
The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried about the 985 211 admission score line

author:The memory paper is left for you

The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried about the 985 211 admission score line

It was an extraordinary day, and the results of the college entrance examination were finally released in the anticipation of everyone. The whole city seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and it was as if a bombshell had been thrown, which instantly set off a thousand waves. In the streets and alleys, people are talking, there are cheering laughter from families, and there are helpless sighs from corners.

The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried about the 985 211 admission score line

At this moment, the admission score of 985 and 211 has become the focus of everyone's attention. Those numbers, cold and ruthless, determine the fate of countless young people. For those top students, this may be the moment they have been waiting for for a long time. Xiao Ming is one of the best, and when he saw that his grades far exceeded the admission score of 985 universities, the boulder in his heart finally fell to the ground. He hugged his parents excitedly, tears of excitement glistening in his eyes. Years of hard study, countless days and nights of immersion in the question, this moment has been the best reward. He began to look forward to his future life in a first-class university, making like-minded friends, and participating in cutting-edge academic research, as if a bright future was already beckoning to him.

The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried about the 985 211 admission score line

However, not everyone is so lucky. Xiao Min looked at her results, and there was still some distance from the admission score of 211 colleges, and tears blurred her eyes. She has been working very hard, arriving at the classroom early and leaving at the end of the day, but her grades have not met her expectations. She felt extremely disappointed and blamed herself, feeling that she had failed her parents' expectations and was sorry for the efforts she had put in. She locked herself in her room, reluctant to communicate with the outside world, filled with confusion and fear about the future.

The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried about the 985 211 admission score line

At school, the teachers are also nervously busy. They are proud and relieved of the students who have achieved good grades, and at the same time, they want to comfort the students who are not performing well. The head teacher, Mr. Li, looked at the report card in his hand and had mixed feelings. He was happy that a few students in his class were expected to be admitted to 985 colleges, but he also felt sorry for those who missed out on their dream universities by a few points. He knows that although the college entrance examination is important, it cannot completely determine a person's future, and he hopes to convey confidence and courage to every student.

And in each family, different plots are staged. Some families set up a celebration banquet because of their children's outstanding achievements, and relatives and friends came to congratulate them, creating a happy and peaceful atmosphere; Some families are immersed in silence and grief, parents do not know how to comfort their lost children, and children struggle with self-blame and confusion.

The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried about the 985 211 admission score line

The admission score of 985 and 211 colleges and universities is like a watershed, dividing students into different camps. But this does not mean that students who are classified into the so-called "losing" camp have no future. Although Xiaohui's score did not reach the standard of 985 and 211, he did not give up. He decided to choose an ordinary undergraduate college that suits him, worked hard to improve himself during college, and realized his dream of entering a prestigious school through the postgraduate entrance examination. He believes that as long as he has determination and perseverance, the future can still be in his own hands.

The college entrance examination is an important exam, but it is not the whole of life. Regardless of achievement, it cannot determine a person's worth and future achievements. Those students who have achieved good grades should keep a clear mind and continue to work the road of learning in the future; And those students who have temporarily lost must not be slumped, but must bravely face setbacks and look for new opportunities and directions. Because life is a long journey, full of countless possibilities and opportunities.

The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried about the 985 211 admission score line

On this day when the results of the college entrance examination are released, I hope that every student can look at the results with a peaceful mind and meet the future with a positive attitude. Whether it is joy or sorrow, it is a part of life, as long as you do not give up the pursuit, your dreams will eventually come true.

The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried about the 985 211 admission score line
The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried about the 985 211 admission score line

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