
Love is an emotion that can be heart-wrenching with or without it

author:Clover Liu

Love, this ancient and eternal topic, always appears in our lives in various forms.

It is as sweet as honey as first taste, bitter as overnight coffee, and can deeply touch our hearts whether we have it or lose it.

In the world of love, everyone is an explorer who desires and fears at the same time. We seek out that soul-shaking sensation and hope to be whole through another person.

Love is an emotion that can be heart-wrenching with or without it

When we were lucky enough to find that person, the whole world seemed to be different. The air is filled with sweetness, and the days are full of anticipation and happiness.

It is this sense of well-being that goes deep into the bone marrow that makes the pain of loss especially intense. Because we know that the ordinary time of sharing the details of life with someone, the understanding and support that is silent and loud, once lost, is a major surgery for the soul.

But what if we don't find love? The loneliness of being single, the helplessness of the bystanders, is also a sharp sword. It asks us why happiness that can be easily obtained by others is so difficult to get to ourselves.

Love is an emotion that can be heart-wrenching with or without it

Did you do something wrong, or weren't good enough? In the midst of such doubts and self-doubts, heartache creeps in. We ignore the freedom and independence that being single gives us, and forget that self-growth is the most important thing on the road to pursuing love.

True love is the power that can support you when you are vulnerable and make you stronger. It should not be the source of inferiority or incompleteness that makes us feel inferior.

Love is an emotion that can be heart-wrenching with or without it

The pain of love often comes from our misunderstanding of it – thinking that having it will solve all problems, or thinking that without it we will lose all the joy of life.

Whether it's sweetness in love or introspection when you're single, it should make our hearts stronger and more beautiful. Love, with or without it, should not be a prerequisite for our happiness.

Love is an emotion that can be heart-wrenching with or without it

If you're struggling with love, look at it from a different perspective. Let go of the anxiety and insecurity in your heart and learn to appreciate other aspects of life.

Your happiness should not depend on just one person, but should be sought in multiple ways. In this way, when you encounter love, you can love more confidently and calmly; While you are still looking for love, you can still live to the fullest and be happy.

I hope that everyone who is looking for love can finally find that happiness that belongs to them. More importantly, no matter whether love brings us sweetness or bitterness, we can accept it calmly, because every experience is a gift of growth.

Love is indeed a double-edged sword, but how to use this sword is up to you.

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