
The down-and-out phoenix is not as good as a chicken! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the camera, and was told to lose her smile

author:Two ancestors

【Entertainment News】The down-and-out phoenix is not as good as a chicken? Yang Ying Simba's live broadcast room is in the same frame, is it a new cooperation or a helpless move behind the laughter?

The down-and-out phoenix is not as good as a chicken! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the camera, and was told to lose her smile
The down-and-out phoenix is not as good as a chicken! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the camera, and was told to lose her smile

Recently, there was a news in the domestic entertainment and Internet celebrity circles that caused a sensation in the two circles at the same time - Yang Ying, the former top celebrity in domestic entertainment, appeared in the live broadcast room of Simba, the top Internet celebrity.

The down-and-out phoenix is not as good as a chicken! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the camera, and was told to lose her smile

The news that the well-known actress Yang Ying (Angelababy) appeared in the live broadcast room of Internet celebrity Simba was like a depth charge, which instantly detonated the Internet and aroused widespread attention and heated discussions from all walks of life.

The down-and-out phoenix is not as good as a chicken! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the camera, and was told to lose her smile

In the former entertainment industry, Yang Ying has always been the darling of the spotlight and the tip of the hearts of major luxury brands with her super beautiful face. However, after a certain show, she was almost completely banned by internal entertainment.

The down-and-out phoenix is not as good as a chicken! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the camera, and was told to lose her smile

Although the account is now unblocked, she will attend some large-scale events in Hong Kong, but there seems to be no place for her in domestic entertainment. And this time, she unexpectedly appeared in the live broadcast room of Simba, the "king of goods" in the Internet celebrity world, which made many people speculate whether they would not hesitate to lower their prices for more shots.

The down-and-out phoenix is not as good as a chicken! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the camera, and was told to lose her smile

At the live broadcast scene, Yang Ying changed her usual cold image, smiling and interacting positively throughout the whole process, as if she was releasing cordiality and enthusiasm to the audience every second, this scene made many fans feel distressed!

The down-and-out phoenix is not as good as a chicken! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the camera, and was told to lose her smile

is not only Yang Ying's laughter throughout the whole process, but during the live broadcast, Simba's word "roll" directly made Yang Ying embarrassed to the point of embarrassment. At the live broadcast site, 65,000 pairs of shoes endorsed by Yang Ying were sold, and when Yang Ying heard this number, it seemed that in order to enliven the atmosphere of the scene, she directly coaxed and let everyone shout "Mr. Xin" together!

The down-and-out phoenix is not as good as a chicken! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the camera, and was told to lose her smile

However, after everyone shouted, Simba took a sentence to roll, although Simba said this sentence to the staff on the side, but the source of the coaxing was Yang Ying.

The down-and-out phoenix is not as good as a chicken! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the camera, and was told to lose her smile

As soon as this incident came out, netizens were not calm in an instant. They all shouted that the current Yang Ying is really sad. And after Simba said "get out", Yang Ying not only did not get angry, but continued to laugh: I was shy~


Although this matter seems to have been cleverly rounded by Yang Ying, the embarrassed smile on Yang Ying's face made netizens cry out distressed.

Many people have sighed: "The down-and-out phoenix is not as good as a chicken"! questioned whether Yang Ying had to find new exposure opportunities when traditional entertainment resources were reduced.

The down-and-out phoenix is not as good as a chicken! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the camera, and was told to lose her smile

After all, in the entertainment industry, exposure is often directly related to a star's commercial value and future development space. Such speculation undoubtedly adds a bit of subtlety to this live broadcast incident.

The down-and-out phoenix is not as good as a chicken! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the camera, and was told to lose her smile
The down-and-out phoenix is not as good as a chicken! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the camera, and was told to lose her smile

On social media, netizens also have different opinions on this cooperation. Supporters believe that Yang Ying's addition has brought an unprecedented star effect to Simba's live broadcast room, which not only increases the viewing of the live broadcast, but also brings a substantial increase in product sales, which is a model of win-win cooperation.

The down-and-out phoenix is not as good as a chicken! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the camera, and was told to lose her smile

Opposing voices worry that such a crossover may blur the boundaries between celebrities and Internet celebrities, and in the long run, it may affect Yang Ying's brand image as a first-line actress.


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