
She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

author:Big Fish Quest
She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan
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She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

In a remote village in Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, a little girl named Quan Hongchan is playing with her classmates. On that ordinary day in 2014, the arrival of Chen Huaming, the coach of Zhanjiang Institute of Physical Education, completely changed the fate of this 11-year-old girl.

When Chen Huaming saw Quan Hongchan jump an amazing 1 in the standing long jump test. At 76 meters, he seemed to see a future diving champion.

Who would have thought that this girl from a poor family would become a world-renowned diving star in just a few years? She not only created a miracle of five consecutive diving perfect scores, but also became the idol of the former diving queen Wu Minxia.

However, behind Quan Hongchan's dazzling achievements, there is a figure that silently supports her - her father. This "poor father" uses his own way to escort his daughter's dreams.

She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

Quan Hongchan's childhood was full of hardships and challenges. Born in 2007 in Maihe Village, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, she has experienced the difficulty of life since she was a child. There are seven people in the family, relying on their father to farm and sell vegetables and his brother to go out to work to barely make ends meet.

In 2017, a sudden disaster made the already not wealthy family even worse - Quan Hongchan's mother was in a car accident on the way to work in a factory, and her ribs were seriously damaged.

After multiple surgeries, the family's financial situation almost collapsed.

In such a difficult situation, the god of fate quietly favored Quan Hongchan. In 2014, Chen Huaming, a coach at Zhanjiang Institute of Physical Education, discovered the unpolished diamond at Maihe Primary School.

She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

At that time, it was recess, and Quan Hongchan and her classmates were playing on the playground. Her light and flexible figure immediately attracted Chen Huaming's attention. In the subsequent standing long jump test, the height was only 1. Quan Hongchan, who was 2 meters tall, jumped out of 1. An astonishing result of 76 meters! At this moment, Quan Hongchan's life trajectory has undergone a fundamental change.

After entering Zhanjiang Sports School, Quan Hongchan showed extraordinary perseverance and hard-working spirit. Despite her young age, she took on a lot of manual labor, even those that the boys were unwilling to do.

The training environment is difficult, the diving pool is open-air, and the ground temperature is frighteningly high in summer, so Quan Hongchan can only use a wet towel to cool herself down. But she never complains and always maintains a high level of focus and enthusiasm.

Quan Hongchan's daily training intensity is staggering. Every day, she does 200 to 300 land jumps, 120 water jumps, and thousands of bar crunches.

She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

This amount of training is a huge challenge even for an adult athlete, let alone a teenage girl. However, Quan Hongchan gritted her teeth and persevered.

Her skin had darkened from long hours of training under the scorching sun, but her will grew stronger.

What supports Quan Hongchan is the deep affection for her family and the desire to change her life. She once witnessed the scene of her father dragging heavy greens from dawn to dusk, but he was lost because he could not sell them for a good price.

Such memories are deeply rooted in her heart and become the motivation for her to fight. "I hope to win a competition award as a way to help mothers with their diseases." Quan Hongchan once said so firmly.

She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

It is this simple and firm belief that supports Quan Hongchan to keep moving forward in the arduous training. Her former coach Chen Huaming commented on her: "This child is very hard-working, and she is the most focused one among athletes of the same age."

Quan Hongchan proved with her own actions that even if she was born poor, as long as she has firm faith and unremitting efforts, she can create miracles.

With the support of hard training and strong will, Quan Hongchan gradually emerged in the diving world. Her story is not only a personal growth legend, but also a microcosm of thousands of hard-working Chinese teenagers.

Quan Hongchan's experience tells us that adversity is not the end, but the starting point of success.

She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

Quan Hongchan's efforts finally shined brightly on the international stage. She became the first athlete in history to score three perfect points in five consecutive diving competitions, setting a new record in the women's single 10m platform.

This achievement made her instantly a rising star in the diving world, and even won the praise of the former diving queen Wu Minxia.

After Wu Minxia saw Quan Hongchan's game, she was so excited that she couldn't help herself. She said: "I was so excited that I couldn't help but scream when I saw her results, and now you have become a little idol in our hearts."

These words not only reflect Quan Hongchan's technical excellence, but also highlight her great achievements and influence in the diving world.

She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

However, the arrival of the peak moment also comes with a lot of pressure. Quan Hongchan's hometown of Maihe Village has suddenly become a popular tourist destination, and a large number of tourists have poured in, vying to go to her home for live broadcast filming.

This sudden attention brought a lot of trouble to Quan Hongchan and her family. In an accident, Quan Hongchan's grandmother even accidentally fell due to too many tourists, although she was quickly helped up, but this situation is still distressing.

Faced with the pressure of becoming famous, Quan Hongchan began to experience the ups and downs of her career. She suffered a seven-game losing streak, and netizens began to question whether she was complacent about her success.

In the face of these doubts, Quan Hongchan said frankly in an interview: "If I can't jump out of the excellent grades, will everyone still like me like now?" This sentence revealed her inner uneasiness and doubts about her self-worth.

She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

However, Quan Hongchan was not defeated by these setbacks. After a low point, she was once again victorious in the race. On October 3, 2023, Quan Hongchan returned to the top.

In the face of the reporter's question, she replied with only two simple words: "Happy!" When asked which was more difficult, the competition or the interview, she honestly replied, "It's hard for both."

These answers show the truth and purity of a 17-year-old girl, and also let people see her true nature in the spotlight.

Quan Hongchan's story tells us that success is not all smooth sailing. Even geniuses face setbacks and doubts. But it is these challenges that make Quan Hongchan stronger.

She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

She proved with practical actions that as long as she maintains her original intention and works hard, she can stand on the top again.

Under the halo of honor, Quan Hongchan still maintains a humble and enterprising mentality. Her story is not only a personal growth history, but also a vivid lesson on how to deal with successes and setbacks.

Quan Hongchan used her tenacity and perseverance to interpret what is the true champion spirit.

Behind Quan Hongchan's growth and success, there is an important person who silently supports her - her father. Although this 43-year-old rural man is not highly educated and cannot even be proficient in operating smartphones, his broad mind and firm principles provide the most solid backing for Quan Hongchan's growth.

She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

When Quan Hongchan made brilliant achievements in the international arena, her father made a decision that surprised many people: voluntarily gave up the qualification of low-income households. In the face of the well-decorated houses, shops and 200,000 yuan in cash sent by local enterprises, Dad Quan just smiled and accepted the flowers and took a photo with the other party.

In an interview, he said frankly: "This is what my daughter has achieved through her own unremitting efforts, and we cannot abuse her honor."

This decision is a testament to the noble character and vision of Daddy Quan. He hopes that his daughter can continue to study hard, be admitted to the ideal university, and rely on her own ability to take a good road in the future.

In his opinion, only by resisting the temptation in front of her can Quan Hongchan devote herself to her studies and not give up her long-term pursuit of life because of temporary success.

She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

However, the choice of an all-dad is not without its pressure. As a family living on the poverty line, it takes a lot of courage to reject these material benefits. Every morning, the whole father has to drag a heavy 300 pounds of greens, busy from dawn to dusk.

Even so, sometimes the greens could not be sold at a good price, so he could only squat on the side of the road and smoke silently, watching the leaves gradually wither. But he always firmly believes that these honors belong to his daughter and should not be abused by his family.

He hopes that his daughter can continue to maintain a humble and enterprising attitude and go further in her future life.

Quan's father's attitude deeply affected Quan Hongchan. In an interview, Quan Hongchan behaved humbly and sincerely. Instead of being complacent about her success, she maintains her focus on training and competing.

She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

Even in the face of a seven-game losing streak, she didn't give up, but continued to work hard and finally got back on the podium.

Quan Dad's words and deeds not only shaped Quan Hongchan's character, but also showed us the wisdom and mind of an ordinary Chinese father. He used his actions to interpret what true love and education are, allowing us to see the essence of traditional Chinese family education.

In the process of Quan Hongchan's growth, Quan Dad has always been her most solid support. No matter the wind or rain, he always stands silently behind Quan Hongchan and gives support.

He is not good at words, but he interprets the greatness of father's love with practical actions. When Quan Hongchan shines on the field, Quan Dad's dedication and persistence are also worthy of our respect and praise.

She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

The story of Quan Dad tells us that true education does not lie in material abundance, but in spiritual abundance. In his own way, he paved a path to her dream for his daughter.

On this road, Quan Hongchan not only gained honor, but also inherited her father's character and wisdom. This may be the deep reason why Quan Hongchan has been able to achieve such achievements in the diving world - she not only has extraordinary talent, but also has a wise and strong father as a backing.

Although Quan Hongchan has shown extraordinary talent and maturity in the arena, she is still an ordinary 17-year-old girl in daily life. Like other peers, Quan Hongchan has her own interests and hobbies.

She loves small, cute turtle toys and is also passionate about playing the popular mobile game Honor of Kings. These little hobbies show her youthful and lively side, and make people feel the real image of a girl under the halo of champions.

She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

However, unlike ordinary girls, Quan Hongchan also faces the challenge of social fear. In post-win interviews, her answers were always short and shy. When asked which was more challenging, the competition or the interview, she honestly replied, "It's hard for both."

This candid response made people see the fragility and uneasiness in her heart.

Quan Hongchan's social phobia is reflected in many occasions. At a medal ceremony, when the coach excitedly lifted her up, her eyes were always nervously staring at her armpits, looking cramped.

These details reveal that behind a seemingly glamorous world champion, there are also the troubles and troubles of ordinary girls.

She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

However, it is this authenticity and purity that makes Quan Hongchan closer to people's hearts. Her story teaches us that even World Champions have their weaknesses and insecurities at their disposal, but what matters is how to stand up and improve in the face of adversity.

Quan Hongchan uses her way to interpret what true growth is, she not only defeats her opponents in the arena, but also constantly challenges herself in life to overcome her inner fears.

This courage and persistence have made her a role model in the minds of many.

Quan Hongchan's story is far more than her personal achievements, she has become the epitome of thousands of ordinary people who work hard. From a poor girl in a small town in Zhanjiang to a world-class diving champion, Quan Hongchan's experience illustrates what is the spirit of struggle in adversity.

She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

Although there have been recent rumors that she will leave the national team, in fact, she is only temporarily returning to Guangdong to participate in business activities, and will return to the field after that. The news has people looking forward to her future.

Quan Hongchan's experience has taught us that no matter what your background, as long as you have firm faith and unremitting efforts, it is possible to create miracles. Her father exemplified true education and love through his actions.

This girl from an ordinary family has changed her fate through her own efforts, and has also inspired countless people who chase their dreams.

Quan Hongchan's future, as well as the Chinese sportsmanship she represents, are worth looking forward to. Her story is not only a legend of personal growth, but also a microcosm of the struggle of Chinese teenagers, showing the spiritual quality of the Chinese nation's unremitting self-improvement.

She is Wu Minxia's little idol, what is so special about the poor father behind Quan Hongchan

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