
Too arrogant! Scenic spot staff: "Just bully you are a foreigner", if so, who would dare to go?

author:Chen Erjian has something to say

On June 28th, a shameless scene was staged in a scenic spot in Taiyuan, Shanxi, after the tourists' cars were blocked, the words of the parking lot staff touched the sensitive nerves of countless netizens!

The man in the parking lot was domineering and bluntly shouted at the tourists: "What's the matter, you're still not convinced, are you not convinced?" Just bully you for being an outsider! This place is mine, and you still let Shanxi Cultural Tourism see it? I'm not afraid if you let the State Council see it! ”

Too arrogant! Scenic spot staff: "Just bully you are a foreigner", if so, who would dare to go?

After all, it was the outsiders who resisted, so I really don't know what kind of three views this staff member is, obviously relying on tourists from other places to make money, and finally bullying outsiders, isn't this becoming "pick up chopsticks to eat, put down chopsticks and scold my mother?" ”

What conflicts have arisen between tourists and parking lot staff, the real reason is not recorded in the video, so it is not possible to evaluate who is right and wrong out of context! But the words of the staff are obviously disrespectful to outsiders, so you can't spread the anger of the dispute with tourists on all outsiders.

Too arrogant! Scenic spot staff: "Just bully you are a foreigner", if so, who would dare to go?

Friends from all over the country spend money all the way to be happy, not to buy humiliation, this scenic spot staff should really reflect on their words and deeds! It was a trivial matter that could be solved amicably, but if you have to get involved with outsiders, you really forgot which bowl of rice you eat, and if there are no outsiders, this staff member must have to find another high position.

Whoever hears such words will feel very breathless, and whoever they recruit provokes will be innocent! However, according to the meaning of this staff member, it seems that there are also a point or two of truth, he said that the place is his own, and he can have the final say, as long as the tourists come to their own parking lot, they can do whatever they want......

Too arrogant! Scenic spot staff: "Just bully you are a foreigner", if so, who would dare to go?

This arrogant attitude makes people respond! If everyone does this, outsiders will never dare to go again, because once they enter a place where they are not familiar with life, it is like entering someone else's territory and becoming a bound bird.

It's no exaggeration to say that travelers are their main source of income! Since you are engaged in tourism, you must have at least moral integrity, not unscrupulous talk, even if you are justified, you can't make such nonsense.

It's just a matter of not putting Shanxi cultural tourism in your eyes, and you still put the State Council on your lips, which seems to be using barbaric words to deter tourists, but in fact it is showing your teeth and claws! This staff member has brought a certain impact on Shanxi's tourism industry with the strength of one person, and I have to say that as long as he is not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed.

Too arrogant! Scenic spot staff: "Just bully you are a foreigner", if so, who would dare to go?

Fortunately, there is only one such staff member, and if there are eight out of ten, the tourism industry will really be ruined in the hands of these people! For this kind of arrogant and domineering staff, I hope that the relevant departments will come out to discipline them, otherwise next time, it is really bad to say that something more out of line will happen.

One side of the water and soil to raise one side of the people, draught do not forget to dig wells! Hospitality Shandong set an example, the staff of the parking lot of this scenic spot in Shanxi, study hard, and control their mouths next time they have emotions.

Not all out-of-towners mess with you, so don't pick on out-of-towners to bully! The ability to bully outsiders is the last word in the quality of service, and only when the service is good, there will be a steady stream of tourists who are famous.

If you don't think so, if you continue like this, it is estimated that the scenic spot will be implicated, and this staff member has the right to manage his own territory, but he can't cross the bottom line of principle! I sincerely hope that this staff member will truly recognize the seriousness of the problem.

Too arrogant! Scenic spot staff: "Just bully you are a foreigner", if so, who would dare to go?

In the tourism service industry, service quality and attitude are the core key, and now all walks of life want to have repeat customers and constantly improve themselves! And this staff member not only lifted the stone to hit his own feet, but also the bowl of Shanxi's tourism industry.

Outsiders are not wrong, and outsiders don't owe you, please don't let outsiders take the blame! There will be no shortage of real money, but we are not obliged to bear a point of humiliation innocently!

The picture comes from the Internet/invasion and deletion