
"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!


The finale of the annual drama "The Story of the Rose" has finally reached the coolest part.

Huang Yimei, who had been tortured by Fang Xiewen for several years, finally divorced.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

Rose, who returned to be single, didn't know how cool it was to live, learn to fly a plane, and find a younger brother.

The plot of chicken and dog fragments is completely goodbye, and the clean and refreshing "sister and brother love" is carried up.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

You are the younger brother He Xi, who has long legs and is full of youthful spirit.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

40-year-old Huang Yimei and 24-year-old He Xi, the sister of the long-legged pilot X who flew the plane.

I dare to say that this is the most eye-catching picture of this year's domestic drama!

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

And the "sister and brother feeling" of the two who are 11 years apart outside the play is also very right, and there is no need to say much about the handsome men and beautiful women.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

This pilot brother, who has won the applause of the whole network and integrates purity, sunshine and comics, is the first long-legged in domestic entertainment-

Lin Yi.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!
"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

Lin Yiqi, like his name, is simple and direct.

If there is no routine, it is hard and handsome.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

A face that best matches the image of the male protagonist of the comics.

I rarely use the words to describe a face, but Lin Yi's face is handsome like a dream, heroic and neat, and soft and natural.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

If you look at the facial structure of the beauty, you can feel that this is a natural delicate and rich face.

It is the "tearing man" described by the dream girls, as the text in the picture below describes: good goods.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

But Lin Yi's non-retouched photos are also very good, the facial features themselves are deep, and the nose is very high and straight.

On his face, you can see the shadow of the Japanese century beauty Kashiwahara Chong, which is very feminine.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

When Lin Yi's face is super worry-free, there is basically no ugly angle.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

Even the big beauty Zhou said that the first time she saw Lin Yi, she was so handsome that she didn't dare to look at it.

Otherwise, why didn't you stand with the immortals and not be pressed down, this is the hard power of the face.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

This face makes Koreans want to steal it.

Every time Lin Yi's photo appears on ins, it will attract crazy licking screens from South Korean and Southeast Asian fans, and the likes will easily exceed one million.

Nicknamed: "Face Genius" from China.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!
"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

Koreans suggest: Come directly to us to make your debut, and you are guaranteed to become a top performer.

Hey, think beautifully.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

Secondly, Lin Yi's figure is also very top.

When the 187cm modeled figure came into reality, it was Lin Yi himself.

The head is small and the shoulders are wide, the legs are long and the waist is narrow, especially when wearing a suit, it is too lethal.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

There are many long-legged male gods in the entertainment industry, but Lin Yi's head-to-shoulder ratio and body ratio are definitely the most exaggerated.

This is a casual screenshot of a high-paste still, I want to ask, is the outrageous length of this leg reasonable?

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

Netizens broke the defense one after another: I don't dare to p, my legs are longer than my life.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

And Lin Yi's resume is also very dreamy, belonging to the natural selection of school grass, the top cultivation system.

From elementary school dance, at the age of 16, he was admitted to the dance department of Beijing Sports with the first grade in his major, and studied ballroom dance.

Everyone feels how shocking Lin Yi is when he appears in reality, without any filter, he is the actor with excellent results in idol dramas.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

And when he was a freshman, he was targeted by Tang Film and Television before his ass was hot, yes, he created the "Fairy Sword" series and excavated the Tang people of Hu Ge and Nazha.

Tang Ren just saw Lin Yi's photo, so he hurriedly signed him, I can only say, good eyes.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

Immediately afterwards, Tang Ren hurriedly asked him to take advantage of the summer vacation to go to South Korea to learn systematic dance and performance.

And what's even worse is that Lin Yi can learn what to learn, national standard dance, modern dance, and men's group style, all of which are won together.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

Appearance, figure, talent, none of them are left behind, Lin Yi has already preliminarily possessed the literacy of an idol before he is a minor.

Who understands? When I saw Lin Yi, I knew that even if I had long legs and long hands, it would not affect the handsomeness of dancing.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

I don't allow anyone who hasn't seen Lin Yi and Huang Minghao's shining pas de deux.

Su and handsome, who is this going to fascinate you!

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

Although sometimes my brother's eyes look like he is going to suppress bandits, his limbs are still quite coordinated, and his body and expression are in charge of his own body.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

Coupled with the occasional A-and astringent action, I said it bluntly, we have our own Che Yinyou in internal entertainment.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!
"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

Obviously, just having the body of an idol in internal entertainment will not work.

Therefore, Lin Yi's initial goal in the circle was very clear: to be an actor.

In addition, this side is a bit like what Yang Yang is all about.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

and the first film starring in the online drama circle became an instant hit - "To Our Warm Little Time".

This drama demonstrates the filming method of campus idol dramas, and the joyful daily life of Gu Weiyi, a high-achieving student in the Department of Physics, and Situ Mo, an oxygen girl, I swallowed it hard.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

The male protagonist is genius and cute, and the female protagonist is eccentric and cute, all of which are played just right.

In addition, it is a small cost, there is no exaggeration and show-off, it is a natural sweet pet, not to mention how good it is.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

has been on the air for 5 years, and this drama is still the ceiling of sweet dramas in many people's hearts, and it has also exploded overseas.

Just post a clip and it will be played over 10 million.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

If you have to talk about shortcomings, it is probably Lin Yi, who made the male lead for the first time, and still has the jerkiness of a newcomer, after all, he has just come of age.

Lin Yi himself is also very down-to-earth, and did not take advantage of the east wind of the series to go to variety shows, but chose to continue to go to school.

But it doesn't matter, after this battle, he has become the first choice for the male protagonist of domestic entertainment sweet dramas.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

His appearance conditions and temperament are not to mention more popular in the sweet pet market.

2021's "Good Days and Beautiful Times" is already an advanced version.

20-year-old Lin Yi is handsome and tender.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

You can clearly feel that he is even better at kissing scenes, who did he learn from him?

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

And this drama has completely opened up the overseas market, and it is a hot mess in Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea.

Lin Yi casually posted a photo on ins, with 700,000 likes.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

If you haven't gotten Lin Yi's Su sense, then it is recommended to take a look at "Off the Rails" starring him and Liu Haocun.

This drama is an all-round display of Lin Yi's charm, and his perfect handsomeness is magnified 100 times.

Just put a photo to feel Lin Yi's masculine feeling.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

Qi Lian, the top hacker he plays, has a sense of mystery, suits, umbrellas, dark nights, and all kinds of dramatic tension.

The plot of "Off the Rails" combines fantasy, suspense, innocence, and marriage, which looks particularly emotional.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

In general, Lin Yi has not acted in many dramas, but he has stepped on his comfort zone every step of the way.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

I feel even more sorry when I cry.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

focuses on a person who has a sense of CP with everyone, and after filming "Off the Rails" with Liu Haocun, the two of them have that kind of youth and ambiguity.

Tsk, handsome guys and beauties raise my eyes.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

For the first time, a big name like Liu Yifei can fight his way out of the encirclement in "The Story of Rose" and become the last white moonlight.

This kid has a bit of a knack for picking scripts.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

In addition, all the way is a pure drama, and the heart is also a kind of innocence that has not been sharpened.

Others asked him what it was like to work with the goddess Liu Yifei.

He (fan face): It's all feelings!

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

Filming with Liu Yifei, the handsome guy just couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth during the whole process: Are you sure? Are you sure I'm acting with Liu Yifei?

Then the host asked him what advantages you have compared to other male protagonists in "The Story of Rose".

He said honestly: young, good health.

(Hint: The other male protagonists are Huo Jianhua, Lin Gengxin, and Tong Dawei.) )

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

I can't help but want to say, brother, it's dangerous for you to be straightforward in domestic entertainment~

But in fact, Lin Yi himself is like this.... Silly, there are always some inexplicable moves.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

On the variety show, he played a couple with Wu Xin, and Wu Xin said that he couldn't reach the spice bottle on it when cooking, it was too high.

Lin Yi (standing steadily next to him) said after a while: I'll help you.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

So, his way to help Wu Xin is as follows-

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

Wu Xin, who has been in the arts for more than 20 years, was squeezed into steamed buns by male guests on stage for the first time.

This buddy has acted in so many idol dramas in vain, and he hasn't learned any flirtatious routines.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

Then the question is, isn't there a shortcoming for a high-quality handsome guy like Lin Yi.

Yes, he sings very badly.

When everyone walks by and listens to it, they will feel that God is actually quite fair, gave him an invincible face, and then took away his singing voice.

emmm, let's do a good job.

Of course, Gigi also has to tell the truth, it is easy to be a vase in domestic entertainment, but it is difficult to be an actor with a voice.

Since God has given you excellent conditions, you must also have the confidence to be stable.

The "beauty face" of the entertainment industry is like flowing water, don't be the face of a thousand people.

Please catch this sky-breaking flow, Lin Yi.

"The first long leg in domestic entertainment": The 187cm god-faced little milk dog made Liu Yifei completely fall!

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