
Today's news, July 1 news digest! 1.334 billion people benefited from the adjustment of the medical insurance drug list

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Monday, July 1, 2024, today's highlights.

1. The completion of the Hainan commercial space launch site has ushered in a new stage of China's commercial space launch capability

After just two years of construction, the Hainan commercial space launch site has officially announced that it has the ability to carry out launches on June 30, 2024, marking the further development of China's commercial space industry. The launch site is expected to carry out the first rocket launch in the second half of this year, and plans to add more launch stations in the future, not only to serve the domestic but also to help the global commercial space development, providing rocket and satellite launch services for other countries.

Today's news, July 1 news digest! 1.334 billion people benefited from the adjustment of the medical insurance drug list

2. The adjustment of the medical insurance drug list will be launched: 1.334 billion insured people will benefit

On July 1, 2024, the adjustment of China's medical insurance drug list was officially launched, which will directly affect 1.334 billion insured people. Optimize the drug structure, improve the efficiency of the use of medical insurance funds, and ensure that the insured can obtain more reasonable and effective drug protection. This move reflects the country's commitment to the continuous improvement and optimization of the medical security system, and is committed to improving the level of public services and protecting people's health.

Today's news, July 1 news digest! 1.334 billion people benefited from the adjustment of the medical insurance drug list

3. Zheng Hao, an 11-year-old girl, created a miracle and successfully qualified for the skateboarding event of the Paris Olympics

In the Paris Olympic Qualifying Tournament held in Budapest, Hungary, Zheng Haohao, an 11-year-old girl from Huizhou, Guangdong, successfully "skated" into the Paris Olympics with an astonishing performance of 45 seconds, and is expected to become the youngest athlete in the Chinese delegation to this Olympic Games. The young skateboarder showed extraordinary skill and determination in the face of great pressure, and finally achieved his dream with a high score of 72.60 points. Her inspiring story showcases the boundless potential and dedication of the younger generation of athletes.

Today's news, July 1 news digest! 1.334 billion people benefited from the adjustment of the medical insurance drug list

Fourth, the domestic humanoid robot will be pre-sold in limited quantities, which can bake slices of bread and plate, iron clothes, etc

At the upcoming 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, MindMinds will showcase its newly developed humanoid bipedal robot XR4, nicknamed "Seven Fairies" Xiaozi. With more than 60 intelligent flexible joints and an arm weight capacity of up to 10 kg, the robot is able to perform fine movements such as baking bread slices, plating, ironing clothes, etc., and exhibits a high degree of stability through self-learning imitation and reinforcement learning. The intelligent touch sensing unit of Xiaozi Robot endows it with cognitive and decision-making capabilities, making it widely used in industrial manufacturing, home care and business services.

Today's news, July 1 news digest! 1.334 billion people benefited from the adjustment of the medical insurance drug list

5. Taihu Lake Dongting Lake Flood Warning: 24-hour dike patrol for risk

The Ministry of Water Resources and the Ministry of Emergency Management jointly issued an emergency notice requiring relevant departments to strengthen 24-hour uninterrupted dragnet patrol and risk inspection to ensure flood control safety and protect people's lives and property. This move reflects the country's great attention to natural disaster response and rapid response, and demonstrates forward-looking and professional in the face of disasters.

Today's news, July 1 news digest! 1.334 billion people benefited from the adjustment of the medical insurance drug list

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6. Academician Ge Junbo predicts that the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases will be highly intelligent

Professor Ge Junbo, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Department of Cardiology of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, said at the 18th Eastern Cardiology Conference that the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases is about to reach a highly intelligent level. Academician Ge Junbo also looked forward to the application of artificial intelligence and metaverse technology in the medical field, believing that these technologies can integrate various medical information such as electrocardiogram and ultrasound imaging to provide support for disease judgment, thereby improving and enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of cardiovascular disease diagnosis.

Today's news, July 1 news digest! 1.334 billion people benefited from the adjustment of the medical insurance drug list

7. Harbin Airport is expected to transport 4.62 million passengers in the summer of 2024

Harbin Airport is expected to carry 4.62 million passengers during the 2024 summer season. This forecast reflects a significant increase in demand for air travel during the summer travel period and shows the important role of Harbin Airport in meeting the travel needs of passengers. Summer travel is one of the traditional peak seasons in China's aviation industry, usually accompanied by peak periods for student holidays and family travel.

Today's news, July 1 news digest! 1.334 billion people benefited from the adjustment of the medical insurance drug list

8. The cross-border freight volume of Zhuhai Hongwan Port exceeded 10 million tons in the first half of the year

As of June 30, 2024, the cross-border cargo volume of Hongwan Port in the first half of 2024 has exceeded 10 million tons, according to the Wanchai Border Inspection Station of Zhuhai Border Inspection Station. Hongwan International Container Terminal and Xiyu Terminal have inspected more than 5,300 small vessels to and from Hong Kong and Macao, effectively supporting the cross-border transportation needs of sand and gravel construction materials and foreign trade goods for large-scale construction projects in Hong Kong and Macao. The Wan Chai Border Inspection Station has significantly improved the efficiency of ship customs clearance by optimizing services, such as online pre-inspection declaration and 24-hour on-site duty, providing strong support for the opening up and high-quality development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Today's news, July 1 news digest! 1.334 billion people benefited from the adjustment of the medical insurance drug list

9. The United States demolished the $230 million temporary wharf in Gaza due to weather conditions, and the reconstruction plan has not yet been decided

U.S. officials announced on June 28 that the U.S. military would dismantle a temporary $230 million pier built to deliver aid to Gaza due to weather, and that no decision has been made on whether it will be rebuilt. Previously, the United Nations suspended the delivery of supplies through the terminal on 9 June due to security concerns. The U.S. Department of Defense said it had moved the dock to Ashdod, Israel, but did not specify when the dock would be rebuilt.

Today's news, July 1 news digest! 1.334 billion people benefited from the adjustment of the medical insurance drug list

10. Bill Gates announced the arrival of a clean energy revolution and called for increased investment to promote the adoption of technology

In his official blog, "Gates Notes," Bill Gates announced that the clean energy revolution has arrived, highlighting the readiness of solutions for greenhouse gas emissions in key sectors such as manufacturing, power, agriculture, transportation, and construction. He singled out emission reduction technologies for power and manufacturing, as well as new avenues for battery manufacturing, including recycling and AI mineral development. Gates shared the progress of more than 100 companies at the Breakthrough Energy Summit in London and emphasized that now is the time to step up support and investment in clean technology.

Today's news, July 1 news digest! 1.334 billion people benefited from the adjustment of the medical insurance drug list

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Today's news, July 1 news digest! 1.334 billion people benefited from the adjustment of the medical insurance drug list

July 1, 2024 Today's news

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