
"Over-medical" is a multiple-choice question with only one option, and the hospital will never get it right

"Over-medical" is a multiple-choice question with only one option, and the hospital will never get it right

Anyone who has studied medicine must know what it means to be "over-medical", which simply means that the medical services provided by doctors are clearly beyond necessity, without scientific evidence, and "for your own good" - it sounds high-sounding, but in fact it is an invisible killer who harms patients.

How terrible is "over-medical"? This is not alarmist. It is like a parasite in the medical system, not only making patients waste money, suffering unnecessarily, and even endangering their lives! Let's just say that this "appendicitis is diagnosed in 15 minutes", in order to pursue speed, the doctor even omitted the necessary examinations, and directly operated on it, what is the result? The risk of misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis has greatly increased, and what was originally a small operation has turned into a big trouble, who will be responsible? Not a poor patient yet!

"If the harm is so great, why does "excessive medical treatment" continue to be banned?" Many doctors will definitely be confused. In fact, there are many reasons, let's take a look at the hidden corners behind this today.

"Over-medical" is a multiple-choice question with only one option, and the hospital will never get it right

First of all, it is the pot of the system. As we all know, under the current medical system in the mainland, the income of hospitals is linked to the use of drugs and consumables, which will inevitably affect the judgment of some doctors. Imagine, if a doctor works hard to see a doctor for a day, but he can't make any money, then he must find a way to "generate income".

Secondly, there is the doctor's pot. Some doctors may prefer to do more tests and prescribe more drugs for their own benefit, or out of lack of confidence in their own medical skills. This kind of "life-saving doctrine" seems to be cautious, but in fact it is irresponsible to patients. Medical technology is changing rapidly, and over-reliance on experience and authority will only increase the risk of "over-medicalization".

Finally, there is the patient's pot. "The doctor has asked me to do this test, so it must be important, right?" "It doesn't matter if it's expensive, as long as it can cure the disease!" Ideas like these are common among patients. This kind of blind trust and the concept of "spending money to eliminate disasters" is precisely what gives "excessive medical treatment" an opportunity to take advantage of.

"Over-medical" is a multiple-choice question with only one option, and the hospital will never get it right

The editor believes that curbing "excessive medical treatment" requires the joint efforts of many parties to form a joint force.

First of all, deepening medical reform is the root cause. It is necessary to change the system of "using medicine to support medicine", establish a sound medical insurance system, link the income of hospitals with the quality of medical care, and truly put the attention of doctors back to "treating diseases and saving lives".

"Over-medical" is a multiple-choice question with only one option, and the hospital will never get it right

Second, it is imperative to strengthen supervision. The health authorities need to take strong measures to crack down on "over-medical" practices and make those who seek profit pay the price.

Third, there is a long way to go in popular science education. The popularization of medical knowledge cannot be delayed, and only by allowing the general public to truly understand their own health and learn to distinguish the necessity of medical services can they avoid falling into the trap of "excessive medical treatment".

Finally, and most importantly, doctors need to be self-disciplined. As a medical worker, we must uphold medical ethics and put the interests of patients first. Always remember that the role of a doctor is to save lives, not to generate income.

"Over-medical" is a multiple-choice question with only one option, and the hospital will never get it right

The harm of "excessive medical treatment" is not only a waste of medical resources and an increase in the burden on patients, but also related to the healthy development of the social medical system. Dear physicians and friends, let us work together to resist the unhealthy trend of "excessive medical treatment", so that the "patient-centered" medical concept can be truly implemented, and the medical industry will be a clear and clear sky!

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