
17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed away in a badminton match! What really happened before the game? His sister spoke out

author:Good mood
17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed away in a badminton match! What really happened before the game? His sister spoke out


"If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan." Nalan Xingde's "Magnolia Slow" expresses the impermanence and regret of the world. On the stage of sports competition, every athlete is like a bright star, and they draw their own trajectory in the night sky with sweat and hard work. However, when a star falls, we are left with not only shock and sorrow, but also a deep reflection on the fragility of life. On July 1, a tragedy quietly played out on the badminton court in Indonesia, when 17-year-old Chinese badminton star Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted during a match, and although he was quickly sent to the hospital for treatment, he failed to save his young life. This incident not only cast a shadow over the world badminton world, but also aroused great public concern about the health and safety of athletes.

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed away in a badminton match! What really happened before the game? His sister spoke out


【Event Review】

In the mixed team group stage of the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships, the showdown between China and Japan is fierce. Zhang Zhijie, a teenager from Jiaxing born in January 2007, has shown his talent for badminton since he was a child, and has been associated with badminton since kindergarten. As he grew older, his skills became more and more refined, and he was selected by the Zhejiang Provincial Team in the third grade of primary school, and in 2023, he entered the door of the national youth team. In his short but illustrious career, Zhang Zhijie won the 2022 National U-Series Badminton Competition U15-17 Finals 15-year-old men's singles champion, the 2023 National Youth Badminton Championships Group B men's singles champion and men's team champion, and the 2024 Netherlands Youth Badminton International Men's Singles Champion and the National Youth Badminton Championships Group B men's team champion.

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed away in a badminton match! What really happened before the game? His sister spoke out
17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed away in a badminton match! What really happened before the game? His sister spoke out

However, just as Zhang Zhijie's sports career was reaching its peak, an accident shattered all the good hopes. On the evening of July 1, just as he fought fiercely with Japanese player Kawano Shouzhen to 11 draws, suddenly, Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, accompanied by convulsions, which shocked everyone present. The event doctor and medical team immediately intervened to implement emergency rescue measures. In less than two minutes, Zhang Zhijie was quickly taken to the hospital by ambulance, but in the end, he died at 23:20 that night due to the deterioration of his condition. The Asian Badminton Federation, the Indonesian Badminton Association and the Organizing Committee of the tournament jointly issued a heartfelt announcement to express their deepest condolences to Zhang Zhijie's family and the Chinese Badminton Association, and mourn the loss of a badminton talent.

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed away in a badminton match! What really happened before the game? His sister spoke out

After the news of Zhang Zhijie's unfortunate death broke, it is suspected that his sister raised her voice on social media, expressing doubts about the rescue measures at the scene. She pointed out that although Zhang Zhijie was taken to the hospital by ambulance less than two minutes after fainting, the response at the scene did not seem to be timely at the critical moment. This view reflects the doubts and concerns in the minds of many people, that is, in the event of an emergency, whether the medical emergency mechanism of sports events is adequate enough to provide the most effective assistance to athletes in the first place. Zhang Zhijie's family's concern actually puts forward higher requirements for sports organizations, event organizers and medical teams, that is, in terms of ensuring the health and safety of athletes, there should be more careful plans and efficient implementation capabilities.

Regardless of whether the suspected voice is really Zhang Zhijie's sister, this kind of questioning about the timeliness and effectiveness of medical care is a natural emotional reaction after a similar tragedy. It reminds the sports community and all sectors of society that they should continue to pay attention to and improve the medical security system in the event to ensure that every athlete can enjoy the protection they deserve while pursuing their dreams. Especially for those young and promising athletes, their safety and health cannot be ignored, because the loss of every talent is a loss for the sports world and society as a whole. Mr. Zhang's family, including his sister, who was suspected of speaking out, must be desperate for a clear answer as to why such a tragedy happened and how to prevent it from happening again in the future. After all, Zhang Zhijie's death is an unbearable burden for all those who love him.

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed away in a badminton match! What really happened before the game? His sister spoke out

【In-depth Analysis】

"There are unpredictable circumstances in the sky, and people have good and bad luck." This ancient adage was vividly embodied in this incident. Zhang Zhijie's sudden death is not only a sigh of relief, but also prompts us to think about the importance of athletes' health protection. Although the tournament claimed that Zhang Zhijie was taken to the hospital within a short period of time, there were still voices questioning whether the first aid measures at the scene were timely and effective. This incident once again reminds us that whether it is a professional event or a daily training, we should put the health of athletes first, establish a sound medical security system, and ensure that professional and effective assistance can be provided at the first time.

[Social Repercussions]

Zhang Zhijie's death has aroused widespread social attention and discussion. Fans, athletes and sports personalities took to social media to express their condolences and express their deep concern for the health of the athletes. This incident is not only a blow to individual families, but also a wake-up call to the entire sports world. While pursuing achievements and honors, how to better protect the health of athletes and avoid the recurrence of similar tragedies has become an important issue for all sports administrators.


"Life must be happy, don't make the gold bottle empty to the moon." Li Bai's "Will Enter the Wine" encourages us to enjoy and cherish every moment in our limited life. Although Zhang Zhijie died young, his love and dedication to badminton, as well as the wonderful moments he left on the court, will forever be engraved in people's hearts. May there be badminton in heaven too, and may Zhang Zhijie continue to chase his badminton dream in another world. For each of us, Zhang Zhijie's story is a profound reminder that health and safety are always the most important cornerstones in the pursuit of our dreams.

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed away in a badminton match! What really happened before the game? His sister spoke out


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