
These 4 functions hidden in mobile phone navigation, learn to never be afraid of getting lost again!

author:Mobile phone knowledge sharing

Navigating when driving out is our basic operation, so I believe we all know the navigation method, but there are some hidden functions when navigating that we must learn, which can assist us to navigate more easily, and no longer have to worry about safety or getting lost. But many people don't know that these 4 functions are hidden in the mobile phone navigation, so let's take a detailed look at today's video, and I'm afraid that I can't remember the likes and collections of good videos!

First, the voice wake-up function. It is suitable for drivers who do not know words or are inconvenient to type, and can navigate with just voice input. How does it work?

These 4 functions hidden in mobile phone navigation, learn to never be afraid of getting lost again!

Open AutoNavi Map, (as shown in the image above)

Then we can type with voice.

These 4 functions hidden in mobile phone navigation, learn to never be afraid of getting lost again!

You can click on this microphone, (as shown in the image above)

Then say in voice: I want to go to Yulin City. At this time, the system will reply with voice: To Yulin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the whole journey is 31km, about 59 minutes to arrive, do you need navigation? We just need to reply "need" and the system will automatically select the route and enter the navigation.

However, this is only the first method, and it is certainly not convenient for us to press the microphone while driving, so the second method can be used.

These 4 functions hidden in mobile phone navigation, learn to never be afraid of getting lost again!
These 4 functions hidden in mobile phone navigation, learn to never be afraid of getting lost again!
These 4 functions hidden in mobile phone navigation, learn to never be afraid of getting lost again!

Wake up in the interface you are navigating: Xiaode, Xiaode. I'm going to Yulin Railway Station. The system will reply: Find multiple results such as Yulin Station, Yulin Railway Station, Bus Station, etc., which one are you looking for? The journey to Yulin Station is 27.1km, about 56 minutes, need to be navigated?

We replied: Yes.

The system automatically re-routes and navigates: ready to go, the 27km journey takes about 56 minutes, and the estimated arrival is 10:16 am, which is accessible and easy for most people.

Second, add the function of transit points to facilitate handling emergencies while driving, such as refueling, picking up people, going to the toilet, etc. Let's click on the map of the page we're navigating,

These 4 functions hidden in mobile phone navigation, learn to never be afraid of getting lost again!

Here you can see that there is a drop search, click on it, (as shown in the picture above)

These 4 functions hidden in mobile phone navigation, learn to never be afraid of getting lost again!

For example, if we want to find a place to refuel, or find a place to recharge, go to the toilet, etc., we can choose. (as shown in the image above)

These 4 functions hidden in mobile phone navigation, learn to never be afraid of getting lost again!

So I'll show you the example of refueling, where the nearest gas station will be displayed, find a stop we need, and click Add on the right. (as shown in the image above)

These 4 functions hidden in mobile phone navigation, learn to never be afraid of getting lost again!

Now that the route has been re-planned, we can know from this map that it will first reach the point of passage and then the destination, so as to avoid the embarrassment of entering the destination multiple times. In particular, there is no need for secondary input navigation during driving, which makes our travel safer. (as shown in the image above)

Thirdly, the safety report function can share the location with family members to ensure their driving safety.

These 4 functions hidden in mobile phone navigation, learn to never be afraid of getting lost again!

Let's click on this navigating map, and after clicking on it, we can see that there is a setting option here. (as shown in the image above)

These 4 functions hidden in mobile phone navigation, learn to never be afraid of getting lost again!

Then find the route sharing, it's real-time, (as shown in the image above)

These 4 functions hidden in mobile phone navigation, learn to never be afraid of getting lost again!

So now we can forward the route through SMS, WeChat Moments, Weibo, QQ, etc., and the route information is updated in real time, and friends can view it at any time, (as shown in the figure above)

Click WeChat, then select the friend or group chat you want to share, and click Share. If the sharing is successful, you will switch the intercom channel to this group. In this way, even if we find a situation or other unpleasant things on the road, our friends will be able to roughly understand the specific location and avoid worrying about them.

These 4 functions hidden in mobile phone navigation, learn to never be afraid of getting lost again!

2. It can also speak by voice, for example, if we hold down here and say "I've arrived at such and such a place", then others can hear our voice, which is actually the same as the walkie-talkie. (as shown in the image above)

Fourth, after the road conditions are turned on, you can know how much important things are happening in front of you or how much traffic light time is left. Or after clicking on the map,

These 4 functions hidden in mobile phone navigation, learn to never be afraid of getting lost again!

You can see that there is a road condition that is not open yet. (as shown in the image above)

These 4 functions hidden in mobile phone navigation, learn to never be afraid of getting lost again!

Click on it to make it turn blue, (as shown in the image above)

Then it will automatically broadcast the situation ahead, there is a traffic light in front, it will display the number of seconds, whether it is a red light or a green light now, and it can be seen at a glance on your mobile phone, so that you can avoid running a red light because of the red light and brakes.

So these 4 functions of mobile phone navigation have all been shared, have you learned? If you haven't learned it yet, you haven't understood it, watch it a few more times, think the video is useful, share it with family and friends who need it, thank you very much for your support, we'll see you in the next video.

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