
The bridal maid got married, and when she crossed the hill, she heard a voice behind her, and she was happy to live safely

author:Little Red Riding Hood, who loves to be funny

Hey, ladies and gentlemen, today we have to tell you about a strange thing that happened in our Gada. This happened in the tunzi at the bottom of the big mountain in the south of us, and it was a story about a wedding maid getting married. Let's talk about this girl first, her name is Cui'er, she has been following the eldest lady's ass since she was a child, she is as clever as a little fox, and her heart is very soft.

On the day of the eldest lady's wedding, Cui'er, as a wedding maid, also got on the sedan chair together. At that time, the dowry was piled up like a hill, and several large chests were filled with gold and silver jewelry, silk and satin. As soon as the sedan chair was lifted, the gongs and drums were noisy, and it was called a lively. This team, like a long dragon, passed through the tunzi and went straight to the mountain.

That mountain, called "over the hill", legend has it that there are monsters in it, and those who pass by must be careful. But today is the eldest lady's big day, who cares about those? As soon as the team reached the halfway point of the hill, Cui'er heard a strange sound behind her. The voice, which says that the wind is not the wind, and that the beast is not the beast, makes people's hearts beat drums. Cui'er hurriedly lifted the sedan curtain and took a look, but she couldn't see anything clearly in the fog. Her heart tightened, and she thought: This is not a monster in the mountains to make trouble, right?

The bridal maid got married, and when she crossed the hill, she heard a voice behind her, and she was happy to live safely

Cui'er's heart went up and down, and the strange sound was getting closer and closer. She hurriedly put down the sedan curtain and whispered to the eldest lady: "Miss, you sit tightly, there seems to be something behind you." When the eldest lady heard this, her face turned white, but she still insisted and said, "Don't be afraid, there are sedan chair drivers and family members." But the strange sound was getting closer, as if something was coming at the two of them.

Cui'er was in a hurry, and suddenly had an idea. She took out the happy money in her arms, which was specially given to her by the eldest lady, saying that she could keep her safe by scattering happy money on the road. Cui'er thought to herself: Since you can keep safe, let's try it! She lifted the sedan curtain and sprinkled the money back one by one. It's strange to say, as soon as the strange sound heard the sound of the happy money landing, it slowly went away. The procession continued on, and in a few moments, it was smooth to cross the hill.

When they arrived at her mother-in-law's house, Cui'er and the eldest lady were relieved. As soon as Cui'er talked about the things on the road, everyone thought it was quite mysterious. Some say that the monsters in the mountains were scared away by the happy money, and some say that Cui'er is sincere and spiritual, and moved the mountain god. Anyway, it's safe and sound.

The bridal maid got married, and when she crossed the hill, she heard a voice behind her, and she was happy to live safely

On the wedding night, Cui'er lay in the maid's room, tossing and turning, but couldn't sleep. She recalled the strange sound she heard when she crossed the hill, and couldn't help but have a bold idea in her heart: Could that strange sound have anything to do with herself? Could it be that when I was a child, I played in the mountains and accidentally touched something that shouldn't have caused today's incident? The more Cui'er thought about it, the more strange she felt, and she decided to go back to her parents' house early the next morning and ask the old people in the village about it. As soon as the sky was bright, Cui'er hurriedly packed her bags, waved to her mother-in-law's house, and set foot on the road back to her parents' house. As soon as she got home, she didn't bother to take a breath, went straight to the eldest lady's house, and poured all the little ninety-nine in her heart to her. When the eldest lady heard this, she frowned, and felt that something was wrong with this, so she took Cui'er to inquire about the elders in the village.

They found Uncle Zhang, the oldest person in the village, and when Uncle Zhang heard this, his brows furrowed like a bitter melon, sighed, and said, "I really know a little about this." In that hill, there is really a monster called 'Mandrill'. It doesn't usually like to show its face, but if someone touches its bottom line, it's not going to be funny. When Cui'er heard this, her heart tightened, and she hurriedly asked: "Then I was fooling around in the mountains when I was a child, did I provoke it?" Uncle Zhang thought for a while and said, "I can't tell." However, this is not without its problems. ”

Uncle Zhang told them that if they wanted to settle this matter, they had to find the mandrill's nest, compensate it, and send something to show their sincerity. When Cui'er heard this, she didn't say a word, and immediately decided to go to the mandrill's nest and solve the beam. The eldest lady was worried about Cui'er's safety, so she asked the family to follow. So, a group of people took the tribute and went to the hill.

The bridal maid got married, and when she crossed the hill, she heard a voice behind her, and she was happy to live safely

The road over the hill is not easy to walk, but Cui'er has a thought in her heart: find the mandrill and end the matter. With great difficulty, they finally found the mandrill's nest. It was hidden in a cave, and the entrance of the cave was tightly covered with vines. Cui'er took a deep breath and entered the cave with the tribute. There was a black rumbling in the cave, and there were some strange noises from time to time. Cui'er endured her fear and walked in step by step. Eventually, she came to the deepest part of the cave, where sat a large mandrill.

When Shanxiao saw Cui'er, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she quickly calmed down. Cui'er stepped forward, bowed deeply, and said, "Lord Mandrill, I'm Cui'er, and I may have offended you by fooling around in the mountains when I was a child. Today, I came to compensate you for it, and I also brought some tribute to show my sincerity. With that, she placed the tribute in front of the mandrill. The mandrill looked at the tribute, and then at Cui'er, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes. It spoke slowly, its voice low and hoarse: "You little girl, you are quite guts. Okay, for your sake, I won't bother with you. But you have to remember not to touch my bottom line again. ”

When Cui'er heard this, her heart blossomed, and she quickly bowed again and thanked her repeatedly. Mandrill waved her hand, signaling that she could go. Cui'er didn't dare to stay longer, and hurriedly led the family out of the cave. Back in the village, Cui'er told everyone the ins and outs of this matter. Cui'er, this girl, is really admirable, her courage and wisdom shocked the people in the village. Since then, Cui'er's reputation in the village has skyrocketed, and everyone respects and fears her. As for the strange sound of crossing the hill, it has not been seen since then. The people in the village said that it was Cui'er's courage and sincerity that moved the mandrill and made it stop. Cui'er herself knows that this experience has made her more mature and brave.

The bridal maid got married, and when she crossed the hill, she heard a voice behind her, and she was happy to live safely

Later, Cui'er and the eldest lady lived happily together. From time to time, the two of them would think of the experience of crossing the hill, and they were full of emotion and joy in their hearts. As for the legendary mandrill, it has also become an eternal secret and memory in their hearts.

After Cui'er and the eldest lady returned to the village, the strange sound of crossing the hill really never sounded again, and the life of the villagers returned to its former peace. But in Cui'er's heart, there is always a pimple: why does the mandrill haunt the hills, and what are its taboos? Cui'er is a delicate girl, and she decides to dig deeper.

She first found Uncle Zhang, wanting to know more about the legend of the mandrill. Uncle Zhang told her that the mandrill is the patron saint of this mountain forest, and its taboo is that outsiders are not allowed to destroy the tranquility of the mountain forest casually. But over the years, with the expansion of the village, many villagers have gone up to the mountains to cut down trees and hunt, which has annoyed the mandrills. After Cui'er heard this, her heart suddenly brightened. She understood that if she wanted to truly solve the conflict with the mandrills, she had to start with the villagers.

The bridal maid got married, and when she crossed the hill, she heard a voice behind her, and she was happy to live safely

As a result, Cui'er began to go door-to-door to persuade the villagers not to destroy the mountains and forests, and also advocated that everyone work together to protect this green water and green mountains. At first, the villagers were unimpressed by Cui'er's approach, and some even laughed at her for being nosy. But Cui'er didn't give up, she persuaded everyone with her actions and patience. She organizes villagers to plant trees and flowers at the foot of the mountain, and regularly goes up the mountain to clean up garbage and protect wildlife. After a long time, the mountain forest became lush again, the birds sang and the flowers were fragrant, and the villagers also felt the benefits of protecting the mountain forest.

In the process, Cui'er also discovers a big secret. Originally, there was an ancient spring on the hill, the spring water was clear and sweet, and it was called the "Divine Spring". However, due to the destruction of the villagers, the spring gradually dried up, and the mandrill lost its habitat. Treier decided to find the spring and bring it back to life.

After some inquiry and exploration, Cui'er finally found the location of the spring. However, the area around the spring has been covered with rubble and garbage, making it difficult to identify. Cui'er was desperate to clean up the debris around the spring herself. She dug with her hands and carried it on her shoulder, and worked for three days and three nights before finally clearing the spring. The spring gushes out again, as if to express gratitude to Cui'er.

The bridal maid got married, and when she crossed the hill, she heard a voice behind her, and she was happy to live safely

At this moment, a light breeze blew, and the mandrill suddenly appeared in front of Cui'er. It looked at Cui'er and the rejuvenated spring, its eyes full of gratitude and admiration. Cui'er's girl gave the mandrill a deep bow, and her mouth was still muttering: "Thank you, Cui'er." You not only untied the little knots between the two of us, but also protected our mountains and forests. From now on, we will guard this place together. When Cui'er heard this, she was so proud that she was as beautiful as she was. She knew that all these things she did by herself were worth it.

Since then, the mandrill guy has not made any strange movements, and has quietly guarded the mountains and forests and the people in the village. Cui'er has also become a big hero in the village and a role model for everyone. Her story, like the spring breeze, blows in every corner of the village, inspiring more people to protect our environment.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, decades have passed. Cui'er also became a gray-haired old lady. But she still guarded the mountain forest and continued her mission. When someone asks her story, she always happily says, "I just did what I should have done." ”

The bridal maid got married, and when she crossed the hill, she heard a voice behind her, and she was happy to live safely

Under the protection of Cui'er, the mountains and forests are becoming more and more beautiful and prosperous. The trees are green, the birds are singing, and the springs are tinkling...... These have become the sweetest memories and the proudest things in the hearts of the people in the village. The story of the bridal maid and the mandrill has also been passed down in the village, and has become everyone's favorite topic of conversation after dinner.

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