
Sichuan Township Little Sister: Wang Ermei's new boyfriend is the first to be made public? Everyone has their own opinions, netizens: impossible!

author:Words and deeds

As we all know, the husband and wife of the little sister and the little second baby in Sichuan Township, over the years, have gained the support of millions of fans through the short video shooting of the media, and the husband and wife not only bought a new house through hard work, but also rebuilt the old house before, with the arrival of the second child, the life of the family has become more warm and happy, and it has also made many friends who have been paying attention to the husband and wife feel happy for the two.

Sichuan Township Little Sister: Wang Ermei's new boyfriend is the first to be made public? Everyone has their own opinions, netizens: impossible!

After the success of the self-media, Xiaomeier and Xiaoerwa also took their relatives to shoot videos together, helping each other, and the whole family got along happily.

Every year, the little sister and the little second baby will prepare their hearts for the super mother and the third mother, and over the years when the couple returned to their hometown, the relatives at home have also tried their best to help, think about each other, and get better and better together.

In the past, Xiao Erwa and Xiao Meier mainly focused on fruits, but now, like most friends, they will also go outside to work with others (live broadcast), hoping that the two will get better and better.

Sichuan Township Little Sister: Wang Ermei's new boyfriend is the first to be made public? Everyone has their own opinions, netizens: impossible!

At the same time, other relatives in the big family will also develop the self-media industry day by day, and the super baby has the help of her parents, not only the usual video playback is very good, but at the same time, the character of the super mother is also loved by everyone.

Cuihua and Dagen husband and wife,Now it is mainly based on self-media short video shooting,The husband and wife perform their own duties,Usually Cuihua shoots more video time for everyone,Dagen is responsible for tutoring children's learning,Sanxian manages the vegetable garden at home,At the same time,I will also shoot videos with Cuihua,Overall,It's still pretty good。

Relatively speaking, Wang Ermei's video content will be a little "monotonous", and she used to share the daily life of a family of three, but after all, she is outside, so the content that can be filmed is limited.

Sichuan Township Little Sister: Wang Ermei's new boyfriend is the first to be made public? Everyone has their own opinions, netizens: impossible!

Now, the second sister and the child's father have chosen to separate, and the videos they can usually shoot are themselves and their son, and the ex-husband has also restarted the short video shooting from the media again after the two separated.

Two days ago, the second sister's ex-husband posted a video saying that he bought a new car through hard work, and he paid it all in one go, so after everyone watched the video of the second sister's ex-husband that day, some friends also had different ideas, and in the face of everyone's statement, the second sister's ex-husband also responded publicly.

Sichuan Township Little Sister: Wang Ermei's new boyfriend is the first to be made public? Everyone has their own opinions, netizens: impossible!
Sichuan Township Little Sister: Wang Ermei's new boyfriend is the first to be made public? Everyone has their own opinions, netizens: impossible!

And Wang Ermei went back to her hometown in Sichuan after the child's holiday, because the child needed to go home to school later, so the second sister decorated the house in advance.

Listen to what the second sister said before: I went home this time and didn't bring my son with me, but, judging from the video of the second sister coming home, many video pictures are being filmed by a third person, so many friends have asked, who is shooting?

Sichuan Township Little Sister: Wang Ermei's new boyfriend is the first to be made public? Everyone has their own opinions, netizens: impossible!

Not only that, after the second sister returned home, the video she shot also had the shooting vision of others, so some friends once again expressed some personal thoughts.

Sichuan Township Little Sister: Wang Ermei's new boyfriend is the first to be made public? Everyone has their own opinions, netizens: impossible!

Of course, everyone's thoughts are always everyone's, after all, the second sister has not responded at present, who is the photographer, and at the same time, everyone must pay too much attention to it and respect the second sister's own ideas.

However, after the second sister returned home, for various reasons, many friends had different opinions about the relationship between the two sisters-in-law.

Sichuan Township Little Sister: Wang Ermei's new boyfriend is the first to be made public? Everyone has their own opinions, netizens: impossible!

But no matter what, I still hope that everyone will look at it more rationally, after all, what everyone sees is only a few minutes in the video, and I just hope that the whole family will get better and better.

Judging from the videos shared by several people, they will understand each other and help each other, the picture is warm and happy, blessings!