
It goes well with meat, especially in the summer! Help digestion without fire, eat with its big meal!

author:Creative pastry chef

As the saying goes, "fish produces phlegm, meat makes fire", in the hot summer, many people will get on fire as soon as they eat meat, not to mention hot chicken, so when the long summer comes, many people take a light diet such as melons, fruits and vegetables.

In fact, the amount of exercise in summer is significantly more than in other seasons, sweating is more, and more needs the support of nutrients, if the nutrition can not keep up, the physique will gradually weaken in the long run, so in autumn, the human body is easy to feel uncomfortable, easy to catch a cold and fever. Therefore, in the summer when your appetite is not good and it is easy to get angry, you should pay more attention to the nutritional supplement of three meals a day!

It goes well with meat, especially in the summer! Help digestion without fire, eat with its big meal!

Everything in the world is mutually contained, and the same is true for food, afraid of getting on fire and afraid to eat meat? In fact, a little understanding of food pairing can solve this problem!

We will bring you a nourishing combination that is especially suitable for summer, morel mushroom stewed chicken!

Morel mushroom is one of the precious and rare edible mushrooms, unique fragrance, complete nutrition, because it contains rich nutrients and important value, people call it "natural, nutritious, multi-functional" health food, in addition, it is also rich in a variety of amino acids and organic germanium needed by the human body, with the effect of moistening the intestines and defecation, improving the body's metabolism.

It goes well with meat, especially in the summer! Help digestion without fire, eat with its big meal!

The best way to stew morels is to stew soup, especially with chicken or pork ribs, which is rich in protein, amino acids and other nutrients, which can not only supplement the nutrients needed by the body, but also enhance their own immunity. A sore throat in summer is caused by irritation of the throat mucosa caused by eating spicy and irritating food, or by low immunity and viral infection. Drinking morel mushroom soup in moderation can supplement the nutrients needed by the body and is conducive to the recovery of the condition.

It goes well with meat, especially in the summer! Help digestion without fire, eat with its big meal!

【Chicken stew with morel mushrooms】

Ingredients: a few morels, a pork rib, half a yellow chicken, a yam, a few slices of ginger


It goes well with meat, especially in the summer! Help digestion without fire, eat with its big meal!

The ingredients are ready.

Morel mushrooms and yam are both flat and sweet foods, and the two do not conflict with each other in terms of sexual taste, and can also enhance the edible effect, which can replenish qi and regulate menstruation, moisten the intestines and laxative, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and replenish the kidney and strengthen the essence.

It goes well with meat, especially in the summer! Help digestion without fire, eat with its big meal!

For morel mushrooms, choose darker ones, such as brown or dark brown, which are usually of better quality.

The cap and stipe of morels have the same nutritional value, but the ones with the stalk are usually cheaper, while the shears can be more expensive, choose morels with clear textures and regular folds, and avoid those that are whitish in color, have long plaques or are moldy.

It goes well with meat, especially in the summer! Help digestion without fire, eat with its big meal!

Before the pork ribs and chicken nuggets are stewed, they are blanched in a pot of boiling water, and then stewed after blanching, the soup is refreshing and clean, there are no impurities, and the condition is also very good.

It goes well with meat, especially in the summer! Help digestion without fire, eat with its big meal!

When the water is boiling, skim off the surface foam.

Remove the chicken and ribs, rinse them and place them in a casserole.

It goes well with meat, especially in the summer! Help digestion without fire, eat with its big meal!

Put the processed morels in the casserole as well. Add the water, add a few slices of ginger and simmer for half an hour.

It goes well with meat, especially in the summer! Help digestion without fire, eat with its big meal!

Add the yam segments, simmer for another half an hour, add salt to taste, and then get out of the pot.

It goes well with meat, especially in the summer! Help digestion without fire, eat with its big meal!


Before eating morels, you must soak them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and after the morels are soft, wash them down with water, then squeeze the water dry, and cut them in half with scissors, so that the morels taste and taste are the best.

Don't add the yam too early, the stew will be too bad and affect the taste.

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