
After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

author:Focus Narrator
After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

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In a quiet small village in Baoding, Hebei Province, no one thought that an insignificant garbage can would become the fuse that triggered a bloody case. On the evening of June 27, before the sunset had completely dissipated, a violent incident that shocked the whole village quietly unfolded.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

That evening, the villagers were busy with dinner as usual, when suddenly, a loud bang broke the silence of the village. I saw a black sedan frantically rushing towards a man in black at the entrance of the village, accompanied by a burst of screams and confusion, the man in black was hit to the ground by the car.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

Villagers rushed out of their homes to see what was happening. I saw that after the car stopped, a man rushed down from the car with a kitchen knife in his hand and rushed violently towards the man in black who fell to the ground. It turned out that the two were neighbors, and an argument broke out over a small trash can.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

According to the neighbor, earlier in the day, Zhang accidentally kicked down the neighbor's trash can and was reprimanded by the neighbor. It was a trivial matter, but Zhang held a grudge and decided to take revenge. So, he drove his black car and waited for his neighbor to come home at the entrance of the village.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

When he saw his neighbor slowly coming on an electric car, a crazy impulse surged in Zhang's heart. He increased the throttle and rushed to the electric car. Luckily, trees and telephone poles in front of the house blocked the way of the car, otherwise the consequences would have been devastating.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

However, Zhang did not stop there. After he got out of the car, he took out a kitchen knife from the car and chased after his neighbor. Seeing this, the neighbor quickly ran into the house and closed the door. But due to time constraints, he failed to lock it in time. Zhang followed, kicked open the door, and continued to chase.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

There was chaos in the house. Neighbors are hiding around the house, trying to find a safe place. Zhang, on the other hand, roared and searched the house, as if to put his neighbor to death. The neighbor's heart was in his throat, and he knew he had to find a chance to escape as soon as possible.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

In the midst of the tense atmosphere, the neighbor suddenly heard footsteps outside the door. He immediately held his breath and didn't dare to make any sound. Fortunately, the footsteps faded away, and Zhang seemed to leave the room. The neighbor took the opportunity to jump out of the window and fled to the neighbor's house.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

Shortly after the incident, local police quickly arrived at the scene. They cordoned off the scene and launched an investigation. After investigation, evidence collection and questioning of witnesses, the police took Zhang away for investigation.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

It is understood that there is no deep hatred between Zhang and his neighbors, and the cause of the incident is just a trash can that was kicked over. But Zhang held a grudge because of this, and premeditated revenge eventually led to the occurrence of this bloody case.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

After emergency treatment and treatment by the hospital, the neighbor's injuries were effectively controlled. But his psyche was traumatized. He couldn't sleep all night, and when he closed his eyes, he remembered that crazy night and the neighbor who chased him with a knife.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

Today, the neighbor is on bed rest at home, waiting for recovery. His family is also trying their best to take care of him, hoping that he will be able to come out of the shadows and face life again as soon as possible.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

The incident has attracted widespread attention and discussion among netizens locally and on social media. 许多网友‬对张某的行为感到震惊和愤怒,认为他的行为严重损害了村庄的和谐与安宁。 They have expressed that they should strengthen the management and treatment of patients with mental illness to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

At the same time, the incident has also sparked a discussion on the application of law to the diagnosis of mental illness. Some netizens questioned why Zhang could still get a driver's license since he was diagnosed as a mentally ill person? Should people with mental illness be allowed to drive at will? These questions have aroused deep thought and discussion.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

Over time, the incident will fade into obscurity. But for the victim and his family, it was a nightmare that will never be forgotten. They hope that Zhang will recognize his mistakes, receive professional treatment and return to a normal life.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

This incident also reminds us to strengthen the attention and management of people with mental illness to prevent them from harming others because of their emotional out-of-control. At the same time, we also hope that all sectors of society will strengthen their care and support for people with mental illness, so as to help them get out of their difficulties and reintegrate into society.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

In this case, we have to think about a question: Where is the boundary between law and morality? Although Zhang was diagnosed as a mentally ill person, his behavior has seriously violated the law and social morality. So how should we deal with this situation?

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

Some people believe that people with mental illness deserve more care and support instead of being simply treated as criminals, but others believe that everyone is equal before the law and that even people with mental illness should be held accountable for their actions.

After driving into a neighbor, chase and slash with a knife! The neighbor revealed more details, and the netizen area fryed!

There is no easy answer to this question, but we need to think carefully and find a reasonable solution, only then can we ensure the harmony and stability of society, so that everyone can enjoy fairness and justice.

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