
【Coal Mine Memory】 Coal industry in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Area during the Anti-Japanese War

author:Energy & Mining Network

Author: Wu Xiaoyu

Editor's note: Coal mines and coal miners have made important contributions to all stages of the mainland's social development. In the continuous hard work, it has also accumulated a huge glorious coal culture. This culture has attracted and infected countless people, and has formed a wide connection with different cultures in society, and many celebrities in modern and contemporary history have also formed a deep relationship with coal mining because of coal culture and miner spirit.

In order to carry forward the glorious coal culture and spread the voice of coal history, Mr. Wu Xiaoyu, an expert in coal history, carefully collected and sorted out information, rigorously revised historical facts, and carefully wrote a series of articles for readers.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the government of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region (hereinafter referred to as the "Border Region") made great efforts to expand coal production, ensured the use of coal for military and civilian life and industry, and strongly supported the cause of anti-Japanese national liberation.

In 1935, after the Red Army's Long March reached northern Shaanxi, the cold winter soon came, so the problem of fuel for heating and cooking had to be solved immediately. To this end, it is necessary to start by investigating and understanding the situation of coal production, and then "tidy up the coal industry" and organize coal production. Later, in order to break the Kuomintang's military "encirclement and suppression" and economic blockade, the party Central Committee and the government of the border region led the military and the people to launch a large-scale production campaign, "doing it themselves" and "having enough food and clothing." The production of coal, on the other hand, developed with the expansion of the large-scale production movement. Mao Zedong published many articles such as "Economic Problems and Financial Problems during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression", "On the Army's Self-Sufficiency in Production, and on the Importance of the Two Major Movements of Rectification and Production", and "We Must Learn to Do Economic Work", and mobilized at various meetings on many occasions. He pointed out that "large-scale production must be carried out universally without exception", including the burning of coal, which can be done by itself. "We have achieved the goal of abundant food and clothing with our own methods", "we are not afraid of any difficulties", "invincible in the world". This provides an opportunity for the development of the coal industry.

【Coal Mine Memory】 Coal industry in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Area during the Anti-Japanese War

In order to promote coal mining, the government of the border region has taken the following main measures.

First, coal production should be regarded as an important task in the development of industries in the border areas. In terms of industrial layout, the border areas were reformed into prefectures "focusing on the military industry and the exploitation of oil and coal." In January 1939, the Senate of the border regions made a "resolution" to strengthen the management of oil and coal mines and increase production. In his report, Lin Boqu, chairman of the border district government, called for strengthening the development of coal mines. Chairman Mao Zedong pointed out the importance of coal as early as 1936, saying that "if coal workers are afraid of hardship and tiredness, they do not dig coal" and "it will be very difficult to cook rice and burn kang".

The second is to increase investment in coal production. The government of the border region has specially arranged special funds for coal, which will be allocated to relevant units for coal production and development. In 1943, an additional investment of 650,000 yuan was increased to support the kiln digging in Suide, Fuxian and Guanzhong. At the same time, we will vigorously attract private investment and guide private mining enterprises. For the difficulties encountered by coal owners, the government has stepped in to help solve them and provide support. For example, supporting the coal kiln in Guanzhong Yishicun to solve the difficulties of insufficient capital and technology has achieved remarkable results, increasing coal output by nearly 10 times. In March 1945, the Regulations of the Government of the Border Region on Incentives for Industrial Investment were enacted, which clearly included the coal mining industry in the scope of industries to be rewarded and supported, stipulating that coal kilns "suffer accidental losses" and that "the government should provide assistance at its discretion".

The third is to commend the heroes of coal mine labor and mobilize the enthusiasm of coal workers in production. The government of the border region organized the selection and commendation of "charcoal labor heroes", and called on coal workers to learn from labor heroes and increase coal production. Coal mines have held mobilization meetings to learn from labor heroes. On July 15, 1943, Zhujiagou Coal Mine held a "mobilization meeting for all mine workers to defend the border area". At the meeting, Hua Zengzhu, a charcoal labor hero, made an oath: "All our (coal) workers urgently mobilize", "actively carry out the Zhao Zhankui movement, and supply fuel to troops, organs, and factories" and "ensure a continuous supply of fuel". The congress adopted the "Decision on All Coal Mine Workers Participating in the Self-Defense Forces to Defend the Border Areas." In addition, the government requires private coal kiln owners to care about the treatment of miners and improve working conditions and the lives of miners. Interest-free loans are granted by the government to poor miners. All these have enhanced the production enthusiasm of coal workers and promoted coal production.

Fourth, it is necessary to organize the work of coal transportation and marketing, and mobilize relevant units to carry coal and transport coal. Transportation and sales are a big problem in the coal industry, and the border government attaches great importance to it. In 1943, funds were invested to "organize coal supply and marketing in Yan'an and set up a coal stack in Wubao". Coal stacks were also set up in Yangjiayuanzi and Zhejiaping in Zichang County as coal distribution sites. Set up a "coal company" in Guanzhong Yishi Village, negotiate the price of coal, purchase coal in a unified manner, and ensure the smooth flow of coal. Organize relevant units to carry coal and increase income. Some military units and government agencies carry and transport coal on their own. Mao Zedong's report at the 1942 meeting of senior cadres in the border areas specifically mentioned that a company of a regiment of the 359th Brigade earned 698 yuan in 1941. In 1943, the Security Department, the Court, the Bank, the Materials Bureau, the School of Administration, the Health Department, the Nursery School, the Academy of Sciences, Yan'an University, the Materials Bureau and other units all transported coal on their own.

Fifth, a series of measures should be taken to strengthen the management of the coal industry. First, the Industrial Bureau of the Border Region helped set up the "Yan'an Dongchuan Coal Company", and "the company's task is first and foremost to establish unified leadership and improve the links between various (coal) plants" to promote coal production and sales. Second, "trade unions should strengthen the education of miners" and "train and recruit more mining technicians to help the development of the mining industry". Third, organize the establishment of the "Coal Industry Association". "The old institutions have been strengthened, and their work has played the role of mediation, exchange, and unified decision-making". Fourth, the Department of Construction will compile and print a small "coal industry publication" to introduce the production situation and experience of each (coal) plant, "to receive unified leadership, exchange and improve the efficiency of technology". Fifth, it is necessary to display coal products at exhibitions under the Central Committee and the Military Administration, and expand the publicity of coal production, in order to arouse everyone's attention and attention to the coal industry.

【Coal Mine Memory】 Coal industry in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Area during the Anti-Japanese War

As a result of the CPC Central Committee and the government of the border region strengthening their leadership over the coal industry and adopting various measures in line with reality, the coal industry in the border region has developed to a great extent. According to incomplete statistics, in 1943, there were 100 coal kilns in Yan'an, Guanzhong, Zichang, Suide, Zizhou and Mizhi, with 1,891 miners and a monthly output of 7,600 tons of coal. The military system, the central system, the logistics system, and community organizations have also set up coal mines. The Ministry of Economic Affairs has the first, second and third coal plants. The left-behind corps has 1 coal plant, the 359 brigade has 2 coal plants, and the general office, security office, and Kang Da General School have also opened coal mines.

To a large extent, the coal industry in the border areas ensured the supply of coal produced by military industries such as military and civilian livelihood and weapons and equipment, and played a special role in supporting the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and promoting national liberation. Its experience is still relevant today, and it is a red page in the history of China's coal.

(Revised on June 17, 2024)


1. Excerpts from the Financial and Economic Historical Materials of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (Shaanxi People's Publishing House, June 1981).

2. "Yan'an Coal Chronicles" (Yan'an Coal Industry Bureau, October 2000, internal quasi-print).

3. China Coal Chronicles, Shaanxi Volume (Coal Industry Press, July 1997).

(Mr. Wu Xiaoyu is an expert in the history of China's coal industry, and the former director of the Department of Policies and Regulations of the State Administration of Work Safety and the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety.) )