
The young doctor resigned: he could not accept such an inhuman working time


——As a senior medical analyst, I would like to chat with all the doctors and friends who are fighting on the front line

The young doctor resigned: he could not accept such an inhuman working time

Doctors, one of the most respected professions in the world, are not one! You hold a lancet in your hand, hang a pot to help the world, and face all kinds of diseases every day, which is the "life-saving money" of our people. But recently, the editor brushed up on a piece of news, which made the editor really worried: a young doctor, because he couldn't stand the inhuman working hours, chose to leave the medical industry and abandon the "angel" robe. This can't help but make the editor want to ask, who forced the "angel" to become a "deserter"?

The young doctor resigned: he could not accept such an inhuman working time

Wearing the stars and wearing the moon rotates continuously, and the iron body can't bear it!

Doctors, you must all know that the intensity of the work in the hospital is not an exaggeration to describe it as "cruel". Working night shifts with no ends, writing endless medical records, let alone resting, going to the toilet may be a luxury. What kind of iron-clad body can hold on to this "hell mode"? What's more, you are dealing with real people, and the slightest slackness may lead to a big mistake. Will the doctors be able to sustain their bodies and minds in the long run?

The young doctor resigned: he could not accept such an inhuman working time

"The benevolence of doctors" has become a slogan, and saving lives has become a luxury?

Not to mention anything else, in this "life-threatening" medical industry, does it still have to look at the face of "performance indicators"? Busy coping with examinations and prescribing drugs to "meet the standards" all day long, how can you still have the mind to calm down and study the condition well and formulate the most suitable treatment plan for the patient? How can the doctor-patient relationship be harmonious under this kind of "fast food medical treatment"? How to protect the rights and interests of patients?

Don't let "life-saving money" become "life-saving charms"!

The young doctor resigned: he could not accept such an inhuman working time

Doctors make money from medical treatment, and it is only right! But nowadays, many young doctors report that their income is not proportional to their efforts. Not to mention anything else, this "life-saving money" makes ordinary people feel distressed when they see a doctor, but the medical costs behind it are "increasing layer by layer", and whose pocket does this money end up in?

Xiaobian hereby calls on relevant departments to face up to the problems existing in the medical industry and effectively improve the working environment of doctors! Implement "time-limited surgery" and "eight-hour work week" to allow doctors to have basic rest time and energy. At the same time, we should curb the phenomenon of "drug abuse", return medical expenses to a reasonable range, and let "life-saving money" really be used to save lives!

Finally, I would like to say to all my doctors and friends that you choose this profession because you have a "doctor's benevolence" in your heart. Although the current industry environment is not ideal, please don't give up! We, the common people, need you, and your perseverance is our hope! I also hope that the future medical system can truly allow doctors to serve patients with "respect"!

The young doctor resigned: he could not accept such an inhuman working time

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