
Laughing to death, a foreigner in China who claims to be "Japanese" is taught a lesson by the Chinese uncle

author:Obsessed with durian
Laughing to death, a foreigner in China who claims to be "Japanese" is taught a lesson by the Chinese uncle

In China, there are some jokes that cannot be made

Brush up on a foreigner who usually likes to tell some little lies, randomly giving himself nationality such as Indian, Korean, Greek, etc.,

Who knows, a netizen left a message for him, hoping that he would call himself "Japanese" next time, and he agreed.

Unexpectedly, when he said that he was "Japanese", he was heard by the Chinese grandfather, and then the old man gave him a science popularization of why China hates the Japanese and history


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He was revoked and replaced with a five-star card, which is equivalent to our ID card [covering face] [covering face]

Laughing to death, a foreigner in China who claims to be "Japanese" is taught a lesson by the Chinese uncle

According to the Yellow River, the water of the Mother River is dirty, [angry] [angry]

Laughing to death, a foreigner in China who claims to be "Japanese" is taught a lesson by the Chinese uncle

And it's the most ruthless word of scolding [snickering]

Laughing to death, a foreigner in China who claims to be "Japanese" is taught a lesson by the Chinese uncle

But anyone who knows history will not say this, people just want to eat the bowl of rice

Laughing to death, a foreigner in China who claims to be "Japanese" is taught a lesson by the Chinese uncle

Is there a phrase in it?

Laughing to death, a foreigner in China who claims to be "Japanese" is taught a lesson by the Chinese uncle

Look at other people's children who are scared and sweaty [cover their faces] [cover their faces]

Laughing to death, a foreigner in China who claims to be "Japanese" is taught a lesson by the Chinese uncle

Not only Japan, but also South Korea, which is quite annoying [angry]

Laughing to death, a foreigner in China who claims to be "Japanese" is taught a lesson by the Chinese uncle

: You can be anyone, but you can't be Japanese

Laughing to death, a foreigner in China who claims to be "Japanese" is taught a lesson by the Chinese uncle

This is the awakening of the bloodline

Laughing to death, a foreigner in China who claims to be "Japanese" is taught a lesson by the Chinese uncle

You should have called 12339, how many 500,000 is there in their family [snickering] [snickering]

Laughing to death, a foreigner in China who claims to be "Japanese" is taught a lesson by the Chinese uncle

Ka Ka shows off [covering face] [covering face]

Laughing to death, a foreigner in China who claims to be "Japanese" is taught a lesson by the Chinese uncle

What do you think about this, welcome to leave a message in the discussion forum

(The source of the material is from the Internet, invaded and deleted)

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