
#美兰实践派##志愿 "Red" all over Meilan# In order to solidly promote the special action of "protecting seedlings" for minors, we will earnestly do a good job in education and social protection, and improve students' awareness and awareness of drug prevention

author:Beautiful Meilan

#美兰实践派##志愿 "Red" all over Meilan# In order to solidly promote the special action of "protecting the seedlings" for minors, we will earnestly do a good job in education and social protection, and improve students' awareness of drug awareness and prevention. On the morning of June 28, 2024, Bailong Street launched the International Anti-drug Publicity Month and the "Protecting Seedlings" action to visit the anti-drug exhibition hall.

#美兰实践派##志愿 "Red" all over Meilan# In order to solidly promote the special action of "protecting seedlings" for minors, we will earnestly do a good job in education and social protection, and improve students' awareness and awareness of drug prevention
#美兰实践派##志愿 "Red" all over Meilan# In order to solidly promote the special action of "protecting seedlings" for minors, we will earnestly do a good job in education and social protection, and improve students' awareness and awareness of drug prevention
#美兰实践派##志愿 "Red" all over Meilan# In order to solidly promote the special action of "protecting seedlings" for minors, we will earnestly do a good job in education and social protection, and improve students' awareness and awareness of drug prevention

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