
"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

author:Qingqing chats about the world
"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

In the summer of 2021, the atmosphere in the women's double 10-meter platform final at the Tokyo Olympics was tense. 14-year-old Quan Hongchan stood on the edge of the high platform, her eyes were firm and her posture was straight.

As the referee's whistle blew, she jumped without hesitation. In the air, her body resembles a dexterous butterfly, perfectly completing a series of difficult movements.

The moment she entered the water, there was almost no splash, and the whole arena boiled instantly.

This little girl from rural China has conquered the world with her amazing strength. However, behind her radiant appearance, how many people can see the hardships and dedication she has experienced? Quan Hongchan's story is far more than the glory of the moment.

"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

In 2014, Chen Huaming, a diving coach from Zhanjiang Sports School, came to Quan Hongchan's primary school to look for potential diving talents. Seven-year-old Quan Hongchan immediately caught the attention of her coach with her excellent bounce and quick reflexes.

The coach patiently explained the basic concepts and training methods of diving. Although Quan Hongchan didn't know anything about the sport, she had a vague feeling in her heart that this could be an opportunity to change the fate of herself and her family.

So, she accepted the invitation of the coach without hesitation and embarked on the road of diving.

However, the hardships of diving training are far beyond Quan Hongchan's imagination. The first time she stood on the ten-meter platform, she felt a wave of vertigo. Looking down at the pool below, it's as if you're gazing at a bottomless whirlpool.

"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

Fear came over her like a tidal wave, but the coach's words of encouragement gave her courage: "Believe in yourself, relax, you can do it." Taking a deep breath, Quan Hongchan closed her eyes and mustered up the courage to jump into the air.

At that moment, she felt like a bird with wings spread and soaring freely through the air.

When she emerged from the water, her ears rang with enthusiastic applause and cheers. A bright smile bloomed on Quan Hongchan's face, and she knew that she had crossed the first difficulty in her life.

From that day on, Quan Hongchan threw herself into the arduous training with amazing perseverance. She doesn't talk much, but she strives for perfection in every movement. Whenever she finds that her skills are deficient, she always takes the initiative to practice until she reaches the best condition.

"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

The staff of the sports school are often touched by her dedication and hard work, and they say: "Quan Hongchan has a clear mind and can always face problems and find solutions. We sometimes reward her with some snacks, but she always thinks of taking these home with her younger siblings.

She said that only by performing better can she earn more money to treat her mother's illness. Such a child makes us both distressed and admired.

With extraordinary talent and unremitting efforts, Quan Hongchan has made amazing progress in just a few years. In 2018, she rose to prominence at the Guangdong Provincial Games, winning the second place in the women's group C double platform and the third place in the single platform jump.

The following year, she won five championships in the Guangdong Diving Championships, showing extraordinary strength and potential.

"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

Quan Hongchan's growth trajectory is like the process of breaking out of a cocoon into a butterfly. She has transformed from an ignorant rural girl to an excellent diver. However, the hardships and dedication in this process are unimaginable to outsiders.

Behind every perfect diving move, there is her love and responsibility for her family, as well as her persistent pursuit of dreams.

Quan Hongchan uses her story to tell us that with strong faith and unremitting efforts, even children from remote rural areas can shine on the world stage.

She is like a phoenix with wings spread high, soaring out of the ordinary "chicken nest", adding new hope to China's diving career.

"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

Quan Hongchan's story begins in an ordinary rural village in Leizhou City, Guangdong Province. Her father, Quan Mao, and her mother are simple farmers, and the family of seven depends on 112 acres of paddy fields and dry land for their livelihood.

Although the life is not rich, the whole family lives in harmony and enjoys it. Quan Hongchan has been sensible since she was a child, often helping her parents with farm work, taking care of her younger siblings, and is a good child who makes her parents worry-free.

However, fate is unpredictable. When Quan Hongchan was still very young, a sudden car accident completely changed the trajectory of the family's life. That day, Quan Hongchan came home from school as usual, but found that the house was in chaos.

Her father anxiously told her, "Your mother has been in a car accident and we have to rush to the hospital."

"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

Quan Hongchan's heart suddenly sank to the bottom, and she hurried to the hospital with her father. Seeing her pale mother lying on the hospital bed, she could no longer control her emotions, and tears welled up in her eyes.

She held her mother's hand tightly, choked up and said, "Mom, you must be strong, you will definitely get better." The mother smiled weakly and responded: "Baby, don't worry, you also have to be strong, study hard, don't let your mother worry."

After the car accident, the burden of the family fell on the shoulders of my father. My father, who was once tough, soon grew much older. Quan Hongchan is more sensible, not only helping her father with farm work, but also taking care of her younger siblings, serving tea and medicine to her mother.

The hardships of life can be seen everywhere in Quan Hongchan's daily life. The person who runs a small shop in the village recalled that the only snack Quan Hongchan was willing to buy was a pack of spicy strips for five dimes.

"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

When other children buy ice cream and drinks, she always eats spicy noodles silently and eats them with relish. This detail makes people can't help but be moved.

These difficult days are like snow falling silently on Quan Hongchan's immature shoulders, invisible but as heavy as a thousand pounds. However, it is this burden that has become the driving force for her to keep moving forward.

Every time she stands on the diving platform, she seems to be able to see the expectant eyes of her family, which gives her infinite courage and strength.

Quan Hongchan's story is not only the growth process of an athlete, but also the touching story of a little girl shouldering the burden of her family. She interprets in her own way what responsibility is and what is strong.

"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

In her seemingly ordinary life, there is extraordinary courage and strength. This tempering from life laid a solid foundation for her brilliant performance on the diving platform in the future.

Quan Hongchan's experience tells us that difficulties in life are not obstacles, but ladders of growth. It is these seemingly heavy responsibilities that shape her tenacious character and allow her to go further on the road of chasing her dreams.

At the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, Quan Hongchan made a stunning appearance in the diving arena like a dazzling new star. With her incredible performance, she won two gold medals in the women's double 10-meter platform and single 10-meter platform in one fell swoop, and instantly became the focus of national attention.

As she stood on the top podium, holding the gold medal in her hand, her eyes glistening with tears of excitement, her heart filled with gratitude to her family and coach. At that moment, she remembered countless days and nights of hard training, the dream of perseverance, and the precious opportunity that fate gave her.

"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

However, the road to fame has not been easy. Some began to question her origins, others were jealous of her achievements, and others tried to use her fame for profit.

In the face of complex sounds, Quan Hongchan has always maintained surprising composure and calmness. She said calmly: "I am just an ordinary rural girl who has achieved today's results with my own hard work and sweat.

I will not forget my original intention and will continue to win glory for the country.

In a TV interview, the host curiously asked her if she wanted to change her current life, such as moving to a big city. Quan Hongchan replied with a smile: "Thank you for your concern."

"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

Actually, I think life is good now. I love my hometown, where there are my relatives and friends; I also love diving, that's my dream and my belief. I don't need to change anything, I just have to be myself.

This answer amazed the host: "Quan Hongchan is really a charming person. I wish her more success in the future. "

Quan Hongchan's story tells us that real success is not only about how many honors have been achieved, but also about how to maintain the original intention and how to face various challenges after success.

She uses her actions to interpret what humility is and what perseverance is. In the hustle and bustle of Vanity Fair, she still maintains her nostalgia for her hometown and her love for diving, which may be the key to her continuous improvement.

"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Quan Hongchan is 16 years old. In 2023, in the second event of the World Diving World Cup, she once again showed the world her extraordinary strength and continuous improvement in competitive form.

In the women's 10-meter platform individual final, Quan Hongchan's performance was perfect. She finished first in all four rounds with five highly difficult moves.

In the end, she won with a staggering 458. With a high score of 20 points, he beat teammate Chen Yuxi and once again ascended to the championship. This achievement not only won her the double championship of this competition, but also contributed an important piece of the nine gold medals to the Chinese diving team.

However, behind this victory is the long-term fierce competition between Quan Hongchan and her teammates. Since 2021, Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi have faced each other ten times in the women's single diving event, and the two have won five times each, and their strength is comparable.

"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

Especially since 2022, Chen Yuxi has defeated Quan Hongchan in many competitions in a row, including the team selection competition, a total of six times.

In the face of such a strong opponent, Quan Hongchan did not flinch. Instead, she quietly stepped up her training and continued to improve her skills. In this World Cup, she finally regained the title, showing maturity and strength beyond her years.

After the game, Quan Hongchan calmly accepted an interview. "I give it my all every time I play, but what I value more is my improvement," she said. Chen Yuxi is a very good opponent, we encourage each other and make progress together.

I will continue to work hard to bring glory to my country.

"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

The calmness and overall view revealed in these words make it hard to believe that this is from the mouth of a 16-year-old girl. Quan Hongchan proved with practical actions that she is not only an excellent athlete, but also a young man with a mature mind.

Quan Hongchan's growth process shows how an athlete constantly surpasses himself in the fierce competition. Her story teaches us that a true champion requires not only great technique, but also tenacity and a positive mindset.

In the face of setbacks, she chose to rise to the occasion; In the face of victory, she remained humble and aggressive.

This girl from the countryside uses her hard work and talent to constantly refresh people's perception of her. Every time she jumps into the water, it is a breakthrough in herself and a persistence in her dreams.

"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

Quan Hongchan's story is becoming a vivid teaching material to inspire more young people to pursue excellence.

Quan Hongchan's story is a realistic version of an inspirational legend from the countryside to the world stage. She used her own experience to explain to the world: as long as you have dreams, maintain firm beliefs, and muster up the courage to work tirelessly, there is no hurdle that cannot be crossed, and there is no height that cannot be reached.

She once said: "I learned to dive not only for myself, but also for my family and country." I hope that through my efforts, more people can see the potential of rural girls and let the world witness the charm of Chinese diving.

The vision and responsibility contained in these words are far beyond her age.

"The Golden Phoenix Flying Out of the Chicken Coop" Quan Hongchan: The snow falling on her shoulders is invisible to the public

Quan Hongchan is like a spiritual monument, she has not only won glory for herself, but also set an example for us. Her story inspires us: no matter what difficulties we face, we must keep chasing our dreams; No matter where you are, you must do your duty steadfastly; No matter what kind of doubts you encounter, you must firmly believe in your own value and strive for the honor of the country and the nation.

This "golden phoenix" that jumped out of the chicken nest, the burden on her shoulders, may be difficult for outsiders to notice, but her blooming light has illuminated the hearts of countless people. Quan Hongchan's story is inspiring generations of young people to bravely pursue their dreams, have the courage to take responsibility, and make unremitting efforts to realize their self-worth and national honor.

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