
$70 million in 2 years! Harden confirmed to renew his contract with the Clippers to continue to team up with Carvey Jr. to impact the championship

author:Poetry says sports

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$70 million in 2 years! Harden confirmed to renew his contract with the Clippers to continue to team up with Carvey Jr. to impact the championship
$70 million in 2 years! Harden confirmed to renew his contract with the Clippers to continue to team up with Carvey Jr. to impact the championship
$70 million in 2 years! Harden confirmed to renew his contract with the Clippers to continue to team up with Carvey Jr. to impact the championship
$70 million in 2 years! Harden confirmed to renew his contract with the Clippers to continue to team up with Carvey Jr. to impact the championship

Harden stays with the Clippers: Start the championship again

In the NBA, every transfer and contract renewal of a player affects the hearts of countless fans. In this world of basketball, a player's decision can often change the fate of a team. On July 1, Beijing time, with the official opening of the NBA free agent market, we ushered in an exciting news - James Harden confirmed to renew his contract with the Clippers and continue to attack the championship with Leonard and Westbrook.

Back in Los Angeles, Harden's determination

When Harden decided to leave the Philadelphia 76ers and requested a trade, his whereabouts became the focus of attention throughout the basketball community. Amid much speculation and rumors, Harden chose the Los Angeles Clippers, a decision that not only allowed him to play alongside his two All-Star teammates, Kawhi Kawhi Kawhi and Westbrook, but also made the Clippers a serious contender for a championship. Now, Harden has agreed a new two-year, $70 million contract with the Clippers with a player option for the second year, which undoubtedly shows Harden's confidence in the Clippers' future and his desire for a championship. He has publicly stated that he wants to end his career as a Clippers player, and now that he has signed a successful extension, Harden will continue to write his legacy on this team.

Join forces with little Carwi to hit the championship

In the Clippers' lineup, the "Big Three" composed of Harden, Leonard and Westbrook is undoubtedly the most eye-catching existence. Leonard, one of the top players in the league today, is top-notch in both his defense and offense; Despite his advanced age, his leadership and game experience are still indispensable assets for the team. Harden, on the other hand, is the team's playmaker and offensive originator, and his scoring ability and assist ability are among the top in the league. It's a combination that makes for the future of the Clippers. They are expected to show their strength in the new season and make a strong push for the championship.

George's whereabouts are in doubt, and the Clippers still need reinforcements

Although Harden's contract extension has made the Clippers' prospects look brighter, the team still faces some challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the future of Paul George. Another key player on the team, George opted to jump out of his contract and become a free agent in the offseason. Where he goes will have a direct impact on the Clippers' roster and strength. At the moment, George has met with the Clippers and 76ers in talks, and his goal remains to ask for a max contract. If the Clippers can successfully renew George's contract, then they will continue to be very competitive; But if George chooses to leave, then the Clippers will need to find a new player to fill that void. In addition, the Clippers also need to make some targeted reinforcements in the offseason to improve the overall strength of the team.

Harden's stay, a new chapter for the Clippers

Harden's stay is undoubtedly good news for the Clippers. His contract extension not only allowed the team to maintain a stable roster and strength, but also made fans look forward to the future of the Clippers. Over the past season, Harden has shown great adaptability and athleticism, and his chemistry with Leonard and Westbrook has also given fans hope of a championship. With Harden's contract extension and the arrival of a new season, the Clippers will start a new journey and continue to attack the championship. Harden will play a crucial role in this process, and his leadership and scoring ability will be the team's most reliable guarantee. At the same time, the Clippers also need to maintain unity and tacit understanding, and give full play to the strength and potential of each player in order to stand out in the fierce competition. No matter what challenges and difficulties they will face in the future, the Clippers will be firm in their beliefs, move forward bravely, and move towards the goal of winning the championship!

In this NBA season full of uncertainties and challenges, Harden's stay has injected new vitality and confidence into the Clippers. We have reason to believe that under the leadership of Harden, Leonard and Westbrook, the Clippers will show strong strength and competitiveness in the new season, and launch a strong attack on the championship. Let's look forward to the Clippers' wonderful performance in the new season!

Harden stays with the Clippers: The road to the championship starts again, and the fans are looking forward to it

As a veteran basketball fan, when I heard that James Harden had signed a contract extension with the Clippers, I was filled with excitement and anticipation. This is not just a simple player contract extension, but also an important signal for the Clippers to launch a new round of championship attacks. As a fan, I am honored to be able to witness this moment and look forward to writing a new chapter for the Clippers in the new season with stars such as Harden, Kawhi Leonard, and Westbrook."

1. Harden stays behind, and the championship dream is one step closer

Harden's contract extension is undoubtedly a big plus for the Clippers. The multiple-time NBA scoring superstar not only has excellent scoring ability, but also shows excellent leadership and organizational skills in the game. His arrival has made the Clippers' offense more fluid, and the cooperation between the players has become more tacit. Last season, Harden experienced a brief period of adaptation, but quickly integrated into the Clippers' system and showed good athleticism in the playoffs. Now, Harden's contract extension with the Clippers means that he will continue to play on this team and work harder for his championship dream. This undoubtedly brings the Clippers' championship dream one step closer, and also makes fans full of anticipation for the future of the team.

The two and three giants gathered, and the strength of the Clippers increased greatly

In addition to Harden, the Clippers also have two All-Stars, Leonard and Westbrook. Leonard, one of the top players in the league today, is top-notch in both his defense and offense; Despite his advanced age, his leadership and game experience remain indispensable assets for the team. The combination of these three stars has greatly strengthened the Clippers and made them a strong contender for the championship. While the Clippers suffered some setbacks in the playoffs last season, their overall performance was still impressive. Now, with Harden's contract extension and the team's roster further stable, we have reason to believe that the Clippers will show more strength in the new season and launch a strong attack on the championship.

3. George's whereabouts are in doubt, and the Clippers still need to be strengthened

Although the Clippers already have three stars in Harden, Kawhi Kawhi and Westbrook, their roster still has some shortcomings. One of the biggest questions is the future of Paul George. Another key player on the team, George opted to jump out of his contract and become a free agent in the offseason. Where he goes will have a direct impact on the Clippers' roster and strength. If the Clippers can successfully renew George's contract, then they will remain strongly competitive; But if George chooses to leave, then the Clippers will need to find a new player to fill that void. In addition, the Clippers also need to make some targeted reinforcements in the offseason to improve the overall strength of the team. For example, they could bring in a good interior player through a trade or signing to bolster the team's defense and rebounding capabilities. Only then will the Clippers be able to stand out in the heat of the game and challenge for the championship.

Fourth, the voice and expectation of fans

As fans, we are well aware of the challenges and opportunities facing the Clippers in the new season. Harden's contract extension shows us the team's desire and determination to win a championship, and it also makes us look forward to the future of the team. We look forward to seeing stars such as Harden, Kawhi Kawhi and Westbrook show even better form on the court in the new season, leading the team all the way through the hurdle and finally lifting the championship trophy. At the same time, we also expect the Clippers to make effective additions in the offseason, improve the overall strength of the team, and make more efforts for the championship dream.

V. Conclusion and Discussion

Harden's contract extension is an important signal for the Clippers to launch a new round of championship attacks. As fans, we are honoured to witness this moment and look forward to writing a new chapter with the team in the new season." However, the Clippers' road to championship remains challenging and uncertain. They need to overcome all kinds of difficulties and improve their quality in order to stand out in the fierce competition. Therefore, we expect the Clippers to show even better performances in future games and bring us more surprises and emotions. At the same time, we hope that fans will continue to support the Clippers and walk with them through this journey of championship full of challenges and opportunities.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Break the waves and chase the championship

The river flows eastward, and the fast boat breaks the waves and sails again.

The heroes gather to have strong ambitions, and the champion's dream reflects the heart.

Harden's contract extension is like iron, and he will not change his vow to move forward.

Little Kawei fought side by side, and the three British gathered to overcome all difficulties.

In the past, the lone ranger was broken, and now the clipper is sailing again.

George's stay is undecided, and the road to reinforcement needs to be pondered.

Jin Ge Iron Horse fought on the battlefield, and the warriors fearlessly swore to break the enemy.

Fans are looking forward to it, and the road to the championship is waiting to be broken.

At dawn, the dawn dawned, pointing to the top of the championship.

Happy enmity and revenge heroes, the boat travels between the waves of the rivers and lakes.

Top Gun is not afraid, and the road is stronger through thick and thin.

Pursue your dreams without fear, ride the wind and waves and move forward.

The years are like a song urging people to grow old, and the true character of heroes will never disappear.

The Clippers set sail again, and the championship glory is in the future.


This ancient poem depicts the determination and fighting spirit of the Clippers to break the waves in the new season. The first sentence "The river flows eastward, and the clipper breaks the waves and sails again" implies the passage of time and the spirit of the clipper team's continuous progress. Subsequently, "Heroes Gather to Fight for Ambitions, Championship Dreams in the Heart" depicts the spectacular scene of Harden, Leonard, Wei Shao and other stars gathering together to fight for the dream of a championship.

The next few lines of poetry, "Harden's heart is like iron to renew his contract, and he will not change his loyalty and swear to move forward" and "Little Carvey fights side by side, and the three Englands gather to overcome all difficulties", highlighting the stability of the team after Harden's contract renewal and the determination of the players to overcome difficulties together. At the same time, "The Mavericks of the Past Fail, Now the Clippers Set Sail Again" looks back on last season's setbacks and looks forward to a new season.

The phrase "George's stay is up in the air, and the road to reinforcement needs to be pondered" points to the challenges the team is currently facing, hinting at the work that the team needs to do in the offseason. And "Jin Ge Iron Horse Battle Battlefield, Warriors Fearlessly Break the Enemy" expresses the spirit of the players who are brave and fearless and dare to fight in the game.

The last few lines of the poem, "The dawn appears at dawn, the sword points to the top of the championship" and "The heroic deeds of happiness and revenge, the boat sails between the rivers and lakes", not only depict the joy of the team's victory in the game, but also express the fans' expectations and wishes for the team to win the championship. The whole poem ends with "Top Gun is not afraid, and the road is stronger through wind and rain." Pursue your dreams without fear, ride the wind and waves and move forward" as the end, emphasizing the team's determination and belief to move forward bravely and fearlessly in the new season.

The subtitle "Breaking the Waves, Chasing the Championship" not only summarizes the theme of the poem, but also accurately conveys the goals and pursuits of the Clippers in the new season.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】