
9 reasons to "promote" gray hair, don't want your hair to go gray too early, 3 maintenance methods to remember

author:Health Road Plue

No one wants to have gray hair, especially in today's era of hair loss, there is not much hair in the first place, and a few more white hairs will make the whole person look much older. So, they are all the same age, why do some people happen so early?

Why do gray hairs grow early?

The root cause of gray hair is that the eumelanocytes in the hair follicles are damaged and cannot produce enough melanin.

It's like installing a disposable ink sac on a printer, if you run out of "ink" early, you won't be able to grow black hair.

9 reasons to "promote" gray hair, don't want your hair to go gray too early, 3 maintenance methods to remember

In general, the causes of premature gray hair are as follows:

▶ Genetic determination

Generally speaking, Asians will develop gray hair in their late 30-40s, which is genetically determined, and the earlier the age at which the parents develop gray hair, the earlier the child will usually grow gray hair.

▶ Disease interference

Cardiovascular disease, pernicious anemia, hyperthyroidism, gastrointestinal disorders, vitiligo, anemia nevi and other diseases can lead to premature gray hair.


Picky eating, picky eating, unreasonable weight loss and frequent takeout can easily cause uneven nutrient intake, if the human body is deficient in B vitamins, copper, iron and other nutrients for a long time, the probability of gray hair will also increase.

▶ Innate endowment

In people with albinism, all hair is white from birth.

▶ Nervousness

Long-term exposure to high-pressure, nervousness, anxiety, irritability, etc., or sudden mental blows, is also easy to grow gray hair.

This is because stress can affect the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system, disrupt the melanin secretion of the scalp, and in severe cases, there may even be a "whitehead overnight".

▶ Lack of exercise

Sedentary people have blocked blood circulation in the body, and it is difficult to nourish the scalp, which will lead to a decrease in the secretion of melanocytes in the scalp, and gray hair will grow more and more.

▶ Long-term smoking

Smoking increases the production of oxygen free radicals in the body, which not only destroys melanin, causing white hair growth, but also leads to increased hair loss. According to statistics, smokers are 2.5 times more likely to have premature gray hair than non-smokers.

▶ Stay up late often

Lack of sleep can disrupt the body's autonomic nervous system, affect blood circulation, and cause the function of hair mother cells to decline, and the function of melanocytes to weaken, resulting in an increase in gray hair.

▶ Don't take care of your hair

Frequent perming and dyeing, hair tying, and sleeping without drying your hair after washing your hair will also increase the risk of gray hair and hair loss.

Do you pull more and more gray hair?

"White hair can't be plucked, plucking one grows ten" is a sentence that many people often say. Actually, not so absolutely.

First of all, gray hair is not contagious. If only a single hair follicle is deficient in melanin due to a certain factor, plucking out the gray hair will not destroy the eumelanocytes in the other hair follicles around it, and the surrounding hair will not turn gray as a result.

Secondly, the number of hair follicles in our country is constant, and the number of gray hair follicles will not increase just because a hair is plucked.

So, why do many people have the "illusion" that gray hair is getting more and more pulled? This is because, no matter what the cause of gray hair, once the gray hair process is started, there is generally not only one, but these gray hairs do not appear at the same time. When you pull out the gray hair that you already have, the rest of the hair around you is also turning white, but it is not noticeable at the time. And with the passage of time, these gray hairs will appear one by one, which will give people the illusion that gray hairs are getting more and more pulled.

So, plucking out gray hair is not so scary. It's just that frequent hair pulling is easy to cause folliculitis, so even if the gray hair will not be plucked more and more, we do not recommend plucking the gray hair casually~

How to prevent gray hair from growing more and more

Generally speaking, as we get older, we will definitely grow gray hair sooner or later, but if we can take good care of it, we can delay the appearance of gray hair as much as possible.

1. Delay gray hair to tonify the kidneys

In traditional Chinese medicine, hair is not only blood, but also published in the kidneys, that is, the nutrients of hair come from blood, and the root of its vitality is the kidneys.

When the kidney essence is sufficient, the qi and blood in the body will be full, and the hair will grow luxuriantly under its nourishment, and it will be black and bright, and it will not fall off easily.

Therefore, if there is a sudden increase in gray hair, or dry hair and increased hair loss, it is likely to be caused by kidney deficiency, and it is necessary to properly replenish the kidney and strengthen the essence.

Three treasures to nourish the kidney paste method

Ingredients: 50g black beans, 30g japonica rice, 5 chestnuts (2 servings).

Efficacy: Nourish the kidneys and nourish yin, solidify astringency and stop relieving.

Method: Soak beans and japonica rice in water overnight and drain the water; Put the soaked black beans and japonica rice into the soymilk machine, and add the peeled chestnuts; Pour in 600ml of water and make it like soy milk.

Precautions: Patients with chronic renal failure or other patients who need to limit their protein intake should reduce their intake.

2. To prevent gray hair, it is necessary to nourish the liver

The liver stores blood, only when the liver function is normal, the organs and hair of the whole body can be nourished by the blood, and the blood is vigorous, the corresponding hair is also black and thick.

In addition, traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is "happy and depressed", and the liver's excretion function is normal, so that the body's qi and organs can be smooth, the qi and blood run normally, and the symptoms such as gray hair and hair loss can also be reduced.

Liver qi stagnation will not only produce gray hair, but also cause symptoms such as poor stool, bitter and sour mouth, abdominal distension and discomfort, mental distress, and fullness and pain in the ribs.

Sue leaf mint tea

Method: Select 10g of perilla leaves and tangerine peel, 6~10g of mint, and soak them in boiling water for 10~15 minutes every day to drink them directly.

9 reasons to "promote" gray hair, don't want your hair to go gray too early, 3 maintenance methods to remember

Efficacy: The pungent taste of perilla can play a role in the circulation of qi, which can assist in soothing the liver and regulating qi; Peppermint also has a pungent effect; Tangerine peel can regulate stomach qi and play a role in assisting in soothing the liver and regulating qi.

3. Reduce gray hair and massage frequently

Every day before going to bed and after waking up in the morning, rub your hands together, rub your scalp repeatedly with your fingertips from the forehead to the back of the pillow, and then from the back of the pillow to the forehead, and you can also press a little the local area for a while, 5-10 minutes each time. It can promote blood circulation in the scalp, improve hair follicle nutrition, and prevent gray hair.

Can gray hair be reversed

The answer is: hard.

At least for now, the treatment of gray hair that has grown is very limited.

In particular, congenital, hereditary, age-related gray hair is usually irreversible.

However, the following 3 types of gray hair do have the potential to improve:

1. If the cause of the disease is caused, the condition of gray hair may be improved after the treatment of the primary disease;

2. Caused by mental reasons, after the spirit is calmed down or the pressure is relieved, black hair will slowly grow again;

3. For nutritional reasons, gray hair may improve after taking enough nutrients.

It should be noted that the gray hair that has grown out cannot be turned black, only when it falls out and then grows.

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