
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it

author:Little White Duck chases dramas

Zhang Songwen tells you how good the shirt is in 95! Zhang Songwen, who worked in Hong Kong for a month on the 29th, posted a selfie for the first time ever, and it sparked heated discussions because of the shirt he was wearing, you don't know how good this shirt is, even Hong Kong sister Chen Farong can't help but praise it!

That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it

Zhang Songwen has two themes for this photo, one is to record the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, and the second is to take a selfie and be nostalgic. The place taken is a fishing village in Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong, don't look at this place surrounded by mountains on three sides, but it is very patriotic! The five-star red flag was planted everywhere to welcome the 27th anniversary of the return to the motherland, and the couplets posted on the doorsteps of the villagers in the fishing village were still very Cantonese, as if they had returned to the mainland of Guangdong.

That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it

Zhang Songwen: These three selfies can be a god! Gentle and elegant, full of Hong Kong breeze, and his shirt changes color with different sunlight, it is simply amazing!

That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it

It is estimated that the filming took the lead, Zhang Songwen's hairstyle and the position on the back of his head were flattened, he looked sparse and had a lot of gray hair, and the sense of age came out at once!

That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it

The best thing is that Zhang Songwen's fans actually recognized the age of this shirt! Fans asked Zhang Songwen if this dress has been around for 30 years, Zhang Songwen said that it will be next year, he told fans that this dress has been for many years, it has not changed color and has not been damaged for 29 years, it was bought by him in a clothing store in Shaoguan back then, but unfortunately the boss has stopped making clothes, otherwise he will buy it again. This kind of clothes is really earned when you buy it, and it will not change color after 29 years of wearing, and netizens are also curious about how it is maintained.

That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it

Zhang Songwen said that he machine washes all the clothes, mainly because the quality of the clothes itself is good. He also responded to everyone's hairstyle questions, this curly hairstyle is in life, it seems that the female teacher Tony cut it well, and Teacher Zhang Songwen let it stay longer!

That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it

Netizens are really amazing, and they also picked up the price of the clothes that year, which was only 30 yuan! It's just so affordable! In addition to picking out the price of clothes, the comparison chart that Zhang Songwen has worn for 29 years has also been found, this detective-like ability, admire and admire!

That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it

Just ask you if you're a cow or not! Not only did the clothes not change much, but neither did the people! Zhang Songwen was a little cream when he was young, but now he just has a little more traces of time, and he is still extremely handsome!

That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it

Netizens said in the comment area that this dress can be worn until the age of eighty, but I didn't expect this comment to be liked by Chen Farong! She couldn't help but praise it, which showed that her sister recognized it very much, as a generation of goddesses, Chen Farong wore good-looking and classic clothes back then, even if she took one out casually, she could compare the current clothes.

That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it
That's awesome! Zhang Songwen rarely took a selfie, a 95-year-old shirt sparked heated discussions, and Chen Farong couldn't help but praise it

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