
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine

author:Words and Bodies Medical Society
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Attached is the 2024 edition of the "Super Pharmaceutical Memory Form".

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Causes of Internal Injuries Xiao Wang nodded respectfully: "Teacher Xie, I would like to ask you about the causes of internal injuries." ”

Teacher Xie smiled slightly: "The cause of internal injury refers to the causative factors that lead to the imbalance of qi, blood and fluid, and the dysfunction of the viscera due to abnormalities in people's emotions, diet, work and rest. The etiology of internal injuries is significantly different from that of external causes in terms of the source of evil qi, invasion routes, and pathogenic characteristics, mainly including internal injuries of the seven emotions, improper diet, and moderate work and rest. ”

Xiao Wang carefully recorded Mr. Xie's words, and then continued to ask: "So, what exactly does the Seven Emotions Internal Injury refer to?" ”

Teacher Xie patiently explained: "The seven emotions and internal injuries refer to the seven emotions of people, including joy, anger, thought, worry, sadness, fear, and shock. When these emotions are too intense or improperly handled for a long time, it will affect the flow of qi and blood in the human body, leading to the dysfunction of the internal organs, which will lead to various diseases. ”

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine

"So, the internal injury of the seven emotions is not only caused by excessive emotional intensity, but also related to the physiological condition and adaptability of the human body, right?" Xiao Wang summed it up in his own words.

Teacher Xie said: "The relationship between emotions and the human body is indeed very close, and it directly affects the function of our mind and internal organs. First of all, it affects the mind, and the heart hides the god, which is the master of the five internal organs, and the mind is the master of life. The first thing that hurts people is that of the seven emotions that hurts the mind, producing abnormal emotional reactions and mental states. ”

Xiao Wang carefully recorded every word of Teacher Xie, and his demeanor was focused and pious. He listened to Mr. Xie's answer, and his heart was full of thirst for knowledge and respect for the theory of traditional Chinese medicine.

Teacher Xie continued: "Excessive or inappropriate expression of emotions will damage the corresponding internal organs. The seven emotions are closely related to the physiology of the five internal organs, and are the external manifestations of the functional activities of the internal organs. If the seven emotions are too much, they can damage the corresponding organs: the heart is happy when it is willing, and it is sad if it is too happy; The liver is angry when it is angry, and excessive anger hurts the liver; The spleen is thinking in the will, and excessive thinking hurts the spleen; The lungs are sad and worried, and excessive sadness hurts the lungs; The kidneys are fearful, and too much fear hurts the kidneys. ”

Xiao Wang was fascinated by what he heard, he deeply absorbed the knowledge told by Mr. Xie, and sighed at the breadth and profundity of the theory of Chinese medicine. He secretly vowed in his heart that he must study hard and pass on this precious knowledge.

"It is easy to hurt the liver and spleen, emotional and internal injuries, and it is most likely to damage the heart, liver and spleen." Mr. Xie went on to explain, "Too much surprise is easy to be sad, which leads to restlessness, palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness, and even mental disorders. If the anger is too much, it will hurt the liver, which can lead to stagnation of liver qi, and it can be seen that the two flanks are swollen and painful, the chest is too breathless, if there is a foreign body obstruction in the pharynx, menstruation is delayed, and even symptoms such as dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, and eczema can be seen. Excessive thinking hurts the heart and spleen, which can lead to heart and spleen deficiency, and symptoms such as palpitations, insomnia, dreams, lack of food, abdominal distention, and loose stools can be seen. ”

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine
"The Nine Spirits of Analogy, Disease, and Emotion" says: "The heart is the master of the five internal organs, and the president's soul is the will." Therefore, if you are worried about the heart, your lungs will respond, if you think about your heart, your spleen will respond, if you are angry in your heart, your liver will respond, and if you are afraid of your heart, your kidneys will respond. ”

Teacher Xie continued to explain: "In addition to easily injuring the heart, liver, and spleen, emotional internal injuries can also easily damage the organs of latent diseases. The so-called latent disease refers to the disease syndrome in which the lesion already exists but there is no obvious clinical manifestation. He continued: "Internal injuries of the seven emotions are not only easy to damage the heart, liver, and spleen, but also the organs of latent diseases. For example, patients who have suffered from chest paralysis, true heartache, diarrhea, headache and other syndromes, although the clinical symptoms have disappeared, are most likely to have the clinical symptoms of the original disease syndrome first when they encounter emotional stimulation. ”

Xiao Wang listened to it with relish, he carefully recorded every word of Teacher Xie, and did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Xiao Wang also asked, "Teacher, I would also like to ask you about the relationship between the movement changes of the viscera qi and the influence of emotions. ”

Teacher Xie smiled slightly, nodded and said, "The movement changes of the qi of the viscera are one of the important contents of the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. It plays a vital role in the generation of emotional activities and life activities. Anger is qi, which refers to excessive anger that leads to excessive liver qi discharge, and qi is reversed. Teacher Xie's voice was gentle and clear.

Xiao Wang was fascinated by what he heard, and he couldn't wait to turn the notebook to a blank page, ready to record Mr. Xie's next explanation.

"Clinically, excessive anger can lead to head swelling and headaches, red face, and even symptoms such as vomiting blood, fainting and stroke." Mr. Xie's words reveal a wealth of clinical experience.

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Xiao Wang listened attentively, trying to link theory to practice, thinking about how to deal with patients' emotional problems in different clinical situations.

"If the liver qi is reversed, it will also affect the spleen and stomach, resulting in loss of appetite, abdominal pain and diarrhea." Teacher Xie added.

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine

"Joy is slow, which refers to excessive joy and sadness, which leads to a sluggish heart." Teacher Xie began to explain.

Xiao Wang listened attentively, and a new understanding of joy flooded his heart. He imagines how this situation could be coped with in the clinic.

"Common clinical symptoms include lack of concentration, delirium, and even heart bursts." Teacher Xie continued.

Xiao Wang thinks about the distress that these symptoms may bring to patients, and tries to find a more effective treatment.

"Thinking is qi knot, which refers to excessive thinking that hurts the spleen, leading to spleen stagnation and dereliction of duty." Mr. Xie's words are full of a deep understanding of the mechanism of the disease.

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Xiao Wang quickly recorded Mr. Xie's words, and he knew that these theories were crucial for future clinical practice.

"Spleen stagnation can lead to symptoms such as lethargy, unresponsiveness, bloating and sluggishness." Teacher Xie added.

Xiao Wang's heart moved, and he tried to find a way to treat the disease caused by overthinking and provide better help to patients.

"Sadness is qi dissipation, which refers to excessive sadness and sorrow that hurts the lungs, resulting in lung qi depletion and lung loss. Symptoms such as lack of energy, depression, chest tightness and shortness of breath, lazy speech and fatigue are common in clinical practice. Excessive fear of hurting the kidneys leads to changes in the pathogenesis of kidney qi instability and qi trapping. Clinically, it can be seen that fecal incontinence and even spermatozoa caused by great fear. Panic refers to the sudden shock that injures the heart and kidneys, resulting in uncertain minds, reversal of qi, and unstable kidney qi. Clinically, palpitations, panic, and even delirium, fecal incontinence and other symptoms can be seen. Teacher Xie then explained, his voice deep and gentle.

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine

"Emotional illness, i.e., illness caused by emotional stimuli." Teacher Xie went on to explain, "Internal injuries of the seven emotions are often emotional diseases, which means that if people cannot adjust to various emotions in time, it will affect their physical health. ”

Emotional disorders include: (1) symptoms caused by emotional stimulation, such as depression, epilepsy, madness, etc.; (2) Symptoms induced by emotional stimulation, such as chest paralysis, true heartache, vertigo and other diseases; (3) Symptoms caused by other reasons but with abnormal emotional manifestations, such as thirst, hypertrophy, chronic hepatobiliary diseases, etc., most of them have abnormal emotional manifestations.

Xiao Wang listened attentively, he began to understand the etiology and development of emotional diseases, and became even more fascinated by the mysteries of Chinese medicine.

"The impact of a change in mood on the disease goes both ways." Teacher Xie continued, "If the mood is positive and optimistic, and the seven emotions are properly reacted, it is conducive to the recovery of the disease. However, if the mood is depressed, or the seven emotions fluctuate abnormally, the condition will be aggravated or even worsened. ”

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Super Prescription Memory Form", The Seven Emotions of Internal Injuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine

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