a formal contract.

In order to solve this problem, Zhang Dahu attached Comrade Xiao Pan to Wu Dalang's tricycle shop.

Then, I went to Wu Dalang's shop to work with Comrade Xiao Pan and teach the experience of racing together.

You go to read the original book, in fact, this is such a relationship, in this process, does Wu Dalang have any opinions?


He knew very well that although Comrade Pan was registered in his own company, he was actually affiliated with him, and his business belonged to another company, and his salary was also paid by another company.

He is a racing driver, and we are a small tricycle business.

Then later, Zhang Dahu, the chairman of the racing company, died suddenly because he didn't care about his body and worked too overtime.

Xiao Pan was also driven away by the general manager and the proprietress of the boss.

Only then did she and Wuda live in the next county and reopen in a different place.

In this situation, I believe that the readers who have done business, you are very clear, this and this, do you still want me to talk about this?

This employee and this company really don't match anywhere, and from the beginning, right.

But what is the problem now?

It's the tricycle company of Wuhan University, which is greedy for the body of a professional racing driver and doesn't want to terminate the contract.

And Comrade Xiao Pan, who was attached to the tricycle company, couldn't take the initiative to terminate the contract, so Xiao Pan did something.

What's the matter?

She is following the door, showing off her driving skills, attracting all kinds of prodigal children, what is she actually doing?

I'm just submitting a resume.

She wanted to find a racing company to help her terminate her contract due to historical reasons.

Then later, a headhunter, named Wang Po, intervened and introduced Ximenqing, a large-scale racing company in the local area.

Then Ximen Qing said, you come to our company, Porsche, Lamborghini as you choose, you no longer have to pedal three wheels, your car skills will shine.

So at this time, let's judge Wu Dalang's behavior normally, what do you think he will do?

He's just going to charge a hefty transfer fee and just give up, it must be like that.

Because you can see from before, why did he accept Zhang Dahu's arrangement in the first place? Isn't it still profiteering?

So what made Wu Dalang refuse to get together and disperse, and finally the contradiction escalated?

Actually, it was Wu Song.

If Wu Song does not return, Wu Da will definitely be as I described earlier, according to the portrayal of this character in the original book.

But Wu Song returned, and Wu Da's waist was stiff.

Wu Da felt that the weather was clear, the rain had stopped, I could do it, as long as Wu Song was there, I would not terminate the contract, that is, let Comrade Xiao Pan pedal three wheels for a lifetime, and no one could do anything.

What's wrong with his idea?

is the line in "The Way of Heaven", the three ills of poor people's thinking, waiting to be relied on.

The reality is that you can't wait, you can't rely on it, you can't afford it.

All three of these things were fulfilled in Wuda.

Is Wu Song the backer of Wuhan University? Yes, the question is, is it possible for Wu Song to stay by Wuda's side 24/7?


So, Wu Song was not careful, and as soon as the front foot was on a business trip, Wu Da was killed on the back foot.

Wu Da is actually doing something beyond his ability, Wu Song is like a knife, Wu Da is like a child.

A child tried to play with a knife, and if he didn't play well, he slashed at himself.

You can think of Wu Song as Bao Qingtian, the question is, what if Lord Bao is not in time?

Even if there is a Bao adult in the world, is there an eternally timely Bao adult in the world?

Have you ever thought about it?

What is the essence of Bao Daren? In fact, it is leverage.

You're always counting on Bag-sama, but you're actually counting on super high leverage.

Your savings are only tens of thousands of dollars, and it stands to reason that you will not go to the financial market to compete with people who have hundreds of millions of funds.

The problem is that now there is leverage, 6,000 times, and in an instant, you float, and you feel that your tens of thousands of dollars plus 6,000 times leverage can also fight with the person who has hundreds of millions of principal.

What is the result? The result is a fluctuation of 1/6000, and you can fly ashes and annihilate.

Do you understand?

Even if there is justice in the world, the time for which everyone can wait for justice is different.

He can wait for justice for 6,000 days, and as long as justice arrives within 6,000 days, he can make a profit.

What about you? You can only wait for a day, and if justice doesn't arrive within a day, you will receive a boxed lunch.

How do we ensure that justice is not even a day late?

Pay attention to the official account and the compass in the world, so that you can read the text "Men are afraid of entering the wrong industry, women are afraid of marrying the wrong man, people are afraid of choosing the wrong city, and they are even more afraid of buying the wrong house"

Who killed Wu Dalang?