
Review: After 70 years of studying liver disease, the 99-year-old academician said frankly: 3 kinds of food hurt the liver, try not to touch it

author:Dr. Tang has an interesting talk

Content Sources:

[1] Synthesis of this journal. Invention and Innovation(Primary School Students),2023,(06):43-45.

[2] Feng Xianghui. Throwing the hat of "liver cancer country" into the Pacific Ocean——Remembering the "father of hepatobiliary surgery in China" Academician Wu Mengchao[J].China Science and Technology Industry,2021,(06):24-27.DOI:10.16277/j.cnki.cn11-2502/n.2021.06.010.

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Turning the first page of surgery, the first name that catches your eye is Wu Mengchao, for medical students all over China, Wu Mengchao is not only a name written on the textbook, but also a teacher who has never met before. As the father of hepatobiliary surgery in China, Wu Mengchao has performed more than 16,000 surgeries and treated more than 20,000 patients with liver diseases in his lifetime. On the hand model of Wu Mengchao made in the China Science and Technology Museum, it can be seen that the index and middle finger joints of his right hand have been deformed, which is the mark left by his long-term grip on the scalpel.

Review: After 70 years of studying liver disease, the 99-year-old academician said frankly: 3 kinds of food hurt the liver, try not to touch it

Wu Mengchao, who was born in 1922, helped his father cut gum while studying when he was 5 years old.

After returning to the motherland, 18-year-old Wu Mengchao was determined to devote himself to anti-Japanese activities, but he was unable to go to Yan'an due to fate, and Wu Mengchao was determined to study hard and use knowledge to save the country. In this way, Wu Mengchao entered the National Tongji University with excellent results, and was taught by Mr. Qiu Fazu, the main pioneer of modern general surgery in China.

Medical students generally face the difficulty of choosing a direction after learning the basic knowledge. At this critical juncture, the young Wu Mengchao consulted his teacher Qiu Fazu. At that time, the field of hepatobiliary surgery in China was basically blank, and in order to ensure that the health of the Chinese people was no longer stuck by medical technology, Qiu Fazu suggested that Wu Mengchao specialize in hepatobiliary surgery.

Review: After 70 years of studying liver disease, the 99-year-old academician said frankly: 3 kinds of food hurt the liver, try not to touch it

Although the guidelines for the treatment of hepatobiliary surgery are very detailed today, at that time, there was no information on hepatobiliary surgery in China. In 1958, it was Wu Mengchao and his colleagues who co-translated "Introduction to Hepatobiliary Surgery", which became the first hepatobiliary surgery-related literature that can be queried in black and white in mainland China.

Surgery requires anatomy, but the lobulation of the liver surface morphology does not conform to the distribution law of intrahepatic duct structure, so it cannot be used as the basis for hepatobiliary surgery and diagnostic positioning. Moreover, the blood vessels in the liver are dense, and once the wrong route is cut, it may cause heavy bleeding in the patient.

In 1959, Wu Mengchao cut the table tennis ball into acetone, melted it and dyed it into several different colors and injected it into the hepatic artery, hepatic vein, portal vein and bile duct, and then hollowed out a little bit with a carving knife after coagulation, and the vascular structure of the liver was clearly displayed in front of Wu Mengchao's eyes, which was also the first complete human liver vascular model in China.

Review: After 70 years of studying liver disease, the 99-year-old academician said frankly: 3 kinds of food hurt the liver, try not to touch it

Over the past year, Wu Mengchao has continued to make liver specimens, and after making hundreds of them, he can be said to know the structure of the liver well, even if his eyes are closed, he can still appear in front of him, which has laid a solid foundation for him to carry out liver surgery in the future. According to the liver autopsy, Wu Mengchao divided the liver into five leaves and four segments, and successfully removed a female patient's liver tumor in 1960.

Although there has been significant progress in liver cancer surgery, middle liver lobe surgery is still a no-go area for all doctors in hepatobiliary surgery. Because the middle liver lobe involves a large number of resection surfaces, and the important vasculature encountered in the incision surface is complex and multifaceted, it is very easy to cause massive bleeding, bile duct injury and postoperative complications during surgery.

However, in 1963, under the guidance of Wu Mengchao's invention of the hepatic hilum occlusion liver incision method at room temperature, Wu Mengchao successfully broke through the forbidden area of middle liver lobe surgery and brought good news to more liver cancer patients.

Review: After 70 years of studying liver disease, the 99-year-old academician said frankly: 3 kinds of food hurt the liver, try not to touch it

Wu Mengchao is not only highly skilled, but also treats patients with all sincerity. In the winter of 2005, Wu Mengchao was recommended as a candidate for the highest national science and technology award, and the next day he had to come to the assessment so he arranged his surgery schedule for the next day. Because the patient was a farmer who came all the way from Henan, one more day of delay would cost him one more day of hospitalization, and postponing the operation would be a disappointment to the patient.

However, Wu Mengchao knows that surgical treatment alone cannot fundamentally solve the problem of liver cancer. Liver cancer cells have a high degree of proliferative activity, and the rate of cancer cell proliferation is faster in the later stages, so even after complete resection surgery, some liver cancer patients will still have recurrence and metastasis. As early as the 80s of the last century, Wu Mengchao led students to march in the direction of active prevention, early detection and comprehensive treatment of liver cancer.

Review: After 70 years of studying liver disease, the 99-year-old academician said frankly: 3 kinds of food hurt the liver, try not to touch it

After decades of research, Wu Mengchao looked through a lot of information and conducted many biological experiments, and finally found 3 foods that harm the liver. So in 2021, Wu Mengchao publicly said: If you want to prevent liver cancer, you must stay away from these 3 foods, otherwise there will be endless treatments after that.

1. Moldy food

In addition to a large number of bacteria and microorganisms in moldy food, aflatoxin will also be produced after some foods become moldy. Aflatoxin is a very strong carcinogen and is 68 times more toxic than arsenic. 1mg of aflatoxin can have a carcinogenic effect, and 20mg of aflatoxin may cause direct poisoning and death of patients.

In moldy peanuts, corn and grains, there is a certain amount of aflatoxin, long-term chronic intake of food containing aflatoxin, will cause damage to liver tissue and liver function, increase the chance of liver cancer. In addition to food, aflatoxin can also be produced from moldy cutting boards, chopsticks, and other wood products, so be careful.

Review: After 70 years of studying liver disease, the 99-year-old academician said frankly: 3 kinds of food hurt the liver, try not to touch it

2. Pickled food

Long-term intake of pickled food will lead to intestinal dysbiosis and increase the probability of cancer, especially digestive tract tumors. Secondly, pickled foods generally contain nitrite, nitrite is a strong carcinogen, after entering the human body, it can be metabolized to produce nitrosamines, long-term consumption of pickled foods will lead to the accumulation of nitrosamines in the body, and eventually lead to the occurrence of cancer.

3. Barbecue food

After the food is smoked and roasted, many harmful substances are produced, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines, which are also carcinogens as defined by the WHO and are not easily metabolized by the human body. Moreover, barbecued foods are often spicy and stimulating, which has a strong stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and even healthy people are not recommended to consume too much.

(Note: "Review: 70 years of research on liver disease, 99-year-old academician frankly admitted: 3 kinds of food harm the liver, try not to touch" The names are pseudonyms, and some pictures are network pictures; Reprinting and plagiarism are prohibited in the article)

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