
46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

author:Fish Music Ambassador

The Shanghai Film Festival staged a discussion on "beauty": Haiqing's suspected medical beauty changes caused heated discussions

At the Shanghai Film Festival, 46-year-old Haiqing attracted a lot of attention with a delicate outfit!

46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

But what followed was a heated discussion about its medical beauty traces, especially its obvious change of "pouting lips", which set off a lot of waves on the Internet.

46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

Make-up & Styling: A paragon of elegance in greenery

46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

That night, the 46-year-old Haiqing chose a green off-the-shoulder dress, which became a bright touch on the red carpet with its unique color and design.

46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

The long dress hugs her figure, outlining her elegant lines, and the off-the-shoulder design subtly shows off the femininity and confidence of women.

46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

With the overall shape, Haiqing adopts a hairstyle close to the scalp, which not only tests the wearer's facial features and face shape, but also highlights her atmospheric and delicate temperament.

46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

In terms of makeup, Haiqing's facial makeup features are exquisite, and the skin looks super smooth and smooth, with almost no flaws to be found, creating an almost perfect visual effect.

Facial changes: the controversial phenomenon of "pouting lips".

46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

However, when the camera zooms in, a close-up of Haiqing speaking attracts the audience's attention.

46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

Many netizens pointed out that Haiqing's lips seem to be fuller than before, and they are described as "pouting lips", and this change is especially obvious when she speaks!

46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

This is accompanied by a stiffness of the facial muscles, especially the apple muscles, which appear relatively static even in large changes in expression, giving a feeling of uncoordinated movements between the upper and lower parts of the face.

46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

This change is in stark contrast to her previous natural and agile image, which surprised many viewers.

46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

Is the effect of medical beauty somewhat similar to that of Jin Chen?

46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable
46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

Netizens are hotly discussed: the boundary between nature and medical beauty

Regarding the changes in Haiqing's face, the Internet was quickly divided into two factions. One party believes that Haiqing's "pouting lips" and the stiffness of other facial muscles may be the sequelae of medical aesthetic operations, and bluntly says: "It's too stiff to laugh!" ”

46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

The other party expressed understanding and support, believing that everyone has the right to pursue beauty, and slight medical beauty adjustments are a common phenomenon in the entertainment industry, as long as Haiqing himself is satisfied and happy.

Look at Haiqing's face when he participated in the event at the beginning of the year, his cheeks were sunken and his cheekbones were prominent! It's quite natural!

46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

Contrast and Reflection: The Power of Natural Beauty

In this controversy, 52-year-old Wu Yue also became a reference for discussion.

46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

Wu Yue attended with light makeup, the subtle lines at the corners of her eyes and the faint gray hair roots showed the traces of her natural aging, but her overall appearance was unusually natural and harmonious, and her smile was real and warm, showing another beauty that is not bound by time.

46-year-old Haiqing appeared at the film festival: the traces of medical beauty are too serious like "changing face"? Netizens shouted unrecognizable

This contrast has made many netizens reflect that true beauty is not only the youth and perfection of appearance, but also the inner self-confidence and calmness precipitated over the years.


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