
If the benefits of students standing up to eat outweigh the disadvantages, can this kind of good thing be promoted to the whole society?

author:Elegant full moon up

#头条首发大赛#河南驻马店一中学食堂, all the chairs in the cafeteria were removed, and the slightly taller boys had to lie on the plate to eat. If this posture is conducive to physical health, can it be promoted by the whole society and promoted to state banquets as well?

If the benefits of students standing up to eat outweigh the disadvantages, can this kind of good thing be promoted to the whole society?

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When the school was interviewed by reporters, it was inconvenient to sit and eat, so did the teachers and principals of the school also adopt this so-called "convenient" posture when eating? If this eating posture is really good, then ask the principal and teachers to try it first, and then promote it after the attempt is successful, wouldn't it be more convincing.

If the benefits of students standing up to eat outweigh the disadvantages, can this kind of good thing be promoted to the whole society?

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In an interview with the school, the school said that the chairs in the cafeteria had tripped over students several times, so it was concluded that some chairs were unsafe. So is it possible that the table has also tripped over students? Do you want to remove the dining table as well? Have students ever tripped over the various steps of the school, and should they be removed as well?

If the benefits of students standing up to eat outweigh the disadvantages, can this kind of good thing be promoted to the whole society?

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The school believes that students who sit in the classroom for too long and eat standing up is good for their muscles and bones and good for their health. In this way, all kinds of large-scale meetings in the country are sitting for a long time, so wouldn't it be good for the health of the participants to eat standing up? This so-called good health is only understood by you, Henan Zhumadian? Doesn't the state understand? Then why do the national meetings all sit and eat, only you Henan Zhumadian let students eat standing up, do you Henan Zhumadian know more about health than the country?

If the benefits of students standing up to eat outweigh the disadvantages, can this kind of good thing be promoted to the whole society?

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Students' physical activity still depends on recess exercises or sports, and eating standing up is really so good, why is it not promoted all over the world? Do you believe it yourself for the sake of a wrong decision, and then lie about this wrong decision with strange reasons?

If the benefits of students standing up to eat outweigh the disadvantages, can this kind of good thing be promoted to the whole society?

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I hate it the most when the school says that parents also agree, which parent dares to oppose it? Other people's children are in your hands, how dare you make people object. If there are such strange regulations in the future, please ask the whole society for advice, so that the school will get real opinions. Soliciting the opinions of parents at this school is of no reference significance.

If the benefits of students standing up to eat outweigh the disadvantages, can this kind of good thing be promoted to the whole society?

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The school said that it would remove the chairs after discussing with the parents, but this statement is mostly a kind of rhetoric, and the children of the teachers in the school generally do not eat in the cafeteria, and most of the students who eat in the canteen are students who are far away from the school or live in the school. How many principals or teachers' children live in the school? Therefore, it is difficult to hear opposing opinions from the so-called consultation of parents.

If the benefits of students standing up to eat outweigh the disadvantages, can this kind of good thing be promoted to the whole society?

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Schools are places of education and cannot take the lead in lying. I don't believe that the students and parents who eat in the cafeteria are in favor of the abolition of the chairs, and if they support it for a while, it is also forced to do so, and it is certainly not the true opinion of the students and parents who eat in the cafeteria. As far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't agree with my child's school doing that. If you report the problem with your real name, you may not be able to report it truthfully due to pressure. If it is an anonymous solicitation of opinions, you try again, how can there be parents who are willing to let their children suffer for no reason. #济宁头条##70后的头条生活#