
The idler is embarrassed by the fortune teller, the fortune teller: you have no life to take the gold given to you

author:Chia Tai Bright Universe 0xN

Let's set up a dragon gate array for you today, and talk about a fun thing that happened in our area. We have a big place in the Northeast, but there is no shortage of those clever idlers anywhere. Today, we are talking about the story of this person and the fortune teller.

At that time, there was a small town in the south of the Yangtze River, the scenery was as beautiful as a painting, and the people were smart. There is a fortune teller in the town, surnamed Li, and everyone calls him Li Banxian. This Li Banxian is not blown, the fortune teller is accurate, and even the gods in the sky have to give him a thumbs up. But even such a god man can't escape the troubles of those idlers.

That day, Zhang San, a well-known idler in the town, walked into Li Banxian's hexagram stall leisurely. His face was smiling like a flower, and there was a cunning in his eyes. "Li Banxian, I heard that you are very good at divination, and I will test you today." Zhang San shouted grinningly. Li Banxian smiled lightly and replied without impatience: "Third Master Zhang, please." ”

The idler is embarrassed by the fortune teller, the fortune teller: you have no life to take the gold given to you

Zhang San's eyes rolled, and a problem arose: "Okay, then you calculate, how much water is in my well?" Who can answer this question? But Li Banxian was not in a hurry, smiled slightly, pinched his fingers, and then said: "Zhang Sanye, the well in your house is three feet deep, and it is as clear as a mirror." Zhang Sanyi was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect Li Banxian to really be able to figure it out, and he was not convinced, but it was not easy to attack.

Zhang San rolled his eyes, and thought of another trick: "Okay, I'll test you again." Count how much silver I have in my pocket today? Li Banxian still smiled, pinched his fingers again, and then said, "Zhang Sanye, you don't have a penny in your pocket today." This time, Zhang San was completely stunned. He really didn't bring any silver today, he hadn't even shown a shadow of this, how did Li Banxian know?

Zhang San's face sank, and he had a small abacus in his heart. "Hmph, you're amazing. But if you can figure out how much gold I will get tonight, then I will convince you! Zhang San viciously provoked. Li Banxian looked at Zhang San, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. He pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "Third Master Zhang, you can get a thousand taels of gold tonight." ”

The idler is embarrassed by the fortune teller, the fortune teller: you have no life to take the gold given to you

When Zhang San heard this, his eyes widened like copper bells. A thousand taels of gold? He'd never seen so much money in his life! He was so happy in his heart, but he felt that something was wrong. Why is this Li Banxian suddenly so generous? Is he really that godly? "But, Third Master Zhang, I have to remind you." Li Banxian added, "Although this gold is good, you have to have a life to take it." ”

When Zhang Sanyi heard this, he chuckled in his heart. He felt that Li Banxian had something to say, but he couldn't figure it out. He thought about it for a moment and decided to go home first and see what was going on. Oh, Zhang San, this kid, left the fortune-telling place unhappily. Along the way, his mind never stopped, thinking about Li Banxian's words over and over again, and his heart was like a roller coaster, up and down. At night, hey, Zhang San really won the jackpot, and all the silver in his hand was replaced by gold, a full thousand taels! He was so happy that he felt that Li Banxian was not an ordinary person, he was simply a living immortal.

But the good times didn't last long, Zhang Sanzheng was walking home happily, and suddenly a group of masked people appeared and surrounded him. The gang couldn't help but say, robbed him of his gold, and beat him like something. Hey, this is really happy and sad, Zhang San was lying there, humming in pain, and then he suddenly realized, it turned out that Li Banxian had something to say - although the gold is good, you have to have a life to take it!

The idler is embarrassed by the fortune teller, the fortune teller: you have no life to take the gold given to you

Ladies and gentlemen, tell me, is this Li Banxian a god? Not only could he calculate how deep the water was in the well, how much silver was in his pocket, but how much gold Zhang San could get in one night, and even whether he could hold the gold. This ability is really admirable!

Besides, Zhang San, this time it was really a big loss. He thought he could make a windfall, but in the end, he didn't catch anything, and he worked in vain. This incident also sounded a wake-up call for us - people, you still have to be down-to-earth, don't keep thinking about pie-in-the-sky good things.

Okay, that's all for today's story, and we'll see you next time! Well, let's continue to nag about the story of this idler Zhang San and fortune teller Li Banxian. After Zhang San was robbed, he was called a river and sea in his heart, with mixed tastes. He lay on the bed, grunting in pain, wondering why this was such a coincidence? How could Li Banxian be so accurate?

The idler is embarrassed by the fortune teller, the fortune teller: you have no life to take the gold given to you

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. This Li Banxian is a low-key person on weekdays, never public, why is he suddenly so godly? The more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was something strange about this matter, and a thought came to his heart - he had to go to Li Banxian to ask for an understanding!

Early the next morning, Zhang San limped towards Li Banxian's hexagram stall with a stick. He held his breath in his heart, wanting to reason with Li Banxian. When he arrived at the hexagram stall, Zhang San saw Li Banxian sitting there, looking light and breezy. As soon as he saw Zhang San coming, he greeted him with a smile.

"Yo, Sanye Zhang, what's wrong with you? Why are you still on a stick? Li Banxian asked with concern. When Zhang San heard this, he became even more angry. He pushed Li Banxian away and said angrily, "Don't fake here!" I ask you, how could you have calculated yesterday that I would get a thousand taels of gold tonight, and that I would not have to die? ”

The idler is embarrassed by the fortune teller, the fortune teller: you have no life to take the gold given to you

As soon as Li Banxian heard this, he laughed. He waved his hand, motioned for Zhang San to sit down first, and then said slowly: "Zhang Sanye, don't worry, I'll explain this to you slowly." "In our northeast Nagada, there is a man named Li Banxian, he is not an immortal, he is just an ordinary person. But people's eyesight, analytical ability, tsk, is really admirable. No, he taught Zhang San's kid a lesson and made him understand what "divine calculation" is.

Li Banxian said to Zhang San: "That day, I went to your house and saw the watermark by your well, and estimated that the well water was three feet deep. He added, "I knew that you didn't have anything heavy in your pockets that day, and that you were eighty percent empty." ”

When Zhang San heard this, he was not convinced, and he asked, "Then how can you calculate that I can get a thousand taels of gold tonight?" Li Banxian smiled slightly and said, "This matter is simple. Seeing that you look good, and I heard that you are going to try your luck at the casino, I guess you might win tonight. As for why you didn't take this gold, it's because I saw that your Yin Tang was black, and your face was angry, and it is estimated that you will have a bloody disaster tonight. ”

The idler is embarrassed by the fortune teller, the fortune teller: you have no life to take the gold given to you

When Zhang San heard this, he understood in his heart. Only then did he realize that the reason why Li Banxian was able to calculate these things was all due to his careful observation and analytical skills. Zhang San lowered his head in shame and said to Li Banxian: "Li Banxian, I am satisfied today." I used to think about getting something for nothing, and I ended up hurting myself. In the future, I have to live a down-to-earth life and stop following crooked paths. ”

When Li Banxian heard this, he patted Zhang San on the shoulder happily and said, "Zhang Sanye, it's right that you can think so." People, you still have to be down-to-earth and live honestly. You see that you are injured now, you know that pie in the sky is not reliable, right? Zhang San nodded, although he was a little unwilling, he also knew that he had indeed taken the wrong path before.

The people in the town said that Li Banxian was a living immortal, who could calculate the depth of the well, the amount of silver in his pocket, and whether a person had the life to take gold. But as for Li Banxian, he still lives his life in a low-key manner, not publicity, and not swaggering. He knows that his abilities are limited, and he can only help those who really want to mend their ways.

The idler is embarrassed by the fortune teller, the fortune teller: you have no life to take the gold given to you

After this lesson, Zhang San has also changed as a person. He stopped being idle and began to work hard to earn money to support his family. This man still has to rely on his own hands to make a good living. Those ideas of getting something for nothing and taking shortcuts will only make people fall deeper and deeper, and finally end up ruined.

Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, we must all remember this principle: down-to-earth and diligent life is the right way. Don't keep thinking about pie in the sky, it's all unreliable. Well, that's all for today's story, and I hope you can get some inspiration from it. See you next time! Let's continue to chatter, after Zhang San listened to Li Banxian's words, he seemed to be enlightened, and the whole person was completely renewed. Zhang San, this buddy, used to have nothing to do all day long, but now he is good, and he is starting to think about how to make a lot of money to support his family. The old and young masters in the town were quite surprised to see him suddenly so diligent, and they all gathered around to ask if he had taken any kind of panacea. Zhang San is always happy, noncommittal, and knows very well in his heart that this change is all because of Li Banxian's words.

One day, Zhang San passed by Li Banxian's hexagram stall and saw Li Banxian drinking tea leisurely, so he walked over and had a conversation. "Li Banxian, how are you doing?" Zhang San asked with a smile. As soon as Li Banxian looked up, he saw that it was Zhang San, and he was also happy: "Yo, Zhang Sanye, are you done?" Why don't you have time to sit at my stall? Zhang San scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly: "What, I'm just here to thank you." If it weren't for you, I'd probably still be living in the casino right now. Li Banxian waved his hand and said, "Hey, Third Master Zhang, don't say that." I'm just telling you the truth, it's your willingness to change your life that has led to the change you have today. ”

The idler is embarrassed by the fortune teller, the fortune teller: you have no life to take the gold given to you

The two chatted for a while, and Zhang San suddenly thought of something and said, "Li Banxian, I have something I want to ask you." "What's the matter?" Li Banxian asked. Zhang San hesitated for a moment and said, "That's it...... Can I also learn some fortune telling? I think that's interesting. As soon as Li Banxian heard this, he was happy: "Third Master Zhang, you are just joking." Fortune telling is not something that anyone can learn. You have to have talent, you have to have understanding, and you have to have a kind heart. When Zhang San heard this, he was a little disappointed, but he didn't insist anymore. He knew that Li Banxian was right, with his own temperament, he was afraid that he would not be able to learn such profound skills.

However, Zhang San did not give up because of this. He began to observe Li Banxian's every move, learning how he dealt with people and how to observe details. He found that Li Banxian could calculate so many things, not only because he knew some fortune-telling skills, but more importantly, because he understood people's hearts and worldly affairs. So, Zhang San began to try to understand the world and people's hearts in his own way. He no longer only values money and interests as before, but begins to care about the people and things around him. He found that doing so not only made him happy, but also earned him the respect and trust of more people.

Zhang San looked at this scene, his heart was warm, he understood that Li Banxian's words were not only for the young man, but also for himself. Since then, Zhang Sanke has worked hard to prove that Li Banxian's words are not in vain. He became the respected horn of the townspeople, and his affairs spread all over the town. Even the casino that used to give him a headache slowly disappeared because of his changes.

The idler is embarrassed by the fortune teller, the fortune teller: you have no life to take the gold given to you

The people of the town have also begun to know how to cherish their own days and create a better future with diligence and wisdom. This is the story of Zhang San and Li Banxian, a story about change and growth. It tells us that as long as we are willing to work hard and change, we can find our own light and hope. At the same time, it also makes us understand what is the human heart? It is necessary to maintain a kind heart, so as to win the respect and trust of others.

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