
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form

author:Words and Bodies Medical Society
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form

Xiao Wang raised his own question: "Teacher Xie, I heard that improper eating can damage the spleen and stomach, leading to various diseases. Don't know what you think about this? ”

Teacher Xie nodded, took a deep breath, and began his rigorous and kind answer: "Diet is the basic condition for human survival and health, and it is an important source of subtle substances required for human life activities. However, the diet should be controlled to avoid internal injury to the spleen and stomach due to improper diet, which will affect health. ”

He continued: "As Zhang Zhongjing said in "The Essentials of the Golden Treasure": 'Where the taste of food is nourished for life, eating it is harmful, but it can be harmful...... If it is appropriate, it will benefit the body, and if it is harmful, it will become a disease, which will cause danger. If the diet is not appropriate, it can become the cause of internal injuries, affect the physiological functions of the human body, and lead to the dysfunction of the internal organs or the damage of righteous qi. ”

Xiao Wang listened attentively, carefully recording every word of Mr. Xie, and trying to retain every one of his views and explanations.

Seeing Xiao Wang's serious appearance, Teacher Xie secretly praised in his heart and continued: "Diet mainly relies on the digestion and absorption of the spleen and stomach, so eating inappropriately causes illness and first damages the spleen and stomach. Internal injuries caused by eating disorders are often referred to as 'eating injuries'. Dietary disorders mainly include three conditions: unhealthy diet, unclean diet, and dietary cravings. ”

Oversaturated and hungry diet

Xiao Wang recorded every point of view of Mr. Xie, and had a deeper understanding of the mystery of Chinese medicine. He continued to ask, "Teacher Xie, you just mentioned that eating too much can damage the spleen and stomach and lead to various diseases. So, what are the specific symptoms of overeating? ”

Teacher Xie smiled slightly, nodded, and continued to explain: "Oversatiety refers to eating too much that exceeds the capacity of the spleen and stomach, such as overeating, or weak and strong eating in the middle qi, which makes it difficult for the spleen and stomach to digest and transfuse, causing diseases. ”

He described it in detail: "The light ones are manifested as stagnation of eating, which can be seen in the abdominal distension and pain, belching and acid swallowing, vomiting and diarrhea, anorexia and sluggishness, etc., so the "Su Wen Bi Treatise" says: 'Eating and drinking are self-doubling, and the stomach and intestines are injured. Even worse, due to spleen and stomach damage, or overnutrition, it can develop into thirst, obesity, chest paralysis and other diseases. For example, "Su Wen: The Theory of Vitality and Vitality" says: "Therefore, if you are full, your muscles and veins will be dissolved, and your intestines will be hemorrhoids", "The change of sorghum (ointment), and the growth of large ding (boils)" and so on. ”

Xiao Wang asked another question: "Mr. Xie, what do you think is the impact of insufficient food intake on human health?" ”

Teacher Xie smiled slightly, nodded, and continued: "Excessive hunger refers to insufficient food intake, such as hunger and not being able to eat, or dieting excessively, or taking less due to weak spleen and stomach function, or not thinking about eating and drinking due to internal injuries of the seven emotions, or not being able to eat and drink on time, etc. ”

He explained in detail: "The Five Flavors of the Soul says: 'If the valley does not enter, the qi will fail in half a day, and the qi will be low in one day. 'Long-term lack of food, lack of nutrition, reduction of qi and blood biochemistry, on the one hand, due to the deficiency of qi and blood, the viscera and tissues are denourished, the functional activities are declining, and the whole body is weak; On the other hand, due to the lack of righteousness and weak disease resistance, it incurs the invasion of external evils, which leads to other diseases. ”

It is suggested that the "meridian attribution" of traditional Chinese medicine is a major aspect of the performance of traditional Chinese medicine or medicine and food homologous food, which shows the prominent role of a certain food on certain viscera, meridians, and parts of the human body, which is actually the old Chinese medicine practitioner's understanding of the selectivity of the role of traditional Chinese medicine.

Summary of the efficacy of some Chinese medicines

8. Fetal - perilla, skullcap, sand kernel, mulberry parasitic, eucommia, intermittent, cuscuta seed, atractylodes, ramie root, mugwort leaves

The medicine that can also solve the surface and line the qi is wide: perilla

The medicine that can clear away heat and dampness is: skullcap

The medicine that can also dissolve dampness and qi is: sand kernels

The drugs that can also nourish the liver and kidneys and strengthen the muscles and bones are: mulberry parasitism, eucommia, intermittent

The drugs that can also nourish the liver and kidneys, dispel rheumatism, and strengthen the muscles and bones are: mulberry parasitism

The drugs that can cool the blood, stop bleeding and detoxify are: skullcap and ramie root

The drugs that can warm the menstruation and stop bleeding are: Artemisia artemisia

The drugs that can replenish qi, strengthen the spleen, and stop sweating are: Atractylodes

The drugs that can also tonify the kidneys and strengthen the essence, nourish the liver and brighten the purpose are: dodder seeds

9. Enlightenment—tulip, honey locust, musk, borneol, toad, soyhem, calamus, bezoar, yuanzhi

The medicine that can also invigorate the blood and pass through the menstruation is: musk

The drugs that can be used externally to clear heat and detoxify are: borneol

The medicine that calms the mind and dissolves dampness and stomach is: calamus

The medicine that can also detoxify and relieve pain is: Toad

The medicine that can quench wind and stop spasmosms, clear heat and detoxify is: bezoar

The medicine that can calm the mind and calm the nerves, dispel phlegm, and dissipate carbuncles is: Yuanzhi

10. Insecticidal - Sophora sophora, Guanzhong, aloe vera, morning glory seeds, Sichuan pepper, neem seeds, neem bark, betel nut, Baibu

The drugs that can clear away heat and detoxify, cool blood and stop bleeding are: Guanzhong

The medicine that can also be used to clear the liver is: aloe vera

The medicine that can be used to remove water is morning glory

The medicine that can warm and relieve pain is: Sichuan pepper

The drugs that can also treat ringworm are: neem seed, neem bark

The medicine that can also relieve pain is: neem seed

The medicine that can also dissipate the accumulation of qi is: betel nut

The drugs that can moisten the lungs and relieve cough are: 100 parts

11. Laxative - plum kernels, hemp seeds, peach kernels, angelica, melon (kernels), cassia seeds, (bitter) almonds, suzi seeds, nutmeg, shou wu wu, sulfur, cypress seeds, zhimu, knotweed

The drugs that can also reduce swelling are: Yu Liren

The medicine that can also clear the liver and brighten the purpose is: cassia seed

The drugs that can also invigorate blood and remove blood stasis are: angelica, peach kernel

The medicine that can clear away heat and dissolve phlegm, widen the chest and disperse knots is: melon

The medicines that can also relieve cough and asthma are: almonds, soybeans

The medicine that can also tonify the kidney yang and benefit the sperm and blood is: Cistanche

The drugs that can replenish blood and regulate menstruation are: Angelica

The drug that can detoxify and intercept malaria is: Shengshou Wu

The drugs that can also replenish yang are: Cistanche and sulfur

The drugs that can also replenish blood are: angelica, peach kernel

The medicine that can nourish the heart and calm the mind is: cypress kernel

The medicine that can also nourish yin is: Mai Dong

12. Warm and stop vomiting - ginger, agarwood, sand kernels, white cardamom, evodia, cloves, galangal

The drugs that can also relieve the poison of Banxia, Aracea and fish and crab are: ginger

The medicine that can also relieve pain and relieve asthma is: agarwood

The drugs that can also dissolve dampness and qi are: sand kernels, white cardamom

The drugs that can also dissolve dampness and stabilize the fetus are: sand kernels

The medicine that can dispel cold and relieve pain, help yang and stop diarrhea is: Evodia

13. Absorb Qi and relieve asthma - agarwood, psoralen, magnet

The medicine that can also warm and stop vomiting and relieve pain is: agarwood

The drugs that can also tonify the kidneys and help yang, and fix essence and shrink urine are: psoralen

The medicine that can calm the nerves and deaf the ears and brighten the eyes is: magnets

14. Continuation of tendons and bones - insects, natural copper, broken bones, intermittent

The medicine that can also break the blood and drive away the stasis is: Shu worm

The drugs that can also invigorate the blood and nourish the kidneys are: bone fragmentation

The medicine that can also dissipate stasis and relieve pain is: natural copper

The drugs that can replenish the liver and kidneys, stop bleeding and stabilize the fetus are: intermittent

Attached is the 2024 edition of the "Super Pharmaceutical Memory Form".

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Dietary Disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Super Prescription Memory Form

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