
It's so much fun! Deng Chao and Liu Yifei scolded each other on the spot, netizens: This is too dramatic for CP!

author:Entertainment has a circle


Brother Chao's art of boasting

Deng Chao and Liu Yifei met at a public event, and their interaction immediately became the focus. Deng Chao, with his consistent straight male style, praised Liu Yifei directly and humorously

It's so much fun! Deng Chao and Liu Yifei scolded each other on the spot, netizens: This is too dramatic for CP!

。 He not only praised Liu Yifei's beauty, but also cleverly added some funny elements to enliven the atmosphere of the scene. Netizens commented: "Brother Chao's way of praising people is really unique, and it can make people laugh out loud every time." ”

It's so much fun! Deng Chao and Liu Yifei scolded each other on the spot, netizens: This is too dramatic for CP!

This direct and humorous way of praising not only shows Deng Chao's personal charm, but also makes Liu Yifei feel different attention.


The collision of cold humor and hot humor

Liu Yifei's response is also full of humor, and her cold humor is in stark contrast to Deng Chao's hot humor.

It's so much fun! Deng Chao and Liu Yifei scolded each other on the spot, netizens: This is too dramatic for CP!

After Deng Chao's praise, Liu Yifei responded in a calm and witty way, and her every word was just right, neither overly enthusiastic nor cold.

It's so much fun! Deng Chao and Liu Yifei scolded each other on the spot, netizens: This is too dramatic for CP!

This kind of back-and-forth interaction made the audience and netizens feel the tacit understanding and fun between the two. Some netizens commented: "Liu Yifei's cold humor is so charming, and Deng Chao's hot humor is a perfect match." ”


The art of mutual hatred

In another event, the mutual confrontation between Deng Chao and Liu Yifei became the biggest attraction. The two of them go back and forth on stage, and every word is full of wit and humor.

It's so much fun! Deng Chao and Liu Yifei scolded each other on the spot, netizens: This is too dramatic for CP!

Deng Chao's straightforwardness and Liu Yifei's wit made this mutual confrontation extremely exciting. Netizens said: "It's so funny for these two people to fight each other, every sentence can make people laugh out loud." This mutual affection not only shows the friendship between the two, but also makes the audience feel their sense of humor and wisdom.


The heroic posture of the sword dance

In one performance, Liu Yifei showed her sword dancing skills, her movements were smooth and powerful, and every pose was full of strength and beauty.

It's so much fun! Deng Chao and Liu Yifei scolded each other on the spot, netizens: This is too dramatic for CP!

Deng Chao watched intently from the audience, and let out exclamations from time to time. Netizens commented: "Liu Yifei's sword dancing is so handsome, and she is not lost to professional martial arts actors at all." This kind of performance not only shows Liu Yifei's versatility, but also makes the audience feel her charm and strength.

It's so much fun! Deng Chao and Liu Yifei scolded each other on the spot, netizens: This is too dramatic for CP!

The potential of a joker

In an interview, Deng Chao and Liu Yifei were asked about each other's sense of humor, and both said that the other party was actually a delayed joker. Deng Chao's straightforwardness and Liu Yifei's wit made this interview full of laughter. Netizens said: "These two people are so funny, every sentence can make people laugh out loud." This sense of humor not only shows the friendship between the two, but also makes the audience feel their wisdom and charm.

It's so much fun! Deng Chao and Liu Yifei scolded each other on the spot, netizens: This is too dramatic for CP!

The interaction between Deng Chao and Liu Yifei is always full of fun and humor, but some netizens believe that this interaction is sometimes too exaggerated and may affect their image.

It's so much fun! Deng Chao and Liu Yifei scolded each other on the spot, netizens: This is too dramatic for CP!

Some netizens commented: "Although their interaction is interesting, sometimes it also feels a little overdone. This controversial point of view will undoubtedly lead to more discussion and thinking. In any case, the interaction between Deng Chao and Liu Yifei always brings joy to the audience, which is one of the reasons for their popularity.

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