
What you think is a hellish medical situation is a paradise in the eyes of foreigners


Dear medical friends, everyone is squeezed into the medical status quo of hell mode, facing a sea of people comparable to squeezing the Spring Festival every day, tired like huskies sticking out their tongues, but they don't know that in the eyes of foreigners, our medical system is actually the sweet and sweet food they dream of? What the hell is going on? Could it be that these foreigners don't understand the market? Or do we doctors collectively travel into a parallel universe? Don't worry, and listen to the editor tell you. First of all, we have to admit that there are huge differences in the allocation of medical resources in China. The first-tier cities have advanced equipment and technology, but in the vast county areas, not to mention any high-end medical equipment, even the basic medical equipment is stretched, not to mention the lack of doctor resources. The shortage of manpower and material resources has made primary medical care a long-standing problem.

There is also the doctor-patient contradiction, which is simply an intertwined and lingering "problem of the century". Seeing a doctor not only has to fight for luck to grab the number source, but also has to be prepared to be questioned or even treated as a defendant. This is the doctor's bowl of rice so fragrant, it's like a sword of Damocles hanging over his head, and he may be greeted at any time. Let's ask, in such an environment, how can you see a doctor and save people with peace of mind?

What makes doctors even more chilling is that they have worked hard to study medicine for more than ten years, and after graduation, they put on a white coat, but they can't get the social status and economic rewards they deserve. Don't say anything else, let's talk about this salary, don't look at some reports that doctors earn millions of dollars a year at every turn, but that's rare after all. Most doctors, especially young doctors who have just entered the workplace, have a middle-class income, but their work intensity is several streets behind other industries. Let's ask, how many young people are willing to nibble on youth rice and use the money from selling cabbage to sell white powder?

What you think is a hellish medical situation is a paradise in the eyes of foreigners

After talking about so many bad things, does it make all the medical staff and friends feel more heartbroken? Don't worry, what the editor is going to talk about next will subvert your cognition. Let's look at those European and American countries that shout "medical freedom" every day, where is their medical "freedom"?

Freedom to see a doctor? Stop it! Their medical expenses are often tens of thousands of dollars, and there is no huge amount of commercial insurance or solid family foundation, which can bankrupt your family in minutes. In the U.S., a single visit for appendicitis can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical debt, not counting the astronomical amount of a series of post-operative expenses.

Doctors have a high social status? Not either! Although doctors in Europe and the United States earn a lot of money, they also face the same doctor-patient disputes as us, and even cases of being taken to court for medical malpractice are frequent. Doctors are just a high-paying profession here, and there is no special golden signboard.

What you think is a hellish medical situation is a paradise in the eyes of foreigners

Let's put it this way, although China's medical treatment is difficult and expensive, at least the country will not make people poor due to illness. On the other hand, in those so-called "free medical care" countries, it is free to see a doctor, but this sky-high medical cost has become a sword of Damocles hanging over everyone's head, which may make you fall to the bottom of society at any time because of illness.

Therefore, whether medical care is heaven or hell depends on who it compares with. Compared with those free medical care countries in Europe and the United States, we are indeed much luckier. However, this does not mean that we should be complacent, on the contrary, we should strive to improve the current situation of medical care, so that universal medical care can truly come!

Improving health care is not just an empty slogan. First of all, what must be done is to equalize medical resources, so that grassroots medical institutions can also have advanced equipment and technology, so that people can enjoy high-quality medical services at their doorsteps. At the same time, efforts should also be made to improve the doctor-patient relationship so that there is more understanding and trust between doctors and patients. Finally, there is the issue of doctors' salaries, and only by improving doctors' remuneration and making doctors grow into a more respected profession can we attract and retain more talents.

What you think is a hellish medical situation is a paradise in the eyes of foreigners

The medical road is long, and there is a long way to go. Dear medical colleagues, let us work together to achieve the great goal of universal medical care!

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