
When the merchant returned at night, he was pulled into the woods by three beautiful women, and the child saved him by soaking in urine

author:It's hard in the world

Oh, ladies and gentlemen, today we have to talk about a rare thing that happened in this Gada in our northeast. We have a merchant named Li Er, who has traveled from south to north, and has seen all kinds of strange things. But that night, on his way home, he encountered a strange thing that he will never forget in his life.

That evening, when the sun had gone down, Li Er carried his load of goods and walked home from the town. Usually there are people on this road, but that day it was surprisingly quiet, and I didn't see a single figure. Li Er muttered in his heart, what's going on? But he didn't think much of it, just quickened his pace, wanting to get home early.

As he walked, Li Er suddenly heard bursts of women's laughter from the woods. He thought to himself, why are there still people making trouble in the forest on this big night? Driven by curiosity, he followed the sound and found three beautiful women dressed in fancy clothes having a great time. These three beauties, all of them are smart, and they are handsome. Li Er had never seen such a beautiful woman in his life, and his eyes were straight when he saw it.

When the merchant returned at night, he was pulled into the woods by three beautiful women, and the child saved him by soaking in urine

When the three beauties saw Li Er, not only did they not dodge, but warmly beckoned him to come over and have fun together. Li Er's heart was so beautiful, he thought that he had hit a big luck today, and he could encounter such a good thing. He laid down his burden and followed the beauties into the woods.

After entering the forest, the three beauties pulled Li Er to sing and dance, and took out good wine and food to entertain him. Li Er's heart was full of joy, and he felt that he had won the jackpot, and pie fell from the sky. But the good times didn't last long, and when he was drinking happily, Li Er suddenly felt dizzy, and then he didn't know anything.

When he woke up again, he found himself tied to a large tree, and the three beauties were circling around him, with a strange smile on their faces. Li Er's heart tightened, feeling that something was wrong. He struggled desperately, but the rope was tied so tightly that he couldn't break free. When the beauties saw that he was awake, they gathered around him and said, "Li Er, you are really lucky today, our sisters have taken a fancy to you and want you to stay with us." When Li Eryi heard this, his heart was half cold. He knew that these three beauties were definitely not good birds, but what could he do in this wilderness?

When the merchant returned at night, he was pulled into the woods by three beautiful women, and the child saved him by soaking in urine

Just when he was desperate, he suddenly heard the cry of a child not far away. He thought to himself, where did the children come from on this big night? Just as he was puzzled, the child ran over and urinated directly on the rope he was tied. Strange to say, as soon as the rope touched the child's urine, it was loosened. Li Er took the opportunity to break free from the restraints, and ran out of the woods. Seeing this, the three beauties also chased after them. But just then, the child ran back and on them. Oh, this thing is really evil, so soaked in urine, why is it so godly? Li Er, this buddy, he really bumped into great luck that night, and the urine was like a spirit, crackling, and it washed those fox spirits into pieces. Li Er's kid took the opportunity to run away, running all the way, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and ran home.

After arriving home, Li Er told his family what happened to him, and the family was frightened, and their faces were as if they had eaten bitter melon. This matter soon spread in the village, and everyone said that Li Er had met a fox spirit, and that child was a savior sent from heaven. Although this thing sounds mysterious, it also reminds us that sometimes, you really have to believe this fairy and ghost thing.

However, we still have to thank the kid for a soak of urine, if it weren't for that soaking of urine, Li Er's little life would have been hanging. Ladies and gentlemen, that's all for today's story, if you're interested, let's continue to talk about Li Er's future next time.

When the merchant returned at night, he was pulled into the woods by three beautiful women, and the child saved him by soaking in urine

Since that night, Li Er has been like a different person, and he no longer dares to walk at night. Every day before the sun set, he hurried home, for fear of bumping into something unclean. When the people in the village saw him like this, they advised him not to take it to heart, saying that it was just a coincidence. But Li Er just couldn't listen to it, and he was worried all day long.

The days passed like this, and although Li Er didn't encounter any strange things, he always had a pimple in his heart. Until one day, a Taoist priest came to the village, and when he heard that he could exorcise ghosts and ward off evil spirits, Li Er went to the door. As soon as the Taoist priest saw Li Er, he knew that there was an evil spirit in him. The Taoist priest asked Li Er about that night, then pinched his fingers and said, "The three beauties you met are actually fox spirits. When they see that your yang energy is vigorous, they want to absorb your essence to improve their cultivation. Thankfully, the kid's broke their spells, and you were able to escape. ”

When Li Er heard this, his face was as white as paper with fright, and he hurriedly asked the Taoist priest if he had a solution. The Taoist priest pondered for a moment and said, "To solve the evil spirit of this fox spirit, you need to find the child and use his soak of urine to crack it again." However, this child is not an extraordinary man, but a child from heaven, and it is not easy to find him. When Li Eryi heard this, he suddenly felt that there was little hope. But the Taoist priest said, "Don't worry, I have my own way." All you need is to follow me to the woods tomorrow, and I've got a plan of my own. ”

When the merchant returned at night, he was pulled into the woods by three beautiful women, and the child saved him by soaking in urine

The next day, before dawn, Li Er followed the Taoist priest to the woods. The Taoist priest walked around the woods a few times, then pointed to one place and said, "That kid lives here." Li Er looked in the direction pointed by the Taoist priest and saw a dilapidated small temple with a clay statue of a boy enshrined in the temple. The Taoist priest told Li Er that the boy statue was the incarnation of the child. He asked Li Er to fetch a bowl of water, and then recited a spell to sprinkle the water on the statue of the boy. Strange to say, the boy seemed to be alive, and tears flowed from his eyes.

Seeing this, the Taoist priest hurriedly said, "Quick, get a bowl of boy's urine!" Although Li Er felt disgusted, in order to relieve the evil qi on his body, he had to take it hard. Doesn't that sound funny? But we Northeast people, what haven't we seen before, what haven't we done? Let's have fun with this. Hey, we have to start from the beginning. It is said that one day, Li Erhe, he found a big bowl, and carefully caught the "urine" like a boy. That boy, it looks like urine, don't underestimate it, this is exquisite. The Taoist priest took the bowl, said something in his mouth, and sprinkled the liquid in the bowl on Li Er's body. Ho, Li Er felt like drinking a cold beer, and his whole body was refreshed, as if he had unloaded all the mountains on his body.

The Taoist priest told Li Er that the fox spirit had been driven away by him, and in the future, Li Er would no longer be entangled by those crooked things. When Li Er heard this, he was grateful, and thanked him repeatedly, just like the New Year. Since then, Li Er has never encountered anything strange, he picked up the burden again, went south and north, and started a merchant's business.

When the merchant returned at night, he was pulled into the woods by three beautiful women, and the child saved him by soaking in urine

But don't say it, every time Li Er walks at night, he will think of the adventure of that night, and the child's soak of urine. He thought to himself, what strange things are in this world. As soon as this news spread in the village, everyone was amazed. Some say that the Taoist priest is a god who came down from the sky, and some say that the child is a lucky star descending to earth. But what everyone talks about the most is Li Er's adventure that night, and the child's pee.

Over time, this became a legend in the village. If the children in the village are disobedient, the adults will scare them: "If you are disobedient again, let that merchant Li Er take you to the woods to meet those three beauties!" As soon as these words came out, the children were too frightened to be naughty. And the statue of the boy in the small temple has also become a sacred object in the village. Everyone said that it could ward off evil spirits and avoid disasters and bless the village with peace. During the New Year's holidays, the villagers would go to the temple to offer incense and pray for blessings, hoping that the boy would continue to bless them.

As for the merchant Li Er, he has lived a stable life since then. Although there are occasional small troubles, they can turn evil into good fortune. He thought to himself, this is all the good luck that the child's soak of urine brought him! At this point, it's time for the story to end. Ladies and gentlemen, do you think this thing is magical? If you think it's magical, give us a thumbs up! We, who were born and raised in the Northeast, like to tell these bizarre and bizarre stories. If you still want to hear it, we'll tell you something more exciting next time!

When the merchant returned at night, he was pulled into the woods by three beautiful women, and the child saved him by soaking in urine

Since Li Er relieved the evil spirit of the fox spirit from the Taoist priest, he has indeed lived a stable life. But this matter became more and more mysterious in the village, and some people even began to name the statue of the boy, called "Urine Fairy", saying that it can drive away evil spirits and avoid disasters and bless peace. One day, Li Er was selling goods in the town, and suddenly a wealthy businessman from a foreign country found him. The rich merchant said that he heard Li Er's story in the city, and specially invited him to the house, saying that he had something important to ask for. When Li Er heard this, he muttered in his heart, what big deal can he do as an ordinary merchant? But seeing the sincere look of the rich businessman, Li Er couldn't refuse, so he followed.

When he arrived at the rich merchant, the rich merchant warmly entertained Li Er and showed him something. When Li Eryi saw it, it turned out to be a crystal clear jade plaque with a fox pattern engraved on it. This jade plaque, it is worth a lot of money when you look at it, Li Er was so excited in his heart, thinking that there must be something big about this rich businessman looking for himself. In our northeast Nagada, there is a rich businessman who has a jade plaque in his hand, saying that it is a treasure handed down from his ancestors. But recently, there have been a lot of strange things in the family, so he wants to find Li Er to see if this jade card is causing trouble. As soon as Li Er heard this, he had points in his heart. He took the jade plaque and took a look, hey, this jade plaque is really a bit evil.

Li Er said to the wealthy merchant: "I don't think the evil spirit on this jade plate is coming to your house. Otherwise, you give me the jade plate, and I will look for the Taoist priest in our village to take a look, maybe I can make a whole move. When the rich merchant heard this, he immediately agreed.

When the merchant returned at night, he was pulled into the woods by three beautiful women, and the child saved him by soaking in urine

Li Er returned to the village with the jade plaque and found the Taoist priest. When the Taoist priest looked at the jade plate, his brows furrowed, and he said, "There is an evil spirit of fox spirit on this jade plate, and this matter must be investigated." The Taoist priest told Li Er that this jade plaque was originally a magic weapon of the fox spirit, which was used to absorb people's essence. I don't know why, the jade plate fell to the world and was picked up by rich merchants. When the vixen saw that his magic weapon was gone, he had to find a way to get it back?

The Taoist priest said, "If you want to solve this problem, you have to find the fox spirit's nest and return the jade plaque to her." However, you have to be careful in this matter, if the vixen is in a hurry, it is not a joke. When Li Er heard this, his heart was a little hairy, but when he thought of the sincerity of the rich merchant and the expectations of the people in the village, he gritted his teeth and decided to follow the Taoist priest.

The next day, before dawn, Li Er and the Taoist priest set off. They followed the path pointed out by the Taoist priest and walked all the way to the deep mountains and old forests. After walking for most of the day, I finally came to a hidden cave. The Taoist priest told Li Er that this was the fox spirit's nest. The Taoist priest asked Li Er to wait at the entrance of the cave, and he went in to talk to the fox spirit.

When the merchant returned at night, he was pulled into the woods by three beautiful women, and the child saved him by soaking in urine

After a while, the Taoist priest came out of the cave, still holding the jade plaque in his hand. He told Li Er that he had already negotiated with the fox spirit, and as long as he returned the jade plate to her, she would no longer trouble the rich merchants. When Li Er heard this, the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. He took the jade plaque and followed the Taoist priest back to the rich merchant.

When the rich merchant saw that the jade card was back, he hurriedly thanked Li Er and the Taoist priest. He also gave Li Er a lot of money, saying that he would take more care of his business in the future. After this incident, Li Er's reputation in the village became even more famous. Everyone said that he was a hero, brave and strategic. The statue of the boy of "Urine Fairy", because of this, is also more admired and worshiped by the villagers.

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