
The village flower refused to marry a rural boy, and a few years later, her husband called the educated youth: let her give you a baby

author:Susu Historical Pavilion

In 1975, Yang Yonglin, an educated youth, helped the farmer's sister-in-law to move the rations distributed by the team to her home. As soon as he wanted to leave, he heard Liu Xicheng shouting in the house: "Big brother, come here!" ”

Yang Yonglin hurriedly entered the earthen kiln, saw Liu Xicheng lying on the kang, hid the sadness in his heart, and asked softly, "Is there anything you need my help with?" ”

I saw Liu Xicheng silent for a while, his expression struggled slightly, and his eyes gradually turned red. He choked up, "I'm like this now...... Your sister-in-law is so young, but she can't have a child, you ...... Can you do us a favor and get her pregnant with a ......?"

The village flower refused to marry a rural boy, and a few years later, her husband called the educated youth: let her give you a baby

After figuring out what Liu Xicheng meant, Yang Yonglin was startled and quickly shook his head.

Liu Xicheng also wants to fight: "I can't accept others, but, if it's you, you have helped us so much, I can accept ......"

But no matter what he said, Yang Yonglin shook his head vigorously in refusal. Then, he didn't dare to tell his sister-in-law, so he ran away.

After Yang Yonglin left, thinking of how happy Liu Xicheng and the two were when they got married, and then looking at their current situation, Yang Yonglin's heart was heavy, as if he had a stone.

The village flower refused to marry a rural boy, and a few years later, her husband called the educated youth: let her give you a baby

When I first met Liu Xicheng, it was in 1968 that Yang Yonglin came to the Xujiagou Brigade in Luliang District, Shanxi Province from Beijing and settled in the team.

At that time, it was winter, and there was no work to do, so Yang Yonglin and the educated youths did some light work, and most of the time they hid in their residences to enjoy their leisure time.

The team was afraid that they would not be used to it, so they took the initiative to ask an aunt-in-law to help them cook, and that aunt was Liu Xicheng's sister-in-law, and everyone called her sister-in-law Ximing.

Because his sister-in-law helps educated youths cook, Liu Xicheng came to help chop wood and light the fire when he had nothing to do, and did what he could.

At that time, he was just 20 years old, and he had studied for several years, and he was always enthusiastic about helping the educated youth, so he won the favor of many people.

The village flower refused to marry a rural boy, and a few years later, her husband called the educated youth: let her give you a baby

Yang Yonglin, as the group leader in the educated youth point, often took the initiative to take on the work. He often asked Liu Xicheng for advice on labor skills, and followed him to learn to speak Shanxi dialect.

In this way, the relationship between the two gradually became familiar. After the Spring Festival, spring plowing and sowing began, and many educated youths suddenly found it difficult to adapt to the burden of picking dung, and often complained of shoulder pain.

Seeing such a situation, the captain asked the female intellectuals to help load the baskets, and asked the male intellectuals to lose weight and pick up feces more times to slowly adapt.

Liu Xicheng will always take the initiative to help, not only often helping male intellectuals pick up dung through steep ditches, but also coming back to help female intellectuals load baskets.

The village flower refused to marry a rural boy, and a few years later, her husband called the educated youth: let her give you a baby

Such a warm-hearted and simple young man soon became a good friend of everyone. Both men and women have a good relationship with him.

Among them, including Xu Xiuling, who often sends pickles to educated youth. Xu Xiuling was 19 years old at the time, beautiful and smiling. I often come to help the educated youths cook, and I get along well with the female intellectuals in the educated youth point.

Liu Xicheng's sister-in-law saw that she often ran to the educated youth point, and joked with her: "Do you have any favorite educated youth?" You see, Yang Yonglin is not bad, do you want me to help you match? ”

Xu Xiuling hurriedly waved her hand: "I am not worthy of others, and I never dare to marry a cultured man." ”

After saying that, she hurriedly ran away, and then she didn't come to Zhiqing Point again.

The village flower refused to marry a rural boy, and a few years later, her husband called the educated youth: let her give you a baby

It wasn't until the autumn that the team rebuilt the earthen kiln for the educated youth, and the new educated youth spot was on the slope of Xu Xiuling's house, that Yang Yonglin saw Xu Xiuling frequently again.

But outsiders saw that Xu Xiuling often ran to the educated youth point when she was fine, so they guessed that Xu Xiuling fell in love with a educated youth. Or, she and Liu Xicheng had already looked at each other, and the Zhiqing Point was the place where the two of them met.

In this regard, Xu Xiuling was very distressed, so she simply didn't come to Zhiqingdian to visit the door. Yang Yonglin could understand her distress, but he carefully found that the number of times he came from her became less, and the number of times Liu Xicheng came to visit the door also decreased significantly.

Yang Yonglin had a number in his heart, so he found an opportunity to ask Liu Xicheng in a whisper: "Brother Xicheng, do you like Xu Xiuling?" ”

Liu Xicheng scratched his head and replied embarrassedly: "She is so beautiful, many descendants in our village like her, but she shouldn't take a fancy to me......"

The village flower refused to marry a rural boy, and a few years later, her husband called the educated youth: let her give you a baby

After Yang Yonglin found out, he felt that there was a drama in this matter, so he intended to match the two of them.

When he went back from work once, Yang Yonglin ran into Xu Xiuling, so when no one was paying attention, he came to her and whispered: "Sister Xiuling, do you like Brother Xicheng?" I think people are very good, I heard that their family has been asking matchmakers to give him a blind date, but I think the two of you are so familiar with each other and very compatible, I don't know if you like him or not? ”

Yang Yonglin looked at Xu Xiuling's expression, and saw that she was not annoyed, so he continued: "If you like him, I'll go and tell him, if you don't like it, then I didn't say anything." ”

Xu Xiuling said hesitantly: "He is a good young man, and he has read books...... After speaking, she ran away shyly.

Her reaction made Yang Yonglin happy, and he hurried to tell Liu Xicheng. In this way, in Yang Yonglin's matchmaking, Liu Xicheng and Xu Xiuling received a marriage certificate in 1970 and got married.

The village flower refused to marry a rural boy, and a few years later, her husband called the educated youth: let her give you a baby

After marriage, the two lived happily. Because Yang Yonglin is their matchmaker, the couple is very good to Yang Yonglin. It's a pity that there are unforeseen circumstances, and when Liu Xicheng went up the mountain to chop firewood, he unfortunately fell off the cliff. I couldn't move for days at home.

Seeing that his injuries were not improving, the intellectuals hurriedly sent him to the county hospital, where he underwent many examinations, and the doctor diagnosed that he did not hurt his bones and let him go home to recuperate.

But after lying down for a long time, Liu Xicheng still couldn't move, and went to the county seat several times, but still didn't check out any problems, so he could only suggest that he go to the provincial capital to try.

But because of the long distance and the lack of money at home, Liu Xicheng refused to travel long distances and insisted on going home to recuperate.

The village flower refused to marry a rural boy, and a few years later, her husband called the educated youth: let her give you a baby

After lying like this for another half a year, Liu Xicheng was able to sit up, but he could not stand up and walk. Yang Yonglin was anxious, and when he went back to Beijing to visit relatives, he told his parents about Liu Xicheng's situation and asked them to help contact a distant relative who worked in the hospital.

The relative suspected that Liu Xicheng was pressing a nerve in his spine, so he suggested that he go to Beijing for examination and treatment.

After Yang Yonglin returned to Shanxi, he told Liu Xicheng about his relatives' suggestions. But because of poverty and the long distance, Liu Xicheng still did not agree to go to Beijing.

Xu Xiuling kept wiping away her tears and said: "If it can be guaranteed, I will let him go if I smash the pot and sell iron, but at the moment, Beijing may not be able to cure ......."

The village flower refused to marry a rural boy, and a few years later, her husband called the educated youth: let her give you a baby

Later, several educated youths and Liu Xicheng's family pooled dozens of yuan to send Liu Xicheng to a regional hospital, which diagnosed that even if he went to Beijing, he might not be cured.

At this point, Liu Xicheng had no idea at all, so he could only suppress the bitterness in his heart and go home to recuperate.

Yang Yonglin, as a witness to the whole thing, looked at Liu Xicheng's inability to walk, and was sad and sad, so he could only try his best to help the couple.

Because Liu Xicheng couldn't work in the field, the burden of their family fell on Xu Xiuling, she not only had to work in the field, but also served Liu Xicheng.

Yang Yonglin went to their house from time to time to see if there was anything he needed help with. He also gave the opportunity to recruit workers into the city to other educated youths many times, and he felt that as a team leader, he should have a spirit of dedication; Second, he didn't worry about Liu Xicheng and his wife, and wanted to keep them to help them.

The village flower refused to marry a rural boy, and a few years later, her husband called the educated youth: let her give you a baby

Yang Yonglin's dedication made Liu Xicheng and his wife very grateful and regarded him as a great benefactor. Because of this, Liu Xicheng wanted Yang Yonglin to help him give birth.

But Yang Yonglin stuck to the bottom line and did not agree. Unexpectedly, a few days later, Xu Xiuling returned home with a girl in her arms, who was thrown in the mountains, with a disability in her left hand and five fingers connected together.

Xu Xiuling saw that she was pitiful and knew that she couldn't have children, so she raised her by her side and regarded her as her own child.

Yang Yonglin couldn't help but feel sad, and could only try his best to help them live. It wasn't until 1976 that the brigade got a place recommended for college and gave it to Yang Yonglin. Yang Yonglin passed the political examination and was admitted to Beijing Forestry University.

The village flower refused to marry a rural boy, and a few years later, her husband called the educated youth: let her give you a baby

On the day he left, Yang Yonglin sent all his excess coils, daily necessities and rations to Liu Xicheng's house.

On the day of separation, everyone choked up. Xu Xiuling said: "You are the baby's uncle, thanks to your care over the years, we will not forget your ......"

Later, Yang Yonglin entered the gate of the university, got his salary after graduation, and sent some money to Liu Xicheng and his wife every year.

Although they are thousands of miles apart, this hard-working couple has always worried Yang Yonglin.

It wasn't until 40 years later that Yang Yonglin returned to his second hometown. At that time, Liu Xicheng was sitting in a wheelchair basking in the sun. Xu Xiuling heard the voice and knelt in front of him when she saw Yang Yonglin, and said with red eyes: "Over the years, if it weren't for the money you sent, my daughter wouldn't have had surgery to become a healthy person, you are the great benefactor of our family......"

The village flower refused to marry a rural boy, and a few years later, her husband called the educated youth: let her give you a baby

Yang Yonglin hurriedly helped her up. After the two chatted for a while, Xu Xiuling hurriedly went back to the house to arrange food.

Yang Yonglin and Liu Xicheng continued to chat. Looking at Liu Xicheng's appearance, Yang Yonglin couldn't stop wiping his tears, but Liu Xicheng comforted him: "I am really grateful to you for allowing me to marry such a kind wife, I have been lying down for most of my life, and she has not disliked me, and has taken care of me as always." Xiuling is right, you are really our great benefactor......"

Later, Yang Yonglin also met their adopted daughter, and now, her hands are normal and she is married. She is very grateful to her adoptive parents and Yang Yonglin, and often returns to her parents' house to fulfill her filial piety.


For Liu Xicheng, although he was unable to stand up again, he was content to have friends to worry about and his family to take care of, which was the compensation that fate gave back to him.

Life is like this, always being caught off guard and unexpectedly changing direction. But to be kind, to be tenacious, and to focus on what you have at the moment, is the only way to appreciate goodness and beauty.

And those positive emotions will eventually bring us out of the haze.

This article was dictated and compiled by the parties, and some of the information comes from the Internet.

The village flower refused to marry a rural boy, and a few years later, her husband called the educated youth: let her give you a baby