
I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin's side face photo was exposed, and netizens shouted: Is this reverse growth?

author:Entertainment has a circle


The mystery of the reverse growth of forest renewal

Lin Gengxin's latest public appearance made countless fans exclaim "reverse growth". In the photo, he has a smooth hair, clear facial features, and a skin condition that makes people wonder if he secretly ate some secret recipe for eternal youth.

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin's side face photo was exposed, and netizens shouted: Is this reverse growth?

Netizens left messages on social media, expressing their incredible feelings about his appearance and status. Some netizens joked: "Is Lin Gengxin growing in reverse?" Every time I appear, I feel younger than last time! ”

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin's side face photo was exposed, and netizens shouted: Is this reverse growth?

Another person joked: "Shouldn't I check his ID card to see if it's a different person?" This phenomenon of reverse growth not only made fans crazy, but also made many passers-by turn fans, and their attention to him skyrocketed.


The double impact of acting skills and appearance

Lin Gengxin's acting skills have always been one of his highlights. Whether it is the cold character in "Shenjun" or the warm image in "Fang Xiewen", he can control it perfectly, showing a great contrast in roles.

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin's side face photo was exposed, and netizens shouted: Is this reverse growth?

This kind of drama has made the audience full of praise for his acting skills. Some netizens commented: "Lin Gengxin's acting skills are really good, every role can make people forget his previous image and completely immerse themselves in the new role." ”

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin's side face photo was exposed, and netizens shouted: Is this reverse growth?

The diversity and depth of this acting skills, coupled with his almost unchanged appearance, make him unique in the entertainment industry.


Professionalism and fan expectations

Lin Gengxin's appearance and acting skills are highly recognized, but fans still hope that he can appear more on the screen. Some netizens said: "It would be nice if Lin Gengxin could make more dramas, every time I see his new works, I don't feel enough to watch." ”

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin's side face photo was exposed, and netizens shouted: Is this reverse growth?

This expectation of more works reflects the high level of interest and support from fans for his career. At the same time, some netizens ridiculed: "Is Lin Gengxin too lazy, it's a waste of resources to not shoot more under such good conditions!" This kind of light-hearted ridicule increases the interactivity of the article and allows readers to start a heated discussion in the comment area.

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin's side face photo was exposed, and netizens shouted: Is this reverse growth?

The controversy over appearance and the defense of fans

Lin Gengxin's appearance has always been the focus of public discussion. Some people think that his appearance is innate, and some people think that he must have done something "tricky". This controversy is especially evident on social media.

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin's side face photo was exposed, and netizens shouted: Is this reverse growth?

Some netizens bluntly said: "Is Lin Gengxin's appearance a little too perfect?" It feels like it's been carefully designed. But more fans have come forward to defend him, arguing that his appearance is natural and does not need any retouching.

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin's side face photo was exposed, and netizens shouted: Is this reverse growth?

This kind of controversial discussion not only increases the interest of the article, but also stimulates the enthusiastic participation of readers in the comment area.

The dual charm of beauty and talent

With his unique appearance and excellent acting skills, Lin Gengxin has occupied a place in the entertainment industry. Every time he appears, he can arouse heated discussions and attention from fans.

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin's side face photo was exposed, and netizens shouted: Is this reverse growth?

Whether it is his appearance in reverse growth or his changeable acting skills, he has left a deep impression in the hearts of fans. In the future, no matter what development path he chooses, I believe that fans will continue to support him and look forward to more wonderful works from him.

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