
Chicken feathers! ST Zuojiang, the only self-proclaimed benchmark Nvidia's 10 times chip stock in China, announced its delisting!

author:Gojin said

Chicken feathers! The only 10 times chip stock in China that claims to be benchmarked against Nvidia ~ *ST Zuojiang announced its delisting!

The only chip company in China, known as the benchmark for NVIDIA AI chips, and the 10 times big bull stock *ST Zuojiang announced its delisting!

On June 28, after the last trading day of the first half of the year, *ST Zuojiang (Zuojiang Technology) disclosed that the company received the "Decision on the Termination of the Listing of Beijing Zuojiang Technology Co., Ltd." issued by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on June 28, 2024.

Chicken feathers! ST Zuojiang, the only self-proclaimed benchmark Nvidia's 10 times chip stock in China, announced its delisting!

The company's shares will enter a delisting period from July 8 for 15 trading days, during which there is no limit on the rise and fall of the first trading day, and the daily rise and fall of 20% thereafter.

According to this calculation, *ST Zuojiang will be delisted on July 26, ending its five-year listing journey on A-shares, and as of now, there are still more than 12,000 shareholders in it.

*ST Zuojiang vainly claimed that because of the benchmark against NVIDIA's AI chips, it became the most bullish ST stock in the history of A-shares

It is worth mentioning that Zuojiang Technology's main business is artificial intelligence chips, and it has been widely advertised that the AI chips developed by the company will be fully benchmarked against NVIDIA.

From the beginning of 2022 to the beginning of 2023, especially under the influence of ChatGPT's popularity, the development of global artificial intelligence has entered a rapid stage, and the AI computing power chips required for artificial intelligence have naturally become the most beneficial targets.

Affected by this, the world's No. 1 AI chip leader in the U.S. stock market ~ Nvidia, the stock price will continue to rise from $120 in 2022 to a maximum of more than $1,400; More than tenfold increase.

As a result, Nvidia once became the world's largest company by market capitalization, with a maximum market capitalization of more than $3.3 trillion.

Chicken feathers! ST Zuojiang, the only self-proclaimed benchmark Nvidia's 10 times chip stock in China, announced its delisting!

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It is worth noting that even Nvidia, the global AI chip giant, has a market capitalization that can rise tenfold wildly; As the only company that dares to publicly claim to be benchmarked against NVIDIA, Zuojiang Technology has naturally attracted much attention from investors.

Expose the scam of ST Zuojiang's self-developed DPU chip benchmarking against Nvidia's AI chip

1. On June 1, 2022, Zuojiang Technology announced on its investor interactive platform that it is developing powerful AI chips to fully benchmark NVIDIA AI chips.

Zuojiang Technology claims that the DPU series chips under development have the inherent characteristics of high performance, low power consumption and high reliability, and the tape-out plan is this year, and the series of products have a wide range of applications to meet the needs of different customers.

Since then, Zuojiang Technology has started the "PPT storytelling scam", and the journey of fabricating the company's comprehensive benchmarking of NVIDIA AI chips is out of control!

At the same time, Zuojiang Technology's share price soared and rose all the way, quickly becoming the most beautiful AI chip No. 1 potential stock in the A-share market~

Chicken feathers! ST Zuojiang, the only self-proclaimed benchmark Nvidia's 10 times chip stock in China, announced its delisting!

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2. On November 18, 2022, Zuojiang Technology announced on the investor interactive platform that the company's self-developed DPU chip has completed the packaging and testing work.

On December 27, 2022, Zuojiang Technology announced again that the company signed a strategic cooperation agreement with China Mobile (Chengdu) Information and Communication Technology Co., Ltd., and the two sides actively explored and promoted the joint research and development of cutting-edge technologies such as 5G and information security.

3. An important turning point - Zuojiang Technology was delisted risk

On February 25, 2023, Zuojiang Technology announced that the company's audited net profit in 2022 was negative and the operating income was less than 100 million yuan; The company's stock trading will be subject to a delisting risk warning, wearing a hat ST.

4. Zuojiang Technology issued an important announcement and turned around and became the most bullish ST bull stock!

On May 23, 2023, ST Zuojiang announced that the DPU chip that benchmarks NVIDIA's AI chip has been successfully developed and is preparing for cooperative development and production.

Chicken feathers! ST Zuojiang, the only self-proclaimed benchmark Nvidia's 10 times chip stock in China, announced its delisting!

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Subsequently, ST Zuojiang's share price continued to soar, and the price per share rose from more than 30 yuan to 260 yuan, becoming the most bullish ST stock in the history of A-shares.

Huaan Securities issued a rating research report on buying ST Zuojiang in violation of regulations, and CITIC Securities sponsored its non-public offering of shares

In fact, ST Zuojiang's performance has been falsifying, and the related chip sales contract is a false contract for its affiliated companies.

It is worth mentioning that in May 2023, Huaan Securities, knowing that ST Zuojiang's performance contract was fraudulent, issued a research report in violation of regulations to give the latter a buy rating when the latter was at a high price of 260 yuan; It attracted a large number of investors to take over at a high level.

At the same time, CITIC Securities was even more excessive than Huaan Securities, sponsoring the latter's non-public offering of shares in the case of Wise Zuojiang Technology's performance fraud, which harmed a large number of investors

Since then, ST Zuojiang's share price has been chased by many investors, and the stock price has continued to soar, reaching a maximum of nearly 300 yuan, becoming a ten-fold bull stock!

Chicken feathers! ST Zuojiang, the only self-proclaimed benchmark Nvidia's 10 times chip stock in China, announced its delisting!

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*ST Zuojiang Financial Fraud has received many letters of inquiry in a row, and was subsequently investigated by the Securities Regulatory Commission and is destined to be delisted!

In September 2023, ST Zuojiang began to receive financial report inquiry letters from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and was questioned for financial fraud; In October and November of the same year, the company continued to receive letters of concern and inquiry from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

In December 2023, the China Securities Regulatory Commission opened an investigation into ST Zuojiang (financial fraud), and ST Zuojiang's share price began to fall sharply; In the same month, its stock price plummeted from 230 yuan to 20 yuan, and investors who took over at a high level stampedede...

So far, Zuojiang Technology, known as the only big scam in China that benchmarks against Nvidia's AI chips, has been completely exposed; The self-developed DPU chip it advertises is a PPT scam...

Today, the share price of *ST Zuojiang (Zuojiang Technology) is only 6.94 yuan, and it has plummeted by more than 96.6% since the peak of 299.8 yuan!

Up to now, *ST Zuojiang still has more than 12,100 shareholders, and there is no doubt that these investors will lose their money~

I have to say that the 200 million shareholders and 600 million base people of Big A are really miserable! Not only is it refinanced and quantitatively harvested back and forth, but it may also step on a scam company like ST Zuojiang at any time! Like a thunderstorm!

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