
Lego bricks were targeted by thieves, and related theft cases occurred in stores in many places in the United States

author:Treasure powder is always with you


In the United States, LEGO bricks have recently become one of the most popular targets for retail theft.

Lego bricks have always been a highly praised product in the children's toy market, and the annual sales are very high, and the time to build models with Lego bricks is relatively long.

But recently, there are criminals who have locked the theft object on the Lego bricks, and the stolen Lego bricks are also those limited edition or collectible products, obviously, these Lego bricks are very expensive.

In the United States, for example, more than 20 retail stores in a small town have been at risk of stealing high-priced Lego bricks, and that's just last week.

As a result, not only consumers will be affected, but also retailers will suffer.

So, why do such thefts occur frequently?

Lego bricks stolen.

First of all, let's take a look at the specifics of this kind of robbery, which has been reported by police and retail stores across the United States, and in a shopping mall in California, there are 7 retail stores that have been damaged by the theft of this restricted LEGO set.

A Pennsylvania retailer also complained that the Legos stolen from his store were very high-priced, and they couldn't accept the thieves' behavior.

And the price of these Lego brick sets ranges from tens of dollars to hundreds of dollars, and some even go as high as three or four hundred dollars.

Obviously, this is not at all out of the reach of thieves for ordinary low-priced goods, after all, stolen goods cannot be sold, and no one wants to sell high-priced things.

Lego bricks were targeted by thieves, and related theft cases occurred in stores in many places in the United States

And low-priced goods, even if thieves try their best to steal, they can't fight the price tag on the shelves.

As a result, these thieves are eyeing Lego bricks, and the process of setting a game often has more than one kind of building blocks, and it is more troublesome to check and count these things, so thieves can easily escape with the stolen goods and no one will stop them.

And even if the police eventually find the whereabouts of the thieves, it will be difficult for them to recover the Lego bricks from their hands, because the thieves have already sold the stolen goods, and the buyers are also suspected of crimes, so it is difficult for the police to track down who bought the stolen goods.

Therefore, these thieves can easily make a profit, and the source of the stolen goods is very obscure, so it is difficult to trace them for a while, and once the stolen goods are sold, it is difficult for anyone to be willing to hand them over.

Moreover, some thieves may not know how much these Lego bricks are worth, and it is very likely that the high-priced stolen goods are only sold for a small amount of money, so that the buyer will also have concerns, after all, the things bought back are likely to be found by the police later.

However, thieves may end up not providing invoices and other receipts because the stolen goods are "cheap", so the police are the only ones who can solve this series of problems.

And some goods that can be sold at such a cheap price will obviously also fall into theft cases, after all, if you can't find it out for a while, you may fall into troubled waters, resulting in suspicion by the police for no reason.

The popularity of Lego bricks.

So, how did Lego bricks become the hardest hit area of this series of robbery?

You know, in the United States, Lego bricks can be said to be a very popular educational toy in the hearts of Americans, such toys are not only for children to play, many adults will also like to buy this kind of toy.

In addition to Lego bricks are a great sense of accomplishment and can exercise children's hands-on ability, Lego bricks are also very popular because of some popular games, movies, comics and some cooperation Lego bricks, even adults are very fond of it.

Moreover, the Lego bricks of this popular element have a very significant feature, that is, once they appear, they will become "more precious than gold", and this is also because the Lego bricks of these popular elements are often limited and limited, and once offline, there is no possibility of re-issuance.

Coupled with the fact that adults, as a financially capable group, have a love for Lego bricks, and the price increase is inevitable.

So, thieves have their eyes on these high-value Lego bricks, and no one will doubt the price of these goods.

So, obviously, the thieves had their sights on some valuable LEGO sets and became their primary target.

Secondly, another reason why Lego bricks are popular is that they are highly playable and collectible.

First of all, we all know that Lego bricks are very intellectual, and it is also a very rewarding thing to build all kinds of things with Lego bricks and create your own works.

At the same time, the degree of freedom of Lego bricks is also very high, you can build what kind of work according to your own ideas, this kind of free experience is also very popular.

On the other hand, Lego bricks are also a type of collectible.

As the popularity of Lego bricks on the market is getting higher and higher, more and more people will take Lego bricks as their own collections, and as time goes by, a large part of people's Lego bricks will only increase and not decrease, so the collection of Lego bricks has also become very strong, and the result of this change has also led to an increase in theft cases.

How to deal with theft cases?

Lego bricks are a priceless collectible, and there is no way to change them, and correspondingly, the nature of attracting robbers will not change.

However, as the market for Lego bricks continues to expand, the number of related thefts may continue to increase, and as a retailer, how should we deal with such attractive products?

First and foremost, it is important to strengthen security measures to minimize the occurrence of theft and robbery, and to create a safe environment for both retailers and consumers.

At the same time, we also need to be vigilant about this, although Lego is a very popular commodity, but it is also very likely to be used by thieves and robbers, so when buying Lego bricks, you can't buy blindly, it is best to buy through a more formal shopping mall, so that in addition to ensuring the authenticity of the goods, you can also carry out after-sales protection.

Secondly, it is to supervise the circulation channels of Lego bricks, you need to know that these thieves can easily sell their stolen Lego sets, a large part of the reason is that thieves can flow the stolen goods out, which requires relevant departments to investigate and supervise this circulation channel, so as to reduce the occurrence of similar thefts, and also to crack down on these robbers.

Again, it is the risk of buying second-hand Lego products, because in the second-hand market, it is very likely that the seller is sold by thieves, after all, in this way, the seller not only does not have to pay the production cost, but also can sell the stolen goods at a good price, and the second-hand seller can also get the benefits brought by the stolen goods, so when buying second-hand Lego products, you also need to be cautious.

Finally, for manufacturers, it is possible to consider strengthening the labeling of the product.


Genuine Lego products are equipped with corresponding logos, and for the production of these stolen goods, there is no certificate and other identification, therefore, this requires manufacturers to produce these products, they are equipped with corresponding logos, so that even if the thief circulates the product, it can also facilitate the police to conduct the corresponding investigation.

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