
What are the fun places in Ningdu

author:Eat diligently

Ningdu County, a county under the jurisdiction of Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, is located in the southeast of Jiangxi Province and the north of Ganzhou City. There are many interesting places in Ningdu, such as: Cuiwei Peak, Lingyun Mountain, Yongning Temple, Tianbu Donglong Village "Dongli Yiwang" building complex, etc. But I think the most interesting places are: the former site of the Ningdu Uprising Headquarters, Cuiwei Peak, and the "Dongli Yiwang" complex in Tianbu Donglong Village.

What are the fun places in Ningdu

1. The former site of the Ningdu Uprising Headquarters

The former site of the Ningdu Uprising Headquarters is located at No. 27, Yanjiang Road, Meijiang Town, the county seat. Originally the priest's residence of the Jesus Church, it is a two-storey brick and wood Romanesque building, with a semi-circular arched verandah and a moisture-proof space about 1 meter above the ground on the ground floor, and the main entrance is a wooden double door, with nine brick and stone steps outside. It has a width of 17.2 meters and a depth of 16.6 meters, covering an area of about 293.82 square meters. In 1931, the headquarters of the 26th Route Army of the Kuomintang was stationed here. On December 14, Chief of Staff Zhao Bosheng and Brigade Commanders Dong Zhentang and Ji Zhentong led more than 17,000 people of the 26th Route Army to hold an uprising in Ningdu County and joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, known as the "Ningdu Uprising" in history.

What are the fun places in Ningdu

2. Cuiwei Peak

Cuiwei Peak is 3 kilometers northwest of the county seat. It is called the twelve peaks of Jinjing together with the peaks such as gassho, fairy peach, Ruizhu, Lingxiao, stone drum, three offerings, lion, wangxian, fuhu, phifa, lotus and so on. Cuiwei Peak stands upright on all sides of the cliffs, is a typical Danxia landform, commonly known as the red face village. Cuiwei Peak mountain is dangerous, through the slit on both sides of the strait "a line of sky", go to the foot of the peak, from the root of the mountain to the top, cut up more than 100 zhang on all sides. It is about 800 meters long from north to south, about 100 meters wide from east to west, go up, there are holes such as urn mouths, the peak is high in the south and low in the north, and the ups and downs are not big. From above, you can see the middle height, right shrinkage, left expansion, no support next to it, and the trees are deep. At the top of the lonely peak, there is a spring water flowing out of the stone field, which does not dry up all year round, and is pooled into a pond.

What are the fun places in Ningdu

3. Tianbu Donglong Village "Dongli Yiwang" building complex

The "Dongli Yiwang" building complex in Donglong Village, Tianbu is a famous historical and cultural village. It is located in Duanshang Village, Donglong Village, Tianbu Township, 48 kilometers away from the county seat. The building complex is composed of ancestral halls, wing rooms, courtyards, and parapet walls, which have typical Hakka architectural characteristics. It was built in the twelfth year of Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty (1734) and completed in the second year of Qianlong (1737). The name is "East and West One Look", commonly known as "Renfang Ancestral Hall". The whole complex is 4,300 square meters, surrounded by walls, the gate is facing east, and the front yard is made of granite, with an area of 800 square meters. The flower wall is 1.2 meters high, and there is a pond outside the wall. The backyard covers an area of 100 square meters, with a 5-meter-high wall built of blue bricks, and there is a 1.2-meter-diameter well in the north and south of the courtyard.

What are the fun places in Ningdu

The main building covers an area of 2,000 square meters, 8 meters high, green tile roof, blue brick wind and fire wall, divided into two buildings, three rooms wide, three rooms deep, east called "East Garden", west day "West Garden". The west wing covers an area of 1,000 square meters, with a height of 6 meters, and is a two-story building; The east wing was destroyed by fire and later converted into a one-story civil engineering structure, covering an area of 400 square meters.

What are the fun places in Ningdu

In short, the land of Ningdu has rich and diverse tourist attractions, each with its own characteristics, and all of them are boutiques. However, if I were to pick out a few of my favorites, they would undoubtedly be the former site of the Ningdu Uprising Headquarters, Cuiwei Peak, and the "Dongli Yiwang" complex in Donglong Village, Tianbu. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to visit Ningdu, I highly recommend that you definitely visit these three scenic spots. I believe that you will find your own joy and satisfaction here, with full memories and feelings, and return satisfied. #头条创作挑战赛#